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Today's Tonic by Gkings(m): 6:46pm On Sep 01, 2006
Dr. D. K. Olukoya

This week, we are looking at a topic which I feel you should give very serious attention. It is entitled, "The Rage of the Enemy." Why do the enemies rage, and against who? What is the outcome of their rage? What are we to do when the enemy is raging? Find out as you read on.

Psalm 2:1- 12 says: "Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us, He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then He shall speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure: Yet I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son: this day have I begotten thee, Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shall break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him."

Let us look at verses 1-2 closely: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us."

What is the reaction of God? Verse 4 says, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision." Close your eyes and take this prayer point: My God and I shall laugh the enemy to scorn, in Jesus' name. Psalm 7:6 says, "Arise, Oh Lord, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgement that thou hast commanded."

When evil spirits get angry they attack ministers for setting their captives free. This is the reason Apostle Paul said, "Brethren pray for us." As a counsellor, sometimes you will wonder why the enemies are very angry. That is what the Bible calls the rage of the enemy. The word rage in the original Bible language means hot anger, serious anger, hot displeasure, wild anger, or anger to the point of gnashing the teeth.

Many do not know that evil spirits can act in a rage and when they are in that state, they exhibit the worst wickedness you can imagine. Although they might be mad and angry, they act with the fullest intelligence. When human beings get angry, they do the most foolish things. It is not so with demons. When they are mad with anger they still act intelligently, they are fully aware of what they are doing. They operate under very serious rage like a mad cow. Their anger is with determination. It is skillful anger. Mark 9:20-27 says, "And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming. And he asked his father how long ago is it come unto him? And he said of a child."

Now you may ask a question, "Is it that Jesus did not know?" He knew but he wanted those around to learn a lesson. That demon had been inside the man since he was a child, and therefore had settled down very well. The father begged Jesus saying, ", But if thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us." Jesus said unto him, "If you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth." And straightaway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief." When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying to him, "Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee (meaning I put you under authority) come out of him, and enter no more into him." And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, he is dead. But Jesus took him by the hand, lifted him up; and he arose. And when Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, "Why couldn’t we cast him out?" And He said, "This kind can only come out by prayer and fasting."

This means that there are different levels of demonic possessions. When Jesus gave that command, he invited the rage of the enemies. They picked him up, struck him down and rolled him on the floor, came out and killed him. But the hand of resurrection grabbed him and pulled him up.

Why do these spirits get very angry?

1. They are afraid of losing their accommodation. They consider the body, spirit and soul of human beings as their house.

2. They will be faced with the problem of looking for another host. It is usually difficult for them to get another person to inhabit comfortably. So, it is good to pray this way: "I render my life uncomfortable for the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

3. They are proud personalties so they consider it a shame to be sent out just like that.

4. They sometimes remain very stubborn because Lucifer will punish them if they lose their host.

5. They are afraid of being demoted.

So, it is a great prayer point when you say, "The enemy will not use my life to obtain promotion, in the name of Jesus. In the satanic kingdom there is discipline. It is only in Christianity that someone comes to church late and will stroll in as he likes. Nobody comes to a witchcraft meeting late. Such a person will be dealt with.

6. They are eaters of flesh and blood drinkers and when you deprive them of their meal, they get enraged.

7. The enemy will rage when the evil spirits concerned are avengers of blood. Whenever blood is shed unrighteously things are invoked and evil spirits that are to avenge the blood are set in motion. There was a medical doctor above 60 who aborted pregnancies for young girls. Some of these girls were not rich, so, he gave them the option of sleeping with him and their pregnancies were aborted at a reduced rate. Many of them chose the second option as it was cheaper. He sacked the first doctor that advised him to stop this wicked act. When the demons that avenge blood were set in motion and started pursuing him, he was hearing the cry of babies everywhere he went. A person may commit murder and escape the law, but he will be pursued by demons.

There was a case of one man who bought a car and shortly after, as he was driving along, he ran into a big tree, broke his skull and died. His relations sold the engine which was the only thing they could get out of the car and gave the money to his family. The person who bought the engine used it to replace the one in his car.

A few days later, he too ran into a tree, broke his skull and died. Again it was only the engine they could recover. They sold it again and gave the money to members of his family. All those who took the money died in an accident. The man that bought the engine the third time was a Christian. He too had an accident. He did not die but the people who hit him died from broken skulls. After the accident, he went to a Pentecostal church and started praying with some brethren. As they were praying, a man came with a big stick and stood in front of them. When they wanted to know who the man was, he replied saying, "I am the avenger of blood. The man who had the car with the engine originally put a curse on it that, "Whosoever steals the car will die."

The first person to buy the car did not know that it was stolen but the avengers of blood did not want to know that. They were killing until they got to this Christian who bought the engine unknowingly. He could not be touched because as a child of God, there is atonement by the blood of Jesus and so the avenger of blood was sent back. Demons rage when they are sent to avenge blood.

8. The enemy rages when there is parental covenant, vow or promises to the devil over a child.

One woman sought for children several years. When she could not get one, she went to a herbalist who gave her certain things to eat, took her to a river and asked her to kneel down and beg the river to give her a baby. She knelt down and begged the river and something answered her from the river: "You have it," and she got pregnant. Was that child from God or satan? It is clear that satan does not have creative power. What happened was that satan and his angels were hindering this woman’s blessing. They wanted her to come to them for assistance so that they could manipulate her life.

When she bowed to their wishes, she got the child. When the child grew up and got born again, the enemies kept harassing him. He was the best in everything he did but he was always placed last. Evil spirits were raging and gnashing their teeth against him. Why? They wanted him to return and serve them because of his mother’s promise and her covenant with them. Some people do not know the promises that their parents have made over their lives. They do not know the promises or vows they have made to the enemy on their behalf.

When the enemy begins to rage, they will be arguing not knowing that someone had handed them over to the powers of darkness. Sometimes, those who did this handing over have died. So, it is only the Holy Spirit that can save them. Thank God, the blood of Jesus can make atonement and paralyze raging demons.

I know a girl who did not take the entrance exam before getting into the university. She got in through the help of dark powers. She was sent on assignment, to recruit people in that university. Since the place was close to the water, it was easy for her to drag people inside. But along the line, she became born again. The demons came to her at night and reminded her that she was sent to recruit people in the university and not to join those talking about Jesus. She said, "Well, I want to serve Jesus now." They told her, "We shall see to it that your glory is submerged." She thought they were joking.

When the result of her first semester exams came out, she failed every paper and those that she helped passed. Then she cried to God and lamented to me saying, "Ah, I didn’t know that they were that powerful. I thought Jesus was going to allow me to pass." I told her, "You will have to break the covenant with them before they can allow you to go." It is like the case of a woman who is married to a spirit husband and her mother had collected spiritual dowry on her behalf while she was praying to get married. She should return that dowry in the spirit and break that marriage vow before she can be free. Mothers have to be very careful. It is wrong to call a boy the husband of your daughter. You may be uttering very serious curse on your daughter because you do not know what that boy will become or even the kind of child he is.

Demons could go on rampage when a person who has already been handed over to them is trying to be free. It is not their fault after all, they were on their own when the parents took their children to them. When you give your children names that glorify idols you have handed their lives over to the demons associated with those idols. This will cause serious problem for those children.

9. They go on rampage when somebody donated to them is trying to break loose to serve Jesus.

10. They will go on rampage when somebody touches their materials carelessly. That is why Ezekiel 4:23 says, "And they shall teach people the difference between the holy and the possessed and cause them to discern between the clean and the unclean." God regards some materials as clean and some as unclean.

Many Christians do not know those things pronounced unclean by the Lord. When you handle demonic materials it can lead to serious problems.

I know a sister who heard a message that charm is bad. She secretly went into her father’s cupboard and took the big calabash into which he had been pouring blood before she was born and destroyed it. That was the beginning of her problem. She did not know that before you touch demonic materials, you must pray, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, cover yourself with the blood of Jesus and destroy them with fire. Careless touching of idols and demonic materials would cause demons to rage.

11. When you live on polluted land may be the ground on which you built your house was an altar of the devil and you did not know. You did not sanctify the land, instead, you brought people to bury their own charm there. You now erect your house and start calling the name of Jesus. The demons will be enraged.

12. Living in polluted house. Some people put charms inside the walls of their house as they are building them. Some burn candles and bury things in the foundation of their houses. When they get born again and start calling on the name of Jesus, the demons will fight because the house belongs to idols. Believers should not touch idols or demonic materials. They should not eat their food. If you do and start praying against them, they will rage.

13. Demons rage when they have been attached to a curse and the person is not fulfilling the conditions for that curse. Therefore, beloved, when the enemy is raging, it will be very foolish for you to just wave it aside and say, "Well let’s wait and see what happens." No, what you should do is to quench the rage of the enemy.

How to quench the rage of the enemy

1. Identify the nature of the attack against you. Is it your marriage they are attacking? Is it sickness they are using to attack you? Is it your finances, or your peace? Identify it first. In some cases they attack peoples’ progress, in some it is their sons, their finances or their marriages, while some are being attacked in all areas.

2. Find out when the attack started. If you don’t know how to think and get answer, you can ask people questions or ask the Holy Spirit. Your prayers should start from that moment.

3. Find out if there is a similar trend in your family. If you discover that it is right there in the family then you know there is a curse to which the demons are attached and they are ready to protect that curse.

4. Completely repent from all ungodliness, pride, malice, anger, bitterness, resentment, fornication of the heart, adultery of the heart, etc. The Yorubas say, "The person that others want to roast should not use palm oil to rub his body, because he will make their job easy, "So someone the enemy wants to destroy and is living in sin, simply wants to die." The Bible says that whosoever is corrupted and is looking for something will be destroyed suddenly and there will be no repairs. So we must obey God in all ways.

This means that you should not be the type of Christian who would drink beer at night and then start night vigil, because you will be praying under an evil influence. Believers do not drink alcohol because the Bible says we are princes and kings unto God, and God does not want his prophets and priests to drink alcohol. Only valley candidates look for an excuse to drink.

5. Seek for God’s mercy to bring peace to the rage of the enemy. The enemy may be raging against you righteously if they have a demonic legal reason for raging against you. If the enemy is raging against you because you are serving God, no problem because the Lion of Judah will just hold him by the neck and crash him to the ground. But if it is not that type of rage then you have to ask for God’s forgiveness.

6. Make reconciliation. Apologize where you have offended people. Don’t be too proud to meet someone who is 20 years younger than you and say, "I am sorry." When you do not offer an apology, you create a legal ground for demons to operate. Sometimes when wicked people want to put a curse on somebody, they will first of all look for a reason for doing it. So when you apologize and say, "Please, forgive me," you break the ground. The Bible says, if your enemy is hungry, give him food, if he is thirsty, give him water, by so doing, you put hot coals of fire on his head. There is no one with hot coals of fire on his head asking for music to dance because he will not be comfortable. Return whatever you have in your hands that is not legally yours. This is part of the reconciliation and always give honour to whom honour is due. Settle all quarrels. Live peacefully with all men.

7. Command every rage of demons against you to cease. You have to ask them why they are raging. Say to them: "Why are you imagining a vain thing against me? God shall laugh you to scorn and shall dash you to pieces like a clay pot." When you address them like that they will say, "Ah this one knows what he is saying."

8. Engage in prayer warfare. There are different kinds of prayers. Warfare prayers are addressed to the enemy, intercession prayers are to God.

What is warfare prayer?

In warfare prayer, you declare your faith through the blood of Jesus, "I’m justified, I am redeemed. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost." You declare your faith boldly and loudly, not in the heart. Say it out for words are the vehicles of power. Warfare praying is resisting the devil. To resist means to fight. It includes true confession of sins and breaking of soul ties. It includes release from evil domination and control. It includes claiming back lost ground. It includes taking authority over the strongman in your home town, business; it includes breaking curses, charms and bewitchment and paralyzing spirits of witchcraft.

It includes renunciation of sexual sins and bondage. It includes declaration of God’s sovereignty over a situation. The people I feel sorry for most are those the enemies are raging against and who go to the raging enemies for solution. They keep passing them from one person to the other. When they want to go to any herbalist, one demon will get in there before them to say, "One meat is coming oh, just take N2, 000.00 and don’t do anything." The person having problems will be getting leaner and leaner while the herbalists will be getting fatter and fatter. In fact, many herbalists go about now with V-boot cars. The old impression of herbalists going about with dirty clothes is long gone. Now they put their oracle in briefcases and go to big offices, close the door and spread the thing on the rug. They will ask the demon what it is saying and it will say, "It shall be well," when God says it shall be ill for the wicked. So if the rage of the enemy does not get you sufficiently angry to pray, it means a particular part of your life has been caged.

If the rage of the enemy does not cause you to take aggressive action, if you are happy with the way he has been doing, boasting, and threatening you all over the place as if he has all the powers, something is wrong somewhere. The Bible does not say you will build a house and others will inhabit it, it is because of the rage of the enemy. The Bible did not say you will spend all your life serving one man and at the end of the day when you should be enjoying, the man asks you to pack out of his house and he brings in one small girl into the house. It is the rage of the enemy. He has waited for the appropriate moment and then he struck. You too have to strike back. If you have not given your life to Christ there is no way you can quench any rage. Your first step should be to give your life to Him.


1. Let every candle and incense ignited for my sake, be quenched, in Jesus’ name.

2. Let every satanic oracle directed against me, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.

3. Let every satanic ritual directed against me, be disgraced, in Jesus’ name.

4. Let the counsel of every evil counsellor be turned to foolishness, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every demonic sacrifice offered against me, be disgraced, in Jesus’ name.

6. Let the plot of the enemy against my life turn against the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

7. Every power waging war against me, be silenced, in Jesus’ name.

8. Let blindness and deafness fall upon the raging enemies, in Jesus’ name.

The Rage of the Enemy is a message delivered at the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, by the General Overseer, Dr. D. K. Olukoya

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