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Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 5:53pm On Dec 16, 2024
Medical professionals testifying to the efficacy of HEMOPURE saving lives of their patients and well recommended in professional circles.
But Courz MUMU WAILER and professional novice is spewing GIBBERISH.

screenshots uploaded.

grin grin grin

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:56pm On Dec 16, 2024

See this one under the spell of gods of men pulpit bandits and their apprentices is WAILING about JW's & LYING to himself..

He is not blindfolded o, just wait and see what happens when they start talking about their pastors! cheesy
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 6:03pm On Dec 16, 2024

You no know wetin dey pain you about JW's.

If stupidity were a garb, you wear it so well.
Oga, carry your IBERIBEISM komot from this public forum.

The mad jw has come to show the extent of madness jw can create. Anyone seeing this will clearly know that jws are devils and you.are their lead demon! grin

1 Like

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 6:10pm On Dec 16, 2024

The mad jw has come to show the extent of madness jw can create. Anyone seeing will clearly know that jws are devils and you.are their lead demon! grin

That demon building mansion in your brain and living there permanently is ALIEN to JW's.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 6:30pm On Dec 16, 2024

That demon building mansion in your brain and living there permanently is ALIEN to JW's.

See proof that Jws are mad demons and that you are their Mad demon priest!! grin

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 6:56pm On Dec 16, 2024

See proof that Jws are mad demon and that you are their Mad demon priest!! grin
See proof that mad demon lives in your head and that you are their Mad demon priest!!

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 6:59pm On Dec 16, 2024

See proof that mad demon lives in your head and that you are their Mad demon priest!!

See proof of madness. Mad jw demon high priest repeats my words. grin
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 7:02pm On Dec 16, 2024

You want to join JWs, pay attention to the bolded parts. It is better you don't baptize, cos if you do baptize and the above is true, you will suffer the most. You may even attempt suicide. Don't ever make that mistake. If you like them, just be there friends and NEVER baptized. But if they have gotten you indoctrinated, sorry, you will feel this advise is from apostates, not until you decide you want to leave.

But courz it is hard for a new person to know this. Very very hard. The indoctrination is too strong and well thought out.

This coward go dey climb platform for kingdom hall dey give Bible talks against everything he claims on Nairaland.

I praise Jah for 2 Timothy 1:7.

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 7:04pm On Dec 16, 2024

See proof of madness. Mad jw demon high priest repeats my words. grin
Oga your IBERIBEISM is incurable.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 7:05pm On Dec 16, 2024

See proof of madness. Mad jw demon high priest repeats my words. grin
Oga your IBERIBEISM is incurable.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 7:05pm On Dec 16, 2024

See proof of madness. Mad jw demon high priest repeats my words. grin
Oga your IBERIBEISM is incurable.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 7:10pm On Dec 16, 2024
See Madness🔝 Mad jw demon high priest repeats his statement 3 times in a row. grin

Clearly, jw na also juju house with juju the high priest! grin grin grin

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:17pm On Dec 16, 2024

This coward go dey climb platform for kingdom hall dey give Bible talks against everything he claims on Nairaland.
I praise Jah for 2 Timothy 1:7.

I wonder how such ones view Judas Iscariot! smiley
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 9:33pm On Dec 16, 2024
The Victims of Child Sexual abuse who were also Freemason JWs and members of other Satanic Cults are not the only ones who have exposed the Satanic side of JWS. People who are not JWS but were once Participants in Satanic Rituals have also exposed the JWs. An example is the Ugandan Lady in the below video.

She was a Sorceress before giving her life to Christ. She was invited to participate in Satanic Rituals by the Freemason JWS in an underground hall directly under a Kingdom Hall which is very similar to the testimonies from Freemason JWs. In all of the testimonies I have listened to, Underground tunnels are mentioned. There are underground tunnels in the Bethel Headquarters in the U.S. I also heard the same is found in the Canada Bethel. I heard the same about the one in Nigeria here. Remember when it was exposed that P Diddy and many other celebrities have underground tunnels under their Mansions? According to many testimonies, the Rituals are done in these tunnels.

In the video below, she explains how she got there and gave some gory details of what they did there. So, Beware if you are sensitive to this kind of information.

You can start from the beginning to get some context but it won't take long before she starts to talk about JWs.

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by johnw47: 9:59pm On Dec 16, 2024
Very apt description.
You really know them well well.
Motley Crew of atheists, Judaist, sifia pained WAILING WAILERS & 3 deities devotees following JW's upandan WAILING like he goats.
grin grin grin

lost fraud jw janosky

you continue to forever blaspheme the Christian Father and Son and Holy Spirit of the Bible, of course
calling Them; " three deities/three gods, your final reward will come:

Rev_20:15  And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire

Mat 12:31  Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 
Mat 12:32  Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:12am On Dec 18, 2024
When you join Jehovah's Witnesses, your Spiritual knowledge will be verrrrrrrrrry Low.

Jehovah's Witnesses appear to less knowledgeable people to be vast in the Bible. But the truth is their knowledge of the Bible is limited. I noticed this after I left JW and started reading the Bible alone without their publications. They may appear to be knowledgeable simply because they love to argue when discussing their doctrines with others.

Jehovah's Witnesses are trained in their Kingdom Hall to discuss Bible topics with the sole aim to recruit. They are trained to argue for their doctrines for the sole aim of recruiting and to avoid learning from others. They have been taught to be proud and arrogant when it comes to their Doctrines since they believe their Doctrines are superior to others. But when they meet a more knowledgeable person of the Bible, they are usually scared of this person and their weakness start to show. Their low knowledge of the Bible becomes obvious especially if this person sticks to what the Bible says, quotes many verses JWs have never seen and uses them as the basis for his or her knowledge.

Jehovah's Witnesses are only taught Bible verses that have been changed in their Bible and Bible verses that have been erroneously interpreted to them. There are many Bible verses they do not know because their publications never quote them. Their Leaders have carefully selected verses they can fix their own understanding and they avoided Bible verses that completely contradicts their doctrines. There are also many Bible verses that expose JWs which I will mention in my next comments. I can tell you that my Bible Knowledge increased once I left JW. So, don't be deceived. The rest of Christianity are more knowledgeable than JWs.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not know what is called Spiritual Warfare. They also do not know how to Pray. Because their knowledge in the Bible is very Low and Limited to certain selected verses, their prayers lack depth and sound Mechanical. I remember very well when I was a Teen and one of my classmates said JWS don't know how to pray. It when I left JW that I now finally understood what she was saying. Their prayers only touch limited topics. Ask a JW What is Spiritual warfare. Ask them if they know anything about covering ourselves with the Blood of Jesus. Ask them if they are taught that our battles as Christians is not against Flesh and Blood but against wicked Spirit forces in High places. You will not get a satisfactory answer because they are not taught these things.

The Leaders of JW are aware of the implications of not being in the Covenant with God. So, they made sure to remove all JWs from this covenant then teach nothing about Spiritual Warfare. All Cults do not teach their members Spiritual Warfare because they need their members to be susceptible to Spiritual attacks. The JW Leaders made sure that the only kind of knowledge JWs will get will be Carnal knowledge, knowledge based on only Physical things. This is why they have the Paradise Earth doctrine. Their promises are usually things that appeal to the physical like You will no longer die, you will no longer get old, you will eat lots of good food, you will play with wild animals, you will build houses and live in it. If you thoroughly examine their Paradise Earth doctrine in totality, you will see that it is not Truly Paradise. It is a North Korea system telling you that the doctrine itself is made up.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:50am On Dec 18, 2024
If you Join JWs, you must give the JW Leaders the permission to Lie to you based on their Doctrine called Old Light New Light. You will also become a Liar without knowing it.

I have mentioned earlier about their hidden History. I said that they will ban you from investigating their History and where they came from. This is part of the Lying they are doing to you. Many things will be hidden from you and it is only the information they give to you that you will be allowed to have access to.

You will be forced to accept what they call Old Light, New Light. Old Light is any doctrine they are discarding and New Light is the new doctrine to replace it. They call their Old Light Old Truth and New Light New Truth. As long as the word Truth is added, it is acceptable to JWS because you are adding a word that is positive to repackage something that is negative. This is a type of Brainwashing.

An example of Old Light is the banning of Blood Fractions and Organ transplants. JWs back then were not allowed to have these treatments. So, imagine the many deaths that occurred because of that. Then New Light was announced that they are now allowed to have them. Why was there a change? Because the previous doctrine was a Lie and they had to discard it. They also saw the many deaths .

This Old Light New Light doctrine is a license for JW leaders to lie to you at any given time. When you accept it, you have accepted to accommodate their lies. They can tell you one thing then later tell you another and say that their Understanding has changed. You see, In JW, Lies will be repackaged to you as Understanding. Just like their many False Prophecies are repackaged as Understanding. JW Leaders are Master Manipulators in the use of words. They used certain words to repackage what is wrong so that it can be acceptable. We all know that the Father of Lies is Satan and any religion that sees nothing wrong with repackaging Lies as Understanding is doing the work of Satan. Lies are not to be found amongst God's people. In JW, You will be brainwashed to see Lies as okay.

JW also have what they call Theocratic Warfare which is when you are allowed to Lie to people to protect the image of the Religion or to protect the religion itself in cases where they are in trouble with the authorities. There was a case involving the Australian Royal Commission who were investigating Child Sexual abuse in JW. They summoned some JW Elders to get an understanding of their role in covering up Child Sexual abuse. These Elders were lying like no man's business. Why? They are doing Theocratic Warfare to protect the JW Cult Leaders. Another case came up which involved their disfellowship Doctrine. Their Lawyer who happened to be A JW lied to the court that Family relationships continue when a JW is disfellowshiped knowing very well that JWs are told to avoid Disfellowshiped people including Family.

As time goes on, since their leaders lie, you as a member will also lie without knowing it. A good example of JWS lying are JWS In this forum. They lie like it is a hobby. Many people here that have chatted with them have accused them of lying several times. In order to make sense of their doctrinesnjust for the sake of argument, sometimes JWs have to Lie and make things up. This is what their Brainwashing does to you in the long run. Doctrines that are embarrassing to them end up being denied by them. When I raised up their Doctrine that says University education is wrong and that JW Elders and Ministerial servants will be removed from their position if they attend or their children attend, they denied that such Doctrine exist until I brought out proof. Why did they deny it? Because the doctrine is embarrassing.

You too will become this confused and a Liar if you join JW. You wouldn't know when you will start transforming to be a Liar. It will happen slowly but surely.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 11:30am On Dec 18, 2024
When you join JW, they will brag to you and even brainwash you to believe that JWs are the only ones that are God's people while the rest of the world are for Satan. You will be told that the most honest and morally upright people can only be found amongst JWs. You will be told that if you leave JW, you have left God and God Will abandon you. You will be told that those who leave JW, do so because they want to be free to Sin forgetting the many Sins already happening in JW.

I believe the public are already aware of who JWs really are outside of their Kingdom hall. Some people have them as Neighbours so they know their private lives. As you can see from one comment here in this thread, the guy admitted that JW ladies are promiscuous. It is the same with the Men whether married or single.

When you get close to JWs after joining them, you will see the kind of lives they live. You will be there while they are boasting amongst themselves as better than other Christians but you will also see the dirty lives these JWs are living. Hypocrisy is a Serious disease in JW. Anything you hear JWs accusing others of, be rest assured that they do the same thing.

They will also tell you they have love among themselves. The JW leaders have invested so much in that part of Bible verse where Jesus said that this is the way people will know you are my disciples so that the public can be lured into the Cult. They have advertised themselves this way many times to the public. Unfortunately, There are a lot Cliques in JW. If they truly love themselves, there won't be any Cliques. The rich only move with the rich. The poor with the poor. Middle class with Middle class. Fanatics with fanatics. Unserious JWs with unserious JWS. There is a class system. You are treated differently if you are rich with a good Car and living in a Mansion from someone who doesn't have any of these. There is also a lot of Envy, Back biting, Gossip and Slander in JW. Slander even becomes worse if you choose to leave JW Or become disfellowshiped. jWs don't like themselves. Don't be deceived.

Vices you can find in JW are Fornication/Sexual activities (Very common), Adultery (very common), Rape/ Child Sexual abuse/Pedophilia, Wife swapping/threesomes, Very serious Domestic violence, Homosexuality, over drinking, Yahoo yahoo, Fraud, Theft, Witchcraft/Spiritism (very common), Very Serious Gossip and Slander. They can choose to disfellowship JWs participating in these things but there will so many others still doing them without getting caught. If they want to disfellowship people doing these things, very few JWs will be left in that Cult.

So, do not be deceived by their pious show off of over righteousness. It is just a cover for their many Sins.

When I was in JW, I actually thought the rest of JWs were morally upright and the Cult actually makes you that way. But as time went on, I then realised that the Cult doesn't necessarily make you moral. It only gives you an illusion of morality with their Disfellowshipping. It makes you think you are morally upright in a Hypocritical way just by relying on a carefully crafted Pious image. It makes you think that just by being a JW, you are morally upright even though you indulge in the above vices. This is very similar to how the Pharisees were thinking and acting. As long as you have an over righteous image, you have a Disfellowshipping system, you have rules that show you off as righteous and you being a JW, that is enough. You can have the worst personality as a JW and treat people badly but be a good JW by attending meetings, help in running the Cult and help in recruiting more members, you are morally upright to a JW.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 2:33pm On Dec 18, 2024
Medical professionals testifying to the efficacy of HEMOPURE saving lives of their patients and well recommended in professional circles.
But Courz MUMU WAILER and professional novice is spewing GIBBERISH.

screenshots uploaded.

grin grin grin

Mumu Janosky with your Maggot infested brain, you didn't bother to read this screenshot you posted. This is why the Brainwashing you JWs are under is not good at all for Brain health. Your screenshot confirmed what I said about Alternatives to Blood having it's disadvantages. Your screenshot said Hemopure is not a perfect substitute to Blood Transfusion. It is just a Temporary solution for now pending on when the patient builds the blood cells. This means the solution it provides is not permanent. It is temporary and it can fail. Did you bother to read this screenshot at all? You just saw something online and it mentions JWs, you quickly came and posted It here not minding that it will disgrace you and prove my point. Look at the complications one of your JW sister got when given Hemopure in the below screenshot. This is proving your screenshot to be correct that Hemopure is Not a Perfect substitute. She got blood blisters all over her body and she died. Why did she die? Look at what I am saying. People's bodies are different and will respond differently depending on what is wrong or the source of their Health issues.

I know that your Brain has been washed thoroughly with bleach and replaced with gibberish from your Freemason Governing body that are not Health Professionals. But try to read what you post before you do. Mumu. You have just disgraced yourself. grin grin. And that is a good thing.

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 2:53pm On Dec 18, 2024
These are the disadvantages of Alternatives to Blood that JWS are not even aware of. It is because of these disadvantages that JWs still die after refusing Blood Transfusion. It is also because of these disadvantages that some JWs secretly take Blood Transfusion.

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 3:35pm On Dec 18, 2024
If your family avoids you because you choose not to belong to their religion, that religion is demonic now

Gbam! Satan hates Families because God created the family concept. Anything God creates, Satan destroys. This is why JWs are practicing what Satan likes when it comes to Family. The JW Cult destroys the Family Unit this way. You can see the Satanic aspect of JW clearly in this their Doctrine.

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 3:39pm On Dec 18, 2024
Anyone choosing jw knows them and the point is that they want the Lies they sell.

And we know that they are mostly joining them because they claim to be a cooperative society promising assistance and help to people who join their society.

Clearly, the definition of a cult like Ogboni, Illuminati, Aye, Eyie, etc

So clearly people join them because they seem less blood ritualistic than those other cults

At the bolded, JWS are already blood ritualistic with their No Blood Transfusion Doctrine according to a Freemason JW. The other ritualistic aspects that are more Gory in nature in JW are hidden. Only the Freemason JWS know about it and participate in them.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 1:41am On Dec 19, 2024

At the bolded, JWS are already blood ritualistic with their No Blood Transfusion Doctrine according to a Freemason JW. The other ritualistic aspects that are more Gory in nature in JW are hidden. Only the Freemason JWS know about it and participate in them.

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Janosky: 8:37pm On Dec 19, 2024
If your family avoids you because you choose not to belong to their religion, that religion is demonic now

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).

Ozuo ,you dey read & study your Bible?

Screenshot evidence & this link: https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-sword.html

"In Matthew 10:34–36, Jesus said He had come at this time not to bring peace to the earth, but a sword, a weapon which divides and severs. As a result of His visit to the earth, some children would be set against parents and a man’s enemies might be those within his own household. This is because many who choose to follow Christ are hated by their family members. This may be part of the cost of discipleship, for love of family should not be greater than love for the Lord"

Did your fellow Trinitarian support your MUMU post?
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 8:51am On Dec 20, 2024

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).

Ozuo ,you dey read & study your Bible?

Screenshot evidence & this link: https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-sword.html

"In Matthew 10:34–36, Jesus said He had come at this time not to bring peace to the earth, but a sword, a weapon which divides and severs. As a result of His visit to the earth, some children would be set against parents and a man’s enemies might be those within his own household. This is because many who choose to follow Christ are hated by their family members. This may be part of the cost of discipleship, for love of family should not be greater than love for the Lord"

Did your fellow Trinitarian support your MUMU post?

Mumu is anyone joining JW following Jesus when you deny Jesus In many ways? Mumu You are using the words of Jesus to support your Satanic doctrine forgetting that Jesus never destroyed Family relationships when he was on earth. He never practiced what you JWS do. He even mingled with sinners and tax collectors. He wasn't judgemental like you JWS which shows that you JWs do not follow him and do not know him. If you really know Jesus and follow him, you will not have such a Doctrine. To show you that your Doctrine is Satanic, Jesus said in Luke 6 vs 32 to 37 If you only talk and do good to people that only love you, what good have you done? He used the good Samaritan helping a Jew story to prove you JWs wrong.

You JWs accuse others of persecuting people that choose to join JWS forgetting that you JWS Persecute people that choose to leave your Cult. Anything you people accuse others of, you guys are doing the exact same thing. The difference between you JWs and outsiders is that you will not find people leaving their family simply because they joined JW. Their relationships with their family continue showing that Outsiders are better and more Christlike than you JWs. But you JWs being Satanists, you JWS must make sure you punish those that leave like a Typical Satanic Cult.
Your Elders become CIA agents monitoring and disturbing people that stop attending your meetings, trying to question them and use Fear and Guilt to force them to come back. Their Families will avoid them because that is what your Doctrine orders them to do. Your Fellow JWs will slander and Gossip about them up and down.

Your Cult Destroys the Family Unit and anything that destroys the family which God created is Satanic because Satan hates Families. You and your Freemason Governing body will pay for destroying Families.

1 Like

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by achorladey: 9:05am On Dec 20, 2024
If your family avoids you because you choose not to belong to their religion, that religion is demonic now

grin cheesy grin grin grin

Do not look for means to associate with disfellowshipped or disassociated members even by emails. Na the world of Jehovah's Witnesses that one dey exist grin cheesy grin cheesy

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by achorladey: 9:06am On Dec 20, 2024

what you wrote here is not entirely true,
the governing body decisions are based on their knowledge and understanding of the bible, according to them

Simple and based on man made traditions and policies developed by their founding fathers to protect the business they set up camouflaged as religion cheesy grin cheesy
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by achorladey: 9:11am On Dec 20, 2024

You want to join JWs, pay attention to the bolded parts. It is better you don't baptize, cos if you do baptize and the above is true, you will suffer the most. You may even attempt suicide. Don't ever make that mistake. If you like them, just be there friends and NEVER baptized. But if they have gotten you indoctrinated, sorry, you will feel this advise is from apostates, not until you decide you want to leave.

But courz it is hard for a new person to know this. Very very hard. The indoctrination is too strong and well thought out.

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by achorladey: 9:15am On Dec 20, 2024

Very True. Never get baptised! That's the trick to escaping JW. If you get baptised, you are finished! Many people did this and ended up lucky enough so they could leave JW with ease.

The Indoctrination starts from the Bible study JWs conduct with the public when they go preaching. I didn't understand this until I left JW. JW Leaders carefully planned everything they do to be an Indoctrination/Brainwashing exercise. I have come across many people who refuse to even engage with JWS because they are aware the preaching alone is a Brainwashing technique. JW Leaders know this., that's why they are always forcing all JWs to attend meetings regularly so the Brainwashing can be effective for many years till a JW dies.

This is why people like us are here to educate the Public on this so they don't fall prey.

They categorically stated, what is the need for conducting Bible studies with a person not willing to get baptized and be a member of that religious organization. grin cheesy cheesy cheesy.

Their main agenda is to recruit into the religious organization through their indoctrination.

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 9:26am On Dec 20, 2024

They categorically stated, what is the need for conducting Bible studies with a person not willing to get baptized and be a member of that religious organization. grin cheesy cheesy cheesy.

Their main agenda is to recruit into the religious organization through their indoctrination.

Gbam. Their main aim in preaching to the Public is not bring people to Christ or share the Gospel. Their aim is to Lure people to their Cult. That's why everything they do is a Brainwashing technique.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 9:27am On Dec 20, 2024
My next posts is going to be about specific Bible verses that expose Jehovah's Witnesses.
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by achorladey: 9:33am On Dec 20, 2024

Gbam. Their main aim in preaching to the Public is not bring people to Christ or share the Gospel. Their aim is to Lure people to their Cult. That's why everything they do is a Brainwashing technique.

Many are opening their eyes to see the delusion in their midst.

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