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Different Kinds Of Hair Mask To Treat Damages - Health - Nairaland

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Different Kinds Of Hair Mask To Treat Damages by PamelaFoester(f): 1:49pm On Feb 05, 2020
Have you ever tried a hair mask before?

Then you must be unaware of its wonderful benefits on different kinds of hair problems. Today, a hair mask is been recommended and used by many individuals and hair experts to treat hair issues or improve the overall condition of hair. Scroll down to read about different kinds of hair masks you can try to enhance your hair quality.

Banana pack

Banana pack or raw banana is often used to treat hair problems like dandruff and dryness as it is quite effective on these issues and provide great health to your hair. Just make a pack of whole banana alone and apply the paste on all over your hair. Cover it with a shower cap of other protecting cloth, then wash it with cold water. Try this remedy for at least a few weeks to get healthy-looking mane and to reduce the problems like dryness and dandruff for your hair and scalp.

Honey and coconut oil

Oils have always proved to be a key agent for the improvement pf the quality of hair for many years and coconut oil is the secret formula for everyone’s awesome long and shiny hair. Thus, a pack made by using coconut oil can be of multiple benefits for your hair. Coconut oil can be used in the merger of any other hair care or natural ingredient, but mostly it benefits your hair when used with honey. Coconut oil and honey makes a brilliant combination to reduce many hair issues such as frizz, split ends, dryness, brittleness and many more.

Egg mask

When it comes to providing hair best treatment or repairing many prevailing problems in it, the first natural or homemade mask comes to the view is an egg mask. Egg alone can help you to get rid of various hair problems like frizz, hair fall, scalp issues, and many more. Take a whole egg and make a paste of it and then apply it on all over your scalp to reduce hair fall. You can also mix an egg with oils, mostly olive as it works great in pair with each other.

Mayonnaise mask

Mayonnaise hair pack is often used for the purpose of conditioning treatment as it very perfect conditions all types of hair easily. Mayonnaise comes with many hair benefits like reducing the frizz, lice and hair fall, it, in fact, improves the hair growth to great extent and also solves the problem of scalps such as itchiness, dryness and dandruff. Thus, it is suggested to apply a cup of mayonnaise every time to use it to get your hair problem-free and healthy.

Yoghurt and honey

Make a mask of taking a cup of yoghurt, two tablespoons of olive oil and three tablespoons of honey and apply the paste on your hair for deep conditioning purpose. This is considered as one of the best anti-frizz formulae as it completely eliminates the problem of frizz prevailing in your hair. Take the same amount of yoghurt and honey and mix them together to make a pack and apply it a few times a week to get benefit from it. You can also use a ready-made mask that carries natural ingredients such as Wella Professionals fusion mask to help your hair get cure quickly and perfectly.

Pour Green Tea

Make a cup of green tea and put on your hair and scalp, slightly massage it all over your hair scalp and you can also use a comb to spread it nice and all over. Green tea comes with various antibacterial properties and vitamins that can help to cure all the scalp related issues such as irritation, itchiness, dryness and many more. Further, its anti-inflammatory nature solves the problem of stress and tension if it is poured or put in the right amount in your scalp. It calms your mind and relaxes your body and thus is considered one of the key elements in the treatment of hair and scalp.

Apple cider vinegar remedy

To make your hair problem-free or to prevent future damages occurring to your lovely hair then the best remedy to use protection is apple cider vinegar. Even the hair experts nowadays have recognized its benefits for the treatment of many hair problems and thus it is recommended to use this formula to save your hair form damages. All you need to do is to add it into a spray bottle and spray every time before you go for hair wash.

Avocado and olive oil

Avocado is a great agent of nutrients for your hair and its healthy growth as it enables good and smooth hair growth and gives you incredibly amazing hair. It also reduces various sorts of hair problems like frizz, hair fall, dryness and many more when mixed with a great oil like olive. Olive oil is also considered significant and beneficial ingredient when it comes to repairing hair damages. The mixture of these two elements and forming a pack including the will definitely change the condition of your hair and give you fully enhanced and treated hair.

Thus, you can try any of these ideas as per your convenience to give your hair the best treatment in all possible manner.

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