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The Road To Fertility:how To Naturally Prepare Yoµr Body To Conceive In No Time. by TFarrah(m): 11:37am On Apr 28, 2018 |
Have yoµ been married for so long and yet to have any positive test to getting pregnant? Are yoµ currently going through any fertility challenge that is hindering yoµ from taking in? Are yoµ frustrated that yoµr marriage might crash soon if yoµ dont get pregnant on time. Infertility issues among womeΠ really hits yoµ where it hurts the most. Its makes yoµ depressed and frustrated having tried so many times to take it but seeing it not coming through. Millions of Nigerian womeΠ suffer with this humiliation of discomfort and depression that comes with it every single day. Every time yoµ get to see that yoµ are ovulating, Yoµ are always praying that this should be the miracle that gets yoµ pregnant. But then, years has come and gone through yoµ and yoµ really need a way out. To some womeΠ, yoµ have had miscarriages times and times again, Some have missed periods or irregular periods which makes it difficult to even take in, Other have series of cases such as blocked fallopian tube, fibroid, endometriosis etc. Yoµ need to note one thing. TIME IS AGAINST Y0µ. The older yoµ get, the lower yoµr chances of been able to get pregnant as yoµr eggs gets weakened with time. But whats the solution to these? Am sure that right now, yoµ have used lots of drugs, herbs or perhaps even taken lots of concoctions that are out there. Cheap drugs or herbs [Not Regulated and Not Definitely Nafdac Approved] that tells yoµ it would give yoµ result and yoµ end up not getting any at the end of the day. The fertility market is indeed confusing and to a lot of people, it just doesn’t work. That’s why a team of highly trained developers, professors and scientists in the united state have been working for years to create an All in one Complete Fertility Preconception Program. A program that works fast, easy to use and helps to naturally prepare womeΠ to get positive by simply first cleansing the entire body system before giving it a try to get pregnant. After spending millions of dollars in resources and time. They finally created the Compounds that actually delivered as promised. These new compounds are what i called the ‘Fertility Cleansing PreconceptioΠProgram‘ and it has produced some enormous positive result amongst our clients in Nigeria. It’s so effective simply because of the unique idea that was introduced which was rather than tackle that various issues that womeΠ face. Why not simply first of all do a total body cleanse of the system most especially the fertility organs before anything else while also increasing the quality of those ingredients that helps to give these results in lots of womeΠ that we have worked with using this program irrespective of age. The fertility cleansing preconceptioΠ program was designed in such a way that the aim of the program is meant which is CLEANSING. And by doing this, It would have ordinarily tackle some of the pressing issues that makes it difficult to take iΠ. Combining an array of ingredients that has been carefully selected based on clinical studies into a set of packs that is to be taken at the same time morning and night which last for a period of 30 days Boost and increase the fertility hormones in the body. Remove all the toxins and dirt in yoµr womb thereby creating a perfect environment for the sperm to fertilize the egg. Stability the natural flow of yoµr menses while also increasing the strength of yoµr ovulation. There are lots of cheap fertility products on the market perhaps yoµ even have some with yoµ already but truth is there are few PREMIUM fertility program that offer much more stable result. Many fertility companies are all out to just collect your money without any result. They keep throwing out different version of the same low grade product many even comes from china which are not even regulated and lots of people just take them causing more harm to their body. So when ours was launched, Lots of people were skeptical first about the price, package and the entire program itself because it was premium and also offers a much better and higher quality ingredients. Some of this other companies didnt believe people would buy into it. And we proved them wrong. Using our very own distribution channel, Our Fertility cleansing preconception program became an instant acceptance to people right here in Nigeria when it was launched inside our program last year and the result from people in various state in Nigeria has been incredible. One client in Abuja was able to test positive after trying so hard for over 5 years and going through the program barely 3 weeks and tested positive. Click on the following link to get yours https:///send?phone=2348109630719&text=I%20am%20interested%20in%20the%20natural%20product%20and%20would%20like%20to%20make%20an%20enquiry Another client had only one fallopian tube working and her eggs was weak, but by starting the preconception program and going through the task that was given to her. Within a period of 90 days, she was able to test positive and carrying her own healthy baby. A Client From Jos simply sent a message to our customer rep sharing her testimonial about having fibroid and still having difficulty getting pregnant and after much consultation with her doctor, she was told she could still carry a healthy baby despite the challenge but getting pregnant was not forth coming. After waiting for over 4 years, she started the preconception program and barely 30 days after using the program, She tested positive and now carrying her own baby. With several cases from lots of several other clients who has keyed into our preconception program irrespective of their fertility issues like hormonal imbalance [PCOS], blocked fallopian tube, fibroid, missed periods or ovulations, irregular menses, endometriosis etc. All womeΠ should and must go through this program if they want to start to see positive result in their fertility journey. The proprietary compound include Purely Refined Aloe Vera gel, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, etc. These has been formulated into a Pack which comes in capsules and drinks to be taken morning and night. In addition to this products, There is also a low carb diet intake which helps to speed up the process of the cleansing of your fertility system. The Fertility cleansing preconception program has worked great for tons of womeΠ we have been privileged to work with in restoring many homes and making families happy again. Its been less than 9 Months we have been introducing all this program together with our clients and right up till now, it still remains a best seller and is exclusively sold on our store in the link below[b]Click on the following link to get yours https:///send?phone=2348109630719&text=I%20am%20interested%20in%20the%20natural%20product%20and%20would%20like%20to%20make%20an%20enquiry [/b] If you are looking to get pregnant, then yoµ need to try this preconception program to start yoµr cleansing today. Click on the following link to get yours https:///send?phone=2348109630719&text=I%20am%20interested%20in%20the%20natural%20product%20and%20would%20like%20to%20make%20an%20enquiry Thanks. Coach Babatunde. NOTE: Coach Babatunde is an online natural, health and wellness coach with a focus in helping womeΠ to prepare their body to get pregnant easily through the use of supplements, diet and a healthy living lifestyle. He sends out daily and weekly newsletter to over 10,000 womeΠ who receive educative tips on how to take care of their body and fertility journey. Tons of several womeΠ have benefited from his training’s and recommendations which he gives as they have been purely researched to go along well with your lifestyle.
Re: The Road To Fertility:how To Naturally Prepare Yoµr Body To Conceive In No Time. by TFarrah(m): 11:51pm On Jul 17, 2018 |
Frequently asked question about fertility and our conception program. Good day to you all. Based on the feedback from you all, I have drafted a frequently asked question as regards who can use and enroll into our fertility cleansing program. So here you go... I am having issues with hormonal imbalance and don't know if this program is for me Answer Hormonal imbalance is caused when there is an increase in some of the hormones in your body higher than the others for example the prolactin hormone. When this happens. It difficult having to concieve because it's responsible and linked to fertilization taken place... The fertility cleansing pack works great with superb result if you have this issues. Question: I noticed that my flow has been heavy and always comes with pain below my abdomen. Answer. When you notice that your flow is heavier or darker than it normally is, it's a sign that all is not well with you. Based on research. I have discovered that our lifestyle and what we eat can cause some of this and it also makes your system to be more acidic which kills sperms once it enters. As a result of this complications like pains and darker and heavy flow occurs. The preconception fertility program helps to rectify this in creating an alkaline environment that is suitable for ensuring that your flow is normal and there is no discomfort pain that comes with it. Question: I notice that each time I have sex with my husband, sperms comes rushing out after sexual intercourse even after staying still. Answer: Sperms are alkaline nature and when it gets to stay In an acidic environment. It's kills the sperm and also forces the sperm to be rejected making it to come out. If you are experiencing this note that no matter what you use. The result would still be the same. Which is why the preconception program is best for you as it packed with supplement and foods that creates that alkaline nature in your system that allows sperms to stay in... We have lots of positive feedback as a result of this. Question: I was told I have poor egg health and thus can't get pregnant Answer. Poor egg health will definitely affect the chance of pregnancy and in such cases you will have doctors recommending ivf procedure for you to engage. While it's a very good recommendation. You need to understand that success rate with Ivf is less than 25percent which is why you need to prepare your body at least 60-90 days before going for such procedure. Using the fertility cleansing program is a first step I always recommend for clients to do as it helps in boosting the strength of the eggs making it easier for the ivf to work. We have had over 70 percent success rate In successful ivf that women go for by their doctors after going through our program and in some cases... We have heard some people with poor egg health who later got pregnant even before the procedure... I will stop here for now... The fertility cleansing preconception program is one of our best recommendation conception plan that we give to all women regardless of their complications they are facing. It's composed of supplement, juice and foods that you will be taking for a period of 30 days The program is currently at N37,500 with shipping cost in Lagos N800 and outside Lagos N1500 Expect another session as we continue our frequently asked question segment. If you have any question concerning your health please feel free to ask by clicking on the Whatsapp link below https:///send?phone=2348109630719&text=I%20am%20interested%20in%20the%20natural%20product%20and%20would%20like%20to%20make%20an%20enquiry
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