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On Learning Through Pain... by Smoke2015: 5:11pm On May 14, 2019 |
“You can’t control pain from what life throws at you, but you can decide whether it’s going to make you bitter or better. Choose the latter and ask God what he wants you to learn from the situation. Do this and you will emerge stronger, just like diamonds after going through fire.” I wrote that on Twitter this morning, and was inspired to expatiate more on what I meant . I mean, there's so much a person can say with just 280 characters! What I tried to concisely express is that the obstacle is always the way; <em>A way to strength and development</em>. If we look deeply at our issues, and cultivate the habit of detachment from emotions and analysing situations objectively, we will be able grasp a clearer picture from a somewhat arial view. What this helps us do is see things clearly. It helps us to understand that there is a lesson (or more) to learn in every situation, one that if are too carried away by our emotions, we are likely to miss. It's not easy, I know. Because most times when life challenges us we are so shaken that we completely forget to look at the alternate perspective. Alternate perspective being the good side of the situation i.e what we could learn from the experience. Contrary to what our mind makes us think, <em>no situation, no matter how dire is bad altogether</em>. We just have to develop the mental strength to think and sieve through all the negative our mind tells us to focus on and look at things rationally through careful, constructive thinking. [center]"Sometimes, even scars are beautiful."[/center] The ability to learn and know that every bad situation (even life threatening) could teach us something is one of the greatest coping mechanisms of champions. See the situation as one that won't take you down, but one you will get through and learn from. You might end up with scars, but sometimes even scars are beautiful. They are evidence of the champion that you are, and a reminder of how far you've come when you finally win. So in every painful situation, always think about what lesson there is to learn. And when your pain beclouds your judgement, ask God what he wants you to learn from that trying situation. Make this a habit and you will see negative patterns change in your life. 13 Likes 2 Shares
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by peteryoung2048d(m): 6:47pm On May 14, 2019 |
Ftc |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by PlayerMeji: 6:47pm On May 14, 2019 |
I am a Barcelona Fan.... How do we learn through the pain of ROMA and LIVERPOOL without sacking Valverde?? 5 Likes
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by peteryoung2048d(m): 6:48pm On May 14, 2019 |
Hmmmm |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by BabylonCruise(m): 6:48pm On May 14, 2019 |
Hmmmm |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Auxtin85(m): 6:49pm On May 14, 2019 |
. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by momodub: 6:49pm On May 14, 2019 |
Hummm |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Sweetcollins: 6:49pm On May 14, 2019 |
Word on the marble I learnt a lot through pain in 2017 >>successful job interviews turned down >>fiancee threatened and deserted >>visa application denied >>paid last 150k for FRSC,till date no show ...but las las I got ma dream job in 2018, level changed, hard and esoteric lessons acquired, better fiancee etc I can't even ask God for anything in prayer since last year cos am still owing him plenty "thank you" 28 Likes 1 Share |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by hopexter(m): 6:51pm On May 14, 2019 |
Nigeria is painful too ![]() |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Okezedan(m): 6:52pm On May 14, 2019 |
Beautiful write up |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Ihutomi: 6:52pm On May 14, 2019 |
that segun that used sniper for tea has he died? suicide is Neva a solution,jamb too the show them self. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by subtlemee(f): 6:58pm On May 14, 2019 |
Pain perception differs in every individual and also their tolerance level so it may be difficult to put your philosophy into practice but I pray your write up helps one or two individual out there 2 Likes |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Intrepid01(m): 7:03pm On May 14, 2019 |
@Smoke2015; Oga smoke, you'll first of all share your years of painful experience with people like me first before you start advising us on how to endure it. Pain, I mean life pain can't be imagined or rationalised. The experience is not even transferable, it's either you have it , you're having it or you don't. And you know what, words of encouragement are so easy to put up. that phrase of NO PAIN NO GAIN is one of the most deceitful quotes in the world.. .it could send one to an end of limitless pain. 2 Likes |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Bmaster(m): 7:30pm On May 14, 2019 |
Mr.op , i'm a guy of 27. Intelligent and hard working, looking cute and fearless. but i'm a sickler. i couldn't go to uni due to fact that i do have severe painful crises many atimes. my people do spend nearly #200,000 on me during each year for almost 21 years on blood transfusions which i go through at least 3 times a year. the painful episodes of severe crises i past through makes me hate GOD. NOW, tell me what do i learn from all this Modify: mr. Op, pain is not suffering,its not hardship, its not even being poor. if i can't get total freedom from pain, i must be compelled to learn being bittered. 5 Likes |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by JoeMaddog: 7:43pm On May 14, 2019 |
Bmaster:I dont know what to type 1 Like |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Nobody: 7:45pm On May 14, 2019 |
PlayerMeji:I've learnt that one should always learn from past mistakes. And if you're smart, from others' mistakes. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by KingBaba1(m): 7:48pm On May 14, 2019 |
Bmaster:Sorry Bro, I really feel you, but in all just give thanks to God for the gift of life, at least you are not dead...I don't know what you do, but I will advice you get into business that is not too stressful for u, marry and have have a kid or two, I know those kids will always heal your pain whenever u see them hale and hearty |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by sowilli: 7:49pm On May 14, 2019 |
No pain no gain |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Nobody: 8:00pm On May 14, 2019 |
my greatest pain in life is inability to become a computer scientist 13 or 15 years ago after life showed me d great potentials in me. right now I practically lost my brain & can't even right good english, can't remember small equation, favor is not coming my way. I continue doing menial jobs cos I fell from an intelligent student to forgetful student years ago. I abandoned science for social science & didn't help me either. I would have been one of those gurus students taking their fellow students tutorials in university days. I abandoned school eventually. d pains & state of oblivion is still here & I always feel shortchanged by nature & all my mates have all moved on & enjoying life & their family. I'm not a young person in age either & I am neither lazy nor an hater, envious, fornicator etc but it pains me looking at those meaningless years & living I am going through I always wished to be reborn & start afresh 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by SimplePlan34: 8:09pm On May 14, 2019 |
It has made me bitter. Well and so many others in fact the %tage of ppl it has made bitter than better is far higher. Which brings d question is pain d best teacher. Is d creator form of teaching flawd or there is no creator at all, of maybe pains are d imperfections in creation. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Koval12(m): 8:10pm On May 14, 2019 |
subtlemee:yeah, we all have different pain threshold, I think the actually wrote this article for me. Its about everything that am practicing and learning at the moment. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by SVC6000: 8:48pm On May 14, 2019 |
Bmaster:You Hate God For What? Oh, For Making U A Sickler? My Frnd Don't Ever Use That Word I Hate God. Ur Just Adding Salt To Injury. Learn To Suffer In Silent Than Challenging Ur Maker. Is Ur Portion In Life. Nature Has It. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Skillzystick(m): 9:03pm On May 14, 2019 |
Bmaster:u don't av to give up on God bro.. this d time u need him d most. I'd love to invite u to living faith church aka winners . go to any Branch closer to you.. give God a try.. 1 Like |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Nobody: 9:22pm On May 14, 2019 |
Skillzystick:living testimony, am a winner. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by mhizsuzzy(f): 9:34pm On May 14, 2019 |
Truest: But you wrote beautifully well...we never lose our brains we just need to train it like the muscles of our arms...Training by constant practice... All the best dear In all never lose hope 2 Likes |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by FANE4Naija: 10:16pm On May 14, 2019 |
SVC6000:Sshhh... You do not know what he is going through. What have you added to his life by what you just wrote? God you are defending didnt ask you to, He can defend himself. Infact, I think God will be angry at you by your response- you did not add anything positive or encouraging to a person He created going through pain. I am a sickler myself and I must tell you that he is very right in his feelings. In fact, the title of this post is enough for any sickler to want to click & read it cos it says "Pain" and these people know about it more than any other people cos they experience the various types of pain- physical, emotional, financial, mental, just mention any, Sicklers have been there. In fact, I don't think there is any adult sickler that has not prayed/begged for death to come & stop the pain. So, just shush it and go on your way or pray for the brother to be given the strength to carry this heavy burden placed upon him. Bmaster, I pray for more of God's grace in your life and keep the hope alive that you will not bow out without greatness. Udo! 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Crest05(m): 10:39pm On May 14, 2019 |
I'm depressed right now and all I can say is that Most Life's lessons are learnt through pain. My story is in my profile. You can read it and advice me though. 1 Like |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by folake4u(f): 10:41pm On May 14, 2019 |
Bmaster: Hi dear! ![]() You shouldn't hate God. what I'm saying in essence is that sometimes God allows us to experience Pain for us to appreciate him. It is of human nature not to like PAIN but it is essential. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by Iretii0511(m): 10:47pm On May 14, 2019 |
Truest: That is because you gave up on yourself too quickly. You gave in to the pains and you were defeated. You were defeated because you accepted the defeat. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by folake4u(f): 10:54pm On May 14, 2019 |
FANE4Naija: My dear, I understand and feel your pain. |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by folake4u(f): 11:00pm On May 14, 2019 |
KingBaba1: I'm sorry but I have to say this. You shouldn't advice him to "marry and have a kid or two...I know those kids will always heal your pain etc". It is so wrong! A broken man should heal first before he even considers all those things you mentioned otherwise he'd be seeking solace in the wrong place. Heal first should be his top priority and every other thing shall be added unto him 1 Like |
Re: On Learning Through Pain... by lastmessenger: 11:12pm On May 14, 2019 |
The things I've red leave me speechless. God please wherever you are help those in pain or I just pray you send your son back to take back his people. Let this rapture happen so that the new heaven and the new earth will come We can't continue like this abeg. In Jesus name I pray Amen |
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