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Was It Worth It? ....(ex-convict) My Short Detail Mistake. - Family - Nairaland

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Was It Worth It? ....(ex-convict) My Short Detail Mistake. by Revivedsoul01: 11:26am On Dec 29, 2024
These is no story please pardon my grammar. December 12th 2024 (date I won't forget freedom!) serverd my 2years jail term from Ikoyi correctional center, not proud of it duo.
Freedom is priceless "you no good know until German gates close".

My short buzz life turned up when I started selling dope on the street of Island. I moved up fast cause I knew how to get things done, and was smart with business even if I was low life, got the best out of almost every deal. Rank up little cash lives highly immoral everyday, No savings at all just enough money for the flex and next buy. My Regurlar's where stunned when they see how good I roll blunt but I don't do dope or smoke.
My small dope glory days was cute short when the street I saw as family "nah them still draw my map out".

Landed at ikoyi trust me these is the last place you want to find yourself, most especially when you broke. It was Hell for me at beginning but God did I found my scope. Learnt alot, Each block Cells has lots Rules when observe properly keeps you out of trouble, you also don't want to be perceive as the weakly. Between those walls was hell of a life or growth depending on your choice, you could get extreme worst at vices cause you meet more hardners but you could also create a right mind if you willing to dedicated and get the best for your self.

Survival is crazy you have to build a mind set within to stay sane, people actually lost there mind and many become more skilled and aggressive. An Ex-con has a high properbility of return to those walls even when freed, some have build a life they enjoy there, few can't just live without the crime, you here these set strategize on how to keep running there crime on new improve method when they out. Many are broken within lost deep down into there furry. You a good target if you young smart, most senior want's you to run "one or two when you out" for them. When you out it's hard to connect most especially when you decide to take the right part and change your settings.

My case would be different duo! Cause Grace found me or maybe I will say I looked for Grace cause I did a lot of study on my free time, there was library, skill learning i.e Haircut,Sewing,Cobbler and even education. Became a cell pastor (funny!) started getting respect and privilege even duo I was younger. I realize you could get your best at your darkest time.

Made a decision which I uphold to, am out now and would keep to my decision no going back.

Mod: please help me let these get to front page an not new to Nairaland.

REQUEST: please I need a BICYCLE to start from doing delivery I will be very grateful if someone help me with one, even if it needs repair I would fix it...
Location: Lagos, Island.

You could talk to me or quote me on anything you curious about. Wishing you a great year ahead!
Re: Was It Worth It? ....(ex-convict) My Short Detail Mistake. by ihavesense: 1:36pm On Dec 29, 2024
You need a bicycle for delivery? C’mmon how fast can that go? I admire your modesty though and congratulations on your freedom. Don’t go back!
Re: Was It Worth It? ....(ex-convict) My Short Detail Mistake. by Revivedsoul01: 1:45pm On Dec 29, 2024
You need a bicycle for delivery? C’mmon how fast can that go? I admire your modesty though and congratulations on your freedom. Don’t go back!
Sir/ma I stay now with a friend who does Glovo/chow deck with a bicycle the bucks he makes from it, it's okay for me to start from.
am really in need of a bicycle, please if your ready these and you have a used bicycle you could give out am down to come get in Lagos. thank you.

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