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Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? (1359 Views)

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Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by mckaycee(m): 5:04pm On Oct 12, 2005
Telling the truth.
Re: Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by layi(m): 1:09am On Oct 13, 2005
No i cant cos i didnt forge my result smiley
Re: Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by hotangel2(f): 6:08am On Oct 13, 2005
Forge result??
Re: Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by anishkol(m): 12:13pm On Oct 23, 2005
hi hot
isnt that stupid enough, and any person that might have try such is playing with is or her future
Re: Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by eveseh(f): 7:06pm On May 20, 2006
no i cant
Re: Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by Rhodalyn(f): 7:07pm On May 20, 2006
forged what result
Re: Can you tell your best friend that you forged your result? by mamaput(f): 7:45pm On May 20, 2006
yes becaues we may have gone together to do so grin

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