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What Causes White Particles To Float In Urine Of A Male? - Health - Nairaland

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What Causes White Particles To Float In Urine Of A Male? by jannydear(f): 2:02pm On Oct 24, 2019
White particles or white flakes floating in the urine of a male is considered abnormal. It can be caused by protein in urine. The appearance of urine can go a long way to reveal information about the working processes of organic structures in the body. Substances like white blood cells, red blood cells, protein compounds, acetone, or bile are not supposed to be found in urine. However in most cases, these substances are present in urine due to various pathological processes.

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White flakes in urine may mean protein is present in the urine, which can be a sign of a more serious medical issue that requires proper diagnosis.

What Causes White Flakes or Particles in Urine of Male?
Physiological Causes of White Particles in Urine
The physiological causes of urine taking on a different color or having white particles floating in them is usually not a major cause for alarm.

The urine of a health male is supposed to be light yellowish in colour. However, the color of the urine can change due to certain mild factors like dehydration, or consuming beets in excess quantity. Drinking lots of water can solve the issue of dehydration and make the urine to return to its normal colour. Also, when a person stops eating beets that gives the urine a reddish color, the color would eventually return back to normal.

The urine of a male may be turbid if he eats lot of meat everyday or consumes a lot of milk. The turbidity of the urine will return back to the normal light yellowish color when he stops consuming these meals.

READ ALSO: White Particles Floating in Urine: What You Should Know

Also certain medications, can affect the appearance of a urine. This doesn’t pose any health risk since the urine will return back to normal at the end of the treatment.

White particles floating in urine becomes an issue if a man is on normal diet and drink plan. In this case, white floaters in urine may indicate a symptom of a major medical condition that requires proper diagnosis. This should become issue particularly if the male experiences other accompanying symptoms including:

Pain when urinating
Burning sensation during urination
If you notice any of these symptoms along with while substances in your urine, consult your doctor immediately.

Pathological causes of White Particles or Flakes in Urine
The main cause of white particles in urine is the presence of excess protein in the urine. Protein in urine, also called proteinuria, has some distinguishing medical features like cystitis, urethritis, and pyelonephritis. Also, white flakes in urine that accompanies pus-filled substances, may indicate presence of too much white blood cells.

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In some cases, these white particles may look like cotton impurities. This may point to the onset of diabetes, prostatic diseases, and immunodeficiency, diabetes, and prostatic diseases. Cotton impurities can be caused by having numerous sexual partners, infectious diseases, and hypothermia.

White Flakes Caused by Balanoposthitis
Balanoposthitis is the inflammation of the flesh and head of the penis. White particles in urine that is as a result of balanoposthitis may come with the following symptoms:

Increased discharge from the urethra
Burning sensation in penile head
Inflammation and redness
Skin lesions on penile head
Balanoposthitis is mostly caused by the harmful activities of staphylococci, yeast fungi, streptococci, fusospiriple symbiosis. Other possible causes includes anemia, diabetes, and vitamin deficiency.

To treat balanoposthitis, doctors recommend:

Antibiotic treatment
Washing the male organ with antiseptic solutions for every time you pass out urine
Immuno-strengthening therapy

White Flakes in Urine Caused by Prostatitis
White particles in urine that is related to prostatitis can be as a result of being obese, inactive lifestyle, gonorrhea, urethritis infection, and others. Conditions that can also contribute to developing prostatitis includes bacterial infections, low-tidal organs, hypothermia, genitourinary pathologies, and others.

READ ALSO: Blood in Urine (Hematuria): Symptoms, Causes, Complications, and Treatment

Other symptoms that accompanies prostatitis includes pain in the groin, fever, and painful cuts, pus-filled substances along with the white particles or flakes in urine.

White Particles in Urine Caused by Urethritis
Urethritis is the inflammation of the urethra. If white particles in urine is caused by urethritis, the male may experience symptoms like:

Soreness or irritation in the pubic area
Itching when passing out urine
Pain during urination process
Adhesion of the urethral outlet
Pus-filled impurities
Several factors including lack of proper hygiene, hypothermia, injuries to the male organ, sexually transmitted infections, low immunity, and others can cause urethritis. Also, urethritis can be caused by deficiency of vitamins, alcohol abuse, stress, and poor diet.

Urethritis can be treated by:

Taking antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor
Following proper dietary nutrition as recommended by a dietitian
Medications to boost immunity
Washing the urethra with furacilin solution.

White Flakes in Urine Caused by Pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis is the inflammation of the kidneys. White particles floating in urine can be caused by pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis leads to various irregularities in the urinary system. Apart from white floaters in urine, other symptoms may include:

Pain on the affected kidney
Frequent urges
Dehydration symptoms
A febrile condition with chills
Extreme exhaustion
Nausea and vomiting
Fishy-smelling urine
Burning sensation during urination

Bottom line
White particles floating in the urine of a male can be properly treated as long as the causal condition is properly diagnosed. If white flakes in urine is caused by food or drink being consumed, then there’s no cause for alarm.

However, white particles in urine is not linked to the food or drink, then it indicates a severe medical condition that should be examined by a medical expert. Avoid using home remedy approach to get rid of white particles in urine not triggered by meals ingested. Most of these remedies are ineffective and may cause the condition to deteriorate further. Seek medical intervention immediately you notice white particles floating in your urine.

Source: https://healthdiary365.com/what-causes-white-particles-to-float-in-urine-of-a-male/

Re: What Causes White Particles To Float In Urine Of A Male? by chyangel(f): 5:15pm On Oct 24, 2019
Pain when urinating
Burning sensation during urination
If you notice any of these symptoms along with while substances in your urine, consult your doctor immediately.

These are signs of enlarged prostate gland

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