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Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by nnamdiosu(m): 9:07pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
CharlyG1: oh thanks a lot. true words ![]() 13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by SisterSister(f): 9:08pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
CharlyG1: Very interesting 3 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:34pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
SisterSister: Thank you Sis. This is true life experience. God really protects us all the time, especially at night. 4 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 10:58pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
Johnnydon22, ifeness, kay17, et al. What do you have to say about alll these? 1 Like |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by sholay2011(m): 11:17pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
@timonski...Why do you want to derail the thread ![]() 9 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Nobody: 11:25pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
Thoughts and imaginations create illusions. And also thoughts and imaginations are real,they exist in some realities,because all imaginations are real and Non-existence cannot be imagined. Angels,demons,Fallen angels are all forms of malevolent and benevolent extraterrestrials. No angel is fallen,religious books sometimes give wrong interpretation of realities. Due to belief systems and religion,people tend to see the non physical in a representation of what they believe. If you believe in Jesus,you are most likely to dream of seeing a man in ancient robe helping you or Mohammed and some people its Superman. Such people experience these due to what they strongly believe in. The mind of a human is a bottomless infinite machine. It can do and imagine anything and make them real. 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by sholay2011(m): 11:26pm On Nov 02, 2015 |
ifeness:It is well with you. 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 12:03am On Nov 03, 2015 |
We stand on the word of God. We break every power of satanic deceit. You shall know d truth and the truth shall set you free in the Name of Jesus, the Name above every other name. Amen 64 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 12:15am On Nov 03, 2015 |
Fallen Angels and Demons are real, whether you believe it or not. Only non Christians may think otherwise. We know how Satan fell from grace and we know the judgement that awaits him. Its in the Book of Revelation. The devil wants you to think he's not real or that everything is in your mind. Open your eyes and see. It's all around you. Do not be deceived. 44 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by PRISTINEMUSCLES: 12:18am On Nov 03, 2015 |
This thread is quite revealing. How do these demons look like? Are they as are depicted in christain magazines and in films? Like strange creatures with horns and fang-like teeth. I really want to have this gift of seeing spirits. How do i go about it? 10 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 12:18am On Nov 03, 2015 |
The time will come when this thread will be too hot for the devil & his agents to handle. 33 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 12:26am On Nov 03, 2015 |
PRISTINEMUSCLES: My brother, thank you for participating. But i assure you that you do not wish to have this kind of gift. It's quite scary. There are people who have begged God to take the gift away from them because of what they saw and the training is quite difficult to pass through. But i'm not God, if you ask for the gift with a sincere heart, He might give it to you. I will explain about the apperances of how these demons may look like soon from my own experiences. God bless you. 14 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Okanokan(m): 7:48am On Nov 03, 2015 |
May God bless you! 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by trapQ: 9:18am On Nov 03, 2015 |
I must commend the O.P for this very insightful post. Bam!!! the atheists are here with their theories but we all know these thing are too real to be debunked. I have a few of these gifts tho and my experience goes thus; grab a seat and maybe popcorn ![]() One day, when I was about 5, I sat at the sitting room table doing my homework( everyone else was outside the house), when I saw someone that looked like a man, clothed in a pure white sparkling garment walk past me. I though it was my brother. I called to him "God'spower, God'spower", (my brother's name), but got no response. the man walked straight to my parents room. After about 2mins, I went outside to meet the rest of my family, only to find my brother there. I was shocked to see him and he assures me that the person I saw couldn't have been him as he had been outside for hours. I started seeing demons frequently after then. I've had several encounters that i can't just summarise here. I've seen dwarves, giants, many shapes and sizes. on one occasion, while i slept, a demon hit me with a chair and I woke up with pains all over. On another ocassion, two demons tried to take my spirit somewhere, they kept dragging and conjuring my spirit man, I was praying and praying inside cuz I became numb. then they put me on a train(yes! I saw a glimpse of the spirit world that day), they were taking me somewhere. my prayers seemed to be futile until I shouted "JESUS YOU DIED FOR ME". immediately, I was freed and I regained consciousness in the physical realm. 46 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by trapQ: 9:47am On Nov 03, 2015 |
my experiences are just too numerous. I want everyone reading this to know that these things are real. they aren't made up stories, or myths or anything of that sort. Demons are real, as real as you and I. I also came to realise that I have spiritual eyes that see into the spirit realm even when my physical eyes are closed. Yes! that's true. often times I would close my eyes to prevent myself from seeing those scary demons and spirit, but I realised one thing, even when my physical eyes were closed, I was still able to see. In fact, most times I see those demons when they're behind me. you may think I'm lying but of what use is it to lie??. Recently, while I slept , I had a strange feeling so I opened my eyes. lo and behold, i saw my cousin starring at me. right into my eyes. that was strange, so I said to her "why are you looking at me"?? "why are you looking at me" ? she didn't reply. (my cousin bedwets so she sleeps on a floormat). I didn't know that was a spirit, it was wearing red. I was shocked, I went closer only to find that my cousin's real body was fast asleep and that it was the spirit that sat up from her body and was looking at me. while I was still looking at it, it disappeared. I told my parents but they didn't believe me. it happened again the next day too. 28 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by 4C2215131: 1:21pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
PRISTINEMUSCLES: You do not know what you wish for!!! Are the problems inherent in the world you can see not enough for you? Oh earthling! desiring to see that which your mind cannot fathom, I bid you be careful. 30 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 6:14pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
@4C2215131 Thank you for the advice you gave to PRISTINE. Good one. @trapQ.. Wow! You do have a gift too. It's amazing. Pls share more of your stories. You are giving people insights and revealing the deceits of satan by doing so. One more thing, the reason why they fight for your spirit. You know why? The spirit is the first level of defence against the body & soul. God protects you in many ways. 1. By empowering your spirit to fight thru the Holy Spirit (1st level of defence) 2. By sending His Angels and in many more other mysterious & unknown ways. So the demons always come to trap the spirit first. Its like when thieves enter a house, the security guard is the one to be tied first so that they(the thieves) can do what they have to do with the house. Your body is the House. Your spirit is the REAL you. Your soul or mind is a property of your spirit(its like a bridge between your spirit and your body, a.k.a the information passage between physical & spirit world). Man is a spirit living in a body and has a soul. So tying the spirit down will give them access to the soul(mind), and demons will corrupt the soul with all sort of sexual and wicked desires. Some things you think about is not actually your thought, thats why if you rebuke the thought in Jesus' Name it will stop. That's amazing. So when a demon now has access to the soul, a person will have a corrupt mind. Too many sexual thoughts & perversions(because demons are highly sexual crazed beings), weird dreams, somtimes the body can be possessed if the case is very serious. But in more cases, its the soul that suffers it all. So always sanctify your thoughts. God bless you in Jesus' Name. Amen 60 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by trapQ: 8:00pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
Amen!!! GOD bless you too. I actually had another experience this afternoon while I slept. In September, I had one where a lightskinned short lady opened the door to my room with a key, and she proceeded to where my bag and documents were and I saw her steal a paper. Just as she was doing that, a talk dark boy entered my room, stood and waited for her. Then they both left together. I kept praying the whole time but my prayers did little or nothing. I was terrified. I know she stole something which is reflecting in my physical life. I've intensified my prayers because I want to regain and repossess all that the devil has stolen from me. As Christians , we need to be very prayerful because the devil comes only to steal, kill and destroy. For some people that don't see things, they just go on with their normal lives not knowing that they've lost something. But in my case, I know where to direct my prayers since I see them. its just that it takes serious devotion to prayers to avert these things. I've seen dwarves shooting arrows at me. One time I saw two dwarves coming towards me and I rebuked them in the name of JESUS, they became shocked and went away, only to come back later to overpower me ![]() GOD WILL SAVE US ALL. AMEN CharlyG1: 8 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by Paulscholari(m): 9:03pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
Ok let me contribute..the only two times i see open visions are the first time i saw a bright light like a star fall from heaven in the night sky and i heard in my spirit what Jesus says..i see satan fall like lighting from heaven. The second time was when i saw a dark cloud come upon a lady coming towards me...i have seen my two angels in the night visions 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:10pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
trapQ: My Friend.. This is a prophetic gift you have there. This is something you must really take serious because satan & his demons will fight you tooth & nail. Let me share an experience why you need to be strong. While in the university, I lived off campus with a friend in one of the hostels oustide school. Boys & Girls lived in that same hostel together. One day I had a guest(a girl) who was a friend of mine that had graduated but she came to finish up her school clearance so she stay with me. My room mate didn't really mind just becos of me. He was my close friend. This girl was demon possessed and I knew all along, but I was too weak spiritually at this time and I didn't care. I had serious lustful feelings for her & I didn't even know why. Anytime I tried to touch her, she always complained that my body was too hot, then I would let her be. This particular night, at about 10pm. I was cuddling her, touching her and she didn't seem to care. Then we slept off. At about 2am in the morning, i woke up and turned to look at her. Lo and Behold, I saw a very angry face staring at me. A very white spirit, it eyes were pure white, der was no pupil in its eyes. It was in the girl's body. This was one mean angry spirit. Before I could say Jack, the spirit had jumped on me already, trying to strangle me. This is real physical experience not even in a dream. Mehnn, I fought hard with the spirit. It was ontop of me, full of anger, just trying to squeeze the breath out of me. The spirit was strong I couldn't even scream. I struggled with it until I overpowered it. The demon in the girl was obviously jealous I was tampering with his property. I got up, woke my friend up(room mate), told him what happened. We prayed. Then later I started to use tricks to make the girl leave our room. The girl was possessed and out of love, I toldher she needed help. She still stayed with us for one more week. Before she left us, the caretaker of the hostel came & told me.. He said 'Do you know the girl you're staying with is possessed'? I was shocked he knew too. I said yes & we both laughed. It was God's grace that saved me that day. Not every friend is actually a friend. Some are there to spy on you then kill your progress. Let's be careful. 47 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by umehmj(m): 9:19pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
about demonic attacks, i have that on a regular. most recent one was in my dream. a huge scary creature like a Buffalo but bigger than an elephant charged @ me. one thing i have learnt with dealing with those is not to be afraid, so i stood in readiness, even though i was so tiny as regards our ratio. as it continued to charge towards me and seeing i didn't move, it's size began to shrink. surprisingly when it got to were i was it turned into my elder brother, apologizing to me that he was just playing. though i let it go i knew it wasn't my bro. other times when they attack i will tell myself it's just a dream and then force myself up lol. sometimes when i very hot pursuit i just fly. I'm really awesome in flying in my sleep. though lately im beginning to get worried cos sometimes i just fly for flying sake -like say, i just wanna visit home. i would fly home, circle the compound and fly back. some people say it's associated with witchcraft, That's y it bothers me. i know im not a wizard but is this flying in sleep cool? 21 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 9:25pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
umehmj: Flying in the dream can be good & bad. You will know which one it is because it would repeat itself. Flying in the dream on a gud part means 'new spiritual level or growth'.. It represents growth on a high scale. Flying in the dream on the bad part is asscociated with witchcraft. If you see yourself in a gathering of witches, or you're drinking blood and eating flesh. Then you'll know it's witchcraft. Pray to God to guide you and give you a clear answer to this. He will answer you. 24 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by mekzyjoe(m): 9:32pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
Scary ![]() 15 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by mekzyjoe(m): 9:33pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
Scary ![]() 9 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 10:13pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
PRISTINEMUSCLES.. Now to answer your question about the appearances of demons.. I will try to post some pics tomorrow. Yes, what you see in the movies is actually true. There are several types of demons with different abilities and characteristics. Some look reptilian in apperance, some have fangs, some look human with long claws. some are small and look like animals, some are goblin in nature. Somtimes I wonder how Hollywood movies almost get the appearance of a demon correctly(should we be surprised??). If you have watched Nightmare on Elm street, that Freddy Kreuger you see is actually a real demon, but just a little different. Instead of fake claws, it has real claws, much longer than what you see in the movie and its arms are long and slightly bent at the wrist. And it wears a shirt that resembles what you see in the movie. It sometimes wears a hat and it holds a bow but with no arrow. I know someone would be wondering how I know this? Well, God speaks to me about them in some people's lives. I got it from a revelation. The demon has no arrow because the arrow is the real power, it gets the arrow from its human victim. This is kinda hard to explain. I was even told his name. I'll try to remember that later. Here's a picture of how it looks. 7 Likes 1 Share
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by umehmj(m): 10:43pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
CharlyG1: pure evil. 2 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by PRISTINEMUSCLES: 10:53pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
CharlyG1:Hmmm, i am speechless right now. But is it possible for demons to be roaming around without a living body(man or animal) to possess. Those giant demons, you made mention of, i thought they perished with the flood during the time of noah. Please explain 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by nnamdiosu(m): 10:53pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
CharlyG1: pls post more revelations. I just can't wait. God bless u plenty multiple countless times 12 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 11:17pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
@ Umehmj.. Very true. @PRISTINE.. I will answer your question in a moment. @nnamdiosu.. I definitely will. God bless you too my brother. Ephesians 6vs12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Note 'Principalities', 'Powers', 'Rulers of Darkness' & 'Spiritual wickedness'. These are actually ranks in the satanic realm of demons. The Bible is the greatest Book of secrets and mysteries. The key to unlocking(understanding) the meaning of some passages in the Bible can only be done through the Holy Ghost. 18 Likes |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 11:44pm On Nov 03, 2015 |
@Umehmj.. Demons have no body, they are disembodied spirits. They are earth bound spirits, cursed by God to roam about. They are known as 'evil spirits' When a soul dies, because it belongs to God, it goes back to God. But when the nephilims died, because they never came from God but came as a result of the Fallen Angels(watchers) and women. So there is no place for them to go & God cursed them to be known as 'evil spirit' to wander the earth until the day of their judgement, also this was caused becos of their great wickedness. Remember the demon that begged Jesus, asking him why he had come to deal with him b4 his time. The lineage of the giants didn't die after the flood.. Somehow they continued to exist. Or else there wouldn't be a GOLIATH. Or King Og of Bashan (Deuteuronomy 3vs11).. Or you can read up Numbers 13vs33 when the Isrealites went to spy on a land with Joshua and saw giants. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." These Half breed beings(half angels, half human) are the demons you see that possess people and cause lots of havoc. They are evil spirits and called Nephilims. They were tall, wicked giants, products of the fallen angels. The word 'Nephilim' means Giants. Their Fathers(fallen watchers/Angels) are the ones God chained, but will be released in the last days during God's judgement on the earth.. *Read the books Jude 1vs6, 2Peter 2vs4, Revelations 9 28 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by CharlyG1: 12:25am On Nov 04, 2015 |
You see God is Alpha & Omega. You can never defeat him. When God still saw the Giants were in existence, he had a plan for them; to kill them all. So He(God) used the Israelites, Moses, Joshua & David to defeat them, capturing their land and territories. They actually fought giants with the power of God and reclaimed God's promised land. God would never allow any of them live, never! The devil's plan was to use other fallen angels to pollute the lineage of man(mixing angelic genes with human) so that there would be not entry for Jesus to come and die for the world. Jesus had to come from man but from a pure lineage, the devil knew Jesus was coming after God prophesied against him(satan) & the woman(eve) in the garden of Eden. Gen 3vs15.. Rev chapt 12 depicts this clearly. But God is God and He's always a million steps ahead of little satan. He planned Jesus' death for mankind before the foundations of the world. 49 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by jaymichael(m): 3:21am On Nov 04, 2015 |
CharlyG1:You are correct! 13 Likes |
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