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The Preferential Treatment Given to Islam on Nairaland - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / The Preferential Treatment Given to Islam on Nairaland (86 Views)

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The Preferential Treatment Given to Islam on Nairaland by santaclaws: 11:39am On Jan 08
This is an open letter to Seun Osewa and top moderators on Nairaland and I hope it is approached from a neutral and intelligent perspective.

Why do people have to sign a declaration before posting on a muslim thread whereas when it's about Christianity, it's free for all?

There is even a separate subsection created for Islam in the Religion section but none for Christianity...

What is the motive behind this exactly and why are muslims more special than Christians on this forum?

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Re: The Preferential Treatment Given to Islam on Nairaland by MindHacker9009(m): 12:07pm On Jan 08
It's because Jesus teaching is for you to turn the other cheek and just to focus on his second coming when he will put a stop to such

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