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Vacancy At Unicef For International Construction Engineer | April 2018 - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Vacancy At Unicef For International Construction Engineer | April 2018 by Infoguyh: 2:29am On Apr 06, 2018
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s survival, protection and development. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: International Construction Engineer for EU MNCHN Project
Job Number: 512129
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Work Type: Consultancy

Primary Health Care (PHC) is the cornerstone of the health policy in Nigeria and is the first point of contact for most Nigerians with the health care system.
The Federal Government of Nigeria has prioritized the revitalization of primary health care as one of their main areas of focus and strategy for the achievement of universal access to health services.
The purpose of this support is to achieve health related SDGs that will be sustained through strong and well-coordinated health systems implementing innovative, high impact and cost effective, equitable, gender responsive interventions inclusive of foundational determinants of health at community, ward, LGA, states and federal levels.
As part of the effort to support the states and Local Government Areas implement the Federal Government’s strategy for the revitalization of the primary health care, UNICEF working with other partners at all levels will support LGAs and states build the necessary capacity for the implementation of Ward Minimum Health Care Package (WMHCP).
UNICEF has been working with other partners to support the State Primary Health Care Development Agencies (SPHCDAs) and the State Ministries of Health (SMOH) in the actualization of the vision of the Federal Government towards revitalizing primary healthcare and improving the quality of integrated MNCH services through support to the implementation of the ward minimum health care package in at least 1 Primary Health Care (PHC) center per ward in Kebbi, Bauchi and Adamawa.
As part of this support within the second phase of implementation of the EU-MNCHN project, 442 health facilities in the three states have been identified be rehabilitated and some to be upgraded to centers of excellence for quality Basic Emergency Obstetric New-born Care (BEmONC) services.
To support the three states to improve on their poor health indices, the European Union provided 48million to fund the project titled ‘Support to Strengthening Primary Health Care and Community Resilience for Improved Maternal, New-born, Child Health & Nutrition (MNCHN) Outcomes in Adamawa, Bauchi and Kebbi States of Northern Nigeria’ which commenced in November 2016 as continuation of a previous grant for two of the current states (i.e. Kebbi and Adamawa).
The WMHCP recognizes the overriding importance of key support services and resources including highlighting some strategies for the provision and sustenance of the interventions outlined. To provide quality integrated primary health care services, the WMHCP defined Minimum Standards for PHC service delivery. These set of minimum standards include:

Health Infrastructure: Types/Levels of PHC facilities including recommended infrastructure dimensions, furniture and equipment.
Human resources for health: Minimum recommended staff number and cadre for each type of health facility.
Service provision: Recommended minimum PHC services for each facility type including the minimum requirement of medical equipment and essential drugs (From the National Essential Drugs list) required to achieve these services.
It is expected that these Standards would be used to guide the further development of PHC in terms of infrastructure, human resource availability and service provision as well as for the provision of qualitative PHC services and in ensuring equity in the availability and provision of the PHC services.
Oversee the rehabilitation of 442 health facilities in Kebbi, Bauchi and Adamawa states.
Assess the situation of the construction unit with regard to resources and objectives, recommend and arrange where necessary changes. Participate in the formulation and development of the rehabilitation work goals, strategies and approaches for the UNICEF plan of cooperation on this component of the project.
Participate in the preparation of project progress reports.
Liaise with the concerned UNICEF sections, especially with the water and environmental sanitation section engineers to ensure technical specifications and contractors works meet the needs and requirements of
beneficiaries, especially with regard to child friendly designs. It is crucial as the overlap work between the WASH work and the rehabilitation component;
Coordinate with institutional and other partners at state level to ensure compatible and appropriate standards and costs are used in all the UNICEF buildings;
Provide expertise in tendering and bidding, review designs and architectural drawings, monitor work in the field for quality and efficiency;
Work closely with UNICEF supplies team and contractors as well as the states and other partners, to ensure that the programme goals are achieved. Observe and report back to supervisor activities under construction projects and to UNICEF management any concerns about the overall construction process;
Coordinate regular visits with the construction team to construction sites in the different states; as part of the M&E strategy for quality assurance.
Ensure detailed records are kept of all construction activities, enabling real-time tracking of construction progress.
Support other relevant construction activities as the need arises
Design a monitoring and evaluation plan as foundation per the quality assurance strategy within the project....>>>http://www.infomaza.com/vacancy-unicef-international-construction-engineer

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