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Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula - Business - Nairaland

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Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 1:33pm On Mar 19, 2019
[color=#990000][/color]Paint manufacturing is another lucrative business that attracts money to producers. The truth is that the people involved in the business would not want you to come into the business; hence they make it look like a gigantic project.
Exploring the secrete in this manufacturing business will give you a smooth ride to making money from this lucrative business. For example, a silk paint/ satin paint that is sold for #30,000 per bucket requires less than #15,000 to manufacture a bucket (20 litre). This is just a tip of iceberg. There are so many to explore in this system.
I will without reservation dish out the raw materials and the production process of high quality emulsion paint.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 1:48pm On Mar 19, 2019
To begin with, it is important to note that paint is classified into 5 components which are; Solvent, Pigments, Binders, Additives and Preservatives.

Raw Materials For Emulsion Paint Production:
water, calgon, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, polyvinyl acetate (pva), colour pigment, natrosol, ammonia and formaline.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 2:07pm On Mar 19, 2019
Production Process for 1 Gallon: 4litres of Paint:
1. Measure 2 litres of water and pour into the mixer.
2. Add 50g of calgon and stir.
3. Add 16kg of calcium carbonate and stir until the mixture is homogenous.
4. Measure 0.5kg of PVA and add, stir until they are properly mixed.
5. Add 120g of titanium dioxide and stir to achieve a homogenous mixture.
6. Add the colour pigment to your desired colour shade.
7. Measure 60g of natrosol and dissolve in 150ml of water and add followed by vigorous stiring.
8. Add 50ml of ammonia and stir.
9. Add 50ml of formaline and stir vigorously.
Now your paint is ready for packaging and application.

Watch the video of the production.


You can WhatsApp us or call us on 08187631386.

Also, to learn how to mix/ get different paint colors, watch the this video below.

You can also carryout paint production at the building site where the project is to be executed.
It doesn't matter your base. You can travel anywhere, run your Production and return to your base. Watch this to see how it is done.



Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 2:20pm On Mar 19, 2019
This is a very high quality paint.

You can ask your question because I want to entertain questions before I proceed.

Also, There is an ongoing training not seminar, but an intensive training on paint manufacturing process. If you are interested, drop your number so that you will be added to the group. The class has commenced.

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Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by Stephaniemarie: 7:51am On Mar 20, 2019
But after production, how do we go about selling them to the community
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by Senorprinz(m): 8:10am On Mar 20, 2019
I'm interested please, 07034749391.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by alexowoade: 11:18am On Mar 20, 2019
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by Derajeth(m): 12:38pm On Mar 20, 2019
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by abramabayomi(m): 4:52pm On Apr 02, 2019
good day to you, do you offer hands on training i mean physical training. Am interested. 081four842348one
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by cornelin(m): 6:18pm On Apr 02, 2019
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by Suleletul: 3:15pm On Apr 22, 2019
This might be a very good option for starting business for somebody who has some previous knowledge about paint making. If not, it will take some time to learn how to do it properly. Not so easy job
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by mmauton: 3:15am On Oct 29, 2019
08056357772....kindly add me to the group
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by uchh(m): 11:08pm On Dec 02, 2019
I am very much interested. Please add me up
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 8:39am On Jan 10, 2020
Compliment of the season to you. I sincerely apologize for not being consistent with this thread for quite a long period. It's owing to huge commitments. It will not happen again I promise. We shall leave no stone unturned towards achieving the set result as regards intensive training on paint production. The year just began and I assure you that if you move with me, by Feb. You would have started your own production unaided. I will start by answering all the questions here, after which we start a new class. The class starts this weekend. Make yourself available. Thanks. Once again apologies.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 8:44am On Jan 10, 2020
But after production, how do we go about selling them to the community
. You don't have to be worried about this because it is part of the training. The marketing strategies will be discussed appropriately.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 8:47am On Jan 10, 2020
good day to you, do you offer hands on training i mean physical training. Am interested. 081four842348one
. Yes it is available. We can make a good arrangement for that.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 8:54am On Jan 10, 2020
This might be a very good option for starting business for somebody who has some previous knowledge about paint making. If not, it will take some time to learn how to do it properly. Not so easy job
. Sir you don't need to have a prior knowledge of paint production to start this. It is easier to learn paint production than basic computer appreciation. Remember is a mixing process.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 9:02am On Jan 10, 2020
Having said all that, I shall be taking all that have indicated interest for the training to the WhatsApp group this weekend for the training commencement. If you still have question to as you can drop it here. I will attend to your question appropriately. Thanks.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 7:02am On Jan 12, 2020
Good morning and happy Sunday to all. The class commence today at 9pm just like I said in the WhatsApp group. If the number you dropped here is not on WhatsApp, kindly notify me or drop your WhatsApp number because I want everyone to move in same frequency. Also if I have not added you in the group yet, draw my attention to that. Thanks
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 7:19am On Jan 12, 2020
The training is not just for production and marketing of your product, it also covers full-scale contract management which include: How to take an estimation of the quantity of paint for a particular building and hence execute the contract. The color formulation strategies; of course you cannot talk about production without color formulation. The beauty of this is that irrespective of your gender, you thrive in this. I have female colleagues that are waxing strong in this business. Most importantly, you don't need a machine to start. It may sound funny but it is true. What you don't know is bigger than you and knowledge is power. Don't conclude on something you have not given a trial. This is 2020 don't be left out.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 1:31pm On Jan 12, 2020
For those who may not wish to make their number public via this platform, you can contact us via this WhatsApp number 08187631386. Remember the time is still 9pm today. Don't miss that. Thanks
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 10:46pm On Jan 12, 2020
Good evening everyone. Today's class was cool as many insight was revealed. Congrats to the participants. Don't miss the next class, am talking to the CEO in making. Kudos.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 2:37pm On Jan 14, 2020
This weekend class is going to be practical all through. You can still join the forum since what we have done last Sunday is the general overview of the entire process.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by pakmoni(m): 3:38am On Jan 15, 2020
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 8:59am On Jan 17, 2020
add me WhatsApp 09057 3530 55
. Ok. You will be added
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 9:04am On Jan 17, 2020
Note that the class is slated to hold on Sunday by 9pm. We chose this time in order to ensure that every one irrespective of your schedule is accommodated. In case you cannot drop your contact here, chat me up on WhatsApp via the contact I have provided already. Luck.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by Mazipaschal27(m): 2:20am On Mar 10, 2020
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 10:23pm On Jul 11, 2020
Please contact me via 08187631386 on WhatsApp and stop contacting me via email. I easily check WhatsApp than email. This is the only number you can contact me with. I do not have any other number. Anyone can post anything and claim to be professional in this but we don't make noise because our record speaks for us. If you wish to join us, it is optional. Note, if you do not have passion for this, don't bother yourself contacting us.
Note that the class is slated to hold on Sunday by 9pm. We chose this time in order to ensure that every one irrespective of your schedule is accommodated. In case you cannot drop your contact here, chat me up on WhatsApp via the contact I have provided already. Luck.
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 10:52pm On Jul 11, 2020
```There was a time when all you needed to succeed was the ability to read and write English.

After that came the era of university degree. In fact, you had the chances of getting a good job with a good salary.

Then came the era of Masters and PhD. The demands of the Labour market went higher. You had to have a masters or PhD to get a good job.

Before long it became the era of foreign degrees... employers started looking for people from foreign universities.

Now that era has ended: We are now in the era of skills. What you know and what you can do with your brain or your hands. Your level of education notwithstanding; what matters right now is the skills that you have especially new age/digital skills.

So I ask you, what are you doing to remain relevant in this season? ✍�✍�

Are you still carrying your certificate up and down with obsolete knowledge?��
Or you are still blaming the government that is not even aware of your existence?��

Do you even understand that "WORK" as we knew it ten years back has changed?

Are you aware that by 2025, machines and robots would have cleaned out 800,000 jobs and new market demands will evolve?

Are you preparing for the future of work or you will cross that bridge when you get there?

It will be in your best interest to start to UNLEARN, LEARN AND RELEARN.

Invest in yourself, upgrade on a daily basis.
Pay the price.
You can't afford the price of ignorance and poverty. Its too expensive!��```

*Remember, this is Nigeria and our fight is different.*quote author=scintillation post=91621022]Please contact me via 08187631386 on WhatsApp and stop contacting me via email. I easily check WhatsApp than email. This is the only number you can contact me with. I do not have any other number. Anyone can post anything and claim to be professional in this but we don't make noise because our record speaks for us. If you wish to join us, it is optional. Note, if you do not have passion for this, don't bother yourself contacting us. [/quote]
Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 2:21pm On Oct 01, 2020
our work

Re: Paint Production procedures, quantity of raw material required and color formula by scintillation: 10:01am On Jan 20, 2021
Happy new year! This is 2021 and we begin with a new mindset of fulfilling the purpose of living.
Rise up and take your journey!

The Richest
Man in China said:

_If you put Bananas and
Money in front of
Monkeys, Monkeys will
choose Bananas
because monkeys do
not know that_

can buy a lot of

if you offer JOB and
BUSINESS to people,
they would choose JOB
because most people
do not know that
BUSINESS can bring
more MONEY than

Robert Kiyosaki,
author of the best
selling book "RICH DAD,
POOR DAD" and also a
business partner of
Donald Trump said:

_"One of the reasons
poor are poor, is
because they are NOT

They spend too much time in school and what they have learnt in school, is to WORK FOR
WAGES instead of

Profit is better than
Wages, for Wages can
make you a living but
Profits can bring you a

and stop fighting over
increments of salaries,
it still won't be enough

Hear this from a
Professor to freshmen
and women during their

he is an Acting DVC
Academic at a small/
new university in

"Academic excellence is

Being top of your class does not necessarily
guarantee that you will be at the top of life.

You could graduate as the best student in Finance but it doesn't mean you will make more money than
everybody else.

The best graduating
Law student does not necessarily become the
best lawyer.

The fact is, life requires more than the ability to
understand a concept, memorise it and reproduce it in an exam.

School rewards people for their memory.

Life rewards people for their imagination.

School rewards caution, life rewards daring.

School hails those who live by the rules.

Life exalts those who break the rules and set new

So do I mean people
shouldn't study hard in school?

Oh, no, you

But don't sacrifice every other thing on the altar of First Class.

Don't limit yourself to the classroom.

Do something practical.

Take a leadership

Start a business and

That's a better
Entrepreneurship 101.

Join or start a good club.

Contest an election and lose.

It will teach you
something Political
Science 101 will not
teach you.

Attend seminars.

Read books outside the scope of your

Go on missions and win a soul for eternal rewards...

Do something you
believe in!

Think less of becoming an excellent student
but think more of
becoming an excellent person.

Don't make the
classroom to be your world but Make the world your classroom.

."Entrepreneurship is the salt of life" diversify ur income.

Don’t feel shy to
share with others
including your children.

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