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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Kudos To Karma. (1039 Views)
Karma Came Knocking / The Nemesis Of Ezra Season One:beginning Of Karma. / Karma And Songs- Akíntayo Akínjídé (2) (3) (4)
Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 10:09pm On Sep 23, 2019 |
Hola, this is my first post on Nairaland. It's titled Kudos to Karma.(Yep, I'm terrible at titling.) I promise it's good. Let's begin. Copyright © 2018 by Señorita Keji (Pseudonym) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. She couldn't believe it. It felt surreal, like the work of some wicked witch's imagination. But then the sting hitting at her throat as she sobbed made it feel real and the pain in her leg from standing so long made her awken to the reality that had now hit her. "From this day on, you cease to be my daughter!", the thunderous voice of her father reiterated itself in her head over and over again. Her father, her daddy, her love, her everything. He pushed her out wanting nothing to do with her. The entire scene replayed in her head. Why couldn't he just believe her? Why? What had happened ? Answers eluded her and she wept harder. ******************************************************* Two years earlier Faderera could not find sleep. How could he ? Was it normal ? She had seen her husband's will earlier in the day. They had spoken about it, yes, but how could he place Theresa over Funke? How? Funke was their daughter, their blood, their miracle baby, the child they waited five years for. So how could he place Theresa over her? Unable to hold unto her sanity anymore, she tapped her husband. He stirred and went back to sleep. "Tade.", she called impatiently as she tapped him "Hmmn?", he asked drowsily. "Wake up, we need to talk.", she replied "Can't it wait till morning?", he answered as he sat up and winced at the light. "No, it can't", she answered in a sassy tone. "What time is it?", he asked ignoring her impertinence and leaned over to the bedside table to look at the alarm clock. "Fade, it's 1:56. What's so important that it can't wait till the morning?", he inquired, his tone depicting his rising irritation. "Tade, I won't beat around the bush. I want to know why Theresa gets sixty percent of your estate in the event you die." "What sort of question is that ?", his anger piqued as he got an inkling of where she was headed.He sat up fully, ready to hear what she had to say. "It's the normal question any woman would ask when she sees her husband veering in the wrong direction.", she answered in a matter of fact voice. "What then, my beloved wife, is the right direction ?", he asked sarcastically. She ignored his facetiousness and continued, "Funke should receive the higher percentage. She is our daughter, our flesh and blood." He looked at her in disbelief. "Fade, tell me you're joking or this is some belated April Fool's prank just to see my reaction." "Tade, I'm deadly serious.", she answered matter - of -factly. "Fade, are you kidding me ?", he asked just to be sure. "Tade, why would you think I'm joking. Funke is our daughter. She is entitled to-" "Hold it.", he shouted and she flinched visibly but he didn't care." Since when did you become so callous? Have you forgotten ? Or you need me to remind you of the years we spent childless. Or how you begged me to adopt a child, saying 'ori omo l'on p'omo w'aye'? Or have you forgotten how you conceived less than six months after we adopted Theresa. How can you of all people now solicit that I give Tess a lower percentage ?" His lawyer had questioned the rationality of his choice. But then he could understand the lawyer's point of view. But how could the woman who had cried herself to sleep several nights over her childlessness, who had grovelled and begged him to go with her to adopt the three year old girl she had seen at the orphanage, who had nursed and love the girl and also made him love the girl and accept her as his own daughter. "I do remember. I'm thankful for Theresa. She has been a genuine blessing. We had a child after we adopted her and she has been a terrific daughter but that's it. We've showered her with love and everything money can buy. That's the end. She shouldn't have more than our daughter after our death.", she answered. "I'd have understood if you wanted me to divide it equally but what you're saying is preposterous. Theresa is the older sister, how can I place Funke over her?", he spoke in anger and disappointment "Funke is our daughter and-", she retorted. "And what then is Theresa? I can't believe you "he flared and he cut her short. His body rose and fell in anger. Didn't she hear how ludicrous what she was saying sounded. "I'm fighting for my daughter's birthright.", she answered in equal measure of anger. "Is Theresa not our daughter too? I've noticed this attitude of preferring Funke to Tessa but I waved it aside thinking you were trying to make Tessa act mature but now I see it for what it truly is.", he answered,his voice in a steady tempo of anger. "What is it?", she inquired. "You're being bias and ungrateful ", he explained fuming with anger and he voice laden in disgust. "Call me whatever you want, i will not have my daughter cheated.",she replied nonchalantly. "Fine.", he answered exasperated with her. "Good", she said feeling triumphant. He got off the bed and stood to face her. "I'll make the new will to your taste. But just so you know as i ask my lawyer to draw up a new will, I'll also ask him to file for a divorce.",he announced and her jaw dropped. "What do you mean?", she answered when she found her voice. "If I do what you ask me to, i don't think i can live with you for the rest of my life. Who knows? You can turn around and decide to kill me.", he replied and left the room in anger. He had simply drawn her a choice - the current will or their marriage. |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by PabloAndreas(m): 10:21pm On Sep 23, 2019 |
If anybody actually manages to read this post to the end... Please just help me summarize it |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 8:44pm On Sep 24, 2019 |
********************************************** She looked up again and found his eyes on her. "What is it?", she asked freaked out by his prying eyes. "Nothing, it's just - never mind. It's just nothing", he lied rather unconvincingly. She raised an eyebrow at his blatant lie. She snatched his book from him. "Hey",he yelled in protest. "Try telling me a lie Johnbull wouldn't see through.",she sassed "What are you talking about ?", he asked feigning ignorance. "You were staring, why?", she asked. "Nothing. Can I have my notes back?", he said and made to snatch his books from her but she was faster and kept it out of his reach. "I'm not giving you till you tell me the truth", she asserted. God, she was infruriating. He inwardly slapped himself for staring at her. But then, he couldn't resist. She was so beautiful even with her round 'Awolowo' styled glasses and her long brown hair in didi cornrows. They had been friends since their admission screening days. He didn't know how, he didn't know when but he had fallen in love with her in their sophomore year, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. Now, they were in their final year and he was still nursing the one sided love. It wasn't that he was the loser kind of guy- the kind who was a dweeb crushing on a girl out of his league. Joe was the stuff dreams were made of. He was brilliant, good-looking, charming and respectful. He had been voted 'Mr. All rounder' four years in a row. Everyone loved him, coveted his CGPA and envied his wealthy background. He had dismissed his love for her initially as a side effect of spending too much time with her. But Instead of fizzling out, his feelings for her grew. This wasn't the first time he was staring at her, without getting caught,willing himself to tell her how he felt but he could never bring himself to do it. But today, as fate would have it, she caught him. How would he explain it to her without losing her as his friend. "Cat got your tongue ?", she mocked. "No." "Then why were you staring ?" "Why are you making a mountain out of a molehill ? Let it be.", he shouted trying to feign annoyance. "Wo, bros you better calm down, ditch the act and tell me why you were staring ?", she replied calmly with a smirk on her face. How she had gotten to know him so well was a mystery to him. The only person who could see through his acts and theatrics was his mother. His mum see any one of his lies and histrionics coming from a mile away. "Well?", she asked interrupting the concoction of lies he was brewing in his mind. "Fine, I was just thinking how much I'd miss you after graduation and how we might never meet again after NYSC.",he lied hoping and crossing his fingers wishing she'd believe him. "Oh my God !", she exclaimed in anger. What is it, now? He thought "It's one thing to tell me nothing, it's another to look me squarely in the eye and lie to me. Is there such a big deal about why you were staring that you can't tell me?", she semi-shouted. "I like you. There I've said it. Are you happy ?", he shouted back "What do you mean by you like me?", she said softly, heaving as her anger dwindled and transformed into confusion. "Tess, I've been in love with you since two hundred level.", he explained and watched for her reaction. Her anger melted and her gaze softened but he couldn't exactly read what she was thinking. " I thought it would fade. I thought it was just mere lust and attraction. But everytime i push it aside it came back stronger. I tried to tell you so many times but every time i wanted to, I'd get scared that i might lose you so i bottled it up for three years. 'Cause I'd rather have you in my life even if just as a friend than not have you at all", he told her. She was in total shock. She dropped his notes back on the table. She had stirred the hornet's nest and she couldn't believe what he told her. Joe in love with her? How did that happen ? He was every girl's dream guy. She had even had a crush on him for a while but let it die because she felt he could never reciprocate her affections. She was just plain vanilla Tess. She wasn't exactly spectacular or beautiful. She had a good shape and that was the only thing going for her in the looks department. She wore double lens glasses and looked like a nerd. How could he fall in love with her? "Tess, say something ", he asked nervously. "Joe, i don't know what to say. How can you love me? There are more beautiful girls, like your ex in law or Tochi in Civil engineering or even Iman in our class. Why me? Are you getting your love for me as a friend twisted ?", she asked, confusion evident in her face and voice. "Tess-", he called and was curtly interrupted. "Joe, you can't love me", she blurted, then started laughing "God, I'm so silly and i fell for it. Nice one, Joe. You've topped yourself. I couldn't even see you were lying.", she continued and started giggling,expecting him to join her. He had expected rejection or anger but he never expected she would not take him serious. His heart scrunched up at the sound of her laughter. "You seriously think I'm joking ?", he asked on the verge of anger. "Yes.", she answered and continued laughing and stopped when she caught the look of pain and annoyance on his face. "Tess, I came out to you and you think it's a joke?", he questioned infruriated. She gulped. It was easier to laugh it off than acknowledge his feelings. "Joe,-", she started but he caught her off. "Forget it."he said and stood up and packed his things. "Where are you going ?", she asked confused. He didn't answer. He finished and was about leaving when she held onto his arm trying to stop him. He didn't say a word but only turned to give her a bad eye. She immediately left his arm and he walked away. She couldn't believe it. The look he had given her was so terrifying. Did he really mean it? Was he genuinely in love with her? No she convinced herself. He was just confused and for the sake of their friendship, she had to stay sane and snap him out of his distortion. Joe ? In love with her? Hell will have to freeze over first. 1 Like |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 5:34pm On Sep 25, 2019 |
******************************************************** Hell, rather than freezing over, became a thousand times hotter. Joe steered clear of Tess. He didn't sit beside her in their classes despite the seats she reserved beside her in each class. He preferred to sit at the back of the class than sit at her side. She didn't get why he was avoiding her, she knew he was just being confused about his feelings. He was just infactuated. Why was he so bent on believing he was in love with her? She decided to confront him after a week of his tantrums. "Joe, wait", she called one morning after class. "Yes?"he asked exasperated. He had tried ignoring her but she kept calling him and finally caught with him. "Didn't you hear me calling you?", she asked as she gasped for air. "I did. What do you want ?", he asked callously. "What's wrong with you ? You've been acting weird since last week. Did I do something wrong ?" "You are really asking me that?", he asked with anger in his eyes. "I only did what I did because it was the right thing to do. Joe, you don't love me the way you think you do. You're just confused and -", she answered. "Theresa, shut the hell up", she shook as he shushed her. He called her Theresa for the first time in five years. "You can go ahead and laugh at my feelings, fine, don't reciprocate it, all well and good. But don't tell me I'm confused,that I don't know what I'm feeling.", he flared with his eyes staring daggers at her. "But-", she started again. "I think this conversation is over", he shushed again and walked out on her. She stared at his retreating figure and wonder why he was so adamant he was in love with her. Could he actually be in love with her ? No way. He'd have to come back to his senses. If he wanted space, she'd give him the entire Milky way. Once he stopped having her around him, he'd miss their friendship and rebut his silly notion that he was in love with her. Pikin wey say im mama no go sleep, im sef no go smell sleep, it was going to be a battle of wills. She hissed and turned to go her hostel. He swore and cursed at her. Why didn't she just love him back? Why did she have to get herself wound up with the idea his feelings were false and misinterpreted? He didn't know whether this was worse than rejection. He slammed the door in anger as he walked into the apartment he shared with some of his friends. "Why you dey bang door like madman?", Shola one of his friends, the jovial one asked. "Get lost", he replied. "Is it still this your supervisor issue ?", Chibundu, the nerd asked looking up from his laptop. "I don't want to talk about it!", retorted,still seething in anger "Then stop venting.", Tofunmi, the 'father' of the group said, while on his bed with his eyes still closed. "I thought this one was sleeping ", Shola spoke. "Well, unlike some who sleep like logs, the slightest noise wakes me up", Tofunmi replied with his eyes still closed. "Who is this one calling a log?", Shola asked already taking offence. "Shola, he said some, he didn't mention anyone in particular.", Chibundu interfered trying to stop a storm from brewing "I know what he is trying to imply ", Shola asserted ready for a fight. "Cool it ", Chibundu said. Shola kept quiet sending eye daggers to Tofunmi. Joe sighed still thinking about Tess. "I only did what I did because it was the right thing to do. Joe, you don't love me the way you think you do. You're just confused and -", her words reiterated in his head. "Ugh", he groaned and rubbed his head. His head throbbed trying to make sense of her logic. He'd give her space. Absence was said to make the heart grow fonder. Days turned into weeks and weeks rolled into months and Joe kept ignoring her. Her resolve weakened day by day. Everyday she saw him she wanted to shake him and beg him to talk to her. Every time he saw her he acted as if she was nobody to him. She looked up from her laptop and saw him laughing with Iman, the Fulani beauty of their class. She put her head down and continued typing. It was a known fact that every guy in their class had at one point in time had a crush on Iman. She was beautiful, tall, svelte and smart. She wasn't like some Muslim sisters whose dressing, veils and hijabs were bland and uninteresting. Iman was fashionable yet still modest. And the one thing everyone admired was her scents. She always smelt like flowers. Her perfumes weren't just the common ethanol and fragrance concoctions, they were, according to her, organic and all imported. A pang of something foreign bit her. She had only felt it once when her mother had given her younger sister the family heirloom. She got shocked at the realization of what it was. Was she jealous ? No, how could she be? That would have to mean she was in love with him. No, she wasn't. She just missed her friend. That was all. She looked up again and her eyes met Iman's, she quickly averted her gaze and returned her attention to her project. "I think we have an audience.", she slyly told Joe. "Who?", he asked. "Your friend Theresa",she informed him."Oh!", he said and looked at her direction and saw her furrow her brows at her laptop. Good, that meant she was forcing herself to concentrate. "What exactly happened between you two?", Iman asked. "We had a major fight", he answered and busied himself by looking at the design on her bracelet. "Why did you fight?", she pried. He smiled and turned to pinch her nose and she squealed in pain. "Stop it", she protested. "Haven't you heard? Curiosity killed the cat.", he chided and released her nose. "Aren't you aware ? Satisfaction brought it back.", she informed him and stuck her tongue out. He laughed at the cuteness of the sight. "So tell me. I keep secrets. I swear.", she begged and raised her her hand in a mock pledge. He looked at her and smiled "I'd rather not. It's quite personal." "A problem shared is one half solved.", she put in subtly. "This problem has no solution.", he answered Iman looked from his sullen look to Theresa's frown. "OMG, did you guys have sex?", she whisper-yelled. "Alhaja Iman!", Joe exclaimed and burst into laughter." You know, if your fellow hijab sisters hear you, you might be ostracized." "Like they don't say worse.", she scoffed. "Did you?" "How is it any of your business ?", he teased. "Whether you like it or not, worse rumours are being circulated in class.", she defended. "Really?", he asked. "Some say you raped her and that's why you can't stand each other, others say you found her too clingy and she didn't let you get a proper girl, while a few say your parents tried to matchmake you two together and you both detest the idea. I'm of the school of thought that you both had sex.",she explained gleefully. "First of all where do people get their ideas. Secondly, I want to meet those bastards who think I raped her and give them a piece of my fist. And thirdly, no, none of those happened.", he said on the verge of anger. "I'm sorry i got you upset.", Iman apologized,realising he was getting angry. He sighed and muttered, "It's not entirely your fault. It's hers". With that he left the study room and Iman sat there bewildered, wondering what on God's green earth had happened between Joe and Tess. 1 Like |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by Babysuccess02(f): 11:13pm On Sep 25, 2019 |
nice one 1 Like |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 3:36pm On Sep 26, 2019 |
Chapter 2 The school had to go on a compulsory break due to the nation wide strike declared by the Union of Academic Staff. All halls of residence were ordered to be vacated. With that, Theresa found herself at home, trying to complete the last chapter of her final year thesis. A knock interrupted her line of thought and she muttered 'Come in.' She saw her dad peek through the door then come in. "How's my princess?", he asked. She ran to him and hugged him. Tears escaped her eyes and he patted her head. "Daddy, I missed you.", she muttered as she released him. "Are you crying ?", he asked as he cupped her face in his hands and used his thumb to wipe her tears away. "They're tears of joy", she lied scratch the back of her head. "I am so happy to see you. How was Taiwan ?", she asked as she pulled him to her bed and they sat down. "Great, the investors affirmed their interest to invest in our business.", he said proud of his success. "How's school?", he asked noticing the storm in her eyes. "Great. I have a nice supervisor, she really puts things in perspective and I'm almost done with my project.", she gushed. "Tessa, is there anything disturbing you?", he asked and pulled her hands into his. "Nothing ", she replied avoiding his all seeing eyes. "Theresa, look at me", he commanded in a soft voice. She turned slowly to meet his eyes. "Is there something you want to tell me about ?" "Dad, I - actually it's ", she stuttered and found his reassuring eyes. "Daddy, mummy said Uncle Temi is on the phone downstairs ", Funke bounced in and announced. He turned to her and faced her with a scowl, "How many times have I told you to knock before entering your sister's room ?" The glee in Funke's face vanished. "Dad, it's ok", Theresa mediated. "No, it's not ok. She needs to learn courtesy. Apologize now.", he chided the teenager. "I'm sorry, Tess", she apologized cheekily. "What?!", her father roared as he stood up and face Funke. She instinctively took two steps backwards. "What did you call her?", he asked. Realising her fault, she quickly apologised again, "I'm sorry, sister Tess." "It's ok. You can go.", Theresa hurriedly intervened and dismissed her sister. The girl scurried out of the room without thinking twice. Everyone knew of their father's anger. It always propelled him to the the worst of things and he never stopped until he was satisfied. His anger was like a raging fire that consumed everyone and everything in its path. He sighed and rubbed his head realising he was on the verge of his demonic anger again. He turned back to face Theresa. "I can see you're troubled, Tessa. We'll talk about it once I'm done with my phone call with your uncle."he said. "Ok dad", she replied. He kissed her cheek and left her room. She sighed. How exactly was she supposed to explain it to her dad? ****************************************** Somehow, her dad found himself occupied with work that he forgot about the talk he was supposed to have with her. She read through her project over and over again. Her project seemed ready. Anyway, it was for her supervisor to decide. She picked up her phone. Still no message from Joe. The strike was a month old already. She sighed, Joe was able to stay away from her for three months. Her phone rang and it was a guy in her class, her new sit partner, Iniabasi. "Ini, what's up?.....i'm good o....i think I'm through but....(she laughs at what he said)..which kain scholar... I never show my supervisor... na you sabi....Whose party ?.... Tofunmi ? Which one?...... Joe's friend.....I'm not sure.... Ini, I don't know when I'll be done with my supervisor and.... I'm not a party pooper.... I'm not going to prove I'm not a party pooper by attending this party. Try another tactic.... are you kidding me?.... you want to pull that stunt abi?... Fine, better bring your box of tissues, because I'll make you cry blood(she laughs again )...text me the address and I'll see you then.... Bye". She smiled and started packing her things. ********************************************* "She's coming.", he announced. "Are you sure ?", he asked slyly. "I'm a hundred and one percent sure.", he asserted. "Good.", he said and smiled in a sinister way. Iniabasi looked at him queerly. "What do you want to do with her?", he asked afraid. "That my friend is none of your business.", the guy answered and turned to face Iniabasi. "Oh my God. You?", Iniabasi asked in shock. "Collect his phone.", he ordered one of his boys beside Iniabasi. He struggled but they overpowered him and punched and kicked him mercilessly. "That was stupid of you", the guy declared and kicked Iniabasi. He groaned in pain. "Please don't hurt her",he begged. The men left him in the room and locked him up. He cried in pain and at the thought of his betrayal of his newly found friend. "Please forgive me.", he muttered in pain. |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 11:37am On Sep 28, 2019 |
************************************* She sat down in the faculty lounge frustrated. Her supervisor had decided today of all days to show up late. She called her again but she didn't pick. She groaned in displeasure. The tempo of the rain hitting the roof increased and the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting window panes got louder. Soon, the power supply was cut off. "Oh God ", she grumbled. "You dey go somewhere?", Mrs Ama, popularly known as Mama Grace , the woman who sold snacks in the lounge asked as she put on electric lamps and stationed them at strategic points in the lounge. The lounge was a cafeteria cum relaxation centre for students, but some staff patronized the food vendors in the lounge . It was scantier than usual as most students had gone home and only Mama Grace was around. The guy and lady in the lounge left and she was the only one in the lounge besides Mama Grace. "Ehn, my friend dey do birthday today. And my supervisor never come and she no pick my call", she lamented as she paced. "Hmmn, maybe God no want make you go the party.", the older woman innocently suggested. Theresa looked at her and wondered why she would say that. "Mama Grace, you get towel? ", a familiar male voice called. She turned and saw Joe dripping wet. He had obviously been in the rain. Theresa opened her mouth wanting to scold him for allowing himself to get wet. They both knew how susceptible he was to cold and catarrh. She closed it when she remembered they were not exactly on talking terms. She looked away from him and went back to her seat and brought out a novel to busy herself. "Ahan! You for wait make the rain stop na. See ya body", Mama Grace chided him. Mama Grace was the unofficial mother hen of the students in the department. She scolded,cared for and defended anyone regardless of their level. He then flashed her one of his guilty culprit smiles."Them say make I come submit my design for the department office.", he explained. "Even though. If you catch cold, shey na the department go feel the pain ", she scolded "You need towel, abi?", she asked. "Yes ma", he answered. "I dey come", she muttered as she left for the storage room where vendors kept their personal items. He looked at the book she was reading.'Why Men Marry Bitches?' He smiled. He had gifted her the book on her last birthday. She was a sucker for books on relationships and he got her a new one every year. She looked so pretty with her new cateyed glasses. He had missed her. It was sickening to see her replace him with one random guy in their class. He saw her play and laugh with him and it catalyzed the feeling of jealousy growing within him. He walked up to her and asked, "Why do men marry bitches?" She looked up in shock. Her heart did a giddy dance, he finally broke the silence. She answered after getting her cool back,"I haven't unlocked it yet but once i find out I'll let you know " "Being a bitch, huh?", he taunted. She ignored him and kept on reading. Despite the fact she was happy he spoke to her, she was still angry. "Hey!",he called but she still ignored him. "I'm talking to you, he snapped as he snatched her book from her hand. Expecting a flare up, he was disappointed when she maintained her cool. "Is there something you want ?", she asked with a stiff upper lip. "I'm trying to talk to you.", he blurted out infruriated by her coldness. "Why? Why should i listen ? For three months you kept your distance, treated me like i'm less than nothing, now you want to talk?", she asked still expressionless . "You're one to talk, you practically called me a fool for telling you how if I feel. And if my memory doesn't fail me, you pried and pressed for the answer but you were too much of a coward to stomach it. ", he snapped at her. "Don't you dare call me a coward !", she snapped losing her cool. "Finally, a reaction! Not some cold, rehearsed lines", he commended giving her a mock applause. "I'm not a coward, you're the traitor. You broke our friendship up for some made up feelings." "If you call my emotions made up once more, I'll -" "You'll what? Run away with the first girl you see, probably Iman", she blurted out impulsively. His eyes sparkled with mischief after hearing what she said. She instinctively clamped her hand to her mouth, realising what she said. "You're jealous !", he commented in a singsong manner. "Get lost and give me my book.", she snapped as she lunged out to grabbed it from him. He immediately raised it over his head. Unfortunately for her, her 5"6 height even with her jumps could not reach it. Giving up, she returned to her seat and sulked. "You're jealous, aren't you?", he asked taunting. "No! Jeez, you're so full of hot air.", she replied with an irritated look on her face. "Then, why bring up Iman?", he asked. "I was just painting a scenario. It just so happens it proves how true my position is" "Why do you want so much to believe that I'm not in love with you? " "Because, i've seen the kind of girls you fall in love with and I don't fall into that category.", she whispered. "Joe, who are you kidding ? You're every girl's dream man. You can have any girl in this school. Let's not even talk about those who've offered themselves to you as girlfriends, one night stands and even intimacy gadgets. Why would you love me? I'm Theresa, plain old, same old Theresa.", she explained while avoiding his eyes. He sighed and crouched in front of her. He took her hands in his and took her by the chin and lifted her gaze to meet his. "It's because you're Theresa I love you. You know I asked myself the same question for three years. 'Why on earth am I in love with her ?' Do you want to know what my answer is?" He didn't wait for a reply before continuing, "Because she is Theresa, my Tess. And i can't imagine my life without a Tess Oni in it. You were my guiding light in times I would have erred. You were my tutor, my confidante, my partner in crime, all without an expectation, without wanting anything in return, other than my friendship. Tess, I've had a lot of friends in times past and you're one of the few, no, infinitesimal, if i can use that, that has loved me for me. Let's not forget your breathtaking smile", she giggled "your pretty dimples and one teensy, weensy, sexy detail, your nice and firm, you know", he continued and then hinted at her backside with his eyes. She laughed shyly and swatted his arm. "Ki lo wo de'be?", she chided. "Tess, i'd have to be blind not to notice it.", he said and they both burst into laughter. "Seriously, Tess, though that bit is quite important.", he continued and she swatted his arm again. "Ow! Don't you know your hand is painful.", he exclaimed as he rubbed his arm. "If you keep hinting at it, I'll keep swatting your arm", she explained. "You're a bully o", he complained. She stuck out her tongue in reply. " As I was saying, Tess, I actually and sincerely do love you. You're the secret reason none of my other relationships worked out. You were the unconscious standard i measured every girl to. I tried looking for another Tess so i could debunk to myself the reality of my feelings for you but in reality, they had come to stay. I love you, Tess and it's not a figment of my imagination.", he explained. He stroked her hands as he spoke."Right now, I'm not asking you to love me back. I just want you to believe me." "I do believe you. ", she spoke as soon as he finished. "I guess it was easier to believe you weren't serious than to come to terms with the secret crush i had on you." He grinned from ear to ear like a lovesick idiot when he heard. "Seriously, you have a crush on me?", he asked. "Had!", she corrected. "There's a big difference.",she continued. "Had, have, nkankan na ni gbogbo wan", he explained. "So tell me all about this secret crush and why I never knew about it." "Because it's meant to be a secret, duh. Anyway, i was going somewhere before you interrupted me. I've always felt out of your league. Like a dress i could only admire but never afford. So like the thirty -sixth law of power advised i tried to ignore what i felt for you. I killed my feelings for you. Better that than suffering in silence. I soon realised in this break that I never stopped loving you and if you'll have me warts and all, I'll be yours.", she told him avoiding his peering eyes. He lifted her chin so her eyes could meet his. "Tess, i know this sounds corny and cheesy but I'm the one who doesn't deserve you.", he whispered "And I'll gladly have you.", he announced. "So, does this mean you're my girlfriend ?", he asked excitedly. "Hmmmmm, let me think about it ", she teased as she raise her eyes thoughtfully. "Answer na", he asked impatiently when it took so long for her to answer. "Wait, I'm still thinking.", she chided as she stifled a laugh. "Fine, I'm going.", he said and stood and turned to leave the lounge. "Wait", she called and went to meet him. "So, someone can't tease you again ?", she asked and turned him to face her. "My answer is yes", his frown turned upside down and he hugged her. She laughed, truly happy at the turn of things. "I think we should celebrate this", he suggested. |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by banky3w(m): 3:27pm On Sep 28, 2019 |
Thank God for change of events. It could have sickened my guts if something were to happen to my Tess. Ride on Modified Seems your handle suggests you're a lady. 2 Likes |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by millieademi: 3:44pm On Sep 28, 2019 |
banky3w: As in |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 8:44am On Jan 23, 2020 |
"I second that.", she said giggling. "I missed hearing you laugh.", he said as he cupped her face and his gaze lowered to her lips. He bent to capture them with his, but before he could achieve his non-platonic kiss they heard Mama Grace's voice growing closer. Theresa instinctively left his embrace and this made him groan in utter displeasure. Theresa could not hold back chuckles as Mama Grace entered the lounge. "Sorry I tey. I go collect hot tea for Mrs. Akinnubi hand.", she apologized and gave him a fluffy, beige hand towel. "The-the-", he stuttered and then sneezed. "Thank you ma", he said as he sat in the nearest chair to him. "See, you don dey sneeze. Oya, drink the tea, sharp sharp", she ordered and gave him a travel mug and left the lounge again. "Pele", Theresa comforted from where she was. "Shouldn't you be here taking care of your boyfriend ? ", he accused. "Nah, I think I'll pass", she said and shrugged. "Less than five minutes and you're already being a nonchalant girlfriend. Chai! Na so e go be?", he asked sounding pitiful. She giggled at his statement. "Less than five minutes, you're already needy", she said following his lead. "Why wouldn't I be ? I waited very long to have you", he said and then sneezed again. She quickly brought out a tub of menthol balm and went to meet him. "Ever since what happened during the sports festival, i always have this in my bag", she explained and he groaned in embarrassment and she laughed. "Do you have to remind me?", he said. "Well, someone has to remind you what happens whenever you expose yourself to cold.", she scolded. "Great, just five minutes and I've gotten a second mom", he complained. "Well, if you don't want a mom, i can always leave ", she said and turned to leave but he pulled her back so quickly that she landed inhis laps. "I'm never letting you go.", he informed her. she smiled shyly and got out of his laps. She then applied the balm to his forehead and nose bridge and his chest and sides though avoiding his gaze through it all. "Good. Now drink your tea.'", she said when she was through. ******************************************************* "Oh my God,"she exclaimed and jumped out of their cuddle. "What is it?",he asked worried. "I completely forgot about Tofunmi's birthday party", she explained as she started searching her bag for her cellphone. "Jeez, you scared me. I thought it was something important ,"he sighed as he relaxed. "Isn't he your friend?",she asked as she fished out her phone. "He is but I'd already told him i wouldn't be able to make it to the party.",he explained. "Why are you so worked up?" "Well, I made a bet with Iniabasi that I'd attend the party. I guess I've lost.", she said and sat in defeat. "Well, it's a good thing there's a consolation price.", he said and pulled her closer to him. "Really? What is it?", she asked in suspicion. "Me, of course ", he gloated and flashed her a charming grin. She shoved him and said,"I thought you were serious." "I am serious. Do you know how many girls I would be a first prize to?", he gloated. "Well, why don't you go ahead and be with them?", she said scowling at him. "I'm just pulling your legs, na", he said as he grabbed a hold of her waist. "Yeah right ", she acquiesced sarcastically and turned her back on him. "Come on, "he pleaded tugging at her arm. "Your first prize winners are waiting.", she told him coldly. "Come on, Tess. Less than twelve hours and we're having our first lovers' spat", he announced. "Are you going to keep a timeline of all landmark events in our relationship?", she asked still not facing him. "I don't know, depends on if you'll look at me", he posited. "Well that depends,"she replied. "On what?", he asked exasperated. "If you'll stop trying to piss me off by referring to what other girls would do with you if they were in my position. You make it seem like I'm the lucky winner of the race to be Joseph Uvieghara's girlfriend.", she said and turned to face him. "As much as I love you, if you keep making me feel like that, I'll have to give you up.", she said with gleaming eyes. "Baby", he said as he quickly wiped away the tear that dropped from eye. "I'm sorry i made you feel like that. I was only making a joke.", he apologized and pulled her into a hug. "It's ok", she said and sniffled as he released her. "I love you and I'm the one worthy of you, not the other way round.", he explained and cupped her face. "I love you too.", she whispered with a smile on her lips. He stared into her eyes and lowered his gaze to her lips before he claimed them as his. She smiled shyly as he released her lips. "It's an honour to be your first.", he said as he hugged her and kissed her forehead. "You can be really corny, you know ?", she told him. "I know. I really overdo it, don't I?", he asked embarrassed. "Yeah, you do",she replied and felt his stance weaken."But I like corny. It's cute and romantic.", she replied and tightened the hug. "Awwn,"he gushed and carried her. She squealed and laughed as he twirled her around. She had never been so happy. Ok, whoever said happily ever afters never existed needed a bitch slap. She was happy with the one man she had ever loved. Life was pure bliss and she was going to live it to the fullest. |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 8:45am On Jan 23, 2020 |
*************************************** A knock interrupted her state of euphoria. "Yes, come in.", she called out. A young lady entered."Aunty Theresa, the police are downstairs. They're looking for you", she said worriedly. Confusion coursed through her. "Ok, I'll be there in a minute.", she informed the maid without feeding her curiosity. She pondered on the reason the police men were in her house as she changed into a more presentable outfit. She left her room to receive the officers who had come in search of her. "There she is,"her mother announced immediately she saw her descend from the stairs. "I'll leave her with you. I have to check on something.", her mother announced and left. Her heart dipped that her mother would not be there with her. She shrugged it off immediately. This wasn't the first time her mother had left her alone in times she needed a parental figure at her side. She decided to be thankful rather than complain. They had taken her out of the orphanage and she'd forever be grateful for that. "Good afternoon ", she muttered to the officers and took her seat opposite the men. "Good afternoon miss. I'm Detective Mike Obawunmi and he's Detective Nonso Ariole, both from the CID of Alapara Police station. We would like to ask you a few questions.", one of them started. "Ok. Go on", she answered. "Do you know any Iniabasi Etor?", he asked as he brought a note pad from his breast pocket and prepared to jot her statements. "Yes, I do",she said "He's my course mate. We sit side by side in classes at times.", she explained. "So when last did you see him or speak to him?", Detective Mike asked though not looking up from what he was jotting. "We spoke, I think, last two weeks. He invited me for one of our coursemate's birthday party but I couldn't make it, though I had promised I'd attend. I tried calling him to apologize and explain why I couldn't attend but he never answered any of my calls. I thought he was angry with me so i let him be.",she ranted worried. "Where were you the day the party held?", he asked. "I went to my department to see my supervisor and from there I went out with a friend. We went to the beach", she explained. "Who can confirm you were at the department?" "Mama Grace, my supervisor and any staff on duty that day.", she explained. "And what is the namee of this friend?" "Joe. Joseph Uvieghara.", she stuttered. "Thank you, for your time", he announced as they stood up. "Is Iniabasi ok?", she asked with her voice quivering as she stood and stared from one detective to the other. They looked at each other and then turned to her. Detective Mike spoke again softly,"Iniabasi was found by two fishermen. According to the post mortem, he was dead before he was thrown overboard. His phone was found at a coursemate's house but according to those we interviewed, no one saw him at the party. We suspect his murderers were at the party, probably trying to kill someone else. ",he explained to her. "Oh my God,"she said as she sank down to her seat. Instinctively, she asked, "How's his grandma ?" "She's taking it badly.", the Detective Ariole spoke for the first time. "Oh.", she said sadly. "We'll be leaving now.", Detective Mike announced and then stretched their hands out for a shake. She shook them weakly and then they left. She let tears run down her cheeks as she mourned for her friend. Chapter 3 "He's so cute.", Aishat gushed at the guy in the picture. "I thought I told you to drop it, Shat", Funke said as she snatched the picture out of her friend's hand. "You have to admit he's far older than you.", Desire, the level headed one among them said. "I don't care.", she snapped. "Besides, four years is not such a big deal." "If you say so.", she said and turned back to her novel. "Old, young, age is just a number.", Shat explained. "The real question is does he like you?", Shat said all giddy. "I think so. He always talks to me whenever he's here. And the way he looks at me, I could melt.", she said dreamily with sparkles in her eyes. "Then talk to him.", Desire adviced. "If you want something, go for it.", she reasoned. "Desire is right. He's in the university. There are so many girls, prettier, who can offer him things you never even thought possible. And soon he'll go off to serve, in other words, more girls.", Aishat explained. "Wait, does he even have a girlfriend ?", she asked. "I don't know. The last time I asked Tess, she told me she didn't know.", Funke answered. "When was that?", Desire asked. "I think before she came home due to the strike.", Funke answered. "I just can't wait to see him tomorrow.", she squealed and her friends giggled and then burst into "Joe and Funke sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then the marriage, then Joe arrives with a baby pram". Funke blushed and covered her face with a pillow as they sang. ******************************* "Sister Tess, please na", she pleaded. "No. Wear the ones mummy gave you. ", she answered. "No. These earrings are really special.", Theresa explained. "You're just being selfish.", Funke concluded and grumbled. Theresa's resolve weakened and then she sighed, "Fine, take it. But it's only for today." Funke squealed in joy and hugged her sister. She grabbed the diamond tear drop earrings from Theresa's jewelry box and left the room. "You're welcome,"Theresa called after her and laughed. She wore her simple pinups and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Damn, she was getting all dolled up for Joe. Is this what love does? She blushed as she remembered their last conversation on the phone. She heard a squeal from downstairs and she knew he was around. Her heart did cartwheels and backflips. She quickly left her room to meet her heartthrob. She practically ran down the stairs before remembering she was supposed to be a bitch - Babe-In-Total -Control -of-Herself. She steadied her pace and got herself together. She descended down the last flight of stairs before walking calmly to hug him. |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 8:50am On Jan 23, 2020 |
"I thought you weren't coming again.", she said as she released him. "And miss your sister's cookies. Not in a thousand years.", he answered and messed up Funke's hair. "Hey, stop it. I'm a lady now.", she complained and pouted. "Sorry, I forgot you'll soon be a Unilag babe.", he apologized "Let her write post-UTME first before you fill her head with notions.", Theresa added. "Don't worry. I'll pass and show you.", she answered sticking out her tongue to her sister. "I really missed this naughty girl. ", Joe added and pulled her into a side hug. "Me too.", she replied. "I even wanted to show you something.", she pulled up her hair and showed him the diamond teardrop earrings. His smile faded and he turned to face Theresa who had a sorry look on her face. She noticed he was upset and asked, "Don't you like it ?", she asked seeking approval. "I-I do.", he stuttered. "Please can you set the refreshments? I need your sister's help to get some of the things I got for you." "Ok,.", she answered unsuspecting and left them. He pulled her out of the house. "Joe, Joe", she called and he didn't replied and continued pulling her until he got to where his car was parked. "Joe-" "Don't Joe me", he snapped. "Why on earth would you give her the earrings ?" "I didn't want to but she begged me and -", she defended. "I wanted to see them on you not your sister.", he interrupted her again. "It's difficult to say no to her and -" "That doesn't cut it. I told you those earrings were special. They were my mum's. She asked me to give them to my first girlfriend.", he cut her short again. He rubbed the back of his neck in frustration and turned away from her. Her heart sank. "I didn't know. I'm sorry. Joe, Joe, look at me for heaven's sake.", she pleaded. When he didn't answer, she walked to meet him."I'm sorry.",she begged. "Fine.", he answered. "Why didn't you give Kiki?", she asked. "I don't want to talk about it.", he sighed. "Joe?", she called. "Because I never saw myself giving them to anyone else.", he said. "Joe, I'm honored. And I'm sorry. I'd write it across the sky if it would make you happy. Please forgive me.", she begged. "Fine, on one condition.", he said with a mischievous smirk. "No.", she said. "How do you ever know what i want to say ?", he asked still smiling. "Because you always have that look on your face anytime you want me to kiss you.", she asserted folding her arms across her chest. "It's not my fault your kisses are addictive.", he defended as he inched closer to her. "Then you need abstinence and rehabilitation. No more kisses for you.", she said and tried to escape him but he was faster and caught her. "Where do you think you're going ?", he asked and she laughed as she tried to escape. "Leave me alone, jo.", she cried as she squirmed. He tightened his hold on her and said "I asked for a kiss and I'm not letting you go until you give me one ". "Only one, o.", she stated. "Maybe two.", he corrected. "Two ko, tuwo ni. One or nothing!", she bargained. "Then we'll stay here all day. I have all the time in the world.", he asserted and tightened his hold on her. "This is duress o. ", she claimed and tried to get free. "Duress ko, Duracell ni.", he put in and she burst into laughter. "Fine. Two kisses on the cheek.", she stated and she quickly pecked his two cheeks. "Cheek ke.", he said in shock. She took advantage and broke free from him and made a run for the house. "Ah, Theresa. I will get you next time.", he called after her and he heard her laugh in response. He brought out a few bags from the boot of his Benz and made his way for his house. |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by cassbeat(m): 9:49am On Jan 23, 2020 |
Nice story you got here... Whats delaying the update tho? 1 Like |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 11:13am On Jan 25, 2020 |
******************************************* "Come and be going to your room, jo.", she begged. "No. I want to stay here.", he said and laid down on the bed with his arms and legs wide open. "Come on. Joe", she said. "Hmmnhmmn", he said shaking his head like a child. "Joseph Uvieghara, get up this instant.", she said menacingly. "No.", he said. "Fine.", she said and in the twinkling of an eye she was at his side tickling him. He laughed whilst squirming and begging her to stop. She continued till he grabbed hold of her hands and returned the favour. She squealed in laughter and begged him till he stopped. They both laughed and composed themselves. "Look at how you've scattered my bed.", she chided still panting and in between still laughing. "Are you not the one who started it?", he said passing the blame. "Me?", she questioned. "Are you not -", she started to say but he cut her short. "Abeg, I'm too tired to argue ", he said and plopped down on the bed still gasping for air. She sat on her side, staring at the door trying to regularize her breathing pattern. He propped himself on an elbow and admired her. She was so beautiful. She turned to meet him staring. "What is it?", she asked smiling and turned to face the door again. "You are so beautiful.", he stated as he moved down to where she was. She turned to look at him. He removed her glasses and cupped her face. He inched closer and closer till his face was an breath away from hers. "You are so beautiful.", he breathed on her face and then claimed her lips. They were lost in each other's kisses. It felt so good to feel wrong. She let his hands move from her face to her waist and then the door opened. The two broke up at the sound of the interruption. Funke looked at them in disbelief. Her Joe. Theresa was kissing her Joe. Funke took in the sight of the scattered bed, their gasping breaths and Tess's swollen lips Joe scratched his head in embarrassment and Theresa walked up to her sister who was glaring at her. "You should have knocked. ", Theresa said. "Sorry to disturb your pre-intimacy. ", she sassed. "What do you want ?", Theresa asked sternly. "To return these.", she said as she held out the earrings she had borrowed. "Thanks.", she said as she stretched out her hand to receive it but Funke let them drop to the floor on purpose. "Oops ", she said and left the room slamming the door. Theresa wondered what her sister's problem was as she bent and picked up the earrings and turned to placed them in her jewelry box. "Why was she so rude?", Joe asked. "I wouldn't know.", she spoke and scratched her head in frustration. "What is it ?", he asked concerned and walked up to her. "I haven't exactly told mum and dad we're dating.", she explained. He felt fury glow within him. "Why not?", he asked tersely. She turned her back on him and muttered something unintelligible. "For Pete's sake, look at me when I'm talking to you.", he snapped. "Were you ashamed of me? Is that it?", he concluded. "No", she said and spun to face him. "I don't have any reason to justify my not telling them. I just wanted to see how long we'd go before I tell them.", she murmured. "You didn't believe I could stand by you. So, you decided not to tell them so that in case I messed up, nothing happens. You never trusted or believed how much i loved you.", he reasoned. "Joe, I -", she said approaching him. "Stay the hell away from me.", he snapped and walked out of her room. She plopped down on the bed and sobbed. ****************************** She tried his line again but he didn't respond. He had left the house the following day after what had happened that night. He left without saying bye and without giving her a chance to apologize. She tried his line again and surprisingly he picked. " are you?...I'm good...Joe....(she sniffled)....I understand....I'm sorry too....We can meet at the cafe by the junction.", she hanged up. She slipped into a gown and left for the rendezvous. She met him there already sitting at a corner table playing with the smoothie in front of him. "Hi", she greeted as she sat down. His dull eyes sparkled when he saw her. "Hi. How are you?", he greeted. "Just there.", she answered. "Tess, I'll cut to the chase. It seemed easier being friends. We thought we knew everything about each other but now it seems there are things we didn't know about each other. I for one have displayed my terrible temper and you, your trust issues.", he said and leaned to hold her hands. "Tess, I want us to work. I want to see myself with you years from now but that will not be possible if you can't trust me. I know I have my own flaws but love entails trust and a seemingly blind belief in the other. I'll work on my anger. I want to be with you but you have to want to be with me too. I know how much your parents mean to you, especially your dad. I felt you were ashamed of me and that's why you didn't tell them about me.",he said with his eyes hinting at a tumultuous sea of emotions. "Joe, I love you and I want to be with you. Just like you have your flaws, I have mine. I've had insecurities ever since my real parents left me at school and never came back for me like they promised they would. It's a plague that has followed me all through my life. I always felt my parents would return me back to the orphanage. I always felt that at one point all my friends would abandon me. I can't fight the nagging feeling that one day you would up and leave me. So I try to prepare, create enough barriers. But with you I feel my resolve weakening and my walls crumbling, will you be there to catch me when I fall? ", she spoke with her voice quivering. "I'll catch you, Tess, if you'll let me.",he answered and gave her hands a gentle squeeze. ************************ |
Re: Kudos To Karma. by SenoritaKeji: 10:25am On Jan 28, 2020 |
************************ Love like a flower blooms with tender loving care and nurture, Joe and Theresa worked hard to improve their relationship. But then all love would be tested by time, would theirs stand the test of time ? That was a question the fates asked. The strike went on for a year, due to the federal government's stubbornness. Almost every student had gotten a part-time jobs to keep themselves busy. Theresa had taken up a job as a secretary and Joe worked in his father's firm. They maintained contact despite their busy schedules and tried to meet up every weekend. Their love could never have been stronger. Everything changed after one evening. She stood under the tent waiting for Joe. They were supposed to have a date but he was late. She sighed as she tried calling him again. "The number you're trying to reach is currently switched off. Please try again later.", the female operator voice said for the umpteenth time. She angrily shoved her phone into her bag. She stood angrily, ready to give Joe a tongue lashing, totally unaware of the man creeping up behind her. He pressed a rag dipped in chloroform over her nose. She tried resisting but she lost consciousness and fell limp in his arms. Slowly, consciousness seeped into her being. She tried to move but she was constrained by the ropes wound around her body. She tried to open her eyes but they had been sealed shut. "Ugh,"she groaned. "Somebody please help me.", she cried out with all her strength. "Somebody please help me.", she shouted even louder. "Help me, please.", she shouted. "Please help", she screamed. She stopped when she heard the lock in the door turn abruptly. Had help come so soon? She doubted it. She heard gruff footsteps approach her. Her heart stopped as he got closer. Out of the blues, she cried as she felt a slap on her face and liquid trickle down her chin. "If I hear pim, you go hate ya sef.", the grumpy, heavily accented voice threatened. She became afraid for the first time since she regained consciousness. "Please, let me go.", she begged in a whisper, only to be slapped again. She gasped in horror "You deaf abi? I say make you shut up.”, he reiterated. She heard feet shuffle towards her. "You want to remain alive, right ?", a different male voice asked her with his breath reeking of alcohol. She nodded desperately. "Good, you learn fast. He wanted to gag you but I promised you'd be a good girl. Don't make me regret my vote of confidence. So there'll be pin drop silence. You won't speak unless asked to, so no more screaming fits, ok? My eardrums are quite irritable. Understood ?", he declared in a menacing voice. She nodded and a few tears rolled down her cheek. "Awwn,” he teased. "Daddy's princess is sad. Don't worry you'll be with daddy in no time. Just follow the ground rules set.", he continued. She nodded again. "Good.", he approved. She heard footsteps make their way away from her. They then stopped suddenly. "One more thing", the other man said again. "Don't try to escape. You'll only get us angry and yourself hurt.", he put in and left locking the door behind them. God help me, was all she could mutter. Were her parents looking for her? What about Joe? She wondered what he might have thought when he didn't see her waiting under the tent. She wondered if this was going to be going to be her end. She sighed and tried to adjust herself on the chair. She was just finding sleep when the door opened suddenly and the footsteps rushed in. She sat up and tried to hear what was happening. She wanted to ask what was happening but the slaps she hadd been given the last time served as reinforcement to keep shut. "Listen to me.", a new voice ordered. "We're going to call your father now and ask him to pay your ransom and you're going to help us convince him. God help you and you're not persuasive enough.", he expatiated. She gulped in utmost fear. "Nod if you understand.", he posited. She nodded earnestly. "Good.", he said and patted her face "See, that was easy.", he said and she heard feet shuffle to the door. She burst into a sob. Will dad be able to afford the ransom ?, she thought "God, please save me ", she prayed inwardly. She cried herself to sleep, though not for long. She awoke to cold splashed on her. She shivered in fear. " Wake up. It's time to talk to daddy.", one of the men who she named Mr Educated gangster shouted. "Don't say anything, till we ask you to.", he instructed She adjusted herself on her chair and listened carefully. She heard the phone ring and father's voice say, "Hello, good afternoon." Her kidnappers kept quiet. She longed to shout to her father to help her but she was afraid of what they'd do to her if she tried to. "Hello", her father called again. " Hello! I can hear you breathing. If you don't say something, I'll hang up.", he said impatiently. With that, a slap hit her across her face. She yelped in pain and tears ran down her face. "Tessa?!", her father asked in anguish. " You're quite good at guessing. I want you on my team next game night.", Mr Educated teased sarcastically. "What have you done to my daughter?", her father shouted. As he did another slap hit her face and she cried out in pain. " What are you doing to her?", he shouted in frustration. The only reply he got was the sound of her screaming. "Please don't hurt her", he pleaded but her screams got louder. " Sir, you're the one hurting her", Mr Educated shouted above Theresa's screams of pain. "Stop please", her father cried. "For as long as you talk without being spoken to, you will hurt her.", he continued. Her father stopped his pleas and the blows she received ceased. She whimpered in pain and kept mute. " See how easily you put her out of her misery!", Mr Educated shouted taunting her father. "What?!", her father screamed in fear. " Just kidding! ", Mr Educated bellowed in laughter. She hated his guts for making her father suffer. " Now, let's talk business. We're going to do a sort of trade by barter. Your daughter for the sum of ten million naira. That's quite fair, I think.", he said matter-of-factly. "But..", he began to complain. " And one more thing, don't involve the police in this transaction of ours. They can be really pesky and annoying. Don't get me started on their usual wardrobe malfunction. Bottom line is involve the police and we'll put your daughter out of her misery for real this time. When you get the money ready, holler us. And the longer you take, the longer your daughter stays in our enviable care. Do you want to talk to your precious baby?", Mr Educated explained. "Yes, please!", her father cried. " You can talk now", Mr. Educated shouted. "Daddy! Please get me out of here! Please, Daddy!", she cried. " Tessa! Hold on I'll get you out. Remember Daddy loves you! I..." "That's enough!", Mr Educated said and hung up. " You're quite a dramatic family.", he said. "Daddy, please get me out of here!", one of the guards mimicked in a falsetto voice and they all burst out in laughter " Tessa, I'll save you.", another called out in a dramatic heroic manner. They laughed again at her expense. She had never hated anyone but pure refined and distilled hatred flowed within her for her kidnappers. Somewhere in her heart, she wanted pray the worst deaths for them but she was preoccupied with praying for her safety. |
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