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Why Women Urinate Frequently – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis & More - Health - Nairaland

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Why Women Urinate Frequently – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis & More by adedemmy: 10:23pm On May 19, 2017
A woman, a beer parlour owner, who was passing urine frequently, was accused by husband of taking too much of what she sells. The argument got so heated that he forced her to go for a test. Lo and behold, the result had no traces of alcohol, rather it was a case of frequent urination due to an overactive bladder!
Urination is the body’s way of getting rid of excess water, as well as wastes. While this is an important function for survival, its frequency can interfere with a woman’s quality of life.
Frequent trips to the bathroom, not sleeping through the night or refraining from going out for fear that they will leak urine, are often familiar to women who experience frequent urination.
A change in the colour of urine (red, pink, or cola-coloured),  a sudden and strong urge to urinate, difficulty in emptying the bladder,  urinary incontinence and painful urination are all indications of bladder control problems in women.
Causes and risk factors
Diets: Caffeine intake through coffee, tea, alcohol intake and certain soft drinks
Lifestyle: Obesity (excess weight) can place extra pressure on the bladder. The result can be weaker pelvic floor muscles and a need to urinate more frequently.
Pregnancy: Frequent urination is common with pregnancy. The growing uterus can place extra pressure on the bladder during pregnancy. As a result, a woman may have to go to the bathroom more frequently.
Menopause: It can also affect bladder control. When women no longer have their periods, their bodies stop making estrogen.
Medical: Bladder stones, diabetes, cystitis (a chronic, inflammatory disorder of the bladder),  low  estrogen levels, urinary tract infection and a weak pelvic floor organ.
Childbirth: Childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor muscles and damage the nerves in the bladder. Sometimes a woman may not experience problems with bladder control immediately after giving birth, but she may experience symptoms years later.

Complications associated with urinary frequency often depend on the condition’s underlying cause, which would be urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, renal failure  or damaged kidneys.
If urinary frequency occurs on its own with no immediate treatable illness, it can affect a woman’s quality of life. A woman may not be able to sleep well due to having to wake up to go to the bathroom very often. She may also refrain from social events for fear of having to go to the bathroom too frequently. These complications can all influence a woman’s sense of well-being.
SOURCE»»» http://betterpikins..com/2017/05/why-women-urinate-frequently-symptoms.html
Re: Why Women Urinate Frequently – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis & More by anupchan(f): 6:58am On May 30, 2017
Women are more prone to urine infections because of the short distance between the urethra and anus. Inadequate personal hygiene may contribute to the opportunistic bacteria travelling from anus to the urethra. In fact, more than 50 percent of women will develop urine infection or UTI in their lifetimes. So urinating more maybe one of the body's response to clear bacterial infection in the urinary tract. I read it here when i was having the same problem. https://www.vitsupp.com/urinary-tract-infection-urine-infection/

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