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Celebrities / Re: “I Make Close To $40,000 Monthly From Content Creation” — Blessing Ceo(pix,vid) by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:59am On Nov 23, 2024
This lousy ugly girl with Mr. Bean's type of nose again?
I don't like her one bit. She's ratchet.
why calling her Mr beans nose.. can you create a nose, you idiot
Career / Re: Why Are My Southern Brethren Resigning From The Federal Civil Service Jobs by GREATESTPIANIST: 6:21pm On Oct 15, 2024

You are wrong bro. My uncle gave over 2,000 southerners Job during his time because he got to the top. I am a beneficiary.
Another of his beneficiary was just appointed permanent secretary recently.
He has started giving southerners Job too.
The problem is us not the northerners.
Imagine having 30 people climb up the ladder and 7 of them are Southerners, it will still be good because 7 southerners will get Job but if among the 30 no southerner, the FG can not appoint a junior southerner when there are seniors from the north. Never.
Let me tell you.
My uncle gave people Job in many government agencies and parastatals. Some are DPOs, Controllers both in immigration and customs, some are Captains in Army, navy and Air Force. They are climbing with their set, if they remain till their pick, one of them must join the top ladder because federal character is still being used where you have personnel across the geopolitical regions.
Greed is stopping us from taking what belongs to us.
hello boss, can you help me out, i need a job, i am igbo , please help me, graduate of Unilag
Business / Re: See what I experience with a market woman today by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:34am On Sep 30, 2024
What are you doing in the market as a man? Men that goes to the market are very stingy and aggressive.
I dislike men that would open eyes to everything and won't allow women to be women peacefully.

You should have a woman maybe a market woman that get your things for you.
You are a big fool, I do go to the market, and I love it....... So if I was a chef make I no go market again people like you are soooo short sighted and mentally weak...... Idiot comment


Sports / Re: Victor Boniface Gifts Viral Carpenter 1.5 Million Naira by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:58am On Jun 07, 2024
I hope the exact amount gets to the old man, some people can be very greedy and non trustworthy. He might just give the man like 100k and pocket the rest. How I wish Victor had contacted the man directly. May God continue to bless and enrich him
exactly, i believe it will be followed up though.......
Sports / Re: Victor Boniface Gifts Viral Carpenter 1.5 Million Naira by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:55am On Jun 07, 2024
May God bless Him......... May we not suffer and struggle through life


Health / Re: UK Suspends Nigerian Nurse Over Dishonesty, May Strike Name Off Register by GREATESTPIANIST: 10:02pm On Mar 29, 2024
God knows when I'm ready to leave this zoo, you see UK, America, Canada, and any other country that most Nigerians and Muslims like to immigrate to, i go dey avoid those countries like plague. In the next 50 years, the UK and US will be over run by blacks and muslims, and you know what happens When does two sets people become the majority grin I will look for a country that Africans and Muslims in general hate to immigrate to, a country that has very low tolerance for religious bullsh*t especially islam but is still developed and first world, na there i dey go raise my children grin
a country like where?
Religion / Re: Pastor Chris 'Heals' Nine People On Stretchers (Video) by GREATESTPIANIST: 9:47pm On Mar 29, 2024

No one is seeking to trend. This is exactly the same response people gave when folks came to speak about TB Joshua. I'm sure no satanist, as I said, I've climbed up the ladder of Pentecostalism to know when something is useless or not. If you are a CE member, I can actually get you seated next to rev Eddy at your next meeting. Once your high up any major ministry on earth, you can literally get any request from another. In your normal life, you cannot have ten feet access to pastor Chris. Said this to show you aren't speaking to someone who isn't saved or isn't in the full know of the evangelical field.

Take hold of these thjngs said and go research them yourselves. Take a sick person, pay for their feeding, housing etc and go and witness all that's been said. Ensure you also spend time in his presence as your discernment radar seems broken

Your language is despicable for someone who should be speaking on things relating to the gospel.

Once again get lost
Religion / Re: Pastor Chris 'Heals' Nine People On Stretchers (Video) by GREATESTPIANIST: 1:31pm On Mar 29, 2024
Sadly I too was a victim of what I can only call the greatest scam in the modern day history of the Pentecostal church. A well played out scam which is enabled by the likes of deaconess Gbadamosi, Brother Dele, Pastor Shola, Reverend Owase, Reverend Tom and no other person but pastor Chris. I experienced his scam all the way back in the early 2000's and had I not known the Lord, I sincerely would have walked away from the faith. Before you start reading, I ask that you speak to the Lord and as a believer expect him to give you answers. He's your father, so asking him to help you know truth is part of his will. I only could tell one person in the world about my experience that night after a build up from the so called healing school. I later on recounted it to one other person, but sadly they were too fragile and such a truth would break their bubble, so they refused to hear anything. Eventually they came round to knowing that it was all true. I had always wondered why women could get raped and not speak, but abuse is something that takes years to speak about. Some of you wonderful sisters who were abused have never spoken about it, and some of you sick men who have abused other ladies sometimes live in fear of your victims speaking out one day. Weirdly, some do speak out and also some don't. Some of you men are actually in churches and walk around almost free, and if this can happen to guilty men, imagine the support a ministry like Christ has in suppressing claims made against them. From thousands of brainwashed members, to a media empire. Let's not forget that these are media ministries which have one way traffic, you only see what they want you to see. I wish I get to meet sir John one day, for he is truly a blessing to those who seek truth. Sinach and all the rest of the families are also fully aware of the scams they portray to thousands of innocents and an audience wanting to be deceived. It's no wonder the ministry operates a system of nepotism and it reigns in that place. From brothers, to sister in-laws, to all you can name, you find the whole lot there. A system where total allegiance is required to continue fooling millions of people. Only a handful of people would even dare bring these accusations before the Lord, but would rather scream words like envy, bitterness etc. I do not know how the cry of people for justice has turned to bitterness, I guess only under Christ Embassy. The same behaviour was revealed when their beloved mama in the Lord Reverend Anita decided to say adiós to the madness going on there. One of the only people allowed to climb the stage of meetings and wear the white suit, was suddenly called bitter by those who would have rolled over the floor Kandahaying and kabashing in so called other tongues, had she touched them. Suddenly, simply because pastor Chris portrays her as not valuable, like zombies they cast her away. The very same woman they had boldly told people had enough grace to live seperately from her husband. When people began to question the separate lives of the top echelon of Christ embassy, the new policy was pushed on to have certain church workers in different branches, simply to take heat off the questions about the marriage. A few weeks to the announcement of the divorce, the ministry pushed out a statement saying nothing was wrong, but I guess time was the best revealer of truths. At each phase, sadly the members morph into defenders of what ever line the ministry goes in, whether right or wrong. Continued...
Sports / Re: Stanley Nwabali Visits His Grassroot Club Chairman, Felix Obuah by GREATESTPIANIST: 9:54pm On Feb 17, 2024
No wonder.
lol, idiaaaaattt
Sports / Re: Stanley Nwabali Visits His Grassroot Club Chairman, Felix Obuah by GREATESTPIANIST: 10:24pm On Feb 16, 2024
If na you get club,na so your players go dey AWOL?
Sports / Re: Stanley Nwabali Visits His Grassroot Club Chairman, Felix Obuah by GREATESTPIANIST: 4:06pm On Feb 16, 2024
Time never reach for them to go back to their clubs? undecided
calm down, we dey talk A, you dey talk B ......olodo


Family / Re: Help Me To Appreciate My Wife In This Tough Period by GREATESTPIANIST: 4:02pm On Feb 16, 2024
I guess this one too na woman grin

Everybody na woman grin

Your mind no go touch ground grin
Dingbat, keep ranting, your type can never get married, that's why you can't see good in marriage, ewu Somalia, now kiss my ass......goat 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
Family / Re: Help Me To Appreciate My Wife In This Tough Period by GREATESTPIANIST: 3:53pm On Feb 16, 2024

An Epistle of a simp😁😁

Nigeria is the only part of the globe where they celebrate people for behaving like a normal human being or performing their duties⚠️

You will never see a white man, indian, Chinese or even an Arabian man with this kind of long epistle of jargon over a woman♂️

I have never come across a clip or text where foreign men are worshipping and praising their women, whenever i come online all i see is foolish African men disgracing themselves😔😔

Your wife is simply doing what you married her for and is no big issue you bloody simp💯

If you feel you need to show her love for being a good wife, please do that secretly and stop blocking our online space😡
You must be very Steeeeeeewwwwwwwppppiddddddd, idiottt pikin

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Politics / Re: Dangote, Dapo Abiodun, Aigboje Aig-Imokhuede Visit Late Herbert Wigwe’s Parents by GREATESTPIANIST: 9:23pm On Feb 12, 2024
while Nigeria was playing AFCON finals - Instead of going to Abidjan to cheer the Eagles - he was going to Las Vegas to watch the Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49'ers game ----- IF to say him go Abidjan now, probably he would be alive today

May God rest his soul and others in the Helicopter--- comfort his parents and surviving family cry Amen!
who told you he was going to Superbowl
Travel / Re: Wigwe: No Specific Information On Helicopter Crash - Access Bank by GREATESTPIANIST: 2:30pm On Feb 11, 2024
What if it actually was an assassination? In the corporate worlds, these kind of carefully well planned killings often occur.

I tell you, he must have had lots of enemies

1 Like

Politics / Re: Sex-starved Women Take To The Streets In Rivers by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:46pm On Feb 10, 2024
This article is really long o, I just scrolled down........... Ki lo de 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Family / Re: What Made You Divorce Your Partner? by GREATESTPIANIST: 4:10pm On Jan 22, 2024
Divorce was @ d extreme for me. Got adolescent kids already. So I have to think about them first. Found out that she was having an affair. Not only that, but the timing really broke me. I was building up a biz, things were connecting up for the family and boom disaster struck. In all these I was still up to date in taking care of family expenses, tho not like before. But she never cared and was busy frolicking with some dude until I found out and some other things even revealed itself that I wasn't even safe. Didn't tell anyone. But I didn't divorce for the sake of the kids. But she is just as useless as a P in psychology. She cannot run cos she is disadvantaged. All d evidences are in soft and hard copies. I have balanced up again and living my life to d fullest. I don't want to go low like her to keep other women. When I need Bleep, she serves on a plate with protection tho. She got only one option, which is suicide. My Next of kin is not even her. Everything has changed. I don't even eat from her pot.
hmmm.... But you are in bondage
Religion / Re: Apostle Suleman Feeds Migrants At Mexico-US Border, Donates 100,000 Pesos by GREATESTPIANIST: 10:33am On Nov 27, 2023
charity begins at home,feed your people first
Romance / Re: My Girlfriend Never Initiates Sex But Still Complains She's Not Getting Enough by GREATESTPIANIST: 9:13pm On Aug 22, 2023

You should only beg her to come back if she's the one catering for your bills and funding your daily activities sad

I hope you made her understand she to shouldn't take such life into marriage. And if I were you, my mind will be shifting away from her. Not a good sign I'm seeing, esp if you guys are married and have quarrel. Besides, you can't be sure shes not cheating or wont cheat on you.


I'm not encouraging sex before marriage sha
STop fornicating, stop fornicating, stop fornicating, stop fornicating, stop fornicating, surrender your life to JEsus , God bless you......
Politics / Re: President Bola Tinubu Approves Establishment Of Presidential CNG Initiative by GREATESTPIANIST: 1:14pm On Aug 19, 2023
I love tinubu cool

I hate that igbo man called Peter obi with passion..

he will never see asorock chair till he dies
I return that curse to you
Politics / Re: Seven Ministers Whose Portfolios Caught Nigerians By Surprise by GREATESTPIANIST: 1:02pm On Aug 19, 2023
My own be say ;make God help Nigeria in Jesus mighty name
Nairaland / General / Re: What Is That Thing You Want To Stop But Always See Yourself Doing It Again by GREATESTPIANIST: 6:41am On Jul 22, 2023
Buying perfumes.
I started with one and before I knew it, I constructed a perfume shelf in my room. Now I don't even know how many I have lmao.
Still collecting more 🤣
wow, I love perfumes, but have none presently🥺🥺🥺 please can I have one my guy, thanks brother
Politics / Re: Fuel Purchase Reduced By 50 Per Cent, Reduce Pump Price – IPMAN Begs Tinubu by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:07pm On Jul 21, 2023
Marketers are affected by this subsidy removal.....
So na una dey enjoy subsidy.....
We go see who go last laugh
Shey una say una get craze
Una craze don jam antidote.
don't mind them, dem never see anything
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Whats The Worst Experience You've Had At A Job? by GREATESTPIANIST: 7:07pm On Jul 21, 2023

Get the fk out of my mention.

She was a secretary in the primary section but close to the owner, why I was a senior school subject teacher and I never applied with my BSC.
The owner categorically told me that I'm answerable to her directly or I can communicate with the principal when I asked her who I should communicate with if there is any need to communicate with the management, but I know all these happened because it is preplanned.

Don't be silly, I had 4.4 out 5 if it is about academics, I missed out on first class narrowly simply because of my egoistic HOD.
My plan then was to work there and use the salary to run minor or immediate expenses because I was searching for a business premise and I already budgeted the funds I had as at then for my business. So, I don't want to keep withdrawing and spending from the budgeted find.
All these happened at the beginning of COVID-19 period.

She is not better than me, say what you know and take your $melling emotion out of my mention.
From other workers and the students, they will tell you it is not even a competition between us, no basis for that at all.

Btw, that was years ago. God has blessed me with my own company now.
thank God for saving you from that place sir, please I am in need of a job, is there opening in your company?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Whats The Worst Experience You've Had At A Job? by GREATESTPIANIST: 6:59pm On Jul 21, 2023
Hmmmmm....things dey happen,
Religion / Re: Pastor Chris And Ex-wife, Anita’s Divorce Explained by GREATESTPIANIST: 7:12pm On Jun 19, 2023
I stopped being Pastor Chris' follower from the very moment I heard about his crashed marriage lipsrsealed. Because you can't be teaching and preaching about what what you can't replicate lipsrsealed. And expect me to keeping following you..
and when you left the ministry has kept going higher, you are not perfect either, are you following ministry or following God, in short, you had bad intentions when you were in Christ Embassy, following God should be the foundation
Crime / Re: I Was Offered ₦71M To Withdraw The Case - Timothy Adegoke's Wife by GREATESTPIANIST: 7:57pm On Jun 05, 2023
It could still be a grand set up ... I don't trust Yoruba people like that, they are always envious of rich people around them and they know how to use religion to cover face...a trait I never see in them in the 80's and 90's .... Well Karma is a bitch and it will visit all at the appropriate time.
how is it set up
Family / Re: Why I Chose To Distance Myself From A Sibling by GREATESTPIANIST: 6:39pm On Apr 02, 2023

Thanks for your encouraging words. God bless you for lifting my hearts.
God bless you boss

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Family / Re: Why I Chose To Distance Myself From A Sibling by GREATESTPIANIST: 1:20pm On Apr 02, 2023
What makes you think she's doing well for herself, Because she says so? Or you think so? ...She may just be hyping herself unnecessarily. Abroad is not a land flowing with milk and honey.


for some people that quot3d me, please stop doing these yeye convertions from CAD to NGN. It doesnt work like that. Bulk of the Money made in Canada is spent in Canada. Though many are still lucky to have savings.

For the sister to even send 100k out of 450k shows to me that she's got savings but not much. If she has more than 450k to dole out, she will, honestly. An unmarried woman with no kids for that matter. In my opinion, things are not that OK with her at the moment.

And she's just been there for only 5years, cut her some slack, brother cosmic. She's not 'there' yet, she will will soon get 'there', inshallah
rear op's story very well, you would understand, I don't think you understand,
Family / Re: Why I Chose To Distance Myself From A Sibling by GREATESTPIANIST: 1:18pm On Apr 02, 2023
Here is my story....

I have a 3 siblings and I am at odds with my eldest who is a lady. The way it is, I may never have a conversation with her again.

She was the first person to be invested in by my parents after which I came. Luckily enough, she was able to strike gold in her career and do well for herself. She went abroad for her masters with my parents supporting with half-payment. Unfortunately, whenever it came to family demands and helping the other younger siblings, she has either been negligent or grudgingly does so.

Few years after going abroad, she decided to lockup and sends only 40k home which is supposed to cater for food for a month.
Now parents are retired, the whole family weight falls on my following sibling and I. The youngest one education is on me. Happy she will finish soon. Parents need to be supported in challenging times, one is coping with diabetes and the other is with some challenging issues I can't say here. Their savings are being sapped by their needs to keep living on.

But my so-called elder sister based in Canada despite knowing their condition is silent. She still sends her peanuts, while I and my younger brother who is an upcoming fashion designer do 2X what she does. This aches our parents and sometimes makes our mother cry and our father rant with regret.

A time now came, our mum got admitted in the hospital. Condition was so salient that she had to be hospitalized for weeks. Hospital bill was 450k. The Canada-based first born doing a good job, who was always talking to her, praying with her on phone, etc only sent 100k. We the others did the rest. Glad mum is back at home but her heart is broken and has refused to talk with her. She's been in Canada for 5 years and has refused to even support any of her siblings to come abroad too.

My other siblings say because we all refuse to be dictated to by her is the reason for her behaviour. I don't care. Mine is that if you know that you are going to be useless to a family, let your parents know before hand so the money used in training/feeding you can be used for farming business which will despite bad weather bring returns than on a child who feels is not obligated to support the parents who supported you all through.
I hardly comment on nairaland posts....this really got my attention, and I felt what you are going though @op, please, don't give up, please, focus and trust in God alone, man will always fail, even one's blood brother can fail, re engineer your mindset to trust in God and God alone.........it's so sad she can't even help at least one of you to come over, believe me, she will realize her wrongs very soon, just leave her alone but don't keep malice with her, trust in God , I wish your family well, and i wish dad and mum and great health recovery, I pray they will live long and enjoy God's blessings.....once again , don't give up!!!!
Business / Re: Unilever Nigeria’s Market Exit To Affect OMO, Sunlight, Lux by GREATESTPIANIST: 8:38pm On Mar 27, 2023
OMG!!!! My darling baby Lux , I love your fragrance, till we meet again,,,, rest in peace darling


Politics / Re: Remi Tinubu, Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu Visit Bus-Train Crash Victims by GREATESTPIANIST: 10:15pm On Mar 10, 2023
Look.at the others in the picture and stop your hero worship.

The accident happened over 24hours ago.Did you read any tweet from her about it?
Even a Peter Obi as busy as he is had commensurated with victims almost immediately But here she is acting as if the news woke her up today.

you are a porcupine fool, do you expect everyone to tweet You must be jobless....olodo rabata

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