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Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kennyloyds: 11:50am On Aug 07, 2009 |
Good Day Sir/Ma My name is Omoh am a Nigeria by nationality I have sign contract agreement with more than 5 school in china which am there school Representative here in Nigeria west Africa if you have any student that is willing to school in china you can contact me or call my phone number +2347029440586 or 07029440586 or send me a email KENNYLOYDS1982@GMAIL.COM Thanks Kenny |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by justwise(m): 3:02pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
kennyloyds: Poor criminal, u can't even wrtie simple English |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by MrCrackles(m): 3:04pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
justwise: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by MrCrackles(m): 3:05pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
Poster You are a top grade self-servicer. . . . bloody idiot! Will you get out of that cybercafe now before thunder strikes you dead ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by justwise(m): 3:11pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
MrCrackles: Thats top grade insult, ahahah |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kok(m): 4:10pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
These fools woundnt just stop, and get job! Some idiots will still fall for this!! |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by danieljimoh(m): 5:03pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
Dont blame the guy his father owns those universities so he automatically becomes their agent or vice chancellor |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by philip0906(m): 9:39pm On Aug 07, 2009 |
kok:Thats y they r IDIOTS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kood: 7:57am On Aug 09, 2009 |
Is Chinese school or university better than what we have in Nigeria. why would anyone go to China to study if not for business. Hey there is no administrator in this forum. that thread should be deleted!!! and am sure the person that posted it is not the one that compose the the writing because he don't even know how to post in a forum. He is bloody scammer as someone has already said. |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by Nobody: 9:33am On Aug 09, 2009 |
kood: What? Far fu cking better than any nigeria universities. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kood: 5:01pm On Aug 09, 2009 |
@faakay You are absolutely wrong. You may say that Nigeria dont have facilities but we have good lecturers and under the condition which we study make us better outside. I have met so many graduate outside Nigeria and if I can judge from what I see outside, Nigeria graduate are really doing great. Ask any Nigerian who are doing their post graduate programme outside Nigeria what are the comparison between then and other student from other countries. I had my degree in Nigeria and I am really proud of getting the degree there. Again, if you talk about facilities we dont have it compare to so many countries. but men we have good lecturers. Because some people are afraid or cant pass some of the exams like Waec, Jamb and other exams they wish to run to china or other Asia country for study. Maybe because they wont demand all these. Some of this institution are after your money and not the education they are offering. of course in good countries in Europe e.g, Scandinavian countries, western Europe, you must met their requirements and you must maintain a good grade to keep studying in that institution. if anyone wish to study abroad it shouldn't be China or some countries they are telling in this forum. this guys want to ripe you off. so my faakay if you are part of people who advise people to go china for study you are making a big mistake. |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by Nobody: 12:20am On Aug 10, 2009 |
kood: Those highlighted words of yours are best to your knowledge. ![]() ![]() I can't argue with you ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kood: 10:46am On Aug 10, 2009 |
@ faakay, Of course that is mainly the reason. but that does not mean anyone who is serious may not acquire good education anywhere in the world once you have the materials. sometimes, it depends on you not just the facilities you have. well, I wish you all the best if you are studying in china but dont take it that you are better than those in Nigeria. |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by mamagee6(f): 7:28pm On Aug 11, 2009 |
@faakay You're so confused. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by Nobody: 9:29pm On Aug 11, 2009 |
@ kood Firstly we are talking about the quality of education in both countries and you are talking about having good lecturers. Did you know what constitutes a good educational system? It's not just about good teachers, good lecturers, it's the ability of a nation to boast of having a standardized and competatitve system. Talk about examination malpractices, it's what you see around WAEC, JAMB, Post-UME, PCE, even universities exams, bribery and corruption because the system wasn't dependable. Government schools are meant to be the most reliable so that masses can be competative among each other but what do we have in Nigeria? Dirty public schools etc, abi na this ASUU strike? lack of neccesary facilities I'm not in anyway bad mouthing Nigeria because I'm a Nigerian. But I'm trying to explain that you can never compare Nigerian Education to that of china. From my own view, I think it's because the Chinese medium of communication is not English that is why you are reasoning like that. Even Scandinavian countries, western Europe you are referring to, medium of teaching is their local language, e.g. Germany, Spain, Norway, Czech Rep., Denmark, Holland, France, Finland and etc, only few schools in those countries teaches in English including China & Japan/other Asian countries you are condemning, So!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! speaking/writing English doesn't mean you are intelligent, but it's just a language of communication. Nigerians are good, smart, intelligent and we excel alot in theoretical aspects of education of which courses like business admin., management courses are based on. But talk about Medicine, IT ( Information Technology), and most science courses,Nigerians will be dusted out due to lack of facilities and research. Don't you also know that the nation's economy plays an important role in educational development? You are condemning Asian Countries including Japan? na waooooo ![]() Bros I ain't got time for arguing. . . I know what am saying. . . I no fit dey argue jareeee, |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kood: 10:26am On Aug 12, 2009 |
@ faakay I think both of us are misunderstanding ourselves. well, I can start by saying that I am not condemning education in Asia and neither am I saying that we are better than them. Of course, Japan has good quality education. maybe I over generalized. What I am trying to say to you is that instead of Nigeria going to some Asia countries for study it is better they get the education in Nigeria. And I am telling you out of experience and what I have seen. In Western Europe you mention some of them have English programmes for undergraduate programs and many have English programmes for graduates programs. What makes this countries better and good is that they have good facilities, good lecturers and as well good educational policy. By good educational policy I mean it is either you a good student or you are out of school. that means if you cant cope with their studies you should find your way out. Also, to make another correction here, I am speaking about being a foreign student in another country. Of course, their citizen has good education but some of these Asian countries or some countries in Eastern Europe don't care about you as a foreign student. In Scandinavian countries as a foreign student you don't play with your studies or else you will be on probation. For you to renew your study visa you must have a certain grade. Well, I don't want to speak about corruption in Nigeria. this another topic. For those of you who are reading this thread, it does not mean that you cannot go to Asia for your studies but my advice for you is first, you must know what you want. Secondly, you will not have the same challenges you will get in Nigeria as an undergraduate. As undergraduate in Nigeria it is quite challenging and competitive. this challenges make you a better student. God bless Nigeria! |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by justwise(m): 10:41am On Aug 12, 2009 |
@kood What challengings are u going on abt? Do u know the challengings we face studying outside Nigeria? Does time mean anything to u? How will u spend 5-6yrs studying 4yrs course? paying for handouts, bribing lecturers, lecturers influence results, cutism, no facilities, etc. Tell me what is fun in such system of education we have in Nigeria, yes we have great lectures/teachers but they are paid next to nothing, no motivation, i mean why would any Nigerian who can afford outside education not jump at it? I don't think u are being honest Kood |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kood: 11:32am On Aug 12, 2009 |
@ justwise I think you should read my thread very well. I never say we have the best education. and this thread started by a guy wanting to help Nigerian to go to china for studies. I has been in that part of the world and I can tell you many of this institution don't care about you. I mean how you study. whether you are doing well or not. As a Nigerian I will prefer to study in Nigeria to study in so many countries in Asia. there are private institution in Nigeria now, so if you can afford to study in some countries in Asia why not pay to study in those private universities in Nigeria. Anyway, I think we Nigerians have a problem. We always want to 'run away' from our country either for study or for economic reasons. And when we do these we dont consider so many factors. some people dont even give a damn of which country they are going to immigrate. this countries we are trying to immigrate, either for studies or for economic reasons could be good for their citizen but bad for foreigners. |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by Nobody: 2:01pm On Aug 12, 2009 |
@faakay ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by DisGuy: 2:50pm On Aug 12, 2009 |
ignore the first poster moved to education |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by Nobody: 5:59pm On Aug 12, 2009 |
jassie: ![]() |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by kennyloyds: 9:34am On Aug 13, 2009 |
Re: Student Invitation Letter For Study In China by hclacid(m): 1:46pm On Aug 29, 2009 |
one thing about africans in general (i was born in nigeria) from experience is their way of envy. when it comes to things that are out of their reach they would start swearing. i bet you if someone confirms that the china process is real you'd see everybody sending mails to this kenny guy. i plead with you all nigerians lets learn to hold ourselves in. the bible explains in proverb 25:28 that that a man without control over his spirit is a like a city whose walls are broken down, |
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