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[works 100%] How To Add And Remove Bank Account From Google Adsense - Webmasters - Nairaland

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[works 100%] How To Add And Remove Bank Account From Google Adsense by beloxxi(m): 1:37am On Jun 13, 2019
I can't change or remove my Google Adsense payment bank detail after failed bank verification
Have you tried to verify your payment method in Google Adsense and failed to do so because your adsense test deposit was entered thrice and verification's failed?

Have you tried to remove or update your payments methods in Google adsense and new details failed to update or you can't delete old bank account details from adsense and there was no remove option? Whichever one of these problems you are facing, you have come to the right place because today am going to show you how the magic trick works.

What is Google Adsense?
Google adsense is a platform that makes it possible for bloggers, vloggers and content creators to earn money from their website, apps, blogs and Youtube videos pages. Once you have a blog that has rich and unique contents and drives quality traffic, then you can apply for adsense right away.

Does Adsense really pay?
As a matter of facts adsense pays the highest money to its publishers regularly on a monthly basis, provided you have reached your minimum payment threshold of $100 or its equivalence in Pounds and Euros. So yes, Adsense pays.

How do I add my payment details so adsense pays me?
For the first time as an Adsense publisher, if you haven't reached your payment threshold you would not be allowed to enter your bank account details as means of payment. Once your threshold has been reached, adsense would allow you to add a means of primary payment. To do so, here are the guided steps [pictures included].
Sign in to adsense
Navigate and click Payments from the menu
picture result for : How to add a bank account for google adsense
Add a bank account in Google Adsense
Click on Add payment method
Select account type e.g. Checking
Enter your bank details correctly
Select a tick box to set the payment method as primary.
Once the data has been submitted, don't rejoice yet because you must verify the bank account to see if the account provided works and funds is available to publishers.On the basis Google will send you a Test Deposit of amount ranging from $0.10 - $0.99. It takes 2-5 business days before you can be able to see the deposit alert sometimes earlier.

Check your mail regularly or account statement to see if Google has sent the test payments, once confirmed, kindly enter the exact details as seen in your bank statement. Go back to your Adsense dashboard and click on Payments >> Verify, then entered the exact sum from the figure drop down then Send.
picture result for : How to verify a bank account for google adsense
How to verify bank account in google adsense

If correct and accepted, then accept my congratulations while you wait for your payments to be wired into your account. But if you failed to verify after three (3) attempts adsense would block the verification and there comes the problem, but the solution is why the post is created, you are welcome [*winks*].

I have been a victim of failed adsense payment verification, and when I tried to request a new test deposit, I was advised to either re-enter my bank details or enter a new one. But either of the request proves abortive each time I try to add a new payment method because it fails to be updated even though I receive an email update from Google about payments method change. Even if you want to delete the old payment method for adsense you cannot because there is no delete button in the adsense payments settings.

[b=]How do I change and [or] remove payment method for Google adsense? The answers are detailed below.
[/b]If you think visiting Adsense.com will help you or writing to Google support or mailing them would solve the problem[ROTFL.LOL], then I'd better start boiling a rock because it's faster for the rock to boil and melt compared to when a solution is been proffered to you by Google.....

Now read Steps to update or remove your bank details in Google Adsense here Complete and precise with image tutorials.

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