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Anyaoku Backs Buhari Stance On Naira Devaluation - Business (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Anyaoku Backs Buhari Stance On Naira Devaluation by PBundles(m): 12:26am On Apr 01, 2016
Im sorry but it just occurred to me that Im dealing with someone with low level of comprehension. I cant make sense of what you are trying to say. I just hope you get the help you need.


When someone says "I am a student of XYZ," it is never intended to mean a major in any field of study. One can be a student of Life,but not literally. I can't believe you took it to mean a university course/major!

So, you now agree that those countries were the pioneers of indiscriminate bombing. As far as I know, those who started bombing in 1940s are the masters of the art. Don't come and cry foul using instances of 1980/90 when you are being paid back with same coin?

Finally, my personal life an immigration status has no bearing in this talk with you. But if you are so curious, I will post a link for you to verify my professional affiliation. It would take years (not less than 10 years) for any legal immigrant to think of becoming a member of the professional organization let alone an illegal.

Re: Anyaoku Backs Buhari Stance On Naira Devaluation by jediwice(m): 4:38am On Apr 01, 2016

Writing a long epistle to prove a point is like shouting during a conversation, if the other guy shouts louder do that make him right?

You made valid points though!!! And oh! Now we know ur a millionaire who lives in multiple countries

Whatever - --he has made his points clear
- -- you can go and hug a nearby working transformer - -- bunch of enemies of Progress - -Shioo -

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