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Chant Down Babylon - Poems For Review - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Poems For Review / Chant Down Babylon (1109 Views)

A Chant For My Nation … {isado}… / Ladies Of Babylon (2) (3) (4)

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Chant Down Babylon by Moukee(m): 8:18pm On May 28, 2006
[center][center][center]Mystery Babylon the Great,the Mother of harlots
and abominations
Shame on you
and your bloodsucking allies
for your sin of fornication
With Mama Afrika
when she was a black beautiful
Bringing the offsprings to misery
without rhyme or reason
And now, without controversy,
great is the mystery of Afrika
Dear Mama to Moukee and his siblings
When I was young,
I was made to rationalise
like a child
Now Iam a full grown monster
and vengeance is on my mind
Frankestein is my name
and I am stll livid with rage
Mama Africa used to be beautiful,
sleek like a python
And now that her boobs are flat,
let's see the magic in your silicon
Cocksucking Babylon is Berlin'd
for the conference of 1884
Graceful and resourceful damsel,
there's evil coming from the north
Babylon never sleeps until
mischief is accomplished
Phantasgomorical and
cosmological iniquity
Mama Afrika was badly bruised,
battered and finally dismembered
So shall Babylon be shatterd
and battered
A wise monkey doesn't monkey
with another monkey's monkey
Give me my dough,let's talk
about reparations
not association
Bleep you and your assimilation,
no room for repatriation
The table is turned
and you are at the receiving end
of the shit
Don't forget my name is Frankestein
and I'm a pain in your arse.[/center][/center][/center][center][center][/center][/center]
Re: Chant Down Babylon by nex(m): 8:38pm On Aug 15, 2009
Very strong words.
Re: Chant Down Babylon by ladman(m): 11:16am On Aug 27, 2009
mama afrika don suffer o, but all will be well.

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Shishi Biggs - An Entry / Introducing Iyeoka Okoawo-performance & Slam Poet Champion / Slutgarden

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