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How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming - Properties - Nairaland

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How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming by david0007: 8:07pm On Dec 29, 2019
Hello Everyone,

I purchased a plot of land in a good area, 2 years back. The land is about 870sqm. I had to rally round to raise money because I only had half of the cash, I borrowed money from family, friends and office which I was able to payback this year. Other personal issues delayed me from kicking off the project. Now I intend to start but the whole project looks very overwhelming. I made some inquiry from an architect and he told me the from the master plan for the state, the land is situated in a high density area, which means the minimum i can build is a 3 storey building for my building plan to be approved. As I speak I only have 2m in my bank account.

I intend to use this 2m to clear the cashew trees, sink a bore hole, fence the land(even if it is a dwarf fence with gate) and then commence the building plan. I intended to build 4 ,2 bedroom apartment and a 5 bedroom duplex. To the engineers in the house, can this be achieved? it will be a 3 storey building with 3, 2 bedroom flats on the left side of the building and the duplex and 2 bedroom on the right side of the building (ground and first for duplex and then second floor for 2 bedroom. Don't knw if this make sense.

The project seems very overwhelming as I have no experience in construction. To the experienced engineers in the house I have 2 questions

Question 1

Will 2 million naira be sufficient to accomplish the first task? i.e clearing the cashew trees, sinking bore hole, putting a dwarf fence and a gate and then building plan in place

Question 2

how much will constructing the entire building project(carcass) cost, just a rough estimates, I know building cost varies based on material used and finishing. I want to know so I can plan.

Any other general advice will be appreciated.
Re: How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming by vickydankal(f): 8:11pm On Dec 29, 2019
Take the step first. You could start with moulding blocking, digging Foundation or rods. However small start somewhere. So that your money will have a place to be channeled when they come.


Re: How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming by raymondFirstborn(m): 8:14pm On Dec 29, 2019
the N2m would be enough for site clearing and getting a building plan.

Before anyone would give you estimate, you would need to have a building plan in place first.

you can contact me for an affordable building plan and estimate.
0956082348(call &whatsapp)

Re: How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming by Adegunle4(m): 8:42pm On Dec 29, 2019
The N2m should set your project in motion. Depending on the kind of building you are looking at, and the nature of your land. But on an average, you should be able to get an architectural drawing and a bill, clear your site and start with the building foundation. You can contact me via WhatsApp on 07068474271 if you require architectural and construction services. Cheers
Re: How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming by qwertyboss(m): 8:54pm On Dec 29, 2019
2M is okay to start the project. contact 09063829711 for your engineering drawings and BOQ
Re: How Do I Start My House Project, It Seems Overwhelming by DrAkpamudehe: 4:00am On Jan 31, 2023
Hmmn, 2m for this kind era... I started mine in Lekki with 20m... We still dey foundation level undecided

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