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Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? - Health - Nairaland

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Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by mattiu(m): 9:05pm On Nov 25, 2017
Is The Sugar In Fruit Good Or Bad For You!!!

I believe the consumption of fruit can be advantageous. Once you eat up a fruit, you are not just consuming fructose, however, you are also consuming fiber and also a lot of minerals and vitamins. Indeed, fruits can have an effect on your blood sugar levels.

Sugar in fruit is not harmful to us. As a matter of fact, fruits contain a natural sugar- fructose, which is beneficial for you should you have diabetes. This is due to the fact the body digests fructose less quickly compared to it does to sucrose or table sugar. Due to the slower digestion, fructose does not result in the same high glycemic swings as other kinds of sugars. In the year 2008, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) recommended diabetes patients to make use of fructose instead of sucrose based on research.

Few fruits contain adequate sugar to make them unhealthful.

Look at this as a 20-ounce bottle of soda made up of about 240 calories, 65g of added sugar, (typically high-fructose corn syrup), and also few nutrients. However, a cup of strawberries has 50 to 60 calories, approximately 7g of natural fructose, 3g of fiber, as well as lots of vitamin C and minerals- all healthy for you.

However, you do have to watch which fructose you are Consuming. There is natural fructose and also high-fructose corn syrup. The second is not natural and will result in your blood sugar to increase. This is something you must look out for when purchasing can fruit. Much of it is packaged in that high-fructose corn syrup. If it does not state packed in natural juices, buy your fruit either fresh or perhaps frozen as an alternative.

Few fruits high in sugar are below:







One must keep an eye on how much sugar he or she are consuming, even though it is a fruit that largely has fructose. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends up to 24 grams of sugar on a daily basis for females and also 36 grams for males. However, you can surpass that if you do not make the appropriate selections. For instance, 1/8 cup of sliced bananas has 30 grams of sugar independently. If you add the sugar you got from the rest of your food; you're probably far above what you should be eating daily.

Why is excess sugar bad for you?

It brings about metabolic dysfunction. Overeating sugar leads to a barrage of symptoms referred to as classic metabolic syndrome. These include abdominal obesity, weight gain, decreased HDL (High-density lipoproteins) and also increased LDL (low-density lipoprotein), increased blood sugar, increased triglycerides, and also high blood pressure. It also increases your uric acid levels.

Apparently, as we've known since the old school days, it can cause tooth decay. However, it also causes weight gain and also increases the triglycerides in the blood stream. Which has been shown to maximize your risk for high cholesterol, heart disease and also stroke

Types of Sugar That Is Good For You
1. Stevia.
2. Honey
3. Coconut Sugar
4. Brown Sugar
5. Raw Cane Sugar
6. Granulated White Sugar etc.

Bananas, Strawberries, Mangoes, oranges, kiwi, etc., Fruit is touted as a super-healthy snack alternative, but while the fiber, as well as other nutrients present in fruit, are a significant part of any diet, lots of varieties can also be extremely high in sugar.

Excessive sugar, no matter where it comes from, can have some severe adverse consequences. However, it might be smart to reduce your fruit-based sugar intake.


8 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by forreelinc(m): 9:10pm On Nov 25, 2017
ew banana is gay


Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by marshalldgreat(m): 9:54pm On Nov 25, 2017
Good one...
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Sinemfresh(m): 9:55pm On Nov 25, 2017
Nice one
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by kandywandy23: 10:01pm On Nov 25, 2017
The body needs sugar but must be amouy of sugar level needed. Read more here http://www.kandywandy.com/2016/12/94-health-reason-to-run-away-from-sugar.html

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by HeWrites(m): 2:26am On Nov 26, 2017
I love this.. Thanks op

Lalasticlala Mynd44 Dominique Fynestboi

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Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Yewandequeen(f): 3:09pm On Nov 26, 2017

So you want to reduce my love for consuming banana in large quantities abi angry wait let me consult my doctor.

BTW i dont think granulated white sugar should be on that list.


Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by celestialAgent(m): 3:10pm On Nov 26, 2017
How about the Sugar in WEED (Igbo)?

6 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by mrLhanray(m): 3:10pm On Nov 26, 2017
too much of sugar is bad.

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Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by bigtt76(f): 3:10pm On Nov 26, 2017
Granulated sugar keh? Is that not refined sugar and refined sugar are not good for the body. Please recheck your facts.

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by kalisia: 3:12pm On Nov 26, 2017
Nice one
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by juddybrown(m): 3:12pm On Nov 26, 2017
its very ok
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by sonnie10: 3:13pm On Nov 26, 2017
Typical Nigerian daily source of sugar per meal

Bread. .....200g of sugar
Beans or akara.....120g of sugar
Tea (from added sugar and milk).... 100g of sugar

Snack before lunch
Biscuit .................150g

Eba , fufu. Amala or garri with soup ....approx. 360g of sugar
Bottle of soda....200g of sugar

Rice. ..........300g of sugar (about 20 tbsp of boiled rice)
Plantain (ripe , fried or boiled) 200g of sugar

So, on average Nigerians consume about 1600g (1.6kg) of sugar daily . But the recommended amout is 25g for women and 36g for men.

Now you know why diabetis, cardio vascular disease and hbp is so common


Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Chukazu: 3:14pm On Nov 26, 2017
I prefer natural sugar from fruit like banana to any industrial sugar

1 Like

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by owbabs: 3:17pm On Nov 26, 2017
When one is sick then the person will know all food is bad for you. Thank God for good health and enjoy food responsibly.

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Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Nobody: 3:18pm On Nov 26, 2017
Is The Sugar In Fruit Good Or Bad For You!!!

I believe the consumption of fruit can be advantageous. Once you eat up a fruit, you are not just consuming fructose, however, you are also consuming fiber and also a lot of minerals and vitamins. Indeed, fruits can have an effect on your blood sugar levels.

Sugar in fruit is not harmful to us. As a matter of fact, fruits contain a natural sugar- fructose, which is beneficial for you should you have diabetes. This is due to the fact the body digests fructose less quickly compared to it does to sucrose or table sugar. Due to the slower digestion, fructose does not result in the same high glycemic swings as other kinds of sugars. In the year 2008, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) recommended diabetes patients to make use of fructose instead of sucrose based on research.

Few fruits contain adequate sugar to make them unhealthful.

Look at this as a 20-ounce bottle of soda made up of about 240 calories, 65g of added sugar, (typically high-fructose corn syrup), and also few nutrients. However, a cup of strawberries has 50 to 60 calories, approximately 7g of natural fructose, 3g of fiber, as well as lots of vitamin C and minerals- all healthy for you.

However, you do have to watch which fructose you are Consuming. There is natural fructose and also high-fructose corn syrup. The second is not natural and will result in your blood sugar to increase. This is something you must look out for when purchasing can fruit. Much of it is packaged in that high-fructose corn syrup. If it does not state packed in natural juices, buy your fruit either fresh or perhaps frozen as an alternative.

Few fruits high in sugar are below:







One must keep an eye on how much sugar he or she are consuming, even though it is a fruit that largely has fructose. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends up to 24 grams of sugar on a daily basis for females and also 36 grams for males. However, you can surpass that if you do not make the appropriate selections. For instance, 1/8 cup of sliced bananas has 30 grams of sugar independently. If you add the sugar you got from the rest of your food; you're probably far above what you should be eating daily.

Why is excess sugar bad for you?

It brings about metabolic dysfunction. Overeating sugar leads to a barrage of symptoms referred to as classic metabolic syndrome. These include abdominal obesity, weight gain, decreased HDL (High-density lipoproteins) and also increased LDL (low-density lipoprotein), increased blood sugar, increased triglycerides, and also high blood pressure. It also increases your uric acid levels.

Apparently, as we've known since the old school days, it can cause tooth decay. However, it also causes weight gain and also increases the triglycerides in the blood stream. Which has been shown to maximize your risk for high cholesterol, heart disease and also stroke

Types of Sugar That Is Good For You
1. Stevia.
2. Honey
3. Coconut Sugar
4. Brown Sugar
5. Raw Cane Sugar
6. Granulated White Sugar etc.

Bananas, Strawberries, Mangoes, oranges, kiwi, etc., Fruit is touted as a super-healthy snack alternative, but while the fiber, as well as other nutrients present in fruit, are a significant part of any diet, lots of varieties can also be extremely high in sugar.

Excessive sugar, no matter where it comes from, can have some severe adverse consequences. However, it might be smart to reduce your fruit-based sugar intake.


The human body runs on sugar. Natural sugars are harmless generally.

Only processed sugars are harmful.

1 Like

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by EmmaOgbu(m): 3:19pm On Nov 26, 2017
Good of you
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by YelloweWest: 3:19pm On Nov 26, 2017
It depends.

If u are diabetic it's best to stay away from sugary fruits.

If not, eat in moderation.

1 Like

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by jhydebaba(m): 3:21pm On Nov 26, 2017
Story story
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Daniel058(m): 3:23pm On Nov 26, 2017
Na Im be say I dey free to the chop my sugar cane like Gov El Rufai

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by BeeBeeOoh(m): 3:24pm On Nov 26, 2017
How about the Sugar in WEED (Igbo)?
e dey bitter brain when taken too kuch embarassed
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by HARDLABOR: 3:27pm On Nov 26, 2017
OP it a natural sugar so it gud
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Nobody: 3:28pm On Nov 26, 2017

So you want to reduce my love for consuming banana in large quantities abi angry wait let me consult my doctor.

BTW i dont think granulated white sugar should be on that list.
kai girls and banana sha,why you too like banana like this?

1 Like

Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by youngbelieve(f): 3:29pm On Nov 26, 2017
Nice one op,now I kw.
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Yewandequeen(f): 3:32pm On Nov 26, 2017

kai girls and banana sha,why you too like banana like this?

i love bananas because when u eat it on empty stomach u will feel full all day long without worrying about food.
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Nobody: 3:32pm On Nov 26, 2017
How can something natural be bad sad
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by edoman2016: 3:34pm On Nov 26, 2017
The sugar in fresh fruit is healthy.
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by Nobody: 3:35pm On Nov 26, 2017
Too much of the sugar from fruits can be bad. Just eat them in moderation. That's why vegetables are always better to consume regularly.


Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by dpete1: 3:43pm On Nov 26, 2017
na una sabi
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by mejai(m): 3:47pm On Nov 26, 2017
All fruits contain sugar, mbok!!
Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by obonujoker(m): 3:56pm On Nov 26, 2017
Too much of the sugar from fruits can be bad. Just eat them in moderation. That's why vegetables are always better to consume regularly.

Like garden eggs, cucumber


Re: Is The Sugar In Fruits Good Or Bad For Your Health? by asawanathegreat(m): 3:56pm On Nov 26, 2017
Good health tips there thanks a lot

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