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Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:54pm On Aug 30, 2013
Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by Chiamaka01(f): 12:51pm
FYI, nothing is impossible under the sun. If a uni can lose the right to offer a course, there's no telling that it can not be unaccredited after all, d quality of a school is dynamic, not static.

If the real issue's the possibility of HNAUB losing her accreditation, as quality is dynamic, why is your focus of attention HNAUB? Nigerian universities should be re-assessed, followed by every other foreign institution. Push for universal quality control.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:15pm On Aug 30, 2013
"HNAUB is NOT accredited", u repeat again and again. That same institution has graduated some of the finest professionals you'd ever know, and that happens year after year. Her graduates are at liberty to work anywhere on this earth, including Nigeria, where admittance into the labor market begins with serving the nation via the National Youth Service Corps- and they are allowed to serve and work indeed! HNAUB meets ALL the requirements that permit her graduates to freely use their certificates anywhere.
What is more important? Winning this argument at the expense of the reputation of HNAUB students and graduates (and having the final word) or gaining new insight into the status of the university and changing ur mind?
Nobody's saying u should come to HNAUB. All I'm saying is, accept the truth about us. Desperately seeking loopholes is pretty juvenile.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 8:31pm On Aug 29, 2013
E-fights? Lol! Not my terrain. Enweghi m oge maka udi ihe ndi ahu. Next time u wanna spite someone else in a hurry, remember this thread- and contain it. One less spiteful human being is what this world needs. *I'm just glad this is over with.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 8:22pm On Aug 29, 2013
Chiamaka, dearest Chi baby *smile.
I do not expect any humility nor remorse from u...u proved incapable of any virtue when u took to Nairaland, clamoring for a null cause with all the hate u could muster, not considering the extent of damage ur allegation can do to d credibility of people like me. Shall I now sulk that u've finally done d right thing? "Walking out of this thread", sweetie, atones for all ur anti-HNAUB sins. No hard feelings. We forgive u.wink
And hey, I'm registered for the MDCN liscensing exams now...done with med school. So bite me.grin
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 6:26pm On Aug 28, 2013
List of accredited varsities in Benin Republic
Public Institutions
• Abomey-Calavi University, Cotonou.
• Parakou University, Parakou, Borgou

Private Institutions
• Advanced School of Economics and Management, Cotonou
• African University of Technology and Management, Cotonou
• Benin University of Science and Technology, Cotonou
• Catholic University Western Africa, Cotonou
• College of Surveying and Mapping, Cotonou
• Higher Institute of Vocational Education,
• Houdegbe North American University Benin (HNAUB), Cotonou
• International Polytechnic University of Benin, Cotonou
• Le Citoyen Polytechnic Institute, Cotonou, Littoral
• Pigier Benin, Cotonou
• Protestant University of Western Africa, Port Novo
• University Institute of Benin, Cotonou

Anybody else have more venom to spout? I'm especially looking to hear from Chiamaka and ProfJosh...
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:00am On Aug 24, 2013
The wonder of the average Nigerian mind...
We fight what we do not know...what we barely understand...
Nothing is said of private universities in Ghana, several borders away from Nigeria. But as Benin is "just here" and more familiar, everyone has got an opinion (consistent with bullying, u've noticed?)
Paid for advertising, some dud accused. Anyone know where I can go get my money from? Cos I've put up a big fight for my credibility (which translates to my school's) on Nairaland, which should fetch a good pay...so I buy me something nice grin
Guys, its a democratic society. Keep your opinions coming...by all means do! #aside: the rest of us would keep living life!
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:31am On Aug 08, 2013
ProfJosh, are u still at this? U just took someone out because u hoped he was a student of HNAUB. Not cool. U are a bright student repping ur school, as I am also. Can we call a truce? Please, let's stop this madness. It's not fair to really good students of HNAUB...it really isn't.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 5:47am On Jul 15, 2013
But u aint proved nothing yet.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 10:41pm On Jul 13, 2013
"...that he is worthy both in learning and in character..." The boast of every university as it graduates worthy students.
You may have been trained, but you do lack character, Profjosh. Explains why you'd come up on Nairaland and waste everybody's time(including yours), putting up tedious arguments as to why HNAUB is not a university.
If you ever were to work with someone who's adept at his/her work, would you assess him/her otherwise because you discovered he/she studied at HNAUB?
There are jerks in every university, including U.I., but because schools aren't graded using such flimsy criterion, U.I. made a name for herself.
If you can prove graduates from HNAUB aren't efficient, you have a point...but in the meantime, monsieur, Il faut ne parler pas encore. Et s'il-te-plait, n'ecris pas encore de ce sujet.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 8:11am On Jun 20, 2013
"...wah made u choose hnaub? Was it bcoz u culdnt get admitd here or bcoz u were rusticatd frm ur schl? Or u were dumb or u wantd to b far away from hme? Oh perharps u wantd to show ur fwendz u studied abroad...", ProfJosh's litany.
I now question the quality of your person, ProfJosh. Funny thing is, I haven't insulted you in my previous posts, and I find I don't need to. You put yourself out there for everyone to see...
You are cold, unfeeling. You don't even know me, yet you think you understand the basis on which I make my choices.
You are terrible at heart- all you care about is imposing your opinions on everybody else, you employ under-handed means, even resorting to grossly insulting your opponent.
You are educated, yet you are so shallow and narrow-minded. If you weren't, you'd be sensitive enough to know what is acceptable in situations like this, and what isn't. Yet with all your education, you come up with those nasty questions for me.
Education's not only what you read in those books. It applies also to how you school yourself in people management, knowing you will not always agree with them.
You, my friend, can strive to do better and be a better human being.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 6:55am On Jun 17, 2013
I smiled the whole time I read through your entire piece, ProfJosh. And my smile will stay on. You know why? You have spoken as one full of bitter hate and malicious intent, and I will let fate answer you.
Where on this earth did you get all your info from? Your source needs radical sprucing, you know?
You were right about one thing though. I'm that kind of girl that'd stick up for something she believes in. And I'm not going to let anybody waltz in and try to defame the very institution that's trained me. What is at stake is all our credibility, and it will take more than an army of like-minded jockheads to take that away.
Fashion / Re: Do You Know Any Cream I Can Use To Restore My Light Skin by drpaula: 1:40pm On Apr 11, 2013
Hello, restored complexioned desiree, I know just what u need. I had a hard time myself getting my great honeyed toned skin back. Find a Forever Living Product distributor and purchase a Rehydrating Toner. U'd be glad u did.
Yours Sincerely,

1 Like

Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 2:07pm On Apr 02, 2013
U, my dear friend, just made it clear that u state ur facts without being well-informed.
As a non-student, u "know for sure" that no member of staff have wards in HNAUB? Its d most ludicrous thing I've heard ever. I won't budge to disclose info about students who're wards of lecturers (at least, those ones I am aware of)
Secondly, I find it offensive that u'd infer that I'm a liar. Ok, assume for two minutes that I was. I'd have to have a lot of nerve to come up with that lie on Nairaland. D late Dr Irawo (his soul rest in peace) and his sister, Dr Ojia Adamolekun graduated as Drs from HNAUB. At this point, I'm repulsed to think u're desperately seeking a loophole to put ur hands on.
Finally, when I started to answer ur questions, I said I was never going to compare, and was only going to stick with some highpoints of my school. So what if nigerian private schools have foreign exchange programs? Its a matter of choice. I'll go for what I want, anyway.
HNAUB in closing, has no business with d NUC. The only accreditation body my school liases with is of Benin Republic. We are taught in English language as it's a North American university. The NUC is welcome to visit anytime (as a large part of the school is Nigerian), but that is all there is to it.
I have nothing to lose. I'm a final year medical student, and will be recognized for how apt I am at my field, and not for where I finished from.
I have no more words for u, Femi.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:47am On Apr 01, 2013
*all smiles* I'm beginning to do a lot of that (smiling, I mean) on Nairaland...something I didn't believe was possible.
I'd be direct in responding to your questions, dear Femi, and I hope you find my answers adequate.
To question 1, yes. There even are students who've come to the knowledge of the school via the recommendation of it by her staff (academic and non-academic staff alike). Its quite a shame I cannot prove this here as I am not allowed to mention names, this being a public forum. But you can choose to either not believe me, or to believe me. I call on you to do the latter, though. *smile again*
To question 2: I'm gonna start a "word-fight" if I make comparison between my school and private universities in Nigeria, so I'm just going to stick with telling you this- apart from aptly grasping the science of medicine (the primary reason for my being there), I am bilingual. Didn't say I can speak some french. Said bilingual, and that's one thing I'll take with me everywhere. We have exchange programs with the University of Philadelphia, USA and people have used that to their advantage. The exposure to new people has helped me to understand the diversity that exists in the West African communities, so to that end, I have 3 words.
HNAUB's great quality.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 6:12am On Mar 31, 2013
Here comes now, a person with a gentle touch, yet doing damage!
Something within tells me your "misinformation"-forgive me, stems from a verdict you and some other people passed on the school a few years ago, when everything about the school was indeed, wack.
But let us (as I speak not for myself alone, but also for all concerned bright students who have employment futures the likes of you seem so eager to dim by speaking ill of the very institution that qualifies the majority of us) assume like-mindedness with the professors of biology. All living things grow! It will come small, poop on itself a couple of times; it will be experimental, demonstrating foolishness at almost everything; most assuredly, it'd implode a few times.
Then with age and development of its complex processes, it starts to get better. Getting the picture yet?
If you have younger siblings: did you ever feel like you just wanted to quietly give them up for free to other families seeking children, because they were too noisy for their own good, or made you stay up late washing soiled nappies? Or perhaps you kept accepting responsibility for things they broke, and that was terribly infuriating! (Lol! I know the feeling...just stay with me. I'll let you see where I'm headed in a bit)
But we gave them a chance at life; we just held up hope and they've turned out quite fine. They grew. They developed. That's the order of all living things-there's a growth potential, no matter how small.
Same thing for us at HNAUB: its evolving rapidly (to our sheer delight), and we're working at an honest means of becoming qualified for whatever career path we choose.
People'd stick with a teeny-weeny, run-down church congregation and believe it'd grow bigger and do better; and would do this without saying "that church is rubbish". Why? Its because what's most important is how her members turn out, contribute to society, and glorify Jesus.
Just saying that noone has got the right to label an honest institution doing all its best to churn people of substance back out to society.
Just saying: come on! Stop with the names, already.
I'm sure you now understand us better. *smiles* Blessings on you.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:58pm On Mar 24, 2013
And um, Jeemyshun, while you're there in the UK, you might wanna learn to spell english words as "decrepit" correctly...
And while you're at it, get your tenses straightened out!
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:51pm On Mar 24, 2013
Didn't know I was dealing with a shallowed-out ninny who at the slightest provocation, throws dirty expletives as "bitch, degenerate good for nothing"...for a moment back there, you looked exactly like your words.
Your conduct's consistent with a case of schizo-affective disorder, so hey, give yourself some dignity.
You offended all HNAUBites when you questioned our credibility(which is just so wrong). Who made you judge? And what is the precipice of your judgement? Your self-acclaimed justification's based on what exactly, brother? "...because you school in the UK, in a place you aren't even proud to mention, perhaps because it aint Ivy League.
Take my advice: leave us alone, and you won't get any further of such posts directed toward you.
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 9:54pm On Mar 23, 2013
Jeemyshun, (is that even a name? I wonder) when I read through your post, first thing I thought was, "mtschew! Irrelevant piece". Poo universities you called both schools, aye? Interesting, coming from a guy(I query gender) who's in a nameless school, flipping a name like the UK, hoping it'd win him some respect.
Well yeah, you certainly got the attention, brother, but have in no way commanded anyone's respect.
Do us all a favor and write reasonably the next time the university HNAUB pops into your memory.
Je crois que tu es en accord avec moi, Jee-whatever!
Education / Re: Houdegbe North American University (hnaub) by drpaula: 10:40pm On Feb 16, 2013
Who heard of the tragic event of a shooting that happened at Anthony village, Lagos state? It involved a doctor who was driving home from work.
It pains me to use this as an example, but that guy, the late Dr Irawo Adamolekun was a graduate of HNAUB. Key points are: medical doctor working in Nigeria.
Yours truly is a final year medical student. My department have always taken the fall as is seen in statements like, "d sch of med is bad, but d rest of d school is good", and more that bears semblance to it.
I appeal to students of HNAUB: represent your school fully. Be informed before you make definitive statements about the school of medicine. It used to be disparagingly bad...and that was when it was established. Things picked up eventually. I have seen two sets of senior colleagues graduate in my time. If you have reservations, it'd be helpful (for you and everyone else) to visit the department, and talk with her officials...and visit the laboratory also. I'm convinced that would help!
I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to be bilingual, exposed (enlightened by virtue of social interaction), while being trained in medicine in a manner I would call in all honesty, thorough.
You question the credibility of the doctors that graduate from the university when you carry on with the rumors which lack substance.
And oh! Did I say? Some of our first set graduates topped the result board of the Nigerian Medical and Dental Association liscensing exams, an exam for all doctors that weren't trained in Nigeria. I'm pretty sure there were graduates from all those fancy Ivy League universities ...who couldn't outshine our reps.
You just wait...my set plans to put us all in the news come 2013.
And be nice- I might be your doctor someday!

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