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Business / Re: How to get Your Fully Verified Stripe Account To Recieve Card Payments by Lorettaonu414(m): 10:22am On May 02, 2022
Get yours ASAP
Adverts / Re: How To Buy Dollar @ 416 And Sell For 590 by Lorettaonu414(m): 3:37pm On Apr 29, 2022

Great guy...

Well done and God bless you mucho.
God bless you too my bro
Adverts / How To Buy Dollar @ 416 And Sell For 590 by Lorettaonu414(m): 2:20pm On Apr 29, 2022
Hello NL,
I know many folks that were into card Abitrage gave up cus of the government reduction of international card transaction from $100 to $20/$50 cus of this, many people gave up card Arbitrage. What if I tell you I have done intensive research and have found a way you can still profit from card Arbitrage and I'm gonna be teaching you how to buy dollars($) at 416(central bank rate) and sell for 590(black market rate) many people will say I don't know what I am saying but after reading this please check all I'm gonna drop down so you'll see proof for yourself. Well let's begin
To use this strategy you'll need a stripe account yeah I know many people are scared of using stripe cus of how they easily close accounts. Well that has be sorted there is a formula you can use to prevent that and all let you know after I have dropped the strategy. Use the following steps

1) To create the stripe account that will last you for as long as you want, you'll register a business in the UK and use the details to create the account. I recommend you use 1stformations dot co dot UK to register your business. Purchase the non resident plan as that is the best plan for you since you are from Nigeria. Use the details to also create a Wise business bank account that is where your payout will be sent

2) After you must have created the stripe and the wise business banks account, the next step is where the magic happens

3) you create a payment link in your stripe dashboard and change Payment currency to NGN(Nigerian naira) instead of EUR, GBP or USD
Note the NGN is not your default currency your default currency will be GBP as your stripe will be a UK stripe account.

4) after stripe have deducted their transaction fee of 2.9% your remaining funds will be sent to your wise account which you'll use to buy USDT from Binance and then sell via P2P

If I observe how interested people are about this and really want to try it out, I'll be doing a video showing all the necessary steps and drop it on here. But for now you'll have to do with pictures I took from my stripe and the rates I checked via Google.

Now when you make payment with a Nigerian card you will be debited the actual amount. That is if your payment link is 200 NGN then you'll be debited 200 naira from your bank but then you will recieve your funds in higher rate which is 0.36-0.38GBP when you convert to USD and see how much a dollar would cost it's gonna be 415 naira per dollar. if you check your google you'll observe that everything is in the mid market rate and not bank rate which gives you high profit. Now do your calculations to see how much you'll be making from this if you are into Arbitrage you obviously work with more than 5 banks use this strategy and you'll be Making profit from all your cards and bank accounts both virtual and physical cards.

To avoid your stripe from being blocked you'll have to upgrade your stripe by using rader for fraud team it is a feature you'll find in your stripe dashboard. You'll give it certain rules to block cards that are likely to ruin your account. That way you won't be having issues of unauthorized debits which leads to the closure of 90% of new account closure. If you'll like to reach me to ask questions or to assist you in any way I'm always available to answer.

Remember some people will have such info and insist people pay them for it but you got it for free. So if this strategy was helpful to you, you tried it and it worked just like it did for me please do well to let others know on this thread.

Chat me up via WhatsApp
O8o3o8954 58

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Business / Re: Get A Debit Card To Verify Any Paypal Account by Lorettaonu414(m): 2:05am On Apr 28, 2022
Get urs ASAP
Business / Re: I Just Saw Google Ads On Nairaland by Lorettaonu414(m): 12:31pm On Apr 27, 2022
Not many people are paying for ads here on Nairaland. Money must be made.

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