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Self Employment Or O & G Job / The Differences Between Entrepreneurship & Self-employment / Excuse Me, Mr. Self-employment Advocate! (2) (3) (4)
Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 11:50pm On Aug 23, 2015 |
I just read an article written by a nairalander in the career section about the proliferation of motivational speakers in Nigeria, and how they promote self-employment or entrepreneurship with examples of successful billionaires. In his words ; "But that is where it ends"! I'm compelled to reply this article because I happen to be one of these so called "motivational speakers"!. Before now, I was very comfortable with my job. I work in the coveted oil and gas industry, and earn enough money to live a very very good life. My bubble burst in June 2014 when I attended one of these seminars about entrepreneurship. As someone who had already worked for over 6 years, I realized that the points raised by the speaker were very true. How many of us can ever hope to become CEOs in our companies? Can you maintain your lifestyle if you're sacked or with a pension? Can you will your job to your children? In today's world where companies are trying to stay profitable, are you assured of job security? Just take a look at tabloids from 2013. You see articles like " Microsoft reduces workforce by 18,000". Schlumberger to release 11,000 after initial 9000 job cuts" e.t.c. The list is endless. Many of my friends have been fired! Do you even know that robots that can perform human functions are already in existence (check out Asimo on youtube)? Can you picture the year 2030? Employers would have the option of employing robots over humans. Would you be prepared for that? Ask the thousands of UK and US trained graduates how much they are paid in the Nigeria of today. Does the annual salary after tax even match the cost of tuition? The fact is that the industrial age, characterized by getting an education just to become an employee, is dying! Please study global trends my friend.It's giving way to a new age, called the information age. That's why companies are firing in thousands without filling the vacant positions, because they became redundant because of technology and efficiency! When last did you see adverts for mass employment in the Tuesday or Thursday Guardian? The writing on the wall is clear! people need to start thinking outside the box. The world is changing at a very fast pace, and we are unfortunately behind. Google " top 40 millionaires who became millionaires before 20". You'd be shocked!!! Most of us were still asking our parents for money in our early twenties! There have been over 30 million new millionaires in the last decade, and none of them is an employee. They earn residual income, whether asleep or awake. Employees only earn active income. So when you retire, or get fired, or get sick (and get fired), your income stops. This includes all forms of employment, government or private. If you do not understand how to leverage on other people, the internet (social media e.t.c) and use your spare time (if already employed) to build a business that would earn you residual income, then you may not be prepared for the future. Forget all you were taught in school. You were only learning to work for someone else. Start getting self education today. It begins at some of these seminars! I started a business in July 2014, and I have slowly built a steady income stream on the side of over 200,000 naira per month. I project that in 5 years time, I should earn nothing less than 3-5million per month. The business that I do is referred to as " The cash cow that most people reject". It's called Network Marketing. I don't want to go into a detailed explanation, but it would interest Mr neahyo to know that the Managing Director Shell Nigeria E&P Company and VP Human Resources ( Tony Attah) is a Network Marketer ( so much for aspiring to become the CEO of Shell and invest!) . You want to know why? It's very simple. He's an employee and isn't beyond retrenchment at his level. You can google "Tony Attah Forever Living Products". What about Tele and Mina Ikuru (Past deputy gov of rivers state), Liyel and Obioma Imoke, mama Peace......even Nollywood stars like Ufuoma Ejenobor, Miss Pepeye of papa Ajasco, Zach Orji and larry Coldsweat (all network marketers earning in millions). They understand that it's risky in today's world to earn only an active income from your efforts only. I have many friends who have resigned from 600k + salary jobs to become full time entrepreneurs, while people keep bickering about! I know people who have waited for over 5 years in the labour market, and are looking for jobs that would pay less than my 'side cash'. Small Thinkers they are! Read books written by billionaires, e.g Why we want you to be rich by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, or The Business of the 21st Century by Robert Kiyosaki. They recommend entrepreneurship as the way out of the unemployment crisis, and Network Marketing as the best form of entrepreneurship for those of us who don't have the capital to start a Dangote group. Warren Buffet, Les Brown, Paul Zane Pilzer (world renowned economist/entrepreneur and HSBC president at the age of 24), Brian Tracy etc all recommend Self employment in general and Network marketing in particular. If billionaires do and recommend entrepreneurship/network marketing, why wouldn't you just give it a try? it costs next to nothing to start, but you have to work really hard to rise to the top...and there's no upper limit. All you need is your social capital. If your friends can come to your house for a party, why wouldn't you share a business idea with them. Surely, one or two would buy the idea. the rest would laugh at you. But you get to laugh last (I don dey laugh already). Choosing to stay as an employee for the rest of your life is an unsafe choice for you and your generations. It's for people who don't desire to ever control their time and are willing to get paid only 12 times a year. Most of our parents have realized that they made a mistake by working for a lifetime only to get a pension that still requires many of them to depend on their kids who happen to be struggling to keep up in a fast changing world. If you're young, it means you have some energy. Now is the time to take a risk. See you at the top! 4 Likes 3 Shares
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 11:52pm On Aug 23, 2015 |
'Thought Of The Day: Don't listen to the masses on how to create wealth because 97% of people have no clue, I mean absolutely no freaking idea. At 17, after reading "Rich Dad Poor Dad" & "Think Big & Kick Ass" I began to question many things being taught to me by family, teachers, friends parents, all of it. It clearly states to "Take advice from people that have proven results." It doesn't say "take advice from mom/dad/teachers/whoever just because they're your elders or they're adults. That's plain dumb & makes no sense. If you want to be a millionaire then listen to millionaires. You want to make $50K a year? Go listen to "Uncle Jimmy Billy Bob Johnson." I've also learned age means just about nothing when it comes to financial intelligence. There are young people who are financially free & get it. There are also 50 year old men with families who have 0 clue. A good rule of thumb in life, not only business, is to ONLY listen to and take advice from people who are currently leading the life you desire. If I am EVER in front of or near anyone who has what I want.. I immediately ask them, "What is the secret to your success / give me one tip." When you ask this #1 you make them feel good & #2 you're about to learn. Did this exact thing a few nights ago with the #2 sports agent in professional sports, I've done this to John Paul Digorio (Paul Mitchell Systems networth $2,800,000,000), & just about everyone else I come in contact with who's "Got It." You wouldn't take advice about fitness from an overweight person or relationship advice from Tiger or Kobe.. So why are you listening to BROKE, yes I said BROKE family members, friends, & teachers? It's too funny when people get started in Network Marketing and their friends say "Oh you got started in one of those things, oh no." My response and thought is "What the hell is your plan and what the hell are you even talking about? What are you doing to get wealthy? Slaving 8 hours a day being told when to take your own family on vacation? As you are in the hole $70,000 from your (education aka 4 year scam most of the time) This is MY way out!" Anyways this may seem aggressive or mean or whatever but it's the TRUTH. What society and most households teach their kids, us, is disgusting. You should do what you love to do, get good enough at it, and eventually it will pay you. If you fully don't enjoy what you're doing, then stop doing it. Life's too short to not do what you love. MAIN TAKEAWAY: Listen to people who have what you want. And to everyone else, nod your head, smile, agree, & let it go in one ear and out the other' - Alex Morton. 1 Like |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by bigiyaro(m): 12:11am On Aug 24, 2015 |
tanks op, i really pitied d guy dat wrote dat bullshi.t, am shocked at his blindness, anyway, some pple have a die hard slave mentality n der is notin u can do to help dem. A friend mine jst got fired from his bankin job for not meetin some stupiid targets, dis guy can muster accts n customers to d tune of 2 to 3 million naira a month, i've always told him dat if he' smart enof to consistently hit dis amnts he can as well be a gud bizman bt he never listened, hes yet to recover from d shock sha. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 12:19am On Aug 24, 2015 |
It's really shocking how mentally lazy employees become. I have since realized that I can not be wealthy working for someone, because they pay you just enough to keep you coming back for more, month after month! All my friends who are young millionaires have one thing in common ; they are all self employed! Think about the number of graduated being churned out every year. Where are they all going to work? It's time for a revolution, and I'm already a part of it! 1 Like |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 8:08am On Aug 24, 2015 |
This video is the most informative video about entrepreneurship, and features people like Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, Paul Zane Pilzer, Brian Tracy, Les Brown and a lot of other Millionaires. just take an hour to watch it. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by viruz007(m): 1:50pm On Aug 24, 2015 |
could not have said it better myself. Spot on engrbrume. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Koboseadotorg(m): 5:26pm On Aug 24, 2015 |
Can you stand it when u run into bankrupsy? Can you stand it when there is fire outbreak? Can you stand it when lots of people offer the same service that you offer? By the way, I know of a public servant (salary earner) who owns a petrol station, satchet water factory and computer training schools to mention but a few. But do you know what, he still works with the govt parastatal. Now tell me, are you better than him? I ADVICE YOU START ADVICING PEOPLE ON INVESTING WISELY AND NOT TO RUBBISH SALARY EARNERS. 4 Likes |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Pidggin(f): 7:10pm On Aug 24, 2015 |
OP nice post |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by ebixy(m): 10:28pm On Aug 24, 2015 |
This is the kinds of topics that suppose to be in the front page to educate both the young and old. I always go into different sections myself to read important topics because the front page is filled with mostly celebrity news. Well as someone pointed out you could still work for government and invest your money wisely. Don't look down on salary earners because people also fail in entrepreneurship, even full time entrepreneurs. My advice: which ever you think will work for you, apply it. 1 Like |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Nobody: 5:16am On Aug 25, 2015 |
You've spoken well.... NairalandDotOrg: |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Nobody: 9:08am On Aug 25, 2015 |
Really we need more entrepreneurs in Nigeria to create employment because the unemployment rate is overwhelming. .. The west is so developed today because of entrepreneurship. .. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Nobody: 9:14am On Aug 25, 2015 |
NairalandDotOrg:Are you saying the company you work for can't run into bankruptcy? It can't also be gutted with fire? And no other company offers same service? ![]() Life is all about risk. . However, I support the example you gave.. I would want a plan A and B.... I also concur with your last paragraph. If we had more investors in Nigeria, employment rate would be better. .. You mustn't necessarily leave your job to invest, you can however leave if the investment starts generating sufficient income or you can't handle the two simultaneously. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 9:17am On Aug 25, 2015 |
NairalandDotOrg: First of all, I'm still an employee, but I do not plan to remain one forever. If all employees here are true to themselves, 95% would admit that they don't really like what they do, and what they get paid for it, but they have to work just for survival. I recommended entrepreneurship, and as a Network Marketer, I was obviously biased in the type of entrepreneurship I recommended. If fire burns flp how does it affect me? The company makes over $2.6 billion in profits every year, out of which over 40% comes to us. How e wan take bankrupt? And I have so many friends in Network marketing who make millions every month! Now that's something to work towards. I'm talking of a honest living here, and you're talking of a public servant who owns other businesses. My mum is a very honest Perm Sec @ grade 17, and she doesn't have any of those, so where did your public servant get money from? Buhari is appointing judges for him. You mentioned investments! Why do people here keep saying " invest wisely" here. What investment? Stocks? Our capital market has lost 18% ( about 2 Trillion naira). That's some people's wise investments there. how many can invest in real estate? Forex? Good luck! Invest in someone else's business? Angel investors would tell you factually that such investments fail 9 out of 10 times. Our generation needs to start thinking! You can't give someone else your money to manage for you and really hope to make a fortune, except you're already a billionaire with a lot to invest. You need to move from poor to rich first! I don't expect my messages to appeal to everyone. if you decide to plan your own life with a limited salary forever, I wish you luck, and I respect your decision. But if you feel like you deserve more out of life, then you're welcome to try. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by einsteine(m): 3:30pm On Aug 25, 2015 |
Thunder fire network marketing. Op is trying to get people into his ponzi scheme. What percentage of FLP slaves are millionaires? 1 Like |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 4:19pm On Aug 25, 2015 |
einsteine: I've learnt never to lose my cool when ignorant people comment on my threads. At einsteine, what better plan do you have? Let me enlighten you by doing a simple google search. NETWORK MARKETING "Network marketing is a type of business opportunity that is very popular with people looking for part-time, flexible businesses. Some of the best-known companies in America, including Avon, Mary Kay Cosmetics and Tupperware, fall under the network marketing umbrella" Network Marketing companies are legal, and only use the model to sell their products, while compensating distributors for generating sales. PONZI SCHEME "A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator." Ponzi Schemes are illegal, and do not have any products. They pay the uplines with money from the downlines, and when the payouts become unsustainable, the owners just disappear. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Koboseadotorg(m): 8:09pm On Aug 25, 2015 |
MarvellousGod:Hmm I have this love for people who argue intelligently and respectfully too. Keep it up. Lastly, you spoke well. But some people hv to work for others to strike a balance in the economy. 1 Like |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 11:59am On Aug 26, 2015 |
NairalandDotOrg: Yes sir! Some people have to work! |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by UjSizzle(f): 9:27am On Aug 27, 2015 |
And he used this opportunity to give another motivational talk. Good talk OP ![]() Lalasticlala! We love good comeback threads, remember? |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by jaybee3(m): 9:33am On Aug 27, 2015 |
una don start with this una pyramid scheme jargon again ba? make una continue ooo "I started a business in July 2014, and I have slowly built a steady income stream on the side of over[b] 200,000 naira per month[/b]. I project that in 5 years time, I should earn nothing less than 3-5million per month. The business that I do is referred to as " The cash cow that most people reject". It's called Network Marketing. I don't want to go into a detailed explanation" Oya provide breakdown analysis of how you've been able to earn a steady 200K per month 1 Like |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Faita: 10:17am On Aug 27, 2015 |
As long as you only think in terms of money, only the things that give you money will make sense. When you start considering other parameters in life, you'll start to think a bit differently. Until, the world ends there will always be employers and employees. Neither will be able to totally dispense with the other. Employers will always be the pathfinders that road-makers and city-builders (a.k.a employees) follow. Technology, for instance, will always need a human hand to operate and manage it. Despite all the amazing stuff said for total automation and the possibility of self-aware robots, human beings will almost never be totally replaceable in the scheme of things. We decided to use tractors instead of hoes and cutlasses and a lot of people lost jobs. But then, mechanics suddenly became important. Whole value chains came into existence as a result of the new technology. Tractors ran on fuel that someone had to excavate, distil and distribute. They suffer wear and tear and someone had to keep them in good repair. They were machines that needed driving and some needed to be able to drive them. They couldn't know and understand what people feel intuitively about the soils they worked so there still needed to be someone who knew where and when to use them. In the emerging new world, there is no doubt that technology will be mind-blowing in its abilities but until we learn to create new humans we will always need people to work for one another. Network marketing has a very bad name. It is very interesting that it is the business you are champion, engrbrume. The names you have mentioned do you even less good to mention. If that is how you mean to promote entrepreneurial ambition, you are going to really have a hard time getting thinking people to agree with you. And the people who don't think eventually learn to. Finally, this quote: engrbrume: Employees only earn active income. is totally wrong. Or, at least, what you meant by it is. While many employees do earn only their active income, employees are not doomed to earning only their active income. The problem with finance has always been a universal one which is: how to properly manage one's wealth. As I have said, ultimately, people will always work for one another. That you are an employer or employee does not doom or destine you for only one kind of financial fate rather than another. Employers have gone so badly broke that their previous employees trained their own children up to fear going into business. Employees have also gone so broke that their children decided that the best thing in life is to own your own business. These things happen. The common denominator is always wealth management. Some people figure out how to manage their wealth so well that they only ever grow in substantive value while others fail to figure it out and only decline accordingly. Anyone who learns how to maximize their investments and incur only the right liabilities or at least keep their liabilities under control will always have more than one income to work with. For example, an employee who takes their active income and splits it so that part of it goes into their survival and another into smart, productive investments will eventually build up multiple streams of income that could become substantial enough for them to live a pretty comfortable life. The same with an employer. Again, the difference between employer and employee is not how much money one makes and from how many sources but responsibility. One will always have the responsibility to take on broad problems or create whole new realities that the other will have the responsibility to develop. It is purely tragic that human greed has made employers the vastly wealthier ones. It is not the right thing. But when you dig deeper, you will find that even employees become terribly wealthy too where the employers recognize their value. You often find employers sharing ownership of their company with their employees in such places and even putting in systems to guide them in the proper management of their wealth and resources because a comfortable employee typically makes for a productive employee. In conclusion, I agree with you that it is good to be an entrepreneur and even better for certain people to head into entrepreneurship but I completely disagree that all of us should become entrepreneurs because we all want some extra cash - you're very tragically wrong about that. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by neahyo(m): 11:46am On Aug 27, 2015 |
Hmmmnn!!! nice analysis........................ I painstakingly read all comments and contributions and i must say i'm impressed by engrbrume's careful breakdown of the merits of entrepreneurship in this decade of dwindling oil prices. However, i never underestimated the importance of entrepreneurship on a nation's economy, i only carefully pinpointed the credence most people give to it without identifying the rigorous steps and actions one need to take. Robert Kiyosaki in Rich Dad, Poor dad pg 44. told the story of the meeting of the richest businessmen in 1923, 25 years later, one of them died penniless after living for five years on borrowed money, another died in a foreign land being broke, two other dies being broke, another went insane, two were released from prison, the last one committed suicide. If you look at the date, 1923, it was just before the 1929 market crash and the Great Depression in America, which i also suspect had a great impact on these men and their lives. Robert K. opined that 'today we live in times of greater and faster change than these men did. I suspect there will be many booms and busts in the coming years that will parallel the ups and downs these men faced. I am concerned that too many people are too focused on money and not their greatest wealth, their education.' Some people thinks money solve all problems, i assure you they'll have a tough ride. If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, unlearn, relearn they will grow richer despite tough challenges. Intelligence solves problems and produces money. "Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone". I've personally heard stories of sport betters who were poor and suddenly rich, and then as you guess go poor again. They win millions, yet are soon back where they started. Some people naturally are indisciplined and they need to work in a well-structured organisation in order for them to possess some certain skills such as: managerial skills, teamwork, how to meet target and beat deadlines, and so on. Many ignorant people see self-employment as an avenue to escape from saddistic superiors and also to travel when they like, work when they like, sleep and wake when they want to; all these are fallacies. Moreover, these motivational speakers fail to differentiate between 'hustler' and 'entrepreneur' to their audience. I'll say more as soon as i'm chanced My two shillings!!!! Gracias!!!! 2 Likes |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Faita: 2:59pm On Aug 27, 2015 |
neahyo: Excellent. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 4:09pm On Aug 28, 2015 |
neahyo: Neahyo I actually enjoy your posts. Your arguements are valid. I do not have any counter arguement this time, because you're sooo right. I'm practising my form of entrepreneurship while working so as to have a plan B. Those motivational speakers who speak against employment were people who started just like me, and ended up building a business that gave them freedom to do what they want. Now escape from bosses in the office and the freedom to travel when you like, work when you like, sleeping and waking when you want to aren't fallacious in any way. There are thousands of Nigerians who live like this. But they still have to work for their money, except that they do not need permission to do what they do, and working hard while in control of their source of money brings joy. There's also the fact that many of them begin to move up the economic scale really fast. Don't you want to drive past Coscharis two or three years from now, knowing that you can afford every car in there? there are many reasons to dream. People that have these things have only one head, and I must join them. So my brother, these things are possible. But you have to believe first. Please just watch this video. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by neahyo(m): 5:50pm On Aug 28, 2015 |
engrbrume: Thank you sir for your words of wisdom and encouragement.. Ehn ehn! lest i forget, sir, you also haven't differentiated between an hustler and an entrepreneur.....Hehhehe thanks!! |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 7:57pm On Aug 30, 2015 |
neahyo: Guy,I'm not yet an authority o..... maybe someone can help us with a good analysis. However, I know some entrepreneurs who are hustlers with good financial results. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by neahyo(m): 8:22pm On Aug 30, 2015 |
engrbrume: haahaa...You are right about the last sentence oo |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 11:51pm On Aug 31, 2015 |
neahyo: |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by maestro2990: 9:13am On Sep 02, 2015 |
@engrbrume; I really enjoyed your post. True true, you be correct motivational speaker. Lol. I would like to personally contact you to discuss. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Nobody: 10:53am On Sep 02, 2015 |
Faita:Best objective comment so far |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by Osemond123(m): 12:15pm On Sep 02, 2015 |
engrbrume: nice write up. i really learn alot from this. keep it up. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by donifez(m): 4:50pm On Sep 02, 2015 |
Kudos kudos kudos. This is just what i need. Although am still a student , I aim to be a successful entrepreneur,God help us achieve our dream. inspiring write-up. kudos once again. |
Re: Excuse Me, Mr. Anti Self-employment Advocate! by engrbrume(m): 2:51pm On Sep 06, 2015 |
donifez: Good One Donifez. We need more people to become a part of the solution. |
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