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10 Habits The Average Nigerian Should Let Go Of! / Hour Of Truth: Our Typical Is The "Average" Nigerian? / An Average Igbo Man Is Rugged, Tough, Heartless, Wicked And Sad.. (2) (3) (4)
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The Average Nigerian And Perseverance by Horladimeyjey(m): 9:43pm On Mar 26, 2015 |
This is to everyone just pushing it today, insha Allah the morrow will be better. We wake up in this country to people lamenting about the state of things - our failed infrastructure, failed economy, failed governance and a host of others. But what amaze me is that even with all these, people strive despite the government rather than because of the government. For people to excel they literally wrestle the platforms put in place by the government rather than these platforms been a guide. We see parents suffering to cater for their kids just to leave a legacy. We see students sleep in laboratories because there is no equipment to monitor research when they are not there. We see farmers after the suffering of planting and harvesting walk long distances with their farm produce. We see women turn labourers, the worse is seeing a pregnant labourer. We see students sponsor their academic life and push the limits just to get a text book. And what bothers me the most is seeing children hawk, run errands just so they could go to school. My question is if we can endure this much, what will be the situation if power is not a problem? What will be the situation if admission is the birth right of every student that meets the needed requirements? what will be the situation if our libraries are stocked? What will be the situation if everyone have access to initiatives that would take you to your desired land? If they say people in the developed world have great minds I say people in my country have greater minds, better creativity, better initiatives and above all unrelenting attitude. So despite the nation we will not relent, we'll keep striving and moving, we run, if we can't run we jog, if we can't jog we walk, if we can't walk we crawl. Thank you. |
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Binis, Please Help Me Translate These Words / Difference Between A Boy And A Girl When Conversing. / .
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