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Gtb Onitsha 2 Teller, Customer Manager & Cash Manager Refused Conuting My N152k - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Gtb Onitsha 2 Teller, Customer Manager & Cash Manager Refused Conuting My N152k by ogbs2020love: 2:32pm On Sep 07, 2018
Good day,
Please I seek ur INQUIRY and complain about GTB ONITSHA 2 branch.
I don't see why they cannot just count my 9deposit slips that contain N5k,N5k,N5k,N5k,N10k ,N10k ,N30k,N32k,N50k . totaling just N152k.
The total operations team there are very slow and lazy .
Top mgt needs to change them.
As I am speaking to you they have not posted my money . The bank is looking for trouble because I was there and all of them refused to count my money even after being on the queue. They told me to take my money.
Every thing on the deposit slip is ok and as I speck to you or has not been posted even after entering the bank since 10am this morning.
If that cash is not posted today ,the bank is legally liable and CBN will and must sanction them also for losing out with damages for not posting that money I'll take it up legally.
Everything on the deposit slip is ok and as I speck to you I have not been called ,
The OPERATIONS GTB staff in ONITSHA 2 are so lazy.
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Re: Gtb Onitsha 2 Teller, Customer Manager & Cash Manager Refused Conuting My N152k by Xtaceeey: 3:48pm On Sep 07, 2018
And u came to report to nairaland via the Job section thread?

SMH... You are amazing mheen!! Now I see why your money wasn't counted.
Re: Gtb Onitsha 2 Teller, Customer Manager & Cash Manager Refused Conuting My N152k by Lionbite(m): 4:08pm On Sep 07, 2018
Good day,
Please I seek ur INQUIRY and complain about GTB ONITSHA 2 branch.
I don't see why they cannot just count my 9deposit slips that contain N5k,N5k,N5k,N5k,N10k ,N10k ,N30k,N32k,N50k . totaling just N152k.
The total operations team there are very slow and lazy .
Top mgt needs to change them.
As I am speaking to you they have not posted my money . The bank is looking for trouble because I was there and all of them refused to count my money even after being on the queue. They told me to take my money.
Every thing on the deposit slip is ok and as I speck to you or has not been posted even after entering the bank since 10am this morning.
If that cash is not posted today ,the bank is legally liable and CBN will and must sanction them also for losing out with damages for not posting that money I'll take it up legally.
Everything on the deposit slip is ok and as I speck to you I have not been called ,
The OPERATIONS GTB staff in ONITSHA 2 are so lazy.
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so wetin make we do now?
Re: Gtb Onitsha 2 Teller, Customer Manager & Cash Manager Refused Conuting My N152k by lunacol(m): 4:16pm On Sep 07, 2018
Go to GTB twitter handle and lay down your case not here.
Re: Gtb Onitsha 2 Teller, Customer Manager & Cash Manager Refused Conuting My N152k by murphyrichy(m): 4:45pm On Sep 07, 2018
Good day,
Please I seek ur INQUIRY and complain about GTB ONITSHA 2 branch.
I don't see why they cannot just count my 9deposit slips that contain N5k,N5k,N5k,N5k,N10k ,N10k ,N30k,N32k,N50k . totaling just N152k.
The total operations team there are very slow and lazy .
Top mgt needs to change them.
As I am speaking to you they have not posted my money . The bank is looking for trouble because I was there and all of them refused to count my money even after being on the queue. They told me to take my money.
Every thing on the deposit slip is ok and as I speck to you or has not been posted even after entering the bank since 10am this morning.
If that cash is not posted today ,the bank is legally liable and CBN will and must sanction them also for losing out with damages for not posting that money I'll take it up legally.
Everything on the deposit slip is ok and as I speck to you I have not been called ,
The OPERATIONS GTB staff in ONITSHA 2 are so lazy.
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Nawa o, is it blood money
May be you collected money from people who aren't on the queue to pay in for them.

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Job Vacancies At Enextgen Wireless Nigeria / VACANCY- Sales Assistant / Urgent Jobs For Ibadan Residents!!

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