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A Dinner To Remember - Literature - Nairaland

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A Night To Remember / A Dinner I Had With Devil / Dinner Conversation (2) (3) (4)

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A Dinner To Remember by LolaO(f): 11:43am On Apr 18, 2019
This is a short story about a family of five who invites their neighbour over for dinner.
However, things get ugly as someone decides to teach them a lesson they will never forget in a hurry.

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Re: A Dinner To Remember by LolaO(f): 2:02pm On Apr 18, 2019
The doorbell rang. The time was 6:48pm.
“I’ll get it!” Derin said as she walked to the door, she had a pink top on. A teenager who just couldn’t wait for her next birthday. She peeked through the peephole and smiled. “It’s Greg!” She said as she opened the door.

“Hi, Derin!” he said. “You hold on to that,” he smiled as he handed her a bottle of wine. “This one is heavy for your delicate self!” Referring to the big red wrapped box he carried. Greg was in his early thirties, he was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with a jacket on top.

“Wow!” She said excitedly. “Mummy will devor this, trust me!” She smiled back, “Oh, you seriously had to drive to our house?” On noticing his black SUV packed in front of the house.
“I can explain,” he replied, “see, the thing is…”
“The box is too heavy for you to carry?” She interjected.

“Well,” he remarked as he nodded, “You’re smarter than you look young lady. Maybe you should run for President when you are older!”
“Apparently my parents aren’t spending their money to get me a good education for nothing.” She giggled, “Please come in!” She turned, “Mom! Dad! Greg is here!”
Greg followed her as he panted.

“I can see you’ve changed your glasses again!” She said.
“Naa!” He responded, “I changed the frame!”
“You know one thing I like about you, Greg?” She said.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“Aside from your dashing personality…” she added, …” You are too generous for a neighbor!” Is the box heavy? You can just…”
“No, it’s okay.” He interjected, “Doesn’t weigh much!”
“Okay,” she remarked, “So how was service today?”
“Just the usual chatter.” He replied. “It was good, not my favorite Pastor though.”
“Oh, is that why you left very early?” She asked. “We took some photos, it was fun. You missed!”
“Yeah,” he said. “Had some things to do.”
“Oh I see!” She responded. “Samantha kept bugging us with her usual, “where’s Uncle Grey.”
“Uncle Grey!” mumbled a little girl as she ran towards him. “Oh, hey Divine!” he said.
“Speak of the devil!” Derin said, she gave way for her kid sister to pass.
“Uncle Grey bought present for me?” Divine asked as she hugged his legs. “Yes, I did.” He replied, “And I am sure you’re going to love it.”
“Easy, Divine!” Derin said. “It’s Mr. Greg, not Uncle Grey. Get off of him, the box looks heavy. Go to mommy! Come on, shoo!’
“Take it easy on her,” he said, “She’s just a kid.”

He dragged his leg cautiously to avoid pushing Divine to the ground.
“Yeah, right.” Derin said, “This bug buzzes worse than a bunch of bees! She walked to the dining area. Her mother walked in from the kitchen holding a bowl filled with Akara balls.

“Yum! Yum!” said Dapo as he walked behind holding some plates. He was a timid teenager. “Mummy, why do you allow this riff-raff into the kitchen?” Derin said.
“Because someone refused to lend me a helping hand?” Said her mother as she placed the bowl on the dining table.
“You have no idea what I saw him doing with a dead rat at school on Tuesday!” Derin added.

“Hey, Mrs. Adenuga!” Greg said. “You seem to be getting into shape lately!” “Oh thank you, Greg!” She replied, “Been seriously working out.” She giggled, “Got to stay in shape in order to get rid of the competition, you know what I mean?’ She winked as she laughed, “You arrived on time. Sorry, we’re starting a bit late, my husband came home a little late from the store. See why we women prefer to do the shopping ourselves?

“And I thought the late thingy is the other way around!” Greg said. “Where do I put this?”
“Are you kidding me,” said a male voice as a bald-headed man in his late-forties walked down the stairs, “Honey, if it was you that went to the market, we’d still be waiting for your return by now with spoons in between our teeth!”
“Yeah, right!” She responded.

“Hello!” Greg said, still holding on to the box.
“I can’t wait to eat these delicious delicacies.” Mr. Dele Adenuga added as he walked to his wife, he kissed her. “You smell like heaven, honey!”
“You guys should get a room, please!” Derin said, “Ugh!”
“We own the house young lady,” Mr. Adenuga responded, “me and ma baby we own this C-R-I-B, shorty, you got that?” He bounced as he mimicked a rapper. He then turned to Greg with his hand stretched, “Dude, what’s that you’re holding?”
“Oh, nothing much.” He said, “Just a gift for the family.
Divine poked him, “Gift for me?” she mumbled, “My box?”
“No, Divine!” Greg said, “Yours is a special one!” He smiled.
“Mine special?” Divine added, “You buy me doll?” She giggled.
“I’ve got something more beautiful for you,” he said as he managed to hold the box with one hand.

He slipped his right hand into his jacket and pulled out a small box then handed it to her.
“What is it?” She said as she snatched the small box from his hand.
“Open it!” He replied.
Divine tore the small box.
“Easy, young lady,” Mr. Adenuga said. “Don’t behave like your mother the day I proposed to her!”
“Don’t you ever get tired of telling people that story, Deji?” Mrs. Adenuga said.
“Mammy! Look! Uncle Grey bought for me this.”
“Wow!” Mrs. Adenuga responded as she leaned and picked Divine up. “Greg! Oh my…” She headed towards him, “A golden bracelet? Isn’t this too much?”

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Re: A Dinner To Remember by Finalfantasy: 9:31am On Nov 04, 2019
It's a crime to start a story, get hooked viewed and you don't finish it
Re: A Dinner To Remember by uzoexcel(m): 6:03pm On Nov 06, 2019
please complete this tale ma'am
Re: A Dinner To Remember by Hassanelbash799: 10:31am On Nov 11, 2019
please complete this tale ma'am

Hello bro, pls I really need ur help on AFEPA scholarship.
I have been trying so hard to find ur contact..
Pls message me on WhatsApp on 0. 8. 1. 7. 9 4. 6. 4. 8. 4 8
God bless u.... Pls...
Re: A Dinner To Remember by uzoexcel(m): 11:37am On Nov 11, 2019

Hello bro, pls I really need ur help on AFEPA scholarship.
I have been trying so hard to find ur contact..
Pls message me on WhatsApp on 0. 8. 1. 7. 9 4. 6. 4. 8. 4 8
God bless u.... Pls...

Re: A Dinner To Remember by Hassanelbash799: 8:48pm On Jan 18, 2020

I have.. Thanks, she haven't replied. U can contact me on WhatsApp 08179464648..
Thanks so much

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Obododike: The Series(1) / Watz D Coolest Line U Eva Read In A Book. / Gentlemen's Club. Sex Series.

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