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Is ZENITH BANK Broke? - Business - Nairaland

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Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Primegold: 3:03pm On Jan 13, 2016
I was at a branch of Zenith Bank this morning to carry out a fund transfer. I was told by the bank official that in addition to other charges that I will be required to pay N210 for the funds transfer form. This transfer form is equivalent of a deposit/withdrawal slip and has always been free. To be sure I didn't misunderstand the communication, I asked the staff to repeat herself and she said exactly the same thing. That henceforth, the Bank will now charge N210 for the form alongside other charges.

Why does Zenith Bank delight in inflicting pains on its customers? Zenith Bank refuses to pay interest on credit balance on current account as directed by CBN but is quick to introduce 'forms fee'. Soon, they will introduce gate fee before you can enter the banking hall.

Nairalanders,Is this the new face of banking in Nigeria or is Zenith Bank broke?

Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Juxtified(m): 3:18pm On Jan 13, 2016
I was at a branch of Zenith Bank this morning to carry out a fund transfer. I was told by the bank official that in addition to other charges that I will be required to pay N210 for the funds transfer form. This transfer form is equivalent of a deposit/withdrawal slip and has always been free. To be sure I didn't misunderstand the communication, I asked the staff to repeat herself and she said exactly the same thing. That henceforth, the Bank will now charge N210 for the form alongside other charges.

Why does Zenith Bank delight in inflicting pains on its customers? Zenith Bank refuses to pay interest on credit balance on current account as directed by CBN but is quick to introduce 'forms fee'. Soon, they will introduce gate fee before you can enter the banking hall.

Nairalanders,Is this the new face of banking in Nigeria or is Zenith Bank broke?
Transfer your account to another bank. If you're not careful with them they'll bleed you dry with illegal charges

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Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by CPriest: 3:20pm On Jan 13, 2016
Made-In-Nigeria Banking.
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by AnaCheks(m): 5:55pm On Jan 13, 2016
GTB all the way......wouldn't you rather bank with Us
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Primegold: 8:36pm On Jan 13, 2016
GTB all the way......wouldn't you rather bank with Us

Not too sure....with the ATM card maintenance fee, aren't you (GTB & Zenith) 2 sides of the same coin?
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Nobody: 12:29am On Jan 14, 2016
Don't let MTN hear this o, they'd acquire the company in no time.
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by UnclePati: 3:03am On Jan 14, 2016
Zenith Bank is not Broke.

the funds transfer form cost the bank so much money to print and can no longer be used for free anymore especially when customers misuse it.

customers have the option to use their cheque book or corporate letter head to issue transfer instructions {free of charge}

or simply use the E-channel products -i.e internet banking or mobile banking platforms to initiate your transfers {all free of charge}

Zenith remains a MODEL to others in the industry. with its highest capital base and excellent customer service.

Zenith is also the highest profit making bank in Nigeria Today.

So....you better think of banking with Zenith
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Primegold: 9:46am On Jan 14, 2016
Zenith Bank is not Broke.

the funds transfer form cost the bank so much money to print and can no longer be used for free anymore especially when customers misuse it.

From your response, I can deduce you work for Zenith. Pls help provide more light on these:

1.) The form in question costs less than N5 to print. If Zenith is not out to profiteer from this why charge N210? The other bank I went to for the same transaction issued a bigger,better designed and user-friendly form for absolutely FREE.

2.) Why are the other so called free channels not communicated?

3.) Why is Zenith not paying interest on credit balance in current account as directed by CBN?

4.) How much does Zenith charge for sms alert to its' customers? And for statement of Account?

If Zenith is the most profitable bank according to you,then its' profits are not built on value added but rather on exploitative policies.

I have banked with Zenith for over 10 years and I don't wish my enemy the ZENITH experience.


Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Primegold: 10:03pm On Jan 14, 2016

Zenith Bank is not Broke.

Zenith is also the highest profit making bank in Nigeria Today.

So....you better think of banking with Zenith

A transfer transaction that Zenith charged me N13,000 for was done at N105 at FCMB!
So we can see where your so-called profit is coming from.
Pure exploitation!

Can Zenith name just 10 SME coys they have nurtured to success in their over 20 years of existence and with " its highest capital base" ? Just 10.
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Kaybee14(m): 10:27pm On Jan 14, 2016
OP, i'm not surprised at all since i didn't received ordinary "season's greetings" text message from them (Zenith Bank) or to thank/appreciate their esteemed customers for banking with them in the last year, 2015. Anyway, it is well.
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by Primegold: 11:24pm On Jan 14, 2016
OP, i'm not surprised at all since i didn't received ordinary "season's greetings" text message from them (Zenith Bank) or to thank/appreciate their esteemed customers for banking with them in the last year, 2015. Anyway, it is well.


Thank your stars. If they did, they would charge you triple the sms rate that telcos charge for the service.
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by inihood(m): 12:37am On Jan 15, 2016


Thank your stars. If they did, they would charge you triple the sms rate that telcos charge for the service.

hahaha haha!
hahaha haha!!
hahaha haha!!!
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by BuddhaPalm(m): 1:11am On Jan 15, 2016

From your response, I can deduce you work for Zenith. Pls help provide more light on these:

1.) The form in question costs less than N5 to print. If Zenith is not out to profiteer from this why charge N210? The other bank I went to for the same transaction issued a bigger,better designed and user-friendly form for absolutely FREE.

2.) Why are the other so called free channels not communicated?

3.) Why is Zenith not paying interest on credit balance in current account as directed by CBN?

4.) How much does Zenith charge for sms alert to its' customers? And for statement of Account?

If Zenith is the most profitable bank according to you,then its' profits are not built on value added but rather on exploitative policies.

I have banked with Zenith for over 10 years and I don't wish my enemy the ZENITH experience.

So Chief, why do you still bank with them?
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by mynduu44: 4:39am On Jan 15, 2016
Zenith Bank is not Broke.

the funds transfer form cost the bank so much money to print and can no longer be used for free anymore especially when customers misuse it.

customers have the option to use their cheque book or corporate letter head to issue transfer instructions {free of charge}

or simply use the E-channel products -i.e internet banking or mobile banking platforms to initiate your transfers {all free of charge}

Zenith remains a MODEL to others in the industry. with its highest capital base and excellent customer service.

Zenith is also the highest profit making bank in Nigeria Today.

So....you better think of banking with Zenith

Oga stop disgracing that bank the more..
How can a leaflet that the production value ain't more than #3 naira knowing fully well the customer is also charged for the transfer be a financial burden..

Can u compare the wastage of such paper to 1st bank that has so many unlearned/wasteful customers.

Zenith bank is broke period.
Re: Is ZENITH BANK Broke? by emysilva: 10:54am On Jan 15, 2016
if someone did not pick his master card and pin when is ready for him to collect it because of one problem, can he still collect it later.
pls i need an urgent answer

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