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Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes - Politics - Nairaland

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Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by nairakobo: 4:13am On Aug 06, 2014
Militants abducted an estimated 276 high school girls from a boarding school in the middle of the night. Fifty three escaped shortly after being captured and four more escaped later, a Nigerian official said May 28. Another 60 women and girls had been abducted by June 24, AFP reported.
U.S. aerial surveillance images have spotted groups of girls in Boko Haram territory that are believed to be the kidnapped girls, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. The images match aerial images collected by Nigeria. The video allays fears that at least some of the girls have not been forced into sex slavery.
Authorities arrested a businessman they believe heads a Boko Haram intelligence network that planned the kidnapping of hundreds of girls and women and attacks on villages and government sites, the military said July 1. Two women accused of facilitating payments for abductions were also detained.
Nigerian Chief of Defense Staff Alex Badeh on May 26 said that military forces have found the location of the over 200 girls being held by Boko Haram. The military wouldn't release the location publicly and the U.S. didn't confirm the claim. Nigerian police had offered a $300,000 reward for information that leads to the location or rescue.
Sixty-three women abducted June 22 by Boko Haram escaped July 4 when the militants were away fighting Nigerian forces in Damboa, AP reported July 7, citing local official Pogu Bitrus and vigilante leader Abbas Gava. Boko Haram has carried out numerous kidnappings, including abducting hundreds of girls in April.

Nigerians have petitioned the government to rescue the girls. Many of the girls are believed to be held near the border of Cameroon in the Sambisa Forest, a suspected hideout of Boko Haram. Parents have complained that authorities have made limited efforts. Many parents launched their own searches.
"I can see those girls as my sisters… My birthday wish this year is… bring back our girls now and alive."
Malala, the Pakistani girl who survived an assassination attempt in Oct. 2012 when she was 15, was speaking to the parents of the abducted girls in Nigeria July 13. The teen activist for girls' rights will turn 17 on July 14.

A video obtained by AFP May 12 appeared to show more than 100 kidnapped girls. One of the girls said they were not harmed. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said in the video that the girls converted to Islam and wouldn't be released until the group's members are freed from imprisonment. Nigeria later rejected the demand.

Jonathan did not publicly mention the abductions until May 1, nearly three weeks after they occurred. The government has been engaged in a prolonged conflict with Boko Haram, which has launched several deadly attacks despite Jonathan pronouncing a state of emergency in May 2013.
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Nobody: 4:43am On Aug 06, 2014
At least they're moving foward. Maybe Jonathan's promise of finding the girls' soon will come to pass?
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Idrismusty97(m): 5:03am On Aug 06, 2014
↑ I thought they said they know where the missing girls are since May 27th. Why are they telling us again, or is this old news?


OP paste your source.
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by DaVinChiSam(m): 5:14am On Aug 06, 2014
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Afrocatalyst: 5:28am On Aug 06, 2014
Ober-serving the hypocrites...
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by 1goodman: 5:41am On Aug 06, 2014
just rescue d poor girls and women from d hands of ds bh
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Blaqsmith(m): 5:50am On Aug 06, 2014
Nigeria Government and ineptitude...smh
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by dexterush(f): 6:04am On Aug 06, 2014
They av been spotting dem since 1800 ....mtchewwww
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by phlemzy: 6:11am On Aug 06, 2014
I thought the fear of ebola made them forget dat we still haven't found the girls. I really expected these spy planes to have found these girls long ago.
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Descartes: 7:33am On Aug 06, 2014
Let it be true o embarassed cry
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Rufex07(m): 7:46am On Aug 06, 2014
what are the girls eating? how do they get food, water and medicals?
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by EMERITUS85(m): 8:17am On Aug 06, 2014


Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by Nobody: 8:29am On Aug 06, 2014
let d military take over. Jonatan is like Bible jonah, always sleeping.
Re: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls Spotted By Surveillance Planes by ojimbo(m): 8:29am On Aug 06, 2014
legend of the seeker

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