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Family / Re: Demond George: Man With 33 Children Speaks (Video) by SpiritualOT: 11:18pm On May 26, 2022
For Spiritual Tips and Orientations, Read this blog
Religion / Re: Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 11:15pm On May 26, 2022

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Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 10:46pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 10:11pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 8:22pm On May 26, 2022
Romance / Re: You'll Want To Plant Bay Leaf In Your Compound After Doing This. by SpiritualOT: 8:17pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 6:12pm On May 26, 2022
Politics / Re: Court To Pronounce Jonathan Qualified To Contest For 2023 President On Friday by SpiritualOT: 4:59pm On May 26, 2022

Alot of you are naive about spirituality. Confused about your spiritual life. You don't know who to talk to. You don't know what's up with your spiritual life. You don't know your left from right.

Your business is crashing, your marriage is crashing, and you can't have children. You can't secure a job, you're a victim of long time sickness. You can't find a spouse to marry. You're financially down.

Many have gone into depression, to the point of suicide. Thinking they can't make it in life again. Thinking they can't get out of the shackles of spiritual darkness and bondage that the enemies have put them. These are the kind of persons the enemies enjoy toying with because they know nothing about spirituality and it is only God that comes through for them.

Please worry no more, you now have someone to rely on. Let me put you through it. Let me be your mentor. Let me be your guardian. Let me have your time and keep you on the right track. We talk on the phone from time to time and have a friendly conversation. Don't give up.

Darkness can't stand light. We'll shine forever! No matter your current situation, you can still win �

This life is a race. Don't be left behind. Don't allow the enemies to rejoice over your downfall. There is a lot to know and to be done.

With a little token, you can join my mentorship program.

5,000 Naira Monthly For Nigerians.
30$ Monthly For Other Nationalities.

There's alot about this life you need to know.

To join my mentorship program, email: spiritualotmail@gmail.com

Romance / Re: You'll Want To Plant Bay Leaf In Your Compound After Doing This. by SpiritualOT: 4:52pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 4:52pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 4:51pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 4:11pm On May 26, 2022
Religion / Re: Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 4:11pm On May 26, 2022

After praying with the water do bath or drink it

The the complete article on my blog with the address below

Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 1:50pm On May 26, 2022
Please if you want to be mentioned also here on naira land whenever I post. Please kindly signify.
Religion / Re: This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 1:50pm On May 26, 2022
LikeAKing, Brytesp, Mattwillz, schoolboymatt, seeker121, maxlev1, dynicks, georjay, naijaboy756, Legendforte, Fyie,
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Religion / This Is The Reason Why People Don't Want To Help You. by SpiritualOT: 1:49pm On May 26, 2022
In the wicked world, we live in, witches and wizards get higher ranks based on the amount and level of wickedness they've done. So don't feel you've not offended anyone so no one can do you evil.

A witch can donate the life of her husband in the coven to get more power and rank. She can also donate any of her children. She can donate her only child. Likewise a wizard. Is that not a high level of evil? Now tell me who you are that a witch or wizard can't harm you.

My chiefs and ma'ams, we need to hold strong to God and spirituality so we'll not suffer from the shackle of evildoers.

When you feel depressed and things aren't working well for you, you're experiencing hardship and family, friends and loved ones don't want to help you. No one care about you. Your siblings with higher opportunities tend to help strangers than help you. Don't call them wicked, don't call them stingy. Don't tag them names that are not theirs.

The problem is you. You've been attacked by the evildoers, the witches and wizards. They've infected you with bad energy and placed a mark on your head that anyone who sees you will not like to associate with you. No one will want to help you. If you're into business, no one will want to patronize or partner with you. Your wife or husband will begin to lose love for you. Things will become tight. And whenever their co-witches and wizards see you anywhere, they'll like to do you more evil.

Witches operate like a network. If you leave your country for another country, they're still there. They don't show mercy, their primary duty is to do evil. So be spiritually alert.

Now, what you need to do if you're passing through the above issues are:

Keep reading on our blog with the address in the image below

Religion / Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 12:19pm On May 26, 2022
This will be thr simplest tip I've shared on this blog. And as simple as it is, it's as powerful as you might not think.

Apart from health benefit, there is a lot of spiritual benefits of water. Yes! Water. The same water you drink every day of your life. The same water you use to cook, wash, build and do all manners of things.

Quickly without hesitation, let's look at how we will be Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life.


1. It's good to do this in the middle of the night because this is the time the evildoers operate. 1 am to 3 am is their operation time. You can also do it anytime but preferably at midnight.

2. Get a glass of water or a bottle of water.

3. Pray over this water. Tell God to use this water to break every yoke that the enemies had planted in my life to hinder me from prosperity, from good health, from financial breakthrough. Pray that God uses this water to facilitate your breakthrough.

Keep reading in our blog through the address in the image below

Politics / Re: Cancelled Sit At Home: Tricycle, Bike Burnt In Nsukka (Pix,Video) by SpiritualOT: 11:00am On May 26, 2022

Politics / Re: Muhammad Abacha Wins Kano PDP Governorship Primary by SpiritualOT: 10:29am On May 26, 2022
This life is spiritual.
Check my profile
Religion / Re: Spiritual Orientation And Tips Thread Has Been Brought Down! Y'all Protest! by SpiritualOT: 10:26am On May 26, 2022
Whoever hinders one from seeking knowledge is definitely from the pit of hell & devil's mansion. Safe to say the moderators of this platform are agents of darkness. Spiritual OT, chief, what's your whatsapp digit

They can't stop us. We're now live on out blog. About 1000 people read that blog per day. A blog that I just open new. To tell you how people crave for my content and the evil mods are hating.

You can also join us over there with the address in the image below.

Romance / You'll Want To Plant Bay Leaf In Your Compound After Doing This. by SpiritualOT: 9:01am On May 26, 2022
Bay leaf has a lot of spiritual importance. In due time, we'll cover more of the importance of this blog.

In this post, we'll be looking at how to use the bay leaf to attract money or financial breakthrough.

It will be nice if you do this practice today after reading this post. I want to see y'all testimony on this because I've been doing this and it has been working for me. I do this whenever I have something I want to buy urgent and I'm down financially. In the space of three days max, money will locate me and my aim will be met. I also want you to benefit from this spiritual update. It's so simple to do.

Keep reading in our blog through the address in the image below

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Romance / Re: Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 8:55am On May 26, 2022
Read our blog

Romance / Re: Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 8:22am On May 26, 2022
Romance / Using Water To Break All Evil Yoke And Also Bring In Positivity Into Your Life. by SpiritualOT: 8:21am On May 26, 2022
This will be thr simplest tip I've shared on this blog. And as simple as it is, it's as powerful as you might not think.

Apart from health benefit, there is a lot of spiritual benefits of water. Yes! Water. The same water you drink every day of your life. The same water you use to cook, wash, build and do all manners of things.

Keep reading in our blog with the address in the image below

Romance / Re: Prepare And Use This Favour Soap And Thank Me Later. by SpiritualOT: 8:12am On May 26, 2022
Romance / Re: Prepare And Use This Favour Soap And Thank Me Later. by SpiritualOT: 11:47pm On May 25, 2022
Romance / Re: Prepare And Use This Favour Soap And Thank Me Later. by SpiritualOT: 10:51pm On May 25, 2022
Romance / Re: Prepare And Use This Favour Soap And Thank Me Later. by SpiritualOT: 10:46pm On May 25, 2022

Yes. Read the blog and learn more tips.
Romance / Prepare And Use This Favour Soap And Thank Me Later. by SpiritualOT: 10:40pm On May 25, 2022
Prepare this favour soap and bath and see how things work out for you. See how money locates you, how favour locate you, how jobs locate you, and how contracts and opportunities locate you.

I've been using this soap for a long time and I can testify that if you try this soap. Mehn! You'll come back here and sing amazing grace.

The sweetest part of this soap is that the ingredients are few and easy to get.

Sit back, relax and learn how to prepare this beautiful soap.

Pawpaw (papaya) has a lot of spiritual benefits and it's the major ingredient in the making of this soap.

Moving forward, the ingredients needed for the making of the soap are:
- Ripe pawpaw.
- Local Soap. (black or white)
- Sheer butter ( Ori as the Yorubas will call it)
- White container that has a cover.
- New Sponge.
- Mortal and Pestle Or Grinding Stone.

Preparation Of The Soap.

Continue reading our blog and also learn more tips and spiritual orientations on there through the address in the image below

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