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"where Is The Missing Dollar?" - Forum Games - Nairaland

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"where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Lawo(m): 5:47pm On Aug 08, 2006
3 girls go to a motel. The front desk clerk tells them the room will cost $30 for the night. Each girl gives $10 to make out the 30.

Later that night, the clerk realized that the room was actually $25, not 30. So, he calls one of his co-worker and give him $5 to return to the girls.

On his way, the co-worker ask himself:" How am I going to share $5 to 3 girls?" So, he decides to give each $1 and keep the extra $2 for himself.

So, each girl actually paid $9 for the room ($10-$1). So, the total should be $9+$9+$9 = $27. If we add the $2 that the co-worker kept, we get $29.

The question is: "WHERE IS THE MISSING DOLLAR??"
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by iice(f): 6:00pm On Aug 08, 2006
hmmmmm okay so they paid $10 each for the room making it $30, however since the room is $25 and they recieved $1 refund, it doesnt necessarily mean that they paid $9 each coz $25 by 3 will give you some fractions, those fractions make up the missing dollar. . .gawwddd i hate math grin grin grin grin
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Lawo(m): 6:06pm On Aug 08, 2006
not bad iice, but if you pay $10 and you get back $1 dat means you paid out $9.
So you saying the missing dollar is in fractions that have dissappeared into thin air?
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by iice(f): 6:12pm On Aug 08, 2006
Ok you got me there lol, like i said i hate maths. . . sad tongue tongue
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Dojo(m): 4:12pm On Aug 09, 2006
There's no missing dollar. They paid 25 dollars plus the 3 they divided
plus the 2 taken by the co-worker = 30 dollars.
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by naijadiva2(f): 4:13pm On Aug 09, 2006
i have the missing dollar. you happy now.
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Dojo(m): 4:17pm On Aug 09, 2006
Pls leave me alone. angry
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by naijadiva2(f): 4:24pm On Aug 09, 2006
what are you talking about. my comment wasn't for you. it was for the thread and if it is for you. what are you going to do about it? huh?
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Dojo(m): 4:26pm On Aug 09, 2006
Actually, there's nothing I'm gonna do about it. You're just making me dislike you more and more. angry
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by naijadiva2(f): 4:27pm On Aug 09, 2006
so. i care because, lipsrsealed
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Busta(f): 5:39pm On Aug 09, 2006
thats a good one, makes u crack ur brains out!
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Oracle(m): 10:57pm On Aug 13, 2006
Naija_diva could you please return the dollar to the girlz ?
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by dolarpo(m): 10:48am On Sep 03, 2006
Its simple,
They were given $1 each, which means they paid $9*3=$27, instead of $25.
The co-worker is now to give them $2 which ie the extra on their payment. there is no missing $1 or N1 anywhere.

Now lets assume they were told it is $25 initially, they would have paid $8 each which would have landed at $24 and we can assume the missing dollar is what makes it $25, because if they were told that its no more $30 but now $24, each would have received his own share equally without the co-worker sneaking some into his pocket. so we could also say that the missing dollar was what made it $25 instead of $24.catching my breath
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Nobody: 6:55pm On Sep 22, 2007
in my pocket wink
get it, grin grin
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Amigoz(f): 8:05pm On Sep 22, 2007
Im looking at it right now grin
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by Nobody: 6:07pm On Oct 01, 2007

I'm looking at it right now grin
but you ain"t near it lol grin
Re: "where Is The Missing Dollar?" by ogrebuga(m): 5:56pm On Dec 06, 2007
They paid thirty dollars. Five was refunded. That leaves 25 with the manager. Meaning each girl paid 25/3 = 8.3333333.
1 dollar was refunded to each. That makes 9.33333 that each paid. 9.33333333 * 3 = 27.999999 ~ 28. And the Oh So considerate and thotful thief of a waiter/porter/wateva has the remaining 2 dollars. 28+2=30

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