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Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing - Religion - Nairaland

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Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 2:49pm On Apr 12, 2013
This post is addressed to Prof Steven Hawking- please if you have contact with him, kindly draw his attention to this post.

I have had this vision for along time and like the biblical Jonah, i danced around announcing it, but i cant anymore.

Dear Prof Hawkins,
The message is simple, you were created for a single purpose and that purpose is about to be fulfilled, you are meant to be a marvel to the world, a manifestation of the Glory of God - John 9:3. Thus says the Lord - If only thou shall declare/believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior, then shall thou be Healed, be made completely whole.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by ooman(m): 4:29pm On Apr 12, 2013
^^^exactly what I think of the religious and the idea of God. Both are frauds.
Now you want to prey on Hawkins, use his condition to lie to him and force your fraudulent God on him.

when will you learn. Hawkins knows better than to pray to a mute dumb God.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 4:32pm On Apr 12, 2013
^^ Hi there,
there is nothing to really argue about, no one is falling prey to anyone/gimmicks- it is a Word for him. All Prof Hawkins needs to do is only say the word and he shall be healed.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by ooman(m): 4:38pm On Apr 12, 2013
byns: ^^ Hi there,
there is nothing to really argue about, no one is falling prey to anyone/gimmicks- it is a Word for him. All Prof Hawkins needs to do is only say the word and he shall be healed.

I can never say the victimizing word even if I have 1 more second to live and am certain Hawkins too knows enough than to fall victim of you taking advantage of his situation.

stop mocking him. stop taking advantage of people situation to preach your god.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 5:10pm On Apr 12, 2013

I can never say the victimizing word even if I have 1 more second to live and am certain Hawkins too knows enough than to fall victim of you taking advantage of his situation.

stop mocking him. stop taking advantage of people situation to preach your god.
thanks for making your choice, atleast let him make his own decision. besides the question is what are you afraid of, how is the Word of God victimizing, how is it taking advantage of his situation?
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by ooman(m): 5:15pm On Apr 12, 2013
thanks for making your choice, atleast let him make his own decision. besides the question is what are you afraid of, how is the Word of God victimizing, how is it taking advantage of his situation?

why dont you see vision on someone whole and healthy, like Bill Gates or Richard Dawkins.

Go to the street of Lagos and preach to beggars, the would believe you because they lack intelligence.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 6:00pm On Apr 12, 2013

why dont you see vision on someone whole and healthy, like Bill Gates or Richard Dawkins.

Go to the street of Lagos and preach to beggars, the would believe you because they lack intelligence.
quit trying to derail this thread. I am not preaching, i have only come to state openly the Word i have specific for Prof. Stephen Hawkins. If anyone has ears, let him hear.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by ooman(m): 6:27pm On Apr 12, 2013
quit trying to derail this thread. I am not preaching, i have only come to state openly the Word i have specific for Prof. Stephen Hawkins. If anyone has ears, let him hear.

am not derailing the thread. Am only trying to tell you that you should not victimize people.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by Vansnickers: 8:07pm On Apr 12, 2013
LOL! Sorry mate, Hawkins is not naïve.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by snthesis(m): 11:04pm On Apr 12, 2013

am not derailing the thread. Am only trying to tell you that you should not victimize people.
victimize how is d op victimizing?
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 10:02am On Apr 15, 2013
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 3:30pm On Apr 16, 2013
byns: MODs- please i besiege you guys to place this on the Frontpage, give him a chance to view it and hear the Word for him. Thank you. This is not an advertisement neither is it a request for anything personal, it is simply a message, Thank you.
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by byns: 7:50am On Apr 23, 2013
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by Nobody: 8:29am On Apr 23, 2013
front page pls. lets give hawking a chance to reply
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by ooman(m): 4:26pm On Apr 23, 2013
jacobscros: front page pls. lets give hawking a chance to reply

you really think Hawkins is got time for rubbish??
Re: Professor Stephen Hawking- Your Healing by Yooguyz: 7:06pm On Apr 23, 2013
byns: This post is addressed to Prof Steven Hawking- please if you have contact with him, kindly draw his attention to this post.

I have had this vision for along time and like the biblical Jonah, i danced around announcing it, but i cant anymore.

Dear Prof Hawkins,
The message is simple, you were created for a single purpose and that purpose is about to be fulfilled, you are meant to be a marvel to the world, a manifestation of the Glory of God - John 9:3. Thus says the Lord - If only thou shall declare/believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior, then shall thou be Healed, be made completely whole.
i recieve the word on his behalf by the spirit in Jesus name.
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