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Article : Subconscious by Nobody: 6:44pm On May 11, 2018

Many people have written on the subject mind,but it seem there is still more to write on it. Mind is a non material substance that serve as a template for making and processing thought into action (my definition).

As simple as it means, mind is a very broad subject and it center our life. Whatever you will do or want to do you will have to carry it out in the mind before it will manifest physically, you can check around, what you see around you is the product of someone's thought.

A man is who he is today as a result of is thought but unknowingly to many people they regard thought as non important so they give thought no attention. The purpose of this write up is to show how we are been harmed by what will think.
As the definition above that mind is a template, that template is split into two forming consciousness and unconsciousness.

The conscious part of mind is the center of awareness, it is where your thought is been formed base on your gene, environment and self education. It gives you different options to a problem and these options comes from your stored experience overtimes.

While conscious as the name implies is the lower part of your consciousness, it process whatever thought that you choose from numerous option in consciousness and process it without your knowledge .

Subconscious is just like a field while your consciousness is the farmer,whatever seed you plant it will germinate. This thought that subconscious process becomes your habit . for example, there is a guy he always get nervous whenever is been watched by a superior to the extent that he will be unable to handle things properly as before.

This is due to is thought "He will(superior) find some fault" and indeed he found it and this becomes usual. Subconscious know your comfort zone prior to what you have been thinking, this becomes obstacle when you want to move to a new state in life. Fear crept in when you are about to do things because your subconscious have know view of where you are going .

Subconscious mind recognize no negative thought, both negative and positive thought it take them as it is and process it. When you think about something backed by emotion it will process it but if not such thought will remain in consciousness.

For instance if you keep thinking about failing and you are having feeling that normally comes with failure, sure you will fail, the same thing with good thought. To know more on this be on the look out for the new write up "The power of subconscious".

Since you don't have power over your subconscious, you can determine what it process by mastering your thought. And during bad situation, that you can't help but have bad thought you can knock it off by directing your mind to the good things in your life or better still you can affirm positively e.g I am happy, I am the best etc.

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