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Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by lincolnpix(m): 10:57pm On Oct 21, 2009
Hi All,

I’m nearly completed with the design and implementation of a website for the Nigerian Embassy in Rome (Italy). The CURRENT SITE: http://www.nigerianrome.org/ is still up, but as soon as the client has scrubbed the content, the new one will replace it. This is is something totally different, and much more complex than the old.

NEW SITE: http://lagoslabs.com/embassy/

I’d be glad to get input or suggestions from you all. I may have overlooked something that might seem obvious to you.

Feel free to ask away about any other parts of the site.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by yawatide(f): 11:48am On Oct 22, 2009
Vast improvement (as in total 180 degree change). Kudos!

A few issues/concerns/questions:

1) What is the login section for?

2) Contact form: I see you are using jquery. Why not go ahead and use a jquery form? I think it is bad architecture to take ppl filling out the form to a white page with a layout that is not consistent with the main site.

3) Get rid of the Naija flag animation - I find it distracting

4) Animation on home page - IMHO, this is the site for the embassy in rome. If true, I think you should put a photo of the embassy. That animation you have there should perhaps go under "about Nigeria"

5) News Links: Is this going to be updated regularly? If so, are the necessary people trained to know what to do, or are you paid to do it? If the latter, even better. If not, I would take it off. I hate seeing stale news wink

6) I was once approached to redo the website for the Embassy in New York. One issue I raised was that it would be nice for all Nigerian embassies to run off a subdomain (e.g. rome.nigerianembassy.gov.ng or whatver) and that for uniformity (ala the US model), all subdomains would look alike, only differing in content. I am wondering if you could see to pulling similar strings over there. I didn't get the job but if I do, 3 things I would push for, for sure are the use of a CMS, sub-domains (at least for the US embassies/consulates) and a uniform layout. 'Something to think about.

Overall, this site reminds me of a song that was sang during the opening of a popular game show on NTA, back in the day, "I am proud to be a Nigeriaaaaaan" cool Good job! I just hope the clients have appreciated the effort in cash and kind.
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by lincolnpix(m): 3:37pm On Oct 22, 2009
Ummm,  embarassed No comments critics or suggestions?
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by Seun(m): 6:37pm On Oct 22, 2009
Check again. Yawa-ti-de posted a review above!
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by onyengbu1(m): 8:08pm On Oct 22, 2009

Ummm,  embarassed No comments critics or suggestions?

Check again. Yawa-ti-de posted a review above!
grin grin grin
Seun go kill peson for here 00. Chei!!
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by yawatide(f): 9:39pm On Oct 22, 2009
I had posted my response but it got flagged for spam. As a "regular" poster, you wouldn't be able to view the flagged post, hence the original poster's concern. I did send an email to Seun to "unflag" the post, which he did and then alerted him to it. In other words, Seun responded so that the original poster would get a notification in his inbox.

At least, that's how I see it.
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by gabng(m): 1:39am On Nov 03, 2009
try and get a.gov.ng domain for ur website to complete your professionalism.
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by Cactus(m): 4:14pm On Nov 03, 2009
1. there is a whitespace at the bottom of the footer. I am assuming you placed it there if not check it in firefox 3.5,
2. If you go to immigration and passport, you have the submenu on the right. If you go to About Nigeria, you have the submenu on the left of the page. I would prefer to stick to one side of the page for consistency.
3. On the about Nigeria page, the map of Nigeria, you can make it clickable so that a bigger version will come up that will be easier to read.
4. Top menu: you can do a vertical-align: middle; to make it visually balanced against the green background.
5. Your class names: where you have class="gridxxxxx" you can think about using proper relevant names. That would make the next person's work easier if you are not the one that will be asked to modify it on a future date.
6. Try to centralize the menu on top if it looks cool then keep it that way.
7. I am not sure if this is me or something magic happening. It seems to me that some pages have different font styles than others or maybe some pages have bigger font that others. Not familiar with expressionengine framework but I feel that the initiall css should match maybe while someone was tweaking made some changes that makes it look different.
8. Keep your forgotten password page like every other page. I wouldnt use different layout of colors.
9. Like 8 above the error page for invalid username or password. should be formatted like the remaining site not something different. and most likely use a different type of error notification.
10. I am quite confused try to remove the link to the forum if you dont want it to be seen without logging in. Anyone can find it if they want so remove the link if you dont want it to be found. Also try to style the forum like the main site so everything flows seamlessly. colorwise
Re: Review Nigeria Embassy (rome) Website by lincolnpix(m): 1:22pm On Nov 04, 2009
Hi Cactus,

Thanks for looking and for the points you made, i do appreciate such a constructive "eye",
i've not finished the project yet , some issues you clearly layed out will get the necessary attentions.


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