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Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence - Politics (5) - Nairaland

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Armed Men Invade Olisa Metuh’s House / Video: Heavily Armed Fulani Men Crossing Benue River Before 2016 Agatu Attacks / Prince Otemu Escapes Gun Attack From Armed Men In Ughelli (Photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Nobody: 6:57pm On Apr 28, 2016
Bro I am surprised that at this point in time u are still talking about unity. Why talk about unity with people who obviously want your head? The only option now is for the south (SW, SE and SS) to join forces and fight for our lives even if it amounts to the disintegration of this country which obviously is not working

Yes. The SS/SE would join forces together to defend themselves.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Jazzlite: 6:59pm On Apr 28, 2016
you are a liar.

Guy this video wasnt taken of recent.. This is nt agatu or close to agatu. Thats the kind of fake i mean..

Talking abt winter.. I have seen enough terror for one lifetime.. And i don't wish it for anybody...

In essence all i am trying to say is.. Propaganda will not help the situation.. It will just add more fuel...

And from some of the replies i am seeing.. The person that realeased this video has succeeded...
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by kogirodent: 7:01pm On Apr 28, 2016
For those who will say these are.still not Fulanis i can hear pronouncing Fulani words clearly and with Fulani accent. At least i spent two years in their communities even if i cnt speak dia language.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Jazzlite: 7:02pm On Apr 28, 2016
Wher is LOGO area dt d sed Fulani man was killed.Am jst bereft of words. We r jst finishing off BH riffraffs & dis fulani guys want d Army to com after dem!Well gud news is dey(Fulanis) can nt be compared to BH riffraffs. Dey r nt well equipped.
I pray thins get better before dey get out of hands.Lastly, CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM THE VERACITY OF THIS VIDEO because ryt nw i dnt hv dt kinda tym.
APC activated something beyond their powers... how are you soldierman?
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by mashnino(m): 7:06pm On Apr 28, 2016

This is really funny, just reading some comments of the SS/SE/SW guys just makes me wonder..

2 things i believe will kill Nigerians are Gullibility and Hypocrisy..

We all know it's a bad thing that these guys are killing farmers et al...

but for 5 years the north was under attack and still is..

All you guys said was "kill dem all" with several exclamation marks..

Now you have just a taste of what we have been going through and you are already shouting war..

If you are a reasonable Nigerian,don't follow these comments. you will think devil landed in Nigeria...

if you want to know exactly whats happening, get a soldier or be there live within the action..

The thing is... If war comes nobody will gain anything.. infact we would just be acting according to the script

the elites have written.. well.. i cn't really say much.. i know some people will mention the comment and blast..

please feel free...

my belief is, these men are not herds men...


Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by mashnino(m): 7:08pm On Apr 28, 2016
you are a liar.

sorry i lied...

next time i will just keep it to myself..
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by BudeYahooCom: 7:08pm On Apr 28, 2016
This is a pure case of bokoharam. Time for the south to wake up, the war is now migrating.

A buhari apologist calling on the south? lmao!
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Jidibia(m): 7:12pm On Apr 28, 2016
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by BudeYahooCom: 7:13pm On Apr 28, 2016

He Never saw anything. He is a tool for destabilizing NIgeria just like Yusuf, founder of boko-haram.

This one still wants 'one nigeria' with fulanis in it after preaching to others about preparation. Confusion break bone!
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Nobody: 7:13pm On Apr 28, 2016

After all, America claimed Nigeria will split in 2015. Yet we are still together.[/size]

You may say fulani mayhem has always been there. True.

But not on this level and frequency.

Question : What is behind their new courage and zeal to kill ?

Answer : They are being used. They are mobilized.

100 people dont just wake up and decide to wipe out others without any motivation.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by kuuljay(m): 7:14pm On Apr 28, 2016

As in i dont mean fake in the sense that it is nt in Nigeria

Fake as in. This is nt even close to agatu..
benue river banks have thick brushes with forestlike background and the weather is not that hazzy
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by ndcide(m): 7:15pm On Apr 28, 2016

if this is true.. then I'm afraid my dear country is no longer safe

woes of GEJ's govt. by failing to 'kill d iroko from small' as d yorubas would say

Just too sad!

with all d stolen money.. where is d peace now to enjoy dem?

We know you are unrepentant.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Qelvin(m): 7:17pm On Apr 28, 2016
Yorubas need to get ready, deal with this i.diot the same way we dealt with them in the past. This time, no Yoruba group should forsake another like Oyo neglected to help Afonja because of his treachery.

We've dealt with them in the past, but that's the past. This time, it aint about cutlass, we need to invest in regional weaponry. Igbos who are still fasting and crying because of small booboo don't know who they're dealing with. These Fulani herdsmen have no conscious, no empathy nothing. All they understand is death and so we shall give them death.

Buhari wants to act deaf and dumb abi? Okay. I'm excited that Nigeria is finally going to break apart, unfortunately, we'll have to sacrifice some people to attain Odua Republic.

Every region for itself.
First sensible thing you've said today...

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Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Jidibia(m): 7:18pm On Apr 28, 2016

This is really funny, just reading some comments of the SS/SE/SW guys just makes me wonder..

2 things i believe will kill Nigerians are Gullibility and Hypocrisy..

We all know it's a bad thing that these guys are killing farmers et al...

but for 5 years the north was under attack and still is..

All you guys said was "kill dem all" with several exclamation marks..

Now you have just a taste of what we have been going through and you are already shouting war..

If you are a reasonable Nigerian,don't follow these comments. you will think devil landed in Nigeria...

if you want to know exactly whats happening, get a soldier or be there live within the action..

The thing is... If war comes nobody will gain anything.. infact we would just be acting according to the script

the elites have written.. well.. i cn't really say much.. i know some people will mention the comment and blast..

please feel free...

my belief is, these men are not herds men...
Are you alright? I don't think so... Who are boko haram and who are herdsmen? Same core northerners (Funanis/Hausas). Let me ask you a question, if militants in Niger Delta leave their zone and start attacking other zones won't it lead to war or doesn't it call for preparation by other people to get weapons and fight back? In fact you are mentally sick.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Karm16: 7:20pm On Apr 28, 2016

First sensible thing you've said today...

Surprise me by saying something sensible today.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by obailala(m): 7:20pm On Apr 28, 2016

A buhari apologist calling on the south? lmao!
One of the biggest follies of Nigeria and Nigerians lies in the inordinate urge to portray any and everything as politics.

The moment the fulani herdsmen strike, one group claims it is because buhari won election and instead of sympathizing with the victims, they view it as political, and begin to mock people for their political choice.

Fulani herdsmen murdered thousands under Jonathan and Jonathan didnt do jack about it. Now the trend is repeating itself again under Buhari, and instead of Nigerians to reason out ways in which this menace can be stopped, the only thing some air-heads see is politics of GEJ vs Buhari; "you should have voted GEJ instead of Buhari" is the clear message these lot always try to pass. But then, judging by the above narrative, one begins to wonder what the rationale is to have voted GEJ, especially as it concerns herdsmen.

My brother, this act of always drawing politics into humanitarian issues is an act of pure foolishness, and it has been the hallmark of most Nigerian youths lately.


Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by sillyNLmods: 7:22pm On Apr 28, 2016
And the woman wrapper of Enugu state is shedding tears and calling for prayers instead of arming the boys
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by porshuch: 7:24pm On Apr 28, 2016
This people are not nigerian
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by mashnino(m): 7:27pm On Apr 28, 2016

Are you alright? I don't think so... Who are boko haram and who are herdsmen? Same core northerners (Funanis/Hausas). Let me ask you a question, if militants in Niger Delta leave their zone and start attacking other zones won't it lead to war or doesn't it call for preparation by other people to get weapons and fight back? In fact you are mentally sick.

well.. i maybe mentally sick but i know a propaganda when i see one..

and please i am not opposed to the farmers or anybody carrying arms..

i mean Nigeria is a lawless country...

so don't get angry..

but in all the years i have lived on earth... Who war don epp?

the thing is.. if the killing will just stop with the herdsmen e for better..

but just be rest assured some people will cross lines.. which will crop up another thing...

and we keep going in a loop.. until we reach syria stage.. the elites are chilling with food and max security

the commoners are hungry and dying.. we will then become refugees in our own country...

this is a classic "divide and conquer" case... but my guy no hard feelings... carry your arms... nobody dey stop you
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by hotwax: 7:29pm On Apr 28, 2016

You may say fulani mayhem has always been there. True.

But not on this level and frequency.

Question : What is behind their new courage and zeal to kill ?

Answer : They are being used. They are mobilized.

100 people dont just wake up and decide to wipe out others without any motivation.

Yeah right. We all thought boko Haram were just common criminals until shiiiit hit the fan.

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Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by xpool(m): 7:36pm On Apr 28, 2016
forget nigerian army. they ar under islamic rule. our only saving grace is for soldiers of south east south south origin to develop liva to disobey odas from their oga at d top. d ogas ar d real terrorist backing n shielding fulani terrorist to continue ethnic cleansing.
True talk bro.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by NLban: 7:42pm On Apr 28, 2016
Am scared of this country now,this is beyond fulani herdsmen,something worst than boko haram is coming nd instead of us to unite we are talking igbo nd yoruba or pdp nd apc

Its either someone is trying to turn us to syria
This is jihad war looming.this is nt Fulani's fighting for cow anymore,all christians need to unite irrespective of there tribe,infact all southern nd middle belt in nigeria.we need to prepare for this terror.God would save his children am sure of that,but still God helps who help themselves

Why is every body calling for unity, now that the Fulanis have extended their evil tentacles besides the Middle Belt Region.

When the Fulani Jihardist were terrorizing Southern Kaduna, Plateau and Benue States, most people felt it was ok.

Every body was made to believe that the Fulani herdsmen only attack communities that have stolen their cattle.

Now the question is "how many cow have the Igbos stolen from the Fulani Demons?"
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Rexyl(m): 7:42pm On Apr 28, 2016
shocking news, shocking video, so no state is immune to terrorist/jihadist/herdsmen/militant attacks. May God help us
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Ugosample(m): 7:43pm On Apr 28, 2016

I think i have seen this video before


I have seen this video....

This is video is fake...

Mind you.. I am not in support of the fulani killings or any other

But this video is fake...

I have seen this video before too.

All these people trying to heat up the already heated atmosphere should desist from doing so pls.
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by mashnino(m): 7:43pm On Apr 28, 2016
except google map is wrong...

when i say this video wasn't for agatu

look at the pic below..

agatu is not close to any major river that runs from river benue down to agatu..

so please report authentic news.. nigerians deserve that..

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Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by theSpark(m): 7:47pm On Apr 28, 2016
Wher is LOGO area..?

It's most likely Loko, a town on the banks of the Benue river in Nasarawa LGA, Nasarawa State.

It's where the second Benue bridge is being built ( Loko-Oweto bridge).
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by xpool(m): 7:48pm On Apr 28, 2016

I find it really disturbing that PMB habitually looks the other way when security breeches are carried out by his Kinsmen.

God save Nigeria.
He is looking for Tompolo who will help us to mobilize
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by theSpark(m): 7:59pm On Apr 28, 2016
except google map is wrong...

when i say this video wasn't for agatu

look at the pic below..

agatu is not close to any major river that runs from river benue down to agatu..

so please report authentic news.. nigerians deserve that..

You have a point.
The attackers of Agatu must at a point cross that river if they came from the North. Unless they are airlifted.

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Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by mashnino(m): 8:07pm On Apr 28, 2016

You have a point.
The attackers of Agatu must at a point cross that river if they came from the North. Unless they are airlifted.

Air lifted... Very funny

Well.. The way the men are talking you will know they are going for an immediate attack...
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by Vivalavida99(f): 8:09pm On Apr 28, 2016
So far nobody has been able to translate what this demons where saying.

Anyway, it's time every states, LG, communities, villages starts arming their people, the ethnic cleansing/Genocide has begun. The Fulani oligarchs, the born to rule elites and those who wants to Islamize the country has unleashed their war dogs on the rest of us in the South. We must start defending ourselves, it is now or never!
Re: Armed Men Crossing Benue River En-Route Agatu (Video) - SBM Intelligence by BudeYahooCom: 8:15pm On Apr 28, 2016
One of the biggest follies of Nigeria and Nigerians lies in the inordinate urge to portray any and everything as politics.

The moment the fulani herdsmen strike, one group claims it is because buhari won election and instead of sympathizing with the victims, they view it as political, and begin to mock people for their political choice.

Fulani herdsmen murdered thousands under Jonathan and Jonathan didnt do jack about it. Now the trend is repeating itself again under Buhari, and instead of Nigerians to reason out ways in which this menace can be stopped, the only thing some air-heads see is politics of GEJ vs Buhari; "you should have voted GEJ instead of Buhari" is the clear message these lot always try to pass. But then, judging by the above narrative, one begins to wonder what the rationale is to have voted GEJ, especially as it concerns herdsmen.

My brother, this act of always drawing politics into humanitarian issues is an act of pure foolishness, and it has been the hallmark of most Nigerian youths lately.

But you are known to see everything as APCvs PDP. Where are you excluding this one and sounding sanctimonous? If this video wasn't out you would have continue to claim IPOB killed Agatu people like your comrade omenka from benue.

The truth is the fulani you see in that video feel very empowered to become lawless after your buhari came aboard. You can deny it from jericho to Jerusalem. The truth stares you in the face and i like how zombies are trying to run away from it. You empowered those killers you see in that video by voting the Terrorist Buhari.

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