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MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities - Educational Services - Nairaland

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Tution Free Universities In Germany-(work,study And Scholarship Opportunities) / Study In Cyprus With Scholarship Opportunities. / Undergraduate, Post-graduate, Masters And Phd Scholarship In Europe (2) (3) (4)

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MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 2:41pm On Dec 10, 2012
I have always thought on what to contribute to this great community of Nairalanders and other Nigerians. Hence, I have decided to make my own modest contribution. I would be constantly updating this subject matter with latest information at least once weekly. I hope this helps!

I hope the moderator would oblige me the comfort of posting the links to these scholarship opportunities.

CAVEAT: Please do not give money to anyone not even the poster on these scholarship opportunities. Kindly feel free to contact the schools if possible to find out more.

For now let me leave you with this- word on the marble-“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” - Aristotle
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 3:15pm On Dec 10, 2012
Doctoral Scholarship for African Students in the field of Agricultural Economics at University of Bonn in Germany, 2012( Application Deadline 15-12-2012)

2013 IRO Doctoral Scholarship for Developing Countries Students in Belgium(Application Deadline 15-01-2013)

2013 CERGE-EI PhD Scholarships in Economics for International Students in Czech Republic(Application Deadline 28-02-2013)

Masters and PhD Scholarship in Risk and Emergemcy Management(REM), Italy (Application Deadline,28-02-2013)

Development Scholarships at Charles University in Czech Republic, 2013/14 for Social Sciences (Application Deadline 15-04-2013, Note this scholarship is strictly for undergraduates and Masters, with conditionality attached)

nternational PhD Fellowships in Neurosciences at Charité – University Medicine in Germany, 2013

International PhD Fellowships in Neurosciences at Charité – University Medicine in Germany, 2013(Application Deadline,07-01-2013)

Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences(BAGSS)call for Doctoral Applications/Scholarships(Application Deadline 19-12-2013)

PhD Fellowship in Physics at IMPRS Elementary Particle Physics in Germany, 2013 (Application Deadline 07-02-2013)
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 2:09pm On Dec 13, 2012
2013/2014 University of Mauritius-IDRC Masters in Social Protection Fellowships in Mauritius

2013 Joan Cuthill PhD Scholarship in Art History at University of Aberdeen in UK

PhD Research Positions in Network Protocols and Algorithms, Wireless Networking and Energy-efficient Networking at University Carlos III of Madrid in Spain, 2013(Deadline Feb.,2013)

SECL 50th Anniversary Graduate Teaching Assistant Scholarships for PhD Students, 2013/14 UK-subject Areas:Classical and Archaeological Studies, Comparative Literature, English Language and Linguistics, French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian, Philosophy, and Religious Studies

PhD stipends in mathematics, statistics, insurance mathematics, and mathematical finance(University of Copenhagen);Deadline 03-01-2013

Ph.D position at CENTER FOR PERMAFROST (CENPERM) at the Department of Geography and Geology,University of Copenhagen;Deadline 21-01-2013

The University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, announces a number of vacant PhD scholarships available from September 2013;Deadline 20-02-2013

Two PhD scholarships in microalgal biotechnology at University of Copenhagen;Deadline 01-02-2013

PhD in The Economics of the Internationalisation of the Law at the Institute of Law and Economics,Universität Hamburg(Application Deadline 31-01-13)

PhD Studentships Imperial College Business School,London; Deadline on Jan 07, 2013
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by Femicrux: 7:15am On Dec 14, 2012
Nice. Would like to receive further updates.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 6:06pm On Dec 14, 2012

What happened to the post of yesterday?

Did I commit any offence by my post?

Sometimes, I wonder the rationale of hiding one's post here on Nairaland, I see this as abuse of administrative privileges.

I await to get an answer on why the post of yesterday was hidden.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by Odunnu: 3:42pm On Dec 18, 2012
That was pyguru the spambot. Sorry about that
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 4:12pm On Dec 19, 2012
2013 MSc/ PhD Fellowships in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Heidelberg University in Germany

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships MSc Program in Mathematical Modelling for Engineering (MathMods) 2013/2015

Doctoral Research Fellowship in Innovation Studies at University of Oslo in Norway, 2013

2013 Doctoral Scholarships in the framework of the Interfaculty Council for Development Co-operation (IRO,KU Leuven,Belgium

2013 PhD Research Positions in Network Protocols and Algorithms, Wireless Networking and Energy-efficient Networking at Institute IMDEA Networks,Spain

2013 Doctoral Fellowship in Systems Biomedicine

MBA Luxury Brand Management and Global Fashion Media scholarships,2013
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 2:55pm On Dec 21, 2012
Scholarships for European Master’s Course in Software Engineering (EMSE), 2013-2015

MIDS-Managed Scholarships for Developing Countries in Switzerland, 2013

2013/14 Research Project Awards (in the fields of law, philosophical ethics and theological ethics and their various junctures)@University of Aberdeen in UK

Scholarships for degree seeking international PhD students at TTU,Estonia

University of York PhD Studentships in Economics

PhD Studentship in Economics(Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy),University of Sussex

1 Like

Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 3:13pm On Dec 26, 2012
MSc Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour Scholarships @ CIIM, Cyprus, Application Deadline 14012013

MSc Finance & Banking Scholarships@CIIM, Cyprus,Deadline 140113

MBA Scholarships@CIIM, Cyprus,Deadline 14012013

University of Twente Master Scholarship in at least 20 fields of study,2013,Deadline 30032013

PhD position in Molecular Genetics,Stockholm University, Deadline 10012013

2013 PhD Studentships in Psychology and Neuroscience at University of St Andrews in UK, Deadline 010213
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by dljbd1(m): 3:25pm On Dec 26, 2012
awesome posts!
Searched for Masters in Physics. Only saw PhD. Pls update on Physics Masters.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by izzylove24: 11:46am On Dec 27, 2012
plz am writing my thesis now,can anyone help me with the name of the site i can visit to get an alraedy done research thesis to enable me gather more ideas in order for me to complete me thesis work? thanks God bless anyone that will render help.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 5:03pm On Dec 27, 2012

Please let others feel free to contribute their own quota as well on the subject matter.

I would implore everyone to tailor their posts to the captioned and please do well to direct 'skewed' questions to other relevant posts or perhaps open a new post and I am sure people would address your questions/concerns .


Thanks to you all! I hope to cover new grounds tomorrow by God's grace!
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 12:53pm On Dec 28, 2012
Romanian State to foreign citizens through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(2013- 2014 academic year)-Bsc,Msc and PhD

International Master’s Scholarship covering most fields of study@University of Oulu,2013/2014;Deadline 310113

PhD Positions in Operations, Economics and Strategy,Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL);Deadlines- January 15th, 2013(Early Application),April 15th, 2013(Late)

PhD Positions – Microeconomic Theory/Industrial Organization/Public Economics/Political Economy/Behavioral Economics/Experimental Economics/Neuroeconomics(Deadline 210113)

PhD Student in Applied Mathematics “Super-resolution microscopy: sharpening by calculation”,University of Amsterdam(Deadline-280213)

PhD candidate in Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing @ University of Luxembourg;Deadline 310113
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 1:07pm On Dec 31, 2012
Full MBA Scholarships at Bournemouth University, UK (Deadline 310513)

Doctoral Studentships in Political Science @ Lund University, Sweden(Deadline 150213)

PhD Position in Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Astronomical Data Analysis, University of Copenhagen(Deadline 280213)

Joint International Master(Erasmus Mundus)in Smart Systems Integration(SSI) - Deadline 100213

Erasmus Mundus MSc in Marine Environment and Resources(Deadline 250113)

Tuition Free with Stipends for Master of Science in Software Engineering(Joint Master's Degree – University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia);Deadline:160413

Wishing everyone of you a much more blissful 2013!
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 1:13pm On Jan 03, 2013
DIW Graduate Center’s Doctoral Program in Economics
Deadline:310313; http://www.diw.de/gc

Netherlands Fellowship Programmes( PhD, Master’s Degree programmes and Short Course applications),Deadline:050213

International Foundation for Science (IFS) Research Opportunities,Deadline 270113

PhD Effects of shore nourishment on dune vegetation dynamics,Wageningen University;Deadline 210113

PhD Development of a cyanobacterial photosynthetic platform for à la carte biocatalysis;Deadline 310113

Tuition Free/Stipends for Joint Masters in Economics (JME)-Charles University in Prague & The Economics Institute of The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic;Deadline 010213; https://www.cerge-ei.cz/joint-masters-program/welcome
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 5:12pm On Jan 10, 2013
Doctoral studentship in molecular biophysics,Deadline 310113

CEU(Budapest,Hungary) MASTER’S AND DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS, 2013-14; Deadline 240113

PhD paid student positions: Networked Systems Security,deadline 310113

Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies,deadline 310113

PhD position in Psychology@ Uppsala University, deadline 280213

Tuition Fee Waivers for Selected Masters programme at University of Boras 2013/2014(Apply on or before 150113 and complete application on or before 010213)

PhD Paid Position in Statistics @ The Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA,Belgium;Deadline 011213

The Beijing Scholarship for International Students(BSc,Masters, and PhD),2013
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 5:18pm On Jan 16, 2013
Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships to Foreign Students Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies)- Deadline 140213

IMPRS International PhD Program at University of Tuebingen in Germany, 2013 (Application Deadline 07032013)

Masters in Health Economics and Management (HEM)@ University of Bologna (Tuition Fees Waver/Study Grants)- Deadline March,2013

Fellowships/Scholarships for MA Development Studies (Economics of Development Major)@ International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague - Deadline 010713

City University Doctoral Studentships in various fields of study (Deadlines - March/April 2013)

Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in translational metagenomics / human host- microbe interactions, University of Luxembourg, Deadline 310113
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by kingodeya: 7:43am On Jan 18, 2013
Where are u pls.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 8:11pm On Jan 24, 2013
Doctoral Scholarship in Molecular biology, bioinformatics, plant-stress physiology and climate change at University of Technology Sydney in Australia (Deadline 240213)

PhD Program in Molecular Medicine at Hannover Medical School in Germany, 2013; Deadline 010413

Scholarship Program for International Students in Taiwan(BSc, Masters,and PhD);Deadline-150313

UNU-IAS PhD Fellowship Programme for Researchers of Developing Countries in Japan, 2013; Deadline 280213

The Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) for International Students(Masters and PhD), 2013/14 (Deadline 310313)

International PhD Program in Epidemiology and Public Health at University of Tampere in Finland, 2013/14 (Deadline 150313)

PhD Programme in Physics @ Max Planck Institute, Germany (Deadlines 310113/310713)

Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Law@University of Luxembourg(Deadline 1501313)

PhD position in Law @Uppsala University, Sweden(Deadline 010313)

PhD position – Filtration and loading of nanomaterials for air quality and workplace safety (80%);Deadline 010313
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 1:05pm On Feb 01, 2013
Doctoral Scholarship in Public Economics@Max-Planck Institute,Munich, Germany (Deadline 120413)

PhD in Economics@University of Bologna, Italy(Deadline 250313)

International Doctoral Program in Economics@Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa (Pisa, Italy);Deadline 070513

Paid PhD Positions in Strategy & Entrepreneurship@ERIMS, Netherlands;Deadline 150313

PhD Position - Transport of Fluids in Trees using Advanced Experimental Methods@ETH,Zurich,Switzerland(Deadline 300413)

MBA Fellowships for Developing Countries at ESMT in Germany(Deadline 300913)

Czech University of Life Sciences Dean's Scholarship for MSc Land and Water Management, Nature Conservation and Environmental Modelling (Deadline 310313)

Technology Governance programme scholarships/Tuition Free Master's in Selected Courses with likelihood of monthly stipends at TTU, Estonia (Deadline 010513)

European Master(Erasmus Mundus) in Software Engineering (EMSE);Deadline 250213

Doctoral student positions on Multiscale Bio-Systems@Max Planck Institute,Germany (Deadline 250213)
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 4:16pm On Feb 07, 2013
MSc Scholarships Economics and Finance@IHS, Vienna, Deadline 010313

Radboud Master's Scholarship Programme,Netherlands (Deadline 010313)

PhD position in biophysics/ultrafast spectroscopy f/m, VU, Amsterdam (Deadline 150313)

Open PhD position - Treatment of GBS in Elderly Patients, University of Bern (Deadline 280213)

Paid PhD Positions in Marketing, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Deadline 150313

PhD student positions in Railway , Chalmers,Sweden (Deadline 280213)
Contact: johan.ahlstrom@chalmers.se

PhD / Fully Funded Postgraduate Studentships in Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent, UK (Deadline April/June,2013)

Doctoral College Studentships at University of Brighton, UK (Deadline June,2013)

MSc/PhD fellowship program,HBIGS, Germany (Application between 01 February and 15 March,2013)
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 12:46pm On Feb 14, 2013
Master's in Quantitative Finance@Bologna with Financial Aid (Deadline 080513)

Paid PhD Position in Decision Sciences (Deadline 150413)

Doctoral Fellowships in Economics and Business,Humboldt,Berlin (Deadline 310313)

Doctoral Student Position in Physics at University of Luxembourg in Luxembourg (Deadline 010313)

Nigerian Young Entrepreneur PG Scholarships( 50% tuition fee reduction) at Edinburgh Napier University in UK (Deadline 310513)


Doctoral Fellowship in Sociology or Political Science at Max Planck-Sciences Po Center in Germany (Deadline 150313)

PhD Studentship in "Computer simulation of fragment binding in protein systems”,University of Southampton, UK
Contact Details:http:jwe1@soton.ac.uk;PGApply.FNES@soton.ac.uk

Ph.D. student position in Analytical Chemistry@ETH,Switzerland (Deadline 310313)
http://www.zenobi.ethz.ch/ or http://www.chebana.eu
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by dljbd1(m): 8:13pm On Mar 19, 2013
Please, help me with Masters in Physics (Energy and Environmental Physics precisely) with any other options as well. Gratitude! smiley smiley
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by dharreyflap: 11:48am On Mar 28, 2013
Find out more about ongoing projects on both campuses of the university
FUOYE has established partnership with popularly known Academic Online databases.The number keeps increasing!
for more details click here http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 11:35am On Apr 04, 2013
PhD Opportunities(Sciences and Engineering) in Politechnico Milano

Tuition Free Masters in Social Sciences,University of Tubigen, Germany

Master's Scholarship Opportunities Available in Finance, Economics and Risk Management

PhD Opportunities (Sciences and Social Sciences),IMT Lucca,Italy

PhD Opportunities in Social Sciences,University of Bamberg,Germany

PhD Opportunities in Sciences and Engineering,DTU,Denmark
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by cconcept: 12:21pm On Apr 04, 2013
@nedostic, please check your email
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 11:01am On Apr 06, 2013
PhD scholarship in sociology with special emphasis on social network analysis,University of Copenhagen

Scholarships for Finance and Management Tracks in PhD/Master in Business and Quantitative Methods (MB&QM), U Carlos III, Madrid

Two Full PhD Scholarships in Economics, University of Nottingham UK/Ningbo China(Joint Campus Programme)

Monthly Stipend for Selected Master's Programmes, University of Tallinn

International PhD Programme in Molecular Life Sciences,Vienna Biocenter

PhD Student in material science,Paul Scherrer Institute , Switzerland

PhD Scholarships(2) at the Civil Engineering Department, Dalhousie University,Canada
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by Odunnu: 11:28am On Apr 06, 2013
I should think that with your level of education you should atleast know and utilise the basic form of complaining without insulting.
I have had it up here with your numerous insults each time the spambot hits. Just one more from you and i'll take action against you.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by lioncoolst(m): 11:30am On Apr 06, 2013
coolNice job, Poster.
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by achu442(m): 1:30pm On Apr 06, 2013
Please help me find masters for international business or international marketing.Thanks
Re: MASTER'S AND Phd Scholarship Opportunities by nedostic: 11:14pm On Apr 06, 2013

I never meant to insult you. I was only expressing my anger because some times I get frustrated over here.

On few occasions, I have both been banned as well as my posts being hidden for reasons I do not know.

I almost gave up posting in this forum but I had a rethink sometime this week considering the spill-over effect.

By and large, please do something about the spambot because its really frustrating!

So don't take it personal, I know you are doing a yeoman's job as the moderator of this forum. Kudos to you!

@ Others,

Please my candid advice is for everyone of you who might need help to do a 'Google' search on subject areas I might not have access to. Its a pity I cannot help but I would try as much as I could to come up with any relevant info. So please bear with me.

More so, I would want others to help out as well by posting relevant info. Lets try to collaborate more by sharing timely information on the subject matter. I am a firm believer in knowledge sharing and open innovation!

Success stories emanating from this thread wont be out of place.

Finally, I am so sorry that I cannot help on an individual basis and please I don't expect anyone to write me via email.

Pax Vobiscum!

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