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What's Your Next Move? - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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What's Your Next Move? by Olamsoh: 8:44pm On Apr 20, 2020
You're the CEO of a major corporation.

You just discovered that your head of HR is cheating on his wife with a young sales executive in the company.

What's your next move?

BTW, this is NOT a morality question. It's a 100% business question.
Re: What's Your Next Move? by Osyxcel(m): 8:56pm On Apr 20, 2020
Well, cheating on the part of the Head of HR is a personal issue.

If the company policy doesn't condone amorous relationship between staff members, then the laid down disciplinary action should be taken, especially considering the position of the Head of HR, who should know better.

If the company doesn't have any such policy, then it becomes an ethical issue because of the postion of the HR manager. The relationship may become a familiarity threat to his job functions which is require him to be unbiased.

In this case, the CEO should call him to order and let him know that the relationship is a threat to his job position.

This is my own point of view.

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Re: What's Your Next Move? by Olamsoh: 6:59pm On Apr 23, 2020
Well, cheating on the part of the Head of HR is a personal issue.

If the company policy doesn't condone amorous relationship between staff members, then the laid down disciplinary action should be taken, especially considering the position of the Head of HR, who should know better.

If the company doesn't have any such policy, then it becomes an ethical issue because of the postion of the HR manager. The relationship may become a familiarity threat to his job functions which is require him to be unbiased.

In this case, the CEO should call him to order and let him know that the relationship is a threat to his job position.

This is my own point of view.

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