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What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots - Health - Nairaland

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What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by cbrezy(m): 7:57pm On Nov 03, 2017
Hello everyone, I discovered I'm having Eczema on my face the day my friends started telling me that my face is bleaching, and I realized that its Eczema, now the dark spots on my face causes buy pimples (acne) are now visible, since I was born I've never ever had eczema now I'm having low self esteem because of it I don't feel proud of myself as a normal human been should because many said that eczema is caused by dirtiness and I'm not a dirty person, but I'm the sweaty type I do sweat if I do any little work or if I'm treking under the sun.

I bought a cream but I don't think its working because I haven't seen any changes the name is "BIOCOTEN", and I'm also using "TETMOSOL SOAP" to bath morning and night.

So please I need you guys to help me with treatments or medications that I'll use to cure it I want to be happy once again.

Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by yungEX(m): 8:01pm On Nov 03, 2017
Bro stop using that biocoten anti-eczemateous cream! It contains steroids!! You'll regret it eventually. Find d root cause of the eczema.. Change ur diet.. U can use Shea butter I heard d bark of a pawpaw tree works

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by cbrezy(m): 8:05pm On Nov 03, 2017
Bro stop using that biocoten anti-eczemateous cream! It contains steroids!! You'll regret it eventually. Find d root cause of the eczema.. Change ur diet.. U can use Shea butter I heard d bark of a pawpaw tree works

Wow thanks for that but how do I go about the back of pawpaw how do I prepare it
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by yungEX(m): 9:18pm On Nov 03, 2017

Wow thanks for that but how do I go about the back of pawpaw how do I prepare it
Sorry not pawpaw I meant moringa. As I was told, get fresh moringa leaf, crush it with our hand and apply the sap (juice) on the affected area,

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by cbrezy(m): 9:28pm On Nov 03, 2017

Sorry not pawpaw I meant moringa. As I was told, get fresh moringa leaf, crush it with our hand and apply the sap (juice) on the affected area,

thank you bro I'll try that.
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by tuniboss: 12:08am On Nov 04, 2017
Hello everyone, I discovered I'm having Eczema on my face the day my friends started telling me that my face is bleaching, and I realized that its Eczema, now the dark spots on my face causes buy pimples (acne) are now visible, since I was born I've never ever had eczema now I'm having low self esteem because of it I don't feel proud of myself as a normal human been should because many said that eczema is caused by dirtiness and I'm not a dirty person, but I'm the sweaty type I do sweat if I do any little work or if I'm treking under the sun.

I bought a cream but I don't think its working because I haven't seen any changes the name is "BIOCOTEN", and I'm also using "TETMOSOL SOAP" to bath morning and night.

So please I need you guys to help me with treatments or medications that I'll use to cure it I want to be happy once again.

hi I have a proven and natural solution to the problem with no side effects if you're interested call me on 08131195769.. wassapp allowed
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Seun(m): 5:17pm On Jan 17, 2018
Bro stop using that biocoten anti-eczemateous cream! It contains steroids!! You'll regret it eventually.
Why would he regret it eventually? What makes you think that it contains a harmful level of steroids. Would NAFDAC have approved it if that was the case? what was your experience with biocoten that made you feel qualified to advice other people against using it?

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Tapout(m): 5:56pm On Jan 17, 2018
Hello everyone, I discovered I'm having Eczema on my face the day my friends started telling me that my face is bleaching, and I realized that its Eczema, now the dark spots on my face causes buy pimples (acne) are now visible, since I was born I've never ever had eczema now I'm having low self esteem because of it I don't feel proud of myself as a normal human been should because many said that eczema is caused by dirtiness and I'm not a dirty person, but I'm the sweaty type I do sweat if I do any little work or if I'm treking under the sun.

I bought a cream but I don't think its working because I haven't seen any changes the name is "BIOCOTEN", and I'm also using "TETMOSOL SOAP" to bath morning and night.

So please I need you guys to help me with treatments or medications that I'll use to cure it I want to be happy once again.


I've never had spots... but for eczema, just free all those stuffs ur rubbing for now and spend more time scrubing your face while having ur bath. I once had serious issues with eczema , and it worked for me. I used dettol extra cool soap tho.

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by yungEX(m): 6:54pm On Jan 17, 2018

Why would he regret it eventually? What makes you think that it contains a harmful level of steroids. Would NAFDAC have approved it if that was the case? what was your experience with biocoten that made you feel qualified to advice other people against using it?

Hi. I'm currently still experiencing steroid withdrawal because I used biocoten for close to a year. there's a group called ICTAN on Facebook where similar sufferers of steroid withdrawal are too. U can join and see first hand what steroid withdrawal would do to your skin. Once you start using topical steroids your skin becomes dependent on it and you'll eventually need higher doses

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by tuniboss: 1:05am On Jan 18, 2018
hello if you're still interested in getting raid of your skin issue get me on 08131195769
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by sanchezJ(f): 3:45am On Jan 18, 2018
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Seun(m): 3:19pm On Jan 18, 2018
Hi. I'm currently still experiencing steroid withdrawal because I used biocoten for close to a year. there's a group called ICTAN on Facebook where similar sufferers of steroid withdrawal are too. U can join and see first hand what steroid withdrawal would do to your skin. Once you start using topical steroids your skin becomes dependent on it and you'll eventually need higher doses
Why did you have to use it for a whole year? I feel that by discouraging people from using biocoten based on your unusual experience, you're prolonging their suffering.

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by cbrezy(m): 4:35pm On Feb 03, 2018

I've never had spots... but for eczema, just free all those stuffs ur rubbing for now and spend more time scrubing your face while having ur bath. I once had serious issues with eczema , and it worked for me. I used dettol extra cool soap tho.

It's all gone bro, I bought a cream called "authentic" and within 5days it disappeared.

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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by julybaba(m): 6:54pm On Feb 03, 2018
Hello everyone, I discovered I'm having Eczema on my face the day my friends started telling me that my face is bleaching, and I realized that its Eczema, now the dark spots on my face causes buy pimples (acne) are now visible, since I was born I've never ever had eczema now I'm having low self esteem because of it I don't feel proud of myself as a normal human been should because many said that eczema is caused by dirtiness and I'm not a dirty person, but I'm the sweaty type I do sweat if I do any little work or if I'm treking under the sun.

I bought a cream but I don't think its working because I haven't seen any changes the name is "BIOCOTEN", and I'm also using "TETMOSOL SOAP" to bath morning and night.

So please I need you guys to help me with treatments or medications that I'll use to cure it I want to be happy once again.


There are series of home made remedies you can use. Get this eBook, I can't paste everything here because of copyright issues.

NB: Synthetic products can damage your skin


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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Biafraqueen(f): 9:11pm On Feb 03, 2018
using that biocoten anti-eczemateous cream can be at the detriment of ur health because it contains steroids.......... how did the eszema appear.
I suggest u check and find the source of it or visit a doctor for proper diagnosis and safe proscription.
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Nmeri17: 4:29pm On Feb 04, 2018
Go for facial reconstruction surgery and have a new skin grafted. Skin creams are for women and weak men


Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by beautysolutions: 9:12am On Feb 05, 2018
There's a natural solution for clear skin and face which is almond oil. Almond oil has so many health benefits for skin and hair, you should get one


Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by wapcali: 9:52am On Nov 13, 2019
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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Healthempowered: 10:09am On Nov 13, 2019
STC30 is the origin of stem cell in treatment & prevention of diseases. STEM CELLS are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide (through mitosis) to produce more healthy stem cells. Stem cells are found in organisms. They are the universal cells. They are mother cells that have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. One of the main characteristics of stem cells is their ability to self renew or multiply while maintaining the potential to develop into other types of cells. Stem cells can become cells of the heart, kidney, liver, bones, skin, brain, muscle etc. They have the ability to become any kind of cell in the body. They can keep renewing themselves. These basic building blocks of life are fast becoming the ultimate repair kit of the future. Stem cells serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function e. g red blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells etc.

STEM CELLS can manage and treat over 134 diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, leukemia, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, down syndrome, cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal cord injury/paralysis, brain trauma, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, Orthopedic injuries, mudcukoskeletal problems, baldness, deafness, blindness, glaucoma, bone marrow transplant, wound healing, kidney stones and failure, prostate enlargement, stones and cancer, liver diseases, pancreatic dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases, vision impairment, learning defects, skin repair.

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- Tear one Sachet and place the contents under the tongue (sublingual administration)
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Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by Obdk: 4:07pm On Sep 11, 2020

It's all gone bro, I bought a cream called "authentic" and within 5days it disappeared.

Where did you get the authentic cream and how much
Re: What Is The Best Cure For Eczema And Black Spots by cbrezy(m): 8:38pm On Sep 11, 2020

Where did you get the authentic cream and how much

if you stay in the East you'll Normally see those people with Bus selling it and other herbal product, or just go to any pharmacy and ask for it I bought it N100 then, the container is small color of the cap is blue body is white and blue also.

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