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The Death Trap! Aboard Lagos Brts. - Autos - Nairaland

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The Death Trap! Aboard Lagos Brts. by Nawteemaxie(m): 1:43pm On Dec 13, 2018
Owing to congestion and lack of private transport, most Lagosians opt for the ubiquitous BRT buses which are accustomed to plying Lagos roads. Despite their inconvenience and tardiness, it is a preferable mode of transport for a majority of Lagosians, most likely because of its affordability.

Apart from their usual congestion, these buses are mostly in derelict conditions, both in physical appearance, and inward performance.

Our attention has thus been drawn to a very life threatening scene, just aboard one of the notorious BRTs. At the bottom of each of these buses lies a hatch which acts as a sort of passage in terms of emergency situations.

Re: The Death Trap! Aboard Lagos Brts. by Nawteemaxie(m): 1:45pm On Dec 13, 2018
The continual congestion of these buses and the usual standing of passengers has over time, left the hatches in grotresque conditions. It is of no far truth that the hatch if not properly checked might in the course of a trip, rip off and if any passenger is caught in its claws, might suffer death threatening injuries, depending on the speed of the vehicle at the time.

Re: The Death Trap! Aboard Lagos Brts. by Nawteemaxie(m): 1:47pm On Dec 13, 2018
The fragility or supposed fragility of standing on the hatch has caused many to keep off it, as can be seen in the below photo. But having boosted courage, we see people willing to risk stepping upon it. Inasmuch as the BRT companies must`ve made numerous safety checks and ensured the strength of these hatches, it can`t be denied that mistakes and carelessness are bound to occur.

Looking at the condition of that hatch, it is note worthy to point out that; the continuing aging of the vehicle, and discriminate stepping upon (the hatch,) will subject it to wear and tear, which will with time cause it to fall or rip off, pending an excessive weight.

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