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British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent - Health - Nairaland

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British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by aieromon(m): 3:57pm On Feb 04
What sounds like a bizarre dream was a frightening reality for 58-year-old Althia Bryden. After suffering a stroke and needing surgery last year, Althia and her family were shocked to discover that she'd suddenly started speaking in a full-blown Italian accent... despite being born and bred in London. What’s even more shocking is that Althia doesn’t speak Italian and has never even been to Italy!

She’s one of a few people in the UK with Foreign Accent Syndrome, a rare condition where a person's speech switches to a different and unfamiliar accent. The condition has even left Althia regularly gesturing with her hands and frequently using Italian words and phrases, such as 'Si', 'Grazi' and even 'Mamma Mia'! So, how does this phenomenon even come about!? Althia and her husband Winston join us, alongside Foreign Accent Syndrome expert Professor Nick Miller, to explain



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Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by aieromon(m): 3:59pm On Feb 04
On 4 May, Althia Bryden was found in her bed unresponsive and with her face visibly drooping on the right side.

The 58-year-old, from Highbury, north London, was rushed to hospital and found to have had a stroke that had left her unable to speak or feel the upper-right side of her body.

Doctors identified a carotid web in her neck - a rare shelf-like structure that can interrupt blood flow to the brain - as the cause and, in August, they performed surgery to remove it.

The following day while recovering in intensive care, she says a nurse woke her to take her blood pressure and "completely out of the blue, I just started speaking".

"She looked as shocked as I did. The nurse rushed to get colleagues round to my bed. No-one could believe I was talking after so long," she explains.

However, the medical staff also noticed something strange about her voice.

"They asked me if I had an Italian accent before my stroke and were telling me I had a strong accent," she says.

"In the whirlwind of it all, I was so confused.

The grandmother, who is a medically retired customer service advisor, says she has never spoken Italian or even visited Italy, but has now gained a distinct accent.

She claims she even uses words and mannerisms such as "mamma mia", "bambino" and "si" in conversation without realising it.

"Before, I didn't sound like the Queen, but I sounded British. I've always lived in London, but all my family are from Jamaica."

Althia is waiting for a formal diagnosis but says her speech and language therapist has suggested she has foreign accent syndrome.

The rare condition is described by the NHS as being where a person's speech takes on an accent different from their usual one, which other people can think sounds foreign, and usually happens as a result of brain damage, such as from a stroke.

"Doctors and nurses saw me as a bit of a medical marvel – none of the nurses, doctors, therapists or surgeons had dealt with foreign accent syndrome in their whole careers," Althia says.

"This is when I realised just how rare this condition is. I wish more people knew about it."



Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by aieromon(m): 4:02pm On Feb 04
Foreign accent syndrome is a rare medical condition in which patients develop speech patterns that are perceived as a foreign accent that is different from their native accent, without having acquired it in the perceived accent's place of origin.

Foreign accent syndrome usually results from a stroke, but can also develop from head trauma, migraines or developmental problems. The condition might occur due to lesions in the speech production network of the brain, or may also be considered a neuropsychiatric condition. The condition was first reported in 1907, and between 1941 and 2009 there were 62 recorded cases.



Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by illicit(m): 4:12pm On Feb 04
The brain...


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Donchieli: 5:00pm On Feb 04
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Peakdesign23(f): 5:00pm On Feb 04
Wonderful shocked

1 Like

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by cassidy1996(m): 5:00pm On Feb 04
Na lie


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by YoungLionken(m): 5:00pm On Feb 04
What's the relevance of this trash on front page now🙄? With your funny caption. Nor be only "Italian accent", na Itsekiri sad!!!

17 Likes 3 Shares

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Houseofglam7(f): 5:00pm On Feb 04
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Iweakbro: 5:01pm On Feb 04

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Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Jennyclay(f): 5:01pm On Feb 04
Stroke is a very terrible illness undecided.

Nobody recovers from that illness and get back to him/herself completely.

30 Likes 2 Shares

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by RollinTNDA: 5:01pm On Feb 04
Na lie
Clearly Italian demon manifesting in her. Likely same demon responsible for her stroke
grin Na only black fit do this one. The original Brits will never do this film trick ! shocked shocked
These oyibo people with stories sef.

I wonder why we don't experience these things in Africa.

Google is free
But Nigerians are too stupid to get enlightened...

A simple search in google will clear your doubts but illiteracy wont let you guys learn something new




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Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Bahamas95(m): 5:01pm On Feb 04
These oyibo people with stories sef.

I wonder why we don't experience these things in Africa.

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by chopnaira: 5:02pm On Feb 04
Sounds like Zimbabwe accent to me.


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Arostar2023: 5:03pm On Feb 04
Mamma mia grin

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Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by kalemy(m): 5:03pm On Feb 04
What manner of sorcery is this undecided

1 Like

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by NothingDoMe: 5:04pm On Feb 04
Stroke is a very terrible illness undecided.

Nobody recovers from that illness and get back to him/herself completely.
It's nasty. What's more is that a lot of people have ischemic or mini strokes without even realising it.

9 Likes 1 Share

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by MisterGrace: 5:04pm On Feb 04
A glitch in the matrix.


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by MaziObinnaokija: 5:04pm On Feb 04
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by oxygenlove(m): 5:04pm On Feb 04
grin grin ; Normal…… She don go date the Engineer for that tower of babel bedat


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by sammyj: 5:05pm On Feb 04
grin Na only black fit do this one. The original Brits will never do this film trick ! shocked shocked


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by cenaman(m): 5:06pm On Feb 04
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by 190: 5:07pm On Feb 04
Atleast she didnt sound like an slowpoke from northern nigeria

Have you heard how their accents are!

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by killuminati(m): 5:07pm On Feb 04
Me cyaaaan bother

So me say....

Pussy mechanic, me a pussy mechanic
Pussy mechanic, me a pussy mechanic

Wen pussy bad, an a me fix it
Take out me cock and inject it...

Me a addi pumpum killa
Me beat up ya pussy mek ya pumpum swell ha

Open up ya legs wide like umbrella 🌂
Ami fi mek your hole so hot like a he'll yah

Backshot, bruk back boom boom shella
Buss inna ya mouth like gum from Della cry
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Dogalmighty17: 5:07pm On Feb 04
There is still a lot we don't know about the human brain and perhaps we may never be able to comprehend just how complex it is. I read of a particular incident where while recovering from a traumatic brain injury, the patient spontaneously started speaking a language he had never spoken before and he could even understand that language.

In another shocking incident that happened in the early 1900's, a young serial killer who had killed about 13 people already pleaded upon his capture, that the authorities should take a look at his brain after putting him to death. Sure enough during the autopsy, an examination of his brain revealed a tumor the size of a small egg that was exerting pressure on the area of his brain responsible for emotions and impulse control.

In another, a young man recovering from TBI after a bike accident, became a math genius and was solving some of the most complex math problems presented to him. The reason why this is shocking is that before his TBI, he was a practical dullard in school and was a few IQ points removed from a mo(r)on.

Our brains are so complex that any anaesthesiologist will tell you that they know that the drugs they use to put people to sleep for surgery works but they don't know the exact mechanism of action involved.

Or that people who have been known to have entire hemispheres of their brains removed, over time develop in the hemisphere left, areas that control and restore the physical functions lost when the original controlling hemisphere was removed.

This small mass that we carry in our heads, is the seat of thought, the source of consciousness and is who we are.

22 Likes 1 Share

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Wealthoptulent(m): 5:07pm On Feb 04
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by MTCLimited(m): 5:10pm On Feb 04
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by SonofElElyonRet: 5:10pm On Feb 04
Clearly Italian demon manifesting in her. Likely same demon responsible for her stroke

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by tolugar: 5:10pm On Feb 04
That's not Italian accent.

She just got back her ancestral Kenyan accent.

Patiently waiting for Bisola that lost her Ibadan accent just 1 year in the UK.

Also Presious from Awka that went to Scotland and is now answering presh with an accent. All in 1 year.

Aje they think God is not watching

Not doubting the scientific evidence but it's funny how fast we can get to our roots.
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by Lucifyre: 5:11pm On Feb 04
These oyibo people with stories sef.

I wonder why we don't experience these things in Africa.

We experience them but instead attribute it to demons, supernatural and superstitious nonsense.


Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by donleo92(m): 5:13pm On Feb 04
Na whining be this one nii😏😏
Re: British Lady Recovers From Stroke With An Italian Accent by oluwaseyi0: 5:18pm On Feb 04
Imagine this happen among religious folk

Testimony will be like ....


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