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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Adverts / See How You Can Earn From Sports Whether Or Not You Have The Interest (471 Views)
Join Me In Making High Profit From Sports Betting / Earning From Sports Trading. It's Real / Free Sports Betting E-book Reveals How To Make A Fortune From Sports Betting! (2) (3) (4)
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See How You Can Earn From Sports Whether Or Not You Have The Interest by bettutor: 6:06pm On Aug 15, 2010 |
It is easy but can be very risky if you cannot control your greed.It's Guaranteed if YOU FOLLOW THE RULES to the letter. I am interested in teaching a few Nigerians.I dont do MANUALS and I am sorry.If you cant meet me up for one-on-one training, forget it.This is because you may apply instructions wrongly and offcourse,no matter how detailed a manual is,it CANNOT be thesame as a live training.Another reason I want to train you one-on-one is because I want to demonstrate the strategy on my own account or on some real games.I can prepare a detailed manual but IT CANT BE THESAME as a live/one-on-one training.If you are not in Lagos,we can arrange something for you(not Manual). Now I want to warn you about something. These systems aren’t a get rich quick scheme. No system can make you turn $25 into $25,000 within a week. This is very important to understand. But first, the most important thing you need to focus on is discipline. Yes, discipline is probably the major factor that will influence your success. You have to learn the systems and stick to it. My systems are based on basic 1+1 (basic mathematics) and are used for sports and other betting online.The profits are guaranteed, If you stick to the rules. Anybody can benefit from this betting systems as long as you went through a primary school at some point in your life.If you cant do thesame maths a 2yr old would do,please dont bother.Dont waste your time because this program is not for you.THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR EVERYBODY.I have made everything VERY easy. I need about 18 more people to stop this training.Some may want to ask why I am teaching people if I can make so much.Find out when you call. You can earn as much as $45 or $50 or more daily depending on the time you spend online.That's the whole truth.It depends on the TIME you put in. I repeat, I AM NOT INTO FAST CASH.Take this as an investor would and monitor your money as such.Follow the steps and you would reap guaranteed $45-70 daily. To book an appointment with me, call 07029205030. Limited spaces available.Offer may end soon because of time constraint on my side. Call to speak to me on 07029205030 |
Re: See How You Can Earn From Sports Whether Or Not You Have The Interest by jamace(m): 7:47pm On Aug 15, 2010 |
Please, why not help every one by giving the lecture on this forum, or make an e-book for us to download. As it stands, only those within your neighbourhood will be able to benefit from it. Please consider. |
Re: See How You Can Earn From Sports Whether Or Not You Have The Interest by bettutor: 9:58am On Aug 19, 2010 |
The skills and systems I have were developed from experience n I lost cash at some point.You don't expect me to just throw all of that in the bush for free now.Strategies dveloped are not just mine but some I learnt from my american friends(experienced bettors/punters).ok call me and I will find a package for u. All those outside lagos can call and I would arrange something for you.I am already doing that because of popular demand |
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