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MORINGA LEAF POWDER - Please Read - Adverts - Nairaland

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MORINGA LEAF POWDER - Please Read by FreshGreen: 12:44pm On Dec 04, 2013
Here is the richest plant richly put in place for you - MORINGA LEAVES, now turned powdered and well prepared by FreshGreen Africa.

FreshGreen Moringa Powder is made from the freshly harvested leaves of the MoringaOleifera tree. The nutrient powder is soft and fluffy, it dissolves easily in water and juice.

BENEFITS: Taking Moringa powder will provide you with many benefits that you will notice within just days of using it. Moringa leaf powder provides : ENERGY, FOCUS, STAMINA, MENTAL CLARITY, EMOTIONAL BALANCE, WEIGHT LOSS.

Moringa leaf powder is 10 x's the vitamin A of Carrots; 13 x's the potassium of Banana; 12 x's the vitamin C of Orange; 17 x's the calcium of milk; 25 x's the iron of Spinach; 9 x's the protein of yoghurt.

Moringa leaf powder prevents, controls and treats High/low Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Fever, Headaches, Migraines, Malnutrition, inflammation, Arthritis, Tumors, Ulcers, Impotency, Menstrual Disorder, Parasites. You can search online for more of the wonders of Moringa Leaf Powder richly created by God for human benefits.

HOW TO USE: A dosage of just one or two spoonfuls of Moringa powder provides you with a healthy amount of daily nutrients that your body can use with maximum efficiency. It can be taken with pap, juice, tea or water; it can be sprinkled on top of many dishes, including meats, stews, soups, and salads but do not cook it too long so as not to lose its nutrient.

PRICE: From FreshGreen Africa, a plastic pack of Moringa leaf powder of 60g is N1000/ $80, and minimum order is 2 packs. There is free delivery in Nigeria nationwide on 5 packs and above. We have cheaper prices if you want to buy and resell and for industries.

WHY YOU SHOULD GET YOUR MORINGA LEAF POWDER FROM FRESHGREEN AFRICA: From FreshGreen, you are guaranteed 100% Mroringa leaf powder without any mixture, safely and well prepared and packed in hygienic environment. No dilution, no dirt and no delay.

TO ORDER, please contact: FreshGreen Africa. Tel: (+234) 803 924 9751, 0811 390 6472. Email: originalplussupplies@gmail.com

FRESHGREEN AFRICA....enjoy the riches of plant!
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