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Just Imagine. - Jokes Etc - Nairaland

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Just Imagine If This Was What Happened In The Bible / Just Imagine You Are On The 8th Floor It Caught Fire, How Will You Escape???? / Just Imagine (2) (3) (4)

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Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 5:58am On Dec 28, 2011
Just Imagine,

1. You tip-toe to your kitchen around 2a.m to steal some fried xmas chicken,when u put on the kitchen light,you saw your dad sitting down in darkness eating the chicken too.

2. You are making love to your wife only to hear your little children laughing outside the door saying "ah,see daddy doing like lizard on top of mummy".

3. You just bought a car and on getting home you discovered it was  "your neighbours stolen car".

4. There was a party in ur area. On getting to the party,you were told no space for you to sit under the tent. Your chair was then put under some shade,next to the toilet window.

5. Your kid had a bad tooth ache and on getting to the dentist you were told he had been eating too much candy and your kid replies "is candy another name for kuli-kuli"?
Re: Just Imagine. by lilkech(m): 6:54am On Dec 28, 2011


Re: Just Imagine. by bingbagbo(m): 12:22pm On Dec 28, 2011

REMARKS:Keep being creative, it will help you! cheesy i love you!
Re: Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 12:04pm On Dec 29, 2011
Thanx Baba Laurent Gbagbo. Its actually my first post. Fresh and original.
Re: Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 12:18pm On Dec 29, 2011
Just Imagine.
6. Your Old Man borrowed your car loan for a month. When it was time for him to pay you back he said "My son,since the money was meant for buying a car,i hereby give u authority to pick any of my two cars,u wont need extra money to register it".
7. You went to see your girlfriend and her friends asked you to take them out. But since you only have money for ur bike home,you secretly sent an sms to your friend to text ur g.friend that "he enjoyed last night's sex wt her". You then seized her phone,read the sms,got angry and left.
8. You had too much to eat and on getting to the bank u had to release some gas. While u left the queue to go and feel free,a little kid heared the sound. He came running to his mum shouting "mummy mummy,this uncle ya.n.sh just do gbooo." everyone heared the little boy.
Re: Just Imagine. by mustspin: 2:07pm On Dec 29, 2011
@OP, stop al those imagination, its not healthy for you undecided undecided undecided
Re: Just Imagine. by bunmioguns(m): 2:39pm On Dec 29, 2011
@Op, grin grin grin

Just Imagine,

You were about going to d office and wanted to give your wife the money to cook, immediately you inserted your hand inside your pocket to bring out the money, what you just brought out is a Woman Pant and Bra
Re: Just Imagine. by omokay01: 3:38am On Dec 30, 2011
Royal Roy:

Just Imagine,

1. You tip-toe to your kitchen around 2a.m to steal some fried xmas chicken,when u put on the kitchen light,you saw your dad sitting down in darkness eating the chicken too.

He get mouth ni abi no be him buy the chickens? Na u be thief! He suppose whip you hard!!!!! sad

1 Like

Re: Just Imagine. by kodylicky(f): 6:23am On Dec 30, 2011
Welcome to yokes section

Keep trying you'll get there smiley
Re: Just Imagine. by mikuz(m): 7:28am On Dec 30, 2011
nice one poster.
I love the first version.
Re: Just Imagine. by neowelsh(m): 8:29am On Dec 30, 2011
imagine say u ar na.ked watchin p.orn alone in your house, only 4 u turn back and c your pastor standin behind u wit al d members in your church.
Re: Just Imagine. by bunmioguns(m): 3:44pm On Dec 30, 2011

imagine say u ar na.ked watchin p.orn alone in your house, only 4 u turn back and c your pastor standin behind u wit al d members in your church.

grin grin grin grin Then I will tell the Pastor,

Welcome to the show
Re: Just Imagine. by Natasha2(f): 3:52pm On Dec 30, 2011
Royal Roy:

Just Imagine.
8. You had too much to eat and on getting to the bank u had to release some gas. While u left the queue to go and feel free,a little kid heared the sound. He came running to his mum shouting "mummy mummy,this uncle ya.n.sh just do gbooo." everyone heared the little boy.

imagine say u ar na.ked watchin p.orn alone in your house, only 4 u turn back and c your pastor standin behind u wit al d members in your church.
[size=15pt]LMAO grin grin grin grin grin[/size]
Re: Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 7:27am On Mar 11, 2012
Just imagine, you are sitting at a bar with some young girls only for them to start jisting about how some guy who uses a certain car ( ends up being your dad) spend money for them and gives one of them mouth action.
Re: Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 7:29am On Mar 11, 2012
By the way peeps, all these "imaginations" are actually real life experiences. Imagine it and learn from them. To be continued.
Re: Just Imagine. by dani1luv: 7:34am On Mar 11, 2012
Just Imagine, you were about to put your offering in the church's basket, only for you to bring out 2 used stitched condom
Re: Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 11:32am On Mar 11, 2012
dani1luv: Just Imagine, you were about to put your offering in the church's basket, only for you to bring out 2 used stitched condom
this actually happened to me before. Wanted to pay a cab driver only to bring out a condom. I no imagine am,e don happen to me. Buhahahahaia.
Re: Just Imagine. by dani1luv: 12:19pm On Mar 11, 2012
Royal Roy: this actually happened to me before. Wanted to pay a cab driver only to bring out a condom. I no imagine am,e don happen to me. Buhahahahaia.
bros, u mean u gf deh stitch your condom??
Re: Just Imagine. by Nobody: 8:52pm On Mar 12, 2012
Re: Just Imagine. by FRANKLINTON(m): 10:30pm On Mar 12, 2012
Royal Roy: Just Imagine.
8. You had too much to eat and on getting to the bank u had to release some gas. While u left the queue to go and feel free,a little kid heared the sound. He came running to his mum shouting "mummy mummy,this uncle ya.n.sh just do gbooo." everyone heared the little boy.

The funniest
Re: Just Imagine. by RoyalRoy(m): 2:01pm On Jun 05, 2012
9. Just imagine having a girlfriend and you sometimes pray and wish she breaks up with you.
10. Just imagine knowing you are so broke and yet you go to the atm machine to check your account balance,wishing by magic you will find some cash to withdraw.
Re: Just Imagine. by coalcoal1(m): 7:14am On Jun 06, 2012
imagine being so broke and u decided to check all the clothes u have, the dirty ones and others in the wardrobe. to ur amazement, u discover some money u actually hid from ur gf when u lied to her that u were broke
Re: Just Imagine. by Exponental(m): 9:07am On Jun 06, 2012
Imagine u stop imagining jokes n u give real jokes, what will happen 2 ds thread?
Re: Just Imagine. by Lagusta(m): 5:24pm On Jun 06, 2012
coal_coal: imagine being so broke and u decided to check all the clothes u have, the dirty ones and others in the wardrobe. to ur amazement, u discover some money u actually hid from ur gf when u lied to her that u were broke

this one has happened to me really.... No imagination

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