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Protecting your Erection (The Right Way) - Health - Nairaland

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Protecting your Erection (The Right Way) by ojcreate(m): 11:04am On Aug 09, 2017
Sustaining an erection is a problem for a lot of guys. This especially affects older men. It can be really embarrassing when you think that you can’t satisfy your partner or giver some action , the way she wants it. There are however several factors that can cause erectile dysfunction in men. Below are some of the things you need to do to protect your erection as a man.

1. Changing your diet
The quality of your diet determines the quality of your erection.Your diet determines the health or otherwise of your organs especially your reproductive organ. Whatever is bad for your heart is also bad for your penis, so cut out the junks and fries. Research claims that poor food habits can cause heart attack and also restrict blood flow to your penis. Blood flow is essential for a functioning penis but the cholesterol in fried foods will block proper blood flow. Therefore, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle you have to eat a lots of healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, seafood e.t.c.. Also a glass of red wine once in a while is good for your sexual health.

2. Working on Your Weight
Obesity has been linked to poor erection. Research shows that obesity can be linked to several conditions that affect your erection. When you add weight, your body produces globulin which further reduces your testosterone level thereby leading to poor sex drive and poor erection. it has also been discovered that excessive visceral fat reduces testosterone levels. You can cut out the excess fats by taking your work outs seriously and also eating healthy.

3. Avoid Smoking
Nicotine has been linked to erectile dysfunction. Nicotine can prevent good circulation within the body. This leads to a a clogging of the arteries including those that lead to the reproductive organs. In a study carried out on 4,764 Chinese men who were of average age of 47 years, showed that men who smoked more than 20 sticks of cigarettes suffered a higher risk of erectile dysfunction compared to men who do not smoke. The study also showed that 15% of men who smoked experienced erectile dysfunction. Also, 30% of the men who smoked were likely to suffer from impotence.

4. Stop Masturbating
Overstimulating the penis can lead to hormonal imbalance which makes the penis become flaccid often and weakens its ability to be erect. Sex is like a battery. The more you use it, the more you lose it. Masturbation makes you ejaculate often with little time for your body to replenish itself with the needed dose of testosterone which leads to weaker erection.
Over masturbation depletes the body of needed neurochemicals like dopamine, ...... http://healthprincipal.com/how-to-protect-your-erection/

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