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Crime / Re: Nollywood Filmmaker Sentenced To Five Years Imprisonment For Drug Trafficking by Pepperdemisback: 9:00pm On Feb 06
Na dem.

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Crime / Re: Keke Driver Spends One Year In Prison Over Slippers Worn By Friend (Video) by Pepperdemisback: 8:53pm On Feb 06

Wait till you hear the other side of the story
Maybe they said "Go and bring Police because of Ordinary Slippers", then waited to see their worst. The reporter only wanted to teach them a lesson but didn't know it will get to that level.
Crime / Re: Keke Driver Spends One Year In Prison Over Slippers Worn By Friend (Video) by Pepperdemisback: 8:50pm On Feb 06

Thank you for this. Look at Nigerians all over the comments responding to the sensational half baked report. When he is ready he will say what he and his friend did
Probably, insulted and dared the owner after taking them. They said slippers N100, is slippers even N100? What if it is? It was bought with their hard earned money.
Probably, they dared the people and those ones too didn't know the matter will escalate to that level.
Crime / Re: Keke Driver Spends One Year In Prison Over Slippers Worn By Friend (Video) by Pepperdemisback: 5:14pm On Feb 06

Over 100naira Old Slippers, He Enter Prison
Theft is theft! Thieves start from something small before they graduate to big ones.
The owner that called a Police might not know the case will degenerate into that. We can even guarantee that they didn't insult the owner.


Crime / Re: Keke Driver Spends One Year In Prison Over Slippers Worn By Friend (Video) by Pepperdemisback: 5:11pm On Feb 06
Because of bad friend, mind the kind of people you walk with.
Exactly! If the narration is true, the friend's family should have helped him out. The friend could have even raised the fund from fellow Keke riders cos those Union people always help themselves. He is just a bad person.


Crime / Re: Keke Driver Spends One Year In Prison Over Slippers Worn By Friend (Video) by Pepperdemisback: 5:07pm On Feb 06
Ebenezer Obey said "Oro akoba, Edumare O ni je ka ri"
They might have even said "Lo pe Olopa wa nitori aloku slippers N100.

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Family / Re: "My Wife And My Children Beat Me Up" Man Cries Out In Church by Pepperdemisback: 2:23pm On Feb 06

They must be very strong to be collecting 2by2 plank on the daily, your ozuo tribe are known to be cowards that cant even stand a shove.
Strong indeed!
Family / Re: "My Wife And My Children Beat Me Up" Man Cries Out In Church by Pepperdemisback: 5:02pm On Feb 05
The crazy thing is he is even negotiating when to get beat. I don't do violence against women or anyone but when she wants to claim street tough put her in her rightful place. A woman he would have slapped away her front teeth completely when she sees her front teeth on the floor she go wise.
I guess that was what was funny to the congregation. Very stupid statement from a foolish coward.


Family / Re: "My Wife And My Children Beat Me Up" Man Cries Out In Church by Pepperdemisback: 5:00pm On Feb 05

This is NOT a man!

Fool is even NEGOTIATING with a woman when to get BEATEN.

This is what happens when you tolerate a LITTLE disrespect from women. It quickly snowballs into a MOUNTAIN of disdain and maltreatment.

The moment a woman disrespects you, caution her HARSHLY.
If it happens AGAIN, discharge her IMMEDIATELY!

But if a woman makes the UNGODLY mistake of raising her hands against you in violence, WRECK her!

You owe it to yourself and your ENTIRE generation to beat her like Bongo Drums.

This guy let his wife beat him up and now her BASTARDS (children are definitely NOT his) have joined in.

A whole HEAD of the family have been reduced to the family PUNCHING bag.


If the situation was reversed and it's the wife reporting DOMESTIC VIOLENCE to the congregation, every one of them would be lining up to LYNCH the husband.

But now that it's the husband being PUMMELED by his wife, it's COMEDY.

Gender based violence and Judgement is real!
I saw the debate somewhere.

The congregation was laughing at him because he is a man and suppose to be stronger to resist beating from a woman. If he can be able to defend himself, the woman's action shouldn't have been a recurring decimal.

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Family / Re: "My Wife And My Children Beat Me Up" Man Cries Out In Church by Pepperdemisback: 4:55pm On Feb 05
It can only be igbo, they disrespect their parent like kilode
You don't even need to guess.
Ironically, he will be online boasting, chest beating and shouting "Drop Location".
Did you read "He said the woman should beat him only when the children are not around?
Hand go meet you when you reach house, no worries.

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Family / Re: "My Wife And My Children Beat Me Up" Man Cries Out In Church by Pepperdemisback: 4:51pm On Feb 05
What else do you expect from where parents are woken up with Bicycle Kick and greeted with 2by2 plank at the back of their heads?

17 Likes 2 Shares

Properties / Re: Five-Year-Old Boy Sets House On Fire In Kwara by Pepperdemisback: 2:55pm On Feb 05

It is like she was watching you. As soon as she saw your eyes closed, she struck cheesy cheesy
That's what I am saying, if it was a deep sleep, something might have happened just like that.
Travel / Re: One Dead, Six Injured In Abeokuta-Ibadan Highway Accident by Pepperdemisback: 2:53pm On Feb 05
The same ones will complain that they don't know why people are missing in their State.

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Crime / Re: My Daughter Not Responsible For US Based Nigerian Doctor's Death..father by Pepperdemisback: 3:23pm On Feb 04

I also thought van lare was her 2nd husband but I read somewhere that he's the 3rd, she went on to marry the divorce attorney that handled her divorce from van lare and the marriage crashed within a year. Last I heard, she had returned to Nigeria and is about to reunite with the "husband of her youth" who may be married btw. I've not been active on Facebook to see how that went. What offed me is the way women carry their relationship and marriage issues to her page for advice. What kind of advice do you want to get from a woman that cannot keep a stable relationship? She has 3 daughters and a son and for their sake, I hope the apple falls far far away from the tree.
Lesson learnt, Never go to a Doctor whose office is sorrounded by dead plants.
Properties / Re: Five-Year-Old Boy Sets House On Fire In Kwara by Pepperdemisback: 3:19pm On Feb 04
There is a reason why "keep out of the reach of children" is clearly written on so many items because kids have ZERO sense of safety.

The guardians are to be blamed for this
You can't be too careful with children.
One child was brought to my house one day, ckos the mother wasn't around. I tried to monitor her throughout, I was just dozing off for less than a minute, she went to the main socket, that's a box with many switches and tried to turn them on and off. I just opened my eyes and she quickly retracted. All in less than a minute.

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Properties / Re: Five-Year-Old Boy Sets House On Fire In Kwara by Pepperdemisback: 3:15pm On Feb 04
Did the five year old boy die?

You guys are being sentimental, I was only curious how he could drop a match in a combustible material that was strong enough to burn down the house and be perfectly fine.

The report doesn't say anything about the kid.
And where did you read that the house was burnt down?
Crime / Re: My Daughter Not Responsible For US Based Nigerian Doctor's Death..father by Pepperdemisback: 12:32pm On Feb 03

He is a popular Facebook public figure that brags about his 5 failed marriages and Playboy lifestyle. He was the 70-year-old man whose story made fp about bedding over 200 women and threatened to release their names. His most publicised marriage was to another serial divorcee Amara Nwosu who has reunited with her first husband after 4 failed marriages. This is why it's very important to look deep into the background of whoever you want to marry to avoid stories that touch. We can only hope news of Amara's daughters messy divorces won't start making the rounds when the time comes.
I didn't know Amara married reach 4. The same first husband that she said was putting bullet proof around his own room, that she had to go and sleep in Police Station?

This same Amara is a relationship expert that teaches her sheepies to vacate their husbands' homes and divorce immediately. But she is getting married over and over, after some fools have left their homes.
Crime / Re: Court Sets The Viral Pepper Soup "Poison" Girl Free by Pepperdemisback: 1:50pm On Feb 01

Which kind conclusion?
The generator which fumes killed them was right there and the poor girl never cooked any peper soup, never even came there that day
If she wasn't there, why was she targeted?
Crime / Re: Court Sets The Viral Pepper Soup "Poison" Girl Free by Pepperdemisback: 1:48pm On Feb 01

Not when it comes to capital murder

And they almost lynched her o. When it was clearly generator fumes that killed them!
She should have died a fool!
How can a man dump you, then ask you to cook Pepper soup for himself, his new girlfriend and friends and you agree to do that?
Crime / Re: Court Sets The Viral Pepper Soup "Poison" Girl Free by Pepperdemisback: 1:41pm On Feb 01
Good for her>

Somebody say Awoof no dey kill. grin
You dumped a girl, later go chop Im Peppersoup. On the other hand, man dump you, still ask you to go cookPeppersoup.
No be juju be that?
Politics / Re: Judges, Lawyers Flee Imo State High Court Over Fears Of Collapse by Pepperdemisback: 4:03pm On Jan 31
Rochas Okorocha just littered the entire state with substandard projects. Just a few years after the end of his administration, all his key projects have collapsed.
Since when did Rochas leave office?
Foreign Affairs / Re: Americans Lambast Trump Over Prices Of Eggs, Gas And Groceries by Pepperdemisback: 3:58pm On Jan 31
Yorubas lambast Trump because they hate him..

Nigerians lambadts Tinubu because he's government of nepotism is killing the masses with hunger and starvation.
It seems Sanwo Olu has not sent drugs to Yaba left.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Americans Lambast Trump Over Prices Of Eggs, Gas And Groceries by Pepperdemisback: 3:54pm On Jan 31
Stop spreading false rumors. 3$ to 11$. I known immediately that it was false
1. What's the meaning of I known?

2. You didn't see December in what you quoted?

Manual works are done by migrants who cannot get office jobs, They are also mainly paid instantly after works. It has been said before, that it will affect a lot of things.
Migrants value these money because they change to their Local currencies. If you want to employ a real American to work in your Poultry or do household jobs especially when workers are scarce, you will have to pay more.


Celebrities / Re: Where Is Foreign Affairs On Nairaland Dashboard? by Pepperdemisback: 6:16pm On Jan 30
Go to the politics section. Scroll to the very top of the page. You will see the foreign affairs section there.
Ok. Thanks.
Celebrities / Where Is Foreign Affairs On Nairaland Dashboard? by Pepperdemisback: 11:31pm On Jan 29
I have being seeing news under Foreign Affairs section on Nairaland but I can't find Foreign Affairs on Nairaland dashboard.
Am I alone or it is not meant for everybody?

Crime / Re: Woman Arrested For Battering 13-year-old Househelp In Imo by Pepperdemisback: 11:24pm On Jan 29
make cow jam ur stupid papa
Na so, your mama dey talk to your Papa?
Celebrities / Re: Daddy Freeze Drops Bomb : 2face’s Rumored New Lover Is A High-ranking Politician by Pepperdemisback: 11:22pm On Jan 29
This Orange goat will talk about everything in this World, except the married woman he fvcked to have that his son.
Adulterous idiot with Grandiose delusion.
Crime / Re: Woman Arrested For Battering 13-year-old Househelp In Imo by Pepperdemisback: 6:34pm On Jan 25
is better than agbero and skull mining
Is that your father's profession?
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Bars Transgender Women From U.S. Female Prisons by Pepperdemisback: 6:32pm On Jan 25

And he keeps getting your attention. Over 5million of you follow Shim on Instagram
Take your useless Grandiose delution off my mention!
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Bars Transgender Women From U.S. Female Prisons by Pepperdemisback: 8:48am On Jan 25

Some no dey commot their dick.

Remember it's everywhere that Bobrisky dey fck him housemaids on a steady.

Same way him dey fck Toto decay that year.

Turn to woman still come dey give real women correct lashing with long dick.

Talk about eating your cake and having it at the same time 😂
Bobrisky is just an attention seeker and one of the so-called Content creators.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Bars Transgender Women From U.S. Female Prisons by Pepperdemisback: 8:44am On Jan 25
Bobrisky hw far

Useless transgendered
You saw him in the Court, there's nothing on his body. He is just an attention seeker.

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