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Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 5:40pm On Mar 09, 2011
Morality vs. Ethics

By Ali Sina (An Ex Muslimah)

Religious people believe that morality comes from religion and when religion loses its grip, people will become immoral. Is morality a product of religion? Are irreligious people immoral?
I had a conversation with a young Muslim who insisted if it were not for religion people would commit incest and nothing would stop them to sleep even with their own mothers. I asked him whether he personally lusted after his mother and whether Islam was the only deterrent that stopped him from fornicating with her? He seemed insulted, but before he responded, I added if you are nauseated even by me mentioning such a thing, then realize that many others are just like you and feel and think the same way.
A big portion of our morality is part of our instinct. Incest for example is not condoned in any society whether religious or not. There are of course individuals with abnormal mental development who are exceptions to the norm. In fact, except for Bonobo chimps of Zair that rub their genitals together for social binding, no ape commits or procreates by incest. Usually the male individual visits other clans to find his mate. The young lions are forced to leave the pride to find mates in other prides while the lionesses stay.
Interestingly, marriages between children that grew-up together in one foster home are rare or non-existent, even though these kids are not related to each other by blood.
But some moral issues are not as clear as the above example. What is moral and immoral depends on time and culture. It may even vary from person to person. What was moral; say, a thousand years ago may be immoral today and vice versa. Also what is moral in one part of the world may not be so in others.
Take the example of promiscuity. Many cultures consider promiscuity to be immoral. Yet there are some cultures that accept it as the norm. To us, “western minded people”, having multiple sex partners simultaneously is considered promiscuity and immoral. Yet for a Muslim who practices polygyny, it is a “mercy of Allah”. In some parts of the world, women practice polyandry. Among the Inuit, a man would offer his wife to his guest to spend the night with, hoping that he may impregnate her. Which practice is immoral? And who is to determine it?
Is showing parts of your body immoral? In the heart of Amazon Jungle some tribes are completely nude. Is that immoral? That is to them the way of life. In some Islamic countries women are required to cover every part of their body (like children playing ghost). Is that good morality? If that is the definition of morality are all those Muslim women who cover everything except their faces immoral? What about those who dress adequately yet do not use Hijab? Are they immoral? Now what about bikini wearing beach going women? Are they immoral? And finally, what about those who like to show it all in a nudist camp? Are THEY immoral? Your answer to this question depends on who you are and what is your own personal standard of morality.
Let us take another example: Slavery. Is slavery immoral? Slavery was practiced for centuries even by very pious people. Muhammad not only had slaves but he benefited from reducing free people into slaves and selling them. Was he immoral? If yes; why should we follow an immoral person and if no; why should we condemn its practice?
What about pedophilia? Obviously we all cringe at the thought of it and think that it is a shameful act of immorality. But during the time of the Prophet having sexual intercourse with a 9-year-old child was not immoral. In fact Aisha’s father after a little bit of trepidation consented to give her in marriage to Muhammad when Muhammad suggested it. At that time no one raised an eyebrow. The question is, if sleeping with a nine-year-old child was not deemed bad and therefore was not considered immoral, was it okay? Not everything that a society accepts as moral is right. Having sex with a minor may not have been immoral for Arabs 1400 years ago, but it is as it was then, unethical. Moralities are defined by circumstances, but ethics transcend time and space. They are rooted in logic. Morality can vary from culture to culture, from time to time and from person to person. Who is to determine what is moral and what is not?
A Man in Pakistan may think that if his wife meets her male-cousin with whom she has grown up without the presence of a third person she has committed an immoral act, has sullied his honor and the only way to restore his honor is to kill her. For him the meeting of two cousins is immoral but killing a human being is not.
We have to distinguish between those moralities that harm the society and those that do not. What harms others must be called unethical and discouraged. Slavery, for example, infringes upon the freedom of another human being. Therefore regardless of whether a society or a culture sanctions it, it is an unethical practice. 1400 years ago it was not immoral to have slaves. But slavery is ethically wrong and that transcends time Even the Prophet knew that slavery is wrong. That is why he advised his followers to manumit their slaves as an act of charity. Nonetheless he himself kept adding to his slaves by raiding city after city and capturing free people who were then reduced to slaves.
Because of what the prophet said, Muslims manumitted their slaves when they were old, could not work and needed care. Manumitting the slaves when they were young was an act of charity and moral but manumitting them at old age without provision was unethical. The Holy Prophet failed to mention that and the old slaves ended up as beggars in the streets while their masters gained the pleasure of Allah on one hand for manumitting them and exonerated themselves from having to take care of them in their old age on the other; thus killing two birds with one stone.
What would have been the right thing to do was not to take slaves in the first place. But the wealth of Muhammad and later on the Islamic rulers came from slave making and trading.

Hijab, no-hijab and even nudism does not have a material effect on anyone except on the person who practices them. This is not something the society should intervene. It must be left to the individual to dress the way he or she deems appropriate. Imposing a dress code is infringing upon the human rights of the individual and restricting his or her freedom. Such an imposition would be unethical. Although licensing nudism in the streets violates the rights of others who do not want to be shocked by exhibitionists, I have no objection for nudists to have a designated place to go and show off and get over it. As long as they do not rub it in my face, I have no right to impose my morality on them. I have no idea what makes nudists to take off their clothes, but if what they do does not materially affect me, it is none of my business.
Theoretically, the same thing can be said about hijab. How people dress must be left to the individual. If a person likes to wear a religious robe no one should stop him or her. But no state should enforce it on its citizens by law because that would be violating their freedom. Hijab however, falls into a different category. Hijab is a statement of defiance of freedom and democracy. It is very much like the swastika worn by Nazis. Hijab is not just a fashion statement but a political statement. The statement behind hijab is that I am against freedom and democracy and my goal is to overthrow the democracies and establish Islamic dictatorship, take away the rights of others and subdue anyone who does not agree with my fascistic views. As such hihab must be banned. Just as it it offensive to wear swastika in public, it is also offensive to wear hijab because of the political message behind it.
Despite the Muslim's claim that laxity in dress code breeds violence quite the opposite is true. Honor killings amongst Muslims is proof that a lot of violence is caused by being restrictive about sexuality.
Now, what about wife swapping? Well, that is adultery. Even though it is mutual and consensual. To the question, what an irreligious society should do in this regard, my answer is the same that Pierre Trudeau gave in the Canadian Parliament. He said; “The State has no place in the bedroom's of the people”. He delivered that speech more than 30 years ago and the Canadian government took that recommendation to heart. However I do not see my fellow countrymen offering their wives to each other.
Frankly, it is none of my business what my neighbors do. As Muslims say, I am not going to be buried with them in the same grave. Why you and I should even be talking about it?
Now look at Islamic countries where state regulates the private lives of its subjects. Women victims of rape are stoned to death in the most horrendous way because they could not produce four witnesses to the rape happening but their sexual intercourse out of wedlock is evident because of the child that they carry. Is that moral? People are flogged for eating in public during the month of Ramadan. Women are beaten and bloodied because their scarves slipped and some of their hair became visible they flashed some skin when they stretched their arm out of their burqua. Is this a good morality? Which morality is more evil?
We must distinguish between what is immoral and what is unethical. Moral issues should be left to the individuals; ethical issues must be taught in schools and be enforced by law or code of ethics. Is promiscuity immoral or is it unethical? The answer to the first part of this question depends on who you are. If you belong to the “ultra” liberal faction of the western society or if you are a practicing Muslim, it may not be immoral for you to have multiple sex partners. But if you are an average westerner, you would consider it immoral. This is a matter of taste, culture and upbringing. We should not be concerned about the morality of this question. What consenting adults do in their bedrooms is none of our business. The question is whether it is ethical?
If promiscuity is institutionalized such as in polygamy, is it still immoral? Those who practice it may not think that way but it certainly is unethical. Marriage is a social institution that affects more than those who make the vow. Not only children are affected but the whole society that would eventually have to take the tab to support such families that turn up to be dysfunctional will also be affected. The society has to pay for the education of the kids, their food and clothing as well as suffer the consequences of dealing with misfit individuals that would most likely result from such dysfunctional and highly patriarchal families. Polygyny must be outlawed not for its immorality, that as we said is a personal matter, but because it is unethical. It harms the children and it harms the society.
What is moral is fuzzy. Religious morality does not seem ethical any more. And what we consider to be moral is not so for religions. Polygyny, slavery, animal sacrifice, marriage with the minors, etc are not immoral in Islam. But it is immoral for women to travel alone, not wear hijab or enter in an elevator alone with a stranger.
Therefore morality should definitely be left to the individual’s discretion as it is subject to change. But what is ethical is well defined. Ethical values are driven from logic and the Golden Rule. They are universal and not subject to change. In a nutshell, what hurts other people and violates their rights is unethical. In fact, even animals have rights that an ethical society must protect and respect.
The religious morality is the morality of the ancient man. Patriarchal societies imposed codes of moralities on women that would give men more control on their wives. Religious morality is not divinely ordained. It reflects the fears and the possessiveness of the men who made them. Islam imposes Hijab. Has this anything to do with Muhammad's worries as an aging man who wanted to control his beautiful wives and protect them from they prying eyes of the young men whom he feared as rivals? He constantly kept emphasizing the importance of obeying one's husband. Did this have anything to do with the fact that most of his wives were teenagers and as such rebellious
Morality is something personal and something that parents should teach to their children. But the true morality is not derived from antiquated doctrines and old beliefs. It is sad that some have made morality a hostage to religion. It is absurd to impose the morality of bygone cultures and vanquished worlds on our modern society. Morality is derived from human consciousness and our spiritual awareness. The more we mature the more sanctified becomes our acts. We won’t have to live a moral life for the greed of a reward or the fear of punishment in the afterlife. We will be moral because it enhances our lives. Morality should be part of who we are, just as our knowledge is part of who we are. True morality is never in contrast with ethics.
Ethics has little to do with religion. As Gandhi said, ethics is the matter of economics. The question is where to invest our vital energy for a higher yield. If you invest your energy into sensual pleasures you will get a temporary gratification. If you invest it in more meaningful things you will get greater satisfaction.
Leading a moral life is not about renouncing pleasure. A life that is not gratifying is not worth living. It is about choices. What we choose for pleasure? That is the question. One who invests his energy in the service of humanity gets more satisfaction than one who indulges in the pursuit of worldly pleasures.
However, this is a personal choice derived from maturity and spiritual awareness. Morality should not be imposed by a higher authority such as state or religion. An imposed morality is not morality. One who leads a moral life for the fear of hell is not a moral person because he has not made his choices freely. Fear and greed, the traditional contrivances of religions, used as incentives to force people into accepting their morality do not make the society moral. No one and no religion should impose its morality on people. The imposition of morality is unethical. Religions that threaten their followers with the hellfire or lure them with the promises of paradise do not make them moral. Stick and carrot have better results in training animals than educating people. Only the person who chooses the higher road freely can be called a moral person.
A moral person chooses to live morally because it gives him immense pleasure. One, who is honest, takes pleasure in being honest. He would prefer to be tortured than to lie or to deceive. Our morality is directly linked to our spiritual maturity. When we evolve spiritually; knowledge, service to humanity and working for peace gratify us more than indulging in sensual pleasures. Nothing is wrong with sensual pleasures. But we get more pleasure in doing something in the service of humanity than gratifying our senses temporarily.
Would a person who loves knowledge require further incentive to learn than learning itself? Would Einstein, e.g. have delighted more in his scientific discoveries if someone promised him a new car if he could write the theory of relativity? You may offer a child an ice cream if he did his homework but that would not be necessary for an adult who seeks knowledge and finds his satisfaction in learning.
Primitive religions treat you like children (if not animals). They want to impose their outdated morality on you by threatening you with hell and bribing you with heaven to accept their antiquated and often unethical morality. Whether you are moral because of your fear and greed or because you find satisfaction in leading a moral life, depends on your maturity and spiritual awareness
The religious morality is not divinely ordained. It is the morality of the ancient people, their sages and (in the case of Islam) their psychopath charlatan. We do not need the morality of the ancient man just as we do not need his technology, science or medicine. The morality of the ancient man must be buried with his bones. Modern humans must chart their own morality. Morality must evolve just as human knowledge and his awareness evolves.
New morality does not mean immorality. It means coming out of the dark ages of ignorance and raising new generations that are responsible and ethical. Humans can no longer be chained to foolish fears and threats of the afterlife. Science has shed light on the absurdity of religious concepts and shaken the foundation of the beliefs that our forefathers hold so sacrosanct. The manacles of obscurantism are broken forever. Today, we have to raise our kids with awareness. They must learn that mankind is One. Just as our parents taught us the religious lies and we believed, we can teach our children the truth and they will believe. The following is one such truth.
All human beings are limbs of the same body. God created them from the same essence. If one part of the body suffers pain, then the whole body is affected. If you are indifferent to this pain, you cannot be called a human being. -Sa'di
We do not need to lie and frighten our children with hellfire to raise them moral, loving and good people. That strategy has never worked. The history of inhumanity of mankind and especially that of the standard bearers of religions, stand as witnesses that religions don't make people moral and ethical. In fact in some cases they render them savages and ruthless barbarians. Good people often commit atrocious crimes in the name of religion, cheerfully and with clear conscience.
If we love our children, they learn to be loving. If we are honest, moral and ethical they learn that too. We can build a better humanity by acting humanely.
Compare the words of Sa'di to those of Muhammad who said only Muslims are brothers to each other and as for the disbelievers:
Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers, 9:14,
As you see, the very belief in Islam is unethical and immoral. We cannot heal mankind until we do not remove its cancer. This cancer has reached a point that is going to kill us all. We must choose between Humanity and Islam. Mankind will not have a future as long as this disease is left untreated. Islam must be eradicated now. Tomorrow maybe too late.
Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 6:03pm On Mar 09, 2011

Morality vs. Ethics

By Ali Sina (An Ex Muslimah)

Religious people believe that morality comes from religion and when religion loses its grip, people will become immoral. Is morality a product of religion? Are irreligious people immoral?
I had a conversation with a young Muslim who insisted if it were not for religion people would commit Inbreeding and nothing would stop them to sleep even with their own mothers. I asked him whether he personally lusted after his mother and whether Islam was the only deterrent that stopped him from fornicating with her? He seemed insulted, but before he responded, I added if you are nauseated even by me mentioning such a thing, then realize that many others are just like you and feel and think the same way.
A big portion of our morality is part of our instinct. Inbreeding for example is not condoned in any society whether religious or not. There are of course individuals with abnormal mental development who are exceptions to the norm. In fact, except for Bonobo chimps of Zair that rub their focal places together for social binding, no ape commits or procreates by Inbreeding. Usually the male individual visits other clans to find his mate. The young lions are forced to leave the pride to find mates in other prides while the lionesses stay.
Interestingly, marriages between children that grew-up together in one foster home are rare or non-existent, even though these kids are not related to each other by blood.
But some moral issues are not as clear as the above example. What is moral and immoral depends on time and culture. It may even vary from person to person. What was moral; say, a thousand years ago may be immoral today and vice versa. Also what is moral in one part of the world may not be so in others.
Take the example of promiscuity. Many cultures consider promiscuity to be immoral. Yet there are some cultures that accept it as the norm. To us, “western minded people”, having multiple sex partners simultaneously is considered promiscuity and immoral. Yet for a Muslim who practices polygyny, it is a “mercy of Allah”. In some parts of the world, women practice polyandry. Among the Inuit, a man would offer his wife to his guest to spend the night with, hoping that he may impregnate her. Which practice is immoral? And who is to determine it?
Is showing parts of your body immoral? In the heart of Amazon Jungle some tribes are completely unclothed. Is that immoral? That is to them the way of life. In some Islamic countries women are required to cover every part of their body (like children playing ghost). Is that good morality? If that is the definition of morality are all those Muslim women who cover everything except their faces immoral? What about those who dress adequately yet do not use Hijab? Are they immoral? Now what about bikini wearing beach going women? Are they immoral? And finally, what about those who like to show it all in a nudist camp? Are THEY immoral? Your answer to this question depends on who you are and what is your own personal standard of morality.
Let us take another example: Slavery. Is slavery immoral? Slavery was practiced for centuries even by very pious people. Muhammad not only had slaves but he benefited from reducing free people into slaves and selling them. Was he immoral? If yes; why should we follow an immoral person and if no; why should we condemn its practice?
What about pedophilia? Obviously we all cringe at the thought of it and think that it is a shameful act of immorality. But during the time of the Prophet having sexual intercourse with a 9-year-old child was not immoral. In fact Aisha’s father after a little bit of trepidation consented to give her in marriage to Muhammad when Muhammad suggested it. At that time no one raised an eyebrow. The question is, if sleeping with a nine-year-old child was not deemed bad and therefore was not considered immoral, was it okay? Not everything that a society accepts as moral is right. Having sex with a minor may not have been immoral for Arabs 1400 years ago, but it is as it was then, unethical. Moralities are defined by circumstances, but ethics transcend time and space. They are rooted in logic. Morality can vary from culture to culture, from time to time and from person to person. Who is to determine what is moral and what is not?
A Man in Pakistan may think that if his wife meets her male-cousin with whom she has grown up without the presence of a third person she has committed an immoral act, has sullied his honor and the only way to restore his honor is to kill her. For him the meeting of two cousins is immoral but killing a human being is not.
We have to distinguish between those moralities that harm the society and those that do not. What harms others must be called unethical and discouraged. Slavery, for example, infringes upon the freedom of another human being. Therefore regardless of whether a society or a culture sanctions it, it is an unethical practice. 1400 years ago it was not immoral to have slaves. But slavery is ethically wrong and that transcends time Even the Prophet knew that slavery is wrong. That is why he advised his followers to manumit their slaves as an act of charity. Nonetheless he himself kept adding to his slaves by raiding city after city and capturing free people who were then reduced to slaves.
Because of what the prophet said, Muslims manumitted their slaves when they were old, could not work and needed care. Manumitting the slaves when they were young was an act of charity and moral but manumitting them at old age without provision was unethical. The Holy Prophet failed to mention that and the old slaves ended up as beggars in the streets while their masters gained the pleasure of Allah on one hand for manumitting them and exonerated themselves from having to take care of them in their old age on the other; thus killing two birds with one stone.
What would have been the right thing to do was not to take slaves in the first place. But the wealth of Muhammad and later on the Islamic rulers came from slave making and trading.

Hijab, no-hijab and even nudism does not have a material effect on anyone except on the person who practices them. This is not something the society should intervene. It must be left to the individual to dress the way he or she deems appropriate. Imposing a dress code is infringing upon the human rights of the individual and restricting his or her freedom. Such an imposition would be unethical. Although licensing nudism in the streets violates the rights of others who do not want to be shocked by exhibitionists, I have no objection for nudists to have a designated place to go and show off and get over it. As long as they do not rub it in my face, I have no right to impose my morality on them. I have no idea what makes nudists to take off their clothes, but if what they do does not materially affect me, it is none of my business.
Theoretically, the same thing can be said about hijab. How people dress must be left to the individual. If a person likes to wear a religious robe no one should stop him or her. But no state should enforce it on its citizens by law because that would be violating their freedom. Hijab however, falls into a different category. Hijab is a statement of defiance of freedom and democracy. It is very much like the swastika worn by Nazis. Hijab is not just a fashion statement but a political statement. The statement behind hijab is that I am against freedom and democracy and my goal is to overthrow the democracies and establish Islamic dictatorship, take away the rights of others and subdue anyone who does not agree with my fascistic views. As such hihab must be banned. Just as it it offensive to wear swastika in public, it is also offensive to wear hijab because of the political message behind it.
Despite the Muslim's claim that laxity in dress code breeds violence quite the opposite is true. Honor killings amongst Muslims is proof that a lot of violence is caused by being restrictive about sexuality.
Now, what about wife swapping? Well, that is adultery. Even though it is mutual and consensual. To the question, what an irreligious society should do in this regard, my answer is the same that Pierre Trudeau gave in the Canadian Parliament. He said; “The State has no place in the bedroom's of the people”. He delivered that speech more than 30 years ago and the Canadian government took that recommendation to heart. However I do not see my fellow countrymen offering their wives to each other.
Frankly, it is none of my business what my neighbors do. As Muslims say, I am not going to be buried with them in the same grave. Why you and I should even be talking about it?
Now look at Islamic countries where state regulates the private lives of its subjects. Women victims of violation are stoned to death in the most horrendous way because they could not produce four witnesses to the violation happening but their sexual intercourse out of wedlock is evident because of the child that they carry. Is that moral? People are flogged for eating in public during the month of Ramadan. Women are beaten and bloodied because their scarves slipped and some of their hair became visible they flashed some skin when they stretched their arm out of their burqua. Is this a good morality? Which morality is more evil?
We must distinguish between what is immoral and what is unethical. Moral issues should be left to the individuals; ethical issues must be taught in schools and be enforced by law or code of ethics. Is promiscuity immoral or is it unethical? The answer to the first part of this question depends on who you are. If you belong to the “ultra” liberal faction of the western society or if you are a practicing Muslim, it may not be immoral for you to have multiple sex partners. But if you are an average westerner, you would consider it immoral. This is a matter of taste, culture and upbringing. We should not be concerned about the morality of this question. What consenting adults do in their bedrooms is none of our business. The question is whether it is ethical?
If promiscuity is institutionalized such as in polygamy, is it still immoral? Those who practice it may not think that way but it certainly is unethical. Marriage is a social institution that affects more than those who make the vow. Not only children are affected but the whole society that would eventually have to take the tab to support such families that turn up to be dysfunctional will also be affected. The society has to pay for the education of the kids, their food and clothing as well as suffer the consequences of dealing with misfit individuals that would most likely result from such dysfunctional and highly patriarchal families. Polygyny must be outlawed not for its immorality, that as we said is a personal matter, but because it is unethical. It harms the children and it harms the society.
What is moral is fuzzy. Religious morality does not seem ethical any more. And what we consider to be moral is not so for religions. Polygyny, slavery, animal sacrifice, marriage with the minors, etc are not immoral in Islam. But it is immoral for women to travel alone, not wear hijab or enter in an elevator alone with a stranger.
Therefore morality should definitely be left to the individual’s discretion as it is subject to change. But what is ethical is well defined. Ethical values are driven from logic and the Golden Rule. They are universal and not subject to change. In a nutshell, what hurts other people and violates their rights is unethical. In fact, even animals have rights that an ethical society must protect and respect.
The religious morality is the morality of the ancient man. Patriarchal societies imposed codes of moralities on women that would give men more control on their wives. Religious morality is not divinely ordained. It reflects the fears and the possessiveness of the men who made them. Islam imposes Hijab. Has this anything to do with Muhammad's worries as an aging man who wanted to control his beautiful wives and protect them from they prying eyes of the young men whom he feared as rivals? He constantly kept emphasizing the importance of obeying one's husband. Did this have anything to do with the fact that most of his wives were teenagers and as such rebellious
Morality is something personal and something that parents should teach to their children. But the true morality is not derived from antiquated doctrines and old beliefs. It is sad that some have made morality a hostage to religion. It is absurd to impose the morality of bygone cultures and vanquished worlds on our modern society. Morality is derived from human consciousness and our spiritual awareness. The more we mature the more sanctified becomes our acts. We won’t have to live a moral life for the greed of a reward or the fear of punishment in the afterlife. We will be moral because it enhances our lives. Morality should be part of who we are, just as our knowledge is part of who we are. True morality is never in contrast with ethics.
Ethics has little to do with religion. As Gandhi said, ethics is the matter of economics. The question is where to invest our vital energy for a higher yield. If you invest your energy into sensual pleasures you will get a temporary gratification. If you invest it in more meaningful things you will get greater satisfaction.
Leading a moral life is not about renouncing pleasure. A life that is not gratifying is not worth living. It is about choices. What we choose for pleasure? That is the question. One who invests his energy in the service of humanity gets more satisfaction than one who indulges in the pursuit of worldly pleasures.
However, this is a personal choice derived from maturity and spiritual awareness. Morality should not be imposed by a higher authority such as state or religion. An imposed morality is not morality. One who leads a moral life for the fear of hell is not a moral person because he has not made his choices freely. Fear and greed, the traditional contrivances of religions, used as incentives to force people into accepting their morality do not make the society moral. No one and no religion should impose its morality on people. The imposition of morality is unethical. Religions that threaten their followers with the hellfire or lure them with the promises of paradise do not make them moral. Stick and carrot have better results in training animals than educating people. Only the person who chooses the higher road freely can be called a moral person.
A moral person chooses to live morally because it gives him immense pleasure. One, who is honest, takes pleasure in being honest. He would prefer to be tortured than to lie or to deceive. Our morality is directly linked to our spiritual maturity. When we evolve spiritually; knowledge, service to humanity and working for peace gratify us more than indulging in sensual pleasures. Nothing is wrong with sensual pleasures. But we get more pleasure in doing something in the service of humanity than gratifying our senses temporarily.
Would a person who loves knowledge require further incentive to learn than learning itself? Would Einstein, e.g. have delighted more in his scientific discoveries if someone promised him a new car if he could write the theory of relativity? You may offer a child an ice cream if he did his homework but that would not be necessary for an adult who seeks knowledge and finds his satisfaction in learning.
Primitive religions treat you like children (if not animals). They want to impose their outdated morality on you by threatening you with hell and bribing you with heaven to accept their antiquated and often unethical morality. Whether you are moral because of your fear and greed or because you find satisfaction in leading a moral life, depends on your maturity and spiritual awareness
The religious morality is not divinely ordained. It is the morality of the ancient people, their sages and (in the case of Islam) their psychopath charlatan. We do not need the morality of the ancient man just as we do not need his technology, science or medicine. The morality of the ancient man must be buried with his bones. Modern humans must chart their own morality. Morality must evolve just as human knowledge and his awareness evolves.
New morality does not mean immorality. It means coming out of the dark ages of ignorance and raising new generations that are responsible and ethical. Humans can no longer be chained to foolish fears and threats of the afterlife. Science has shed light on the absurdity of religious concepts and shaken the foundation of the beliefs that our forefathers hold so sacrosanct. The manacles of obscurantism are broken forever. Today, we have to raise our kids with awareness. They must learn that mankind is One. Just as our parents taught us the religious lies and we believed, we can teach our children the truth and they will believe. The following is one such truth.
All human beings are limbs of the same body. God created them from the same essence. If one part of the body suffers pain, then the whole body is affected. If you are indifferent to this pain, you cannot be called a human being. -Sa'di
We do not need to lie and frighten our children with hellfire to raise them moral, loving and good people. That strategy has never worked. The history of inhumanity of mankind and especially that of the standard bearers of religions, stand as witnesses that religions don't make people moral and ethical. In fact in some cases they render them savages and ruthless barbarians. Good people often commit atrocious crimes in the name of religion, cheerfully and with clear conscience.
If we love our children, they learn to be loving. If we are honest, moral and ethical they learn that too. We can build a better humanity by acting humanely.
Compare the words of Sa'di to those of Muhammad who said only Muslims are brothers to each other and as for the disbelievers:
Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the bosoms of Believers, 9:14,
As you see, the very belief in Islam is unethical and immoral. We cannot heal mankind until we do not remove its cancer. This cancer has reached a point that is going to kill us all. We must choose between Humanity and Islam. Mankind will not have a future as long as this disease is left untreated. Islam must be eradicated now. Tomorrow maybe too late.

Thanks man. This was really deep. I appreciate it.
Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 6:28pm On Mar 09, 2011
Im going to post this as its own topic
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 12:21pm On Mar 10, 2011

Morality vs. Ethics

By Ali Sina (An Ex Muslimah)

I had a conversation with a young Muslim who insisted if it were not for religion people would commit Inbreeding and nothing would stop them to sleep even with their own mothers. I asked him whether he personally lusted after his mother and whether Islam was the only deterrent that stopped him from fornicating with her? He seemed insulted, but before he responded, I added if you are nauseated even by me mentioning such a thing, then realize that many others are just like you and feel and think the same way.

Poor thinking indeed, it seems common sense does not guide people these days, he said "I added if you are nauseated even by me mentioning such a thing, then realize that many others are just like you and feel and think the same way." to prove that it is a natural inclination which again is shear unintelligence, as everybody that reacts this same way have been raised in societies that frown seriously at such stupidities like one sleeping with his mum, so it is not a natural inclination but a thing that is learnt and definately it is religion that sets such a standards in any society not people nauseating feelings


A big portion of our morality is part of our instinct. Inbreeding for example is not condoned in any society whether religious or not. There are of course individuals with abnormal mental development who are exceptions to the norm. In fact, except for Bonobo chimps of Zair that rub their focal places together for social binding, no ape commits or procreates by Inbreeding. Usually the male individual visits other clans to find his mate. The young lions are forced to leave the pride to find mates in other prides while the lionesses stay.

It seems bonobos Chimp are closely related to divinereal this is the second time I will find him speaking highly? of them.
Guess he does notknow what he is talking about, Goats practice inbreeding lots of animals practice inbreeding, to point just a few animals and claimed that they too find inbreeding nauseating that is why they do not inbreed is utterly insane.


Interestingly, marriages between children that grew-up together in one foster home are rare or non-existent, even though these kids are not related to each other by blood.

and to him he has proved some thing, Lol grin


But some moral issues are not as clear as the above example. What is moral and immoral depends on time and culture. It may even vary from person to person. What was moral; say, a thousand years ago may be immoral today and vice versa. Also what is moral in one part of the world may not be so in others.



Take the example of promiscuity. Many cultures consider promiscuity to be immoral. Yet there are some cultures that accept it as the norm. To us, “western minded people”, having multiple sex partners simultaneously is considered promiscuity and immoral. Yet for a Muslim who practices[b] polygyny, it is a “mercy of Allah”[/b]. In some parts of the world, women practice polyandry. Among the Inuit, a man would offer his wife to his guest to spend the night with, hoping that he may impregnate her. Which practice is immoral? And who is to determine it?

The two bolded statements refers to how unstable this individual thinking is, comparing two things that are not in the same catgory, for instance if a Muslim man decides to marry a second wife,he is not keeping his second wife as a girl friend to catch his fun, no, he takes his second marriage with the same seriouness and the same obligation as the first marriage, but this man then goes to compare the seriouness of marriage to a westerners multiple girl friends, and now wants to place them on the same guage of morality, how Intelligent, why don't we compare having children in wedlock and outside wedlock? it is funny that he claims Western minded people find having multiplesex partners as immoral, as the last timen i check it was all Koshar. Again if the author of this thread and this write up had any common sense he would have compared a Polygamy with a man cheating on his wife then we would know he is talking sense, not some one having multiple girl friends, as for an innuit man giving his wife to his guest to spend the night, by Islamic standards that is Immoral and I think using ones common sense such practice is idiotic. But what the author does not tell the reader is that Islamic Practice are meant for Islamic countries not in places were people do not know their left from their right. and he says who determine Morality, ALLAH is the Law giver and guides mankind to practices that would benefit them, it is to be noted that apart from religious reasons they are also scientific reasons why Polyandry is not suitable to women. Women are very supceptible to dieseases when they have multiple sex partners, again it will be hard determining which of the husband actually is the father of the child the woman in a polyandrous marrigae is, they are lots of issues invovled that polygamy supercedes Polyandry and again in Islam Polygamy remains a choice no be by force.


Is showing parts of your body immoral? In the heart of Amazon Jungle some tribes are completely unclothed. Is that immoral? That is to them the way of life. In some Islamic countries women are required to cover every part of their body (like children playing ghost). Is that good morality?

Odeniye elayi! The Hijab is beyound a piece of cloth, it also involves the character of the wearer, that is, Our women are encouraged to wear clothes that do not reveal their beauty, this is to promote higher public morality, well I hope the OP is not a sex craze individual but, we live in an era where people are doing all sorts of evil such as violation etc, the Hijab even gives its wearer more respect in our mordern society where women that dress waywardly are usually tauted, and even Before ALLAH prescribe Hijab for women, he prescribe Hijab for men by saying men should lower their gaze. Now he talks of tribes that do not wear cloth, I think it is only idiotic comparing things that do not face the same conditions, it is like compating a well organised society to just a hand full of nomads, it belittles reason do't you think?


If that is the definition of morality are all those Muslim women who cover everything except their faces immoral? What about those who dress adequately yet do not use Hijab? Are they immoral? Now what about bikini wearing beach going women? Are they immoral? And finally, what about those who like to show it all in a nudist camp? Are THEY immoral? Your answer to this question depends on who you are and what is your own personal standard of morality.

it is not only Laughable, how does this man reasons, with his feet or with his head? Cause I guess we muslims are not in any ethics vs Morality dilema, AL Islam is enough for our guide and I think I am wasting my precious time replying this thread.


Let us take another example: Slavery. Is slavery immoral? Slavery was practiced for centuries even by very pious people. Muhammad not only had slaves but he benefited from reducing free people into slaves and selling them. Was he immoral? If yes; why should we follow an immoral person and if no; why should we condemn its practice?

First and foremost, Muhammad PBUH, did not participate in capturing people in order to enslave them, but it seems this mentally rretartded author prefers making claims with out backing them, From all the information I have Prophet Muhammad PBUH, encourage proper treatment of Slaves, the entire System of Islam was designed to freeing slaves, that is, if one commits certain acts to atone for the sin he would have to free his slave, another way that Islam brought to freeing Slaves was the Ransome method that is the slaves writes to be free from his master and is made to pay the price, in some cases the money from the public treasury was used to purchase the freedom of slaves, i guess it is only a person with mentall issues will go as far as claiming that Muhammad pbuh was a slave merchant and the claims that Muhammad had slaves is very laughable. But One thing I know of this Divinereal guy is that he is too lazy to check his sources for their competence.


What about pedophilia? Obviously we all cringe at the thought of it and think that it is a shameful act of immorality. But during the time of the Prophet having sexual intercourse with a 9-year-old child was not immoral. In fact Aisha’s father after a little bit of trepidation consented to give her in marriage to Muhammad when Muhammad suggested it. At that time no one raised an eyebrow. The question is, if sleeping with a nine-year-old child was not deemed bad and therefore was not considered immoral, was it okay? Not everything that a society accepts as moral is right. Having sex with a minor may not have been immoral for Arabs 1400 years ago, but it is as it was then, unethical. Moralities are defined by circumstances, but ethics transcend time and space. They are rooted in logic. Morality can vary from culture to culture, from time to time and from person to person. Who is to determine what is moral and what is not?
A Man in Pakistan may think that if his wife meets her male-cousin with whom she has grown up without the presence of a third person she has committed an immoral act, has sullied his honor and the only way to restore his honor is to kill her. For him the meeting of two cousins is immoral but killing a human being is not.

Raising the same matter that have been answered time after time, Ayesha was older than 9 before she got married, as they are ample evidence to show that, according to Bukhari she was reported to have said I was a young girl when Surah Al Qamer(54th chapter in the Quran), Surah Qamer was revealed nine years before Hijrah and this is an indication that she was definately above 9 years when she got married to the HOLY prophet Pbuh, according to narratives Asma the elder sister of Ayesha was 10 years older than Aishas, Asma was reported to have died at the age of 100 years at 73 hijira, this places her at at 27 or 28 years before the Hijra, hence Ayesha was atleast 17 or 18 years before Hijrah, and the Holy prophet married her after the Hijrah(Migration to madinah) Hence Ayesha was between 18 or 20 years when she married the prophet pbuh at 1 Hijirah


We have to distinguish between those moralities that harm the society and those that do not. What harms others must be called unethical and discouraged. Slavery, for example, infringes upon the freedom of another human being. Therefore regardless of whether a society or a culture sanctions it, it is an unethical practice. 1400 years ago it was not immoral to have slaves. But slavery is ethically wrong and that transcends time Even the Prophet knew that slavery is wrong. That is why he advised his followers to manumit their slaves as an act of charity. Nonetheless he himself kept adding to his slaves by raiding city after city and capturing free people who were then reduced to slaves.

Lies upon lies.


Because of what the prophet said, Muslims manumitted their slaves when they were old, could not work and needed care. Manumitting the slaves when they were young was an act of charity and moral but manumitting them at old age without provision was unethical. The Holy Prophet failed to mention that and the old slaves ended up as beggars in the streets while their masters gained the pleasure of Allah on one hand for manumitting them and exonerated themselves from having to take care of them in their old age on the other; thus killing two birds with one stone.

I only hope the Curse of ALLAH would not be visited upon this man, as even the first man to utter the call to prayer -Azan- Bilal who was an ethiopian, was a young man and he got his freedom because he testified to Islam and more importantly his Pagan masters where about killing him, again it was during the prophet Era, that slaves had rights, and chief among that right was that their masters could not hit them. but the Ali sinah is under a strong delusion that is why he is insisting on propagating lies like his humanist mongrel -Divinereal, as again the story of Bilal puts to lie this charge, there are even ex slaves who rose to the rank of commanding soldiers. one of the reason why the Prophet had problems with the Pagan meccans was that he was bring rapid social changes that they thought was insulting to them, for instance slaves were seen as brothers which only made the the Meccans mad with rage, but for Ali sinah to have gone as low as saying that the prophet encourage freeing slaves when their old is the hieght of trachery any Humanist liar can utter, and I have aske Divinecurse "Is telling the truth part of Humanist ethics?" because i just don't understand what the stand to gain by minting new lies. Again without proof Ali sinah and his child-Divinereal wants us to take them seriously.But well they got the serious attension of Seyibrown, atleast lets give them the credit.


What would have been the right thing to do was not to take slaves in the first place. But the wealth of Muhammad and later on the Islamic rulers came from slave making and trading.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was hardly wealthy as this misguided individual will want us to think, they are tons of hadith that showed the kind of life he live, the Prophet attended to his own chores by himself, he milked the goats, mend his shoes by himself. But to Humanist(sound like cow dung grin) lying is not bad. To show you why the Author of this write up is not intellectually capable of delivering serious talk, he hardly explained how the Prophet PBUH made slaves, he hardly brought out materials that we could read to believe he is know what he is talking about, but well atleast Divinereal and Seyibrown bought all his good hook, line and sinker.


Hijab, no-hijab and even nudism does not have a material effect on anyone except on the person who practices them. This is not something the society should intervene. It must be left to the individual to dress the way he or she deems appropriate. Imposing a dress code is infringing upon the human rights of the individual and restricting his or her freedom. Such an imposition would be unethical. Although licensing nudism in the streets violates the rights of others who do not want to be shocked by exhibitionists, I have no objection for nudists to have a designated place to go and show off and get over it. As long as they do not rub it in my face, I have no right to impose my morality on them. I have no idea what makes nudists to take off their clothes, but if what they do does not materially affect me, it is none of my business.

We know you are morallly weak and find being responsible to much a task to uphold, but definately any sane individual knows that u cannot have people walking unclothed down the street, that behavior is for chimpanzee and not for humans with higher brain power to use. Again whether something will have general effect or not is very debatable.


Theoretically, the same thing can be said about hijab. How people dress must be left to the individual. If a person likes to wear a religious robe no one should stop him or her. But no state should enforce it on its citizens by law because that would be violating their freedom. Hijab however, falls into a different category. Hijab is a statement of defiance of freedom and democracy. It is very much like the swastika worn by Nazis. Hijab is not just a fashion statement but a political statement. The statement behind hijab is that I am against freedom and democracy and my goal is to overthrow the democracies and establish Islamic dictatorship, take away the rights of others and subdue anyone who does not agree with my fascistic views. As such hihab must be banned. Just as it it offensive to wear swastika in public, it is also offensive to wear hijab because of the political message behind it.

See how mentally unstable this man is, walking unclothed is not offensive but wearing a Hijab is offensive? This thread is sicknening, but funny thing though madam re-interpreter-seyi- found nothing wrong with it, Only fool will claim that Hijab means I am against freedom and democracy, OP next time bring some one with something upstairs, as how does a piece of cloth speak? this is the hieght of idocity, so in essence when a Jew wears his traditional cap it means he is out to show the political views of (Some people ) in his religion. great thinking, clap for yourself, this man is so tempted to see muslim girls beauty he uis now advocating forceful removal of Hijab, this man is a hypocrite in all respect and his son-divinereal should be ashmed of him, for the sake of arguement shouldn't people be left to carry their political thinking about according to Humanist ideology?


Despite the Muslim's claim that laxity in dress code breeds violence quite the opposite is true. Honor killings amongst Muslims is proof that a lot of violence is caused by being restrictive about sexuality.

Muslim claim Laxity in dress code leads to immorality, honor killings are very unislamic, and how does one come to a conclusion that it is due to restrictive sexaulity, with all the open sexuality the west practice has it stopped violence? this man is sick indeed.


Now, what about wife swapping? Well, that is adultery. Even though it is mutual and consensual. To the question, what an irreligious society should do in this regard, my answer is the same that Pierre Trudeau gave in the Canadian Parliament. He said; “The State has no place in the bedroom's of the people”. He delivered that speech more than 30 years ago and the Canadian government took that recommendation to heart. However I do not see my fellow countrymen offering their wives to each other.

Really? from the way you 'sound' we thought you and your country men are perverse boffoons.


Frankly, it is none of my business what my neighbors do. As Muslims say, I am not going to be buried with them in the same grave. Why you and I should even be talking about it?


Now look at Islamic countries where state regulates the private lives of its subjects. Women victims of violation are stoned to death in the most horrendous way because they could not produce four witnesses to the violation happening but their sexual intercourse out of wedlock is evident because of the child that they carry. Is that moral? People are flogged for eating in public during the month of Ramadan. Women are beaten and bloodied because their scarves slipped and some of their hair became visible they flashed some skin when they stretched their arm out of their burqua. Is this a good morality? Which morality is more evil?

Haba, this na lies after lies.


We must distinguish between what is immoral and what is unethical. Moral issues should be left to the individuals; ethical issues must be taught in schools and be enforced by law or code of ethics. Is promiscuity immoral or is it unethical? The answer to the first part of this question depends on who you are. If you belong to the “ultra” liberal faction of the western society or if you are a practicing Muslim, it may not be immoral for you to have multiple sex partners. But if you are an average westerner, you would consider it immoral. This is a matter of taste, culture and upbringing. We should not be concerned about the morality of this question. What consenting adults do in their bedrooms is none of our business. The question is whether it is ethical?

Now I know the author is not well at all. He wants us to practice immorality because we are his slaves like Divinereal? No wonder Seyi was so happy, that the man allowed multiple sex partners I am begining to sense a dangerous decline of Seyibrown. But i will say we muslims have no business following the massive stupidities this man is encouraging. in the one he says it is a matter of taste in another you must follow his taste that is how Humanist think, they are know all- but know nothing.


If promiscuity is institutionalized such as in polygamy, is it still immoral? Those who practice it may not think that way but it certainly is unethical. Marriage is a social institution that affects more than those who make the vow. Not only children are affected but the whole society that would eventually have to take the tab to support such families that turn up to be dysfunctional will also be affected. The society has to pay for the education of the kids, their food and clothing as well as suffer the consequences of dealing with misfit individuals that would most likely result from such dysfunctional and highly patriarchal families. Polygyny must be outlawed not for its immorality, that as [size=28pt]we[/size] said is a personal matter, but because it is unethical. It harms the children and it harms the society.
who are the we?

But it is ethical to share ones wife? Sick man indeed, in polygamy is usually practice by those with enough wealth to cater for it, he speaks as if every polygamous marriage ends up in poverty when there are uncountable cases of people with enough wealth practicing it.


What is moral is fuzzy. Religious morality does not seem ethical any more. And what we consider to be moral is not so for religions. Polygyny, slavery, animal sacrifice, marriage with the minors, etc are not immoral in Islam. But it is immoral for women to travel alone, not wear hijab or enter in an elevator alone with a stranger.
Therefore morality should definitely be left to the individual’s discretion as it is subject to change. But what is ethical is well defined. Ethical values are driven from logic and the Golden Rule. They are universal and not subject to change. In a nutshell, what hurts other people and violates their rights is unethical. In fact, even animals have rights that an ethical society must protect and respect.

But people wearing hijab have no rights right? It was a shear waste of my time replying this nonsense


The religious morality is the morality of the ancient man. Patriarchal societies imposed codes of moralities on women that would give men more control on their wives. Religious morality is not divinely ordained. It reflects the fears and the possessiveness of the men who made them. Islam imposes Hijab. Has this anything to do with Muhammad's worries as an aging man who wanted to control his beautiful wives and protect them from they prying eyes of the young men whom he feared as rivals? He constantly kept emphasizing the importance of obeying one's husband. Did this have anything to do with the fact that most of his wives were teenagers and as such rebellious

Most of Muhammad Pbuh wives were above 30, so where did he get this teenagers theory from? Only his mental brain knows. Muhammad PBUH married widows, divorcees. To say the sensible advice that Women should be obediant to their husbands is possesiveness is only an indication on how deeply entrencehed this man hatred for Islam is. Again only people like divinereal and seyibrown could possibly jubilate over this misguided write up, it seems Seyibrown is preparing to become disobediant to her husband that is why she finds the material used here very useful.


Morality is something personal and something that parents should teach to their children. But the true morality is not derived from antiquated doctrines and old beliefs. It is sad that some have made morality a hostage to religion. It is absurd to impose the morality of bygone cultures and vanquished worlds on our modern society. Morality is derived from human consciousness and our spiritual awareness. The more we mature the more sanctified becomes our acts. We won’t have to live a moral life for the greed of a reward or the fear of punishment in the afterlife. We will be moral because it enhances our lives. Morality should be part of who we are, just as our knowledge is part of who we are. True morality is never in contrast with ethics.

Ethics has little to do with religion. As Gandhi said, ethics is the matter of economics. The question is where to invest our vital energy for a higher yield. If you invest your energy into sensual pleasures you will get a temporary gratification. If you invest it in more meaningful things you will get greater satisfaction.

Leading a moral life is not about renouncing pleasure. A life that is not gratifying is not worth living. It is about choices. What we choose for pleasure? That is the question. One who invests his energy in the service of humanity gets more satisfaction than one who indulges in the pursuit of worldly pleasures.

However, this is a personal choice derived from maturity and spiritual awareness. Morality should not be imposed by a higher authority such as state or religion. An imposed morality is not morality. One who leads a moral life for the fear of hell is not a moral person because he has not made his choices freely. Fear and greed, the traditional contrivances of religions, used as incentives to force people into accepting their morality do not make the society moral. No one and no religion should impose its morality on people. The imposition of morality is unethical. Religions that threaten their followers with the hellfire or lure them with the promises of paradise do not make them moral. Stick and carrot have better results in training animals than educating people. Only the person who chooses the higher road freely can be called a moral person.
A moral person chooses to live morally because it gives him immense pleasure. One, who is honest, takes pleasure in being honest. He would prefer to be tortured than to lie or to deceive. Our morality is directly linked to our spiritual maturity. When we evolve spiritually; knowledge, service to humanity and working for peace gratify us more than indulging in sensual pleasures. Nothing is wrong with sensual pleasures. But we get more pleasure in doing something in the service of humanity than gratifying our senses temporarily.

Would a person who loves knowledge require further incentive to learn than learning itself? Would Einstein, e.g. have delighted more in his scientific discoveries if someone promised him a new car if he could write the theory of relativity? You may offer a child an ice cream if he did his homework but that would not be necessary for an adult who seeks knowledge and finds his satisfaction in learning.

Primitive religions treat you like children (if not animals). They want to impose their outdated morality on you by threatening you with hell and bribing you with heaven to accept their antiquated and often unethical morality. Whether you are moral because of your fear and greed or because you find satisfaction in leading a moral life, depends on your maturity and spiritual awareness

The religious morality is not divinely ordained. It is the morality of the ancient people, their sages and (in the case of Islam) their psychopath charlatan. We do not need the morality of the ancient man just as we do not need his technology, science or medicine. The morality of the ancient man must be buried with his bones. Modern humans must chart their own morality. Morality must evolve just as human knowledge and his awareness evolves.
New morality does not mean immorality. It means coming out of the dark ages of ignorance and raising new generations that are responsible and ethical. Humans can no longer be chained to foolish fears and threats of the afterlife. Science has shed light on the absurdity of religious concepts and shaken the foundation of the beliefs that our forefathers hold so sacrosanct. The manacles of obscurantism are broken forever. Today, we have to raise our kids with awareness. They must learn that mankind is One. Just as our parents taught us the religious lies and we believed, we can teach our children the truth and they will believe. The following is one such truth.

All human beings are limbs of the same body. God created them from the same essence. If one part of the body suffers pain, then the whole body is affected. If you are indifferent to this pain, you cannot be called a human being. -Sa'di
We do not need to lie and frighten our children with hellfire to raise them moral, loving and good people. That strategy has never worked. The history of inhumanity of mankind and especially that of the standard bearers of religions, stand as witnesses that religions don't make people moral and ethical. In fact in some cases they render them savages and ruthless barbarians. Good people often commit atrocious crimes in the name of religion, cheerfully and with clear conscience.

If we love our children, they learn to be loving. If we are honest, moral and ethical they learn that too. We can build a better humanity by acting humanely.
Compare the words of Sa'di to those of Muhammad who said only Muslims are brothers to each other and as for the disbelievers:
Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the bosoms of Believers, 9:14,
As you see, the very belief in Islam is unethical and immoral. We cannot heal mankind until we do not remove its cancer. This cancer has reached a point that is going to kill us all. We must choose between Humanity and Islam. Mankind will not have a future as long as this disease is left untreated. Islam must be eradicated now. Tomorrow maybe too late.

That will never happen ISLAM IS ALLAH's RELIGION FOR MANKIND. and the numerous evils that ended because of the arrival of Islam is a testimon agaisnt this lies next time I definately won't waste my precious time replying this cretins.
Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 1:08pm On Mar 10, 2011

Im going to post this as its own topic
Please do. And don't mind the brainwashed fellow posting above ,he's exhibiting the reinforcement theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement_Theory)  as espoused by someone on Nl sometime ago.


That will never happen ISLAM IS ALLAH's RELIGION FOR MANKIND. and the numerous evils that ended because of the arrival of Islam is a testimon agaisnt this lies next time I definately won't waste my precious time replying this cretins.
Allah created human beings & then a religion for them    Joke.

Simple questions -

The world has existed for at least 6,000 years.

1. What is Allah's religion for all of mankind that lived before prophet mohammed ?
2. What about those that lived in other parts of the world at the time of prophet mohammed e.g your forefathers in modern day Nigeria,what was 'Allah's religion' for them?

[center][size=28pt]OPEN YOUR MIND !!![/size][/center]
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 3:55pm On Mar 10, 2011

Allah created human beings & then a religion for them    Joke.

I know it is too hard for your tiny brain to comprehend that is why  it seems like a Joke, it is like explaining quantum physics to an illiterate, a futile task that you end up regreting grin but one thing I am sure is that you cannot comprehend anything maybe the nu.de pictures on your friends PC


Really sad. . . .   cry cry cry

One of my pals has all her  n.ude pictures on his computer  shocked shocked shocked

Kai. ,  guys don suffer  cheesy
has left you barely capable of deep reflection as you were quick to accept all what I refuted without asking any question, this shows how your thinking process work - ASK NO QUESTION- now i am indeed glad that out of all my refutation you are only opposed to my statement on  Islam being  the PATH for mankind, but being ignorant of things you do not know just like mistaking the word NIKAH to mean something else.

Now to answer you seamless questions

Simple questions -

The world has existed for at least 6,000 years.

1. What is Allah's religion for all of mankind that lived before prophet mohammed ?

Islam, as Islam means  Submission to the will of ALLAH, all religion in the world calls to submit to the higher power -GOD- now in Islam we believe that every single nation/community, ALLAH sent them messengers to guide them. Hence Islam is Just the last in a series of revelation to mankind. this is to say every Community had a guide from God Verily We have sent thee in truth, as a bearer of glad tidings, and as a
warner: and there never was a people, without a warner having lived among them
[in the past]. 35:24

Hence ALLAH has sent messengers upon messengers to people of diverse backgrounds. i can't lay my hands on a particular hadith in which the prophet PBUH gave an explanation on how people perverse the religion ALLAH gave them, but the message of the hadith can be summerised as follows:

When ALLAH sent his messegers to a people, they follow them and then a sort of golden generation is formed whom practice piety, but after this pious generation die off the next generation begin to make Crafts of them in order to celebrate these people, but after that generation dies out the next were mislead to worship this crafts/depictions of the previous generation, that is how people alter their religion and go astray.

Now I cannot say all religion that exist currently are from ALLAH, but I can say that most could have been from ALLAH, notice that most religion usually have a central GOD that is worshipped and placed above the other false gods. Look at catholic Christinity whom Worship saints and other polytheistic religions that worship gods in place of the saints, so most of this religion simply underwent changes that chand=ge them from their real purpose.


2. What about those that lived in other parts of the world at the time of prophet mohammed e.g your forefathers in modern day Nigeria,what was 'Allah's religion' for them?

ALLAH is the wisest Judge and hence would judge this people based on a just criteria, as ALLAH says in the Qur'an, he would not give people burdens they cannot bear, hence even though they were practicing another religion since they are not aware of the true religion - ISLAM- then ALLAH will have HIS way of judging them, but people like you and your nu.de watching  friend would have only yourself to blame for not following the right path.


Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 6:37pm On Mar 10, 2011

I know it is too hard for your tiny brain to comprehend that is why it seems like a Joke, it is like explaining quantum physics to an illiterate, a futile task that you end up regreting grin but one thing I am sure is that you cannot comprehend anything maybe the nu.de pictures on your friends PC has left you barely capable of deep reflection as you were quick to accept all what I refuted [s]without asking any question, this shows how your thinking process work - ASK NO QUESTION- now i am indeed glad that out of all my refutation you are only opposed to my statement on Islam being the PATH for mankind, but being ignorant of things you do not know just like mistaking the word NIKAH to mean something else[/s](incoherent nonsense).

This is one of the reasons I'm here. Unlike hypocrites like you I don't put some moral front to give people any 'holier than thou' impression. You on the other hand are a muslim on your laptop ,but a w.a.nker in real life. , mr pretender.
On another note,I'll suggest you stick to issues and not divert attention from your ineptitude with insults,because as you well know,I'll respond immediately and on & on it goes. So kindly leave insults out of this. A word as they say is enough for the wise .

This is why you need to open your mind. If Islam is just 'submission to the will of God',then you can argue that everyone has been a muslim before prophet mohammed,but please tell me where would you put the FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Why are all of the foundations to God's or Allah's rules focused on Arabs and Arabic language. Why did God create different languages and people ? What about those places the Jihadi warriors could not get to ?

Allah insists you must pray towards a building in Saudi Arabia (before it was Jerusalem),Allah has also said he can no longer send any messenger to the world again ? undecided

Pillar 1 - Shahada[/b]Shahadah is a saying professing monotheism and accepting [b]Muhammad as God's messenger.The shahadah is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: (ašhadu an) lā ilāha illá l-Lāhi wa (ashhadu 'anna) Muḥammadan rasūlu l-Lāhi "(I profess that) there is no other god but God and Muhammad is the last messenger of God." Also, it is said that when dying one should recite this declaration of faith. In Azaan (call to prayer) it is recited. When a person wishes to convert religions they should recite this affirmation and believe in it.

Pillar 2- Salat
Salat is the Islamic prayer. Salat consists of five daily prayers: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha'a. Fajr is performed at dawn, Dhuhr is a noon prayer, Asr is performed in the afternoon, Maghrib is the sunset prayer, and Isha'a is the evening prayer. Each prayer consists of a certain amount of rakaʿāt. A prayer either consists of two, three, or four rakaʿāt. All of these prayers are recited while facing the Ka'bah in Mecca. Muslims must wash themselves before prayer. The prayer is accompanied by a series of set positions including; bowing with hands on knees, standing, prostrating and sitting in a special position (not on the heels, nor on the buttocks, with the toes pointing towards Mecca), usually with one foot tucked under the body.

Pillar 3 -Sawm and so on

So wake up,what your are practising is Mohammedanism- no more no less !
Re: Islam hates Women? by Sweetnecta: 10:01pm On Mar 10, 2011
^^^^^^^ While there is nothing called Muhammadan/ism among Muslims, they are however the demeaning names the orientalists/enemies of Islam decided to call muslims and Islam. The ignorance of these people; Muslim and Islam are known identities, and it can be found in Quran and Sunnah/hadith. How can any in good conscience substitute them for what you call us, when we do not worship Muhammad and don't follow him blindly, without knowledge and conviction?

I will not even honor Ali Sina than just asking him why he has not changed his name from the Islamic Ali which his parents gave him, while everyone knows that he is Persian, a society that does not have such a name? If I became a vegetarian, as an adult, having been given the name Eagle, my conscience will not permit me to bear such a meat eating "bird" specie name for any moment after I became such a diner.

Obedience to Allah by observing the Five Pillars, at least is deliberately and consciously choose for yourself that act of submission and rejecting the self pride which is always the bedrock of disobedience. A one who decides to be a muslim has submitted his/her soul to the will of The God that says he/she should submit to Him in that manner.

Those who do not know anything about the islam of Muhammad [AS] in this day and age because they are in some remote part of the world shall be considered Muslim, if their natural inclination is to ponder about Who the Owner and Creator of all creatures is, while they love humanity and nature, doing what is right and struggling towards harmonious live with neighbor and nature; never oppressive and destructive.

However if you have heard about Islam today but rejects it and even rejects the existence of The Controller of the world you live in, what can anyone say about you except to pray that your heart that pumps blood in obedience of its Creator, will before death soften enough to understand you are not without a Creator.

Islam is not meant for Arab alone unlike other religions. Allah says that Muhammad is a mercy, and bearer of good news and a warner, to all men. When Allah says that Quran is guaranteed Purity from Him, why should we thereafter say Arabic language which it is revealed is not enough considering how easy it is to memorize this very Quran?

Your argument against Islam seem to me as just a thing you are engaged in because of your hatred of "religion". Islam is more than mere religion. It is religiosity; a way of life to guide from cradle to grave, while there should be no time a muslim is out of Islam in any of his/her dealing.
Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 6:59am On Mar 11, 2011

^^^^^^^ While there is nothing called Muhammadan/ism among Muslims, they are however the demeaning names the orientalists/enemies of Islam decided to call muslims and Islam. The ignorance of these people; Muslim and Islam are known identities, and it can be found in Quran and Sunnah/hadith. How can any in good conscience substitute them for what you call us, when we do not worship Muhammad and don't follow him blindly, without knowledge and conviction?

I will not even honor Ali Sina than just asking him why he has not changed his name from the Islamic Ali which his parents gave him, while everyone knows that he is Persian, a society that does not have such a name? If I became a vegetarian, as an adult, having been given the name Eagle, my conscience will not permit me to bear such a meat eating "bird" specie name for any moment after I became such a diner.

Obedience to Allah by observing the Five Pillars, at least is deliberately and consciously choose for yourself that act of submission and rejecting the self pride which is always the bedrock of disobedience. A one who decides to be a muslim has submitted his/her soul to the will of The God that says he/she should submit to Him in that manner.

Those who do not know anything about the islam of Muhammad [AS] in this day and age because they are in some remote part of the world shall be considered Muslim, if their natural inclination is to ponder about Who the Owner and Creator of all creatures is, while they love humanity and nature, doing what is right and struggling towards harmonious live with neighbor and nature; never oppressive and destructive.

However if you have heard about Islam today but rejects it and even rejects the existence of The Controller of the world you live in, what can anyone say about you except to pray that your heart that pumps blood in obedience of its Creator, will before death soften enough to understand you are not without a Creator.

Islam is not meant for Arab alone unlike other religions. Allah says that Muhammad is a mercy, and bearer of good news and a warner, to all men. When Allah says that Quran is guaranteed Purity from Him, why should we thereafter say Arabic language which it is revealed is not enough considering how easy it is to memorize this very Quran?

Your argument against Islam seem to me as just a thing you are engaged in because of your hatred of "religion". Islam is more than mere religion. It is religiosity; a way of life to guide from cradle to grave, while there should be no time a muslim is out of Islam in any of his/her dealing.

Please note,I love muslims & they are just normal human beings liek everybody else. Some can have a extreme interpretation of their beliefs,just like you have extremist christians and extremist jews,hindus etc.

Thats why one must learn to separate religion from common sense .

Are you saying you can call someone who worships Olodumare (like my great grandfather),but never practised the 5 pillars- a muslim??
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 4:45pm On Mar 11, 2011

On another note,I'll suggest you stick to issues and not divert attention from your ineptitude with insults,because as you well know,I'll respond immediately and on & on it goes. So kindly leave insults out of this. A word as they say is enough for the wise .

The sick craving for n-dity has made you forgot that you responded to my reply with insults,when you are treated likewise you begin friget, I will maintain the same level of civility you give, i do not owe you courtesy which apparently you want but refuse to give.


This is why you need to open your mind. If Islam is just 'submission to the will of God',then you can argue that everyone has been a muslim before prophet mohammed,but please tell me where would you put the FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Why are all of the foundations to God's or Allah's rules focused on Arabs and Arabic language. Why did God create different languages and people ? What about those places the Jihadi warriors could not get to ?

Now, again i do not blame you for having a tough time understanding my reply as . . ., as my reply maintains the following:

1.ALLAH has provided mankind guidiance from time immemorial
2.Every community of individuals were sent some sought of guidiance.
3. But humans inadvertably change these revelations that were given to them either by forgeting/loosing/damaging or deliberately alter them
Your question which it seems you do not understand was: 1. What is Allah's religion for all of mankind that lived before prophet mohammed ?

this I answered that ALLAH has provided guidiance to mankind from time immemorial and the message of Islam is to submit to the will of ALLAH, which in essence can be said to be consistent unlike the cruxifixion which will only apply to generation during and after Jesus christ, the 5 pillars of Islam is part of submittying to God, so the answer to that question is obvious, when you fast you submit to ALLAH, when you pray you submit to ALLAH, when you go for Hajj you submit to ALLAH, when you testify about ALLAH's oneness you submit to ALLAH. Hope that answer your question. On creating different Languages, i can't lay my hand on the right verse but in our diversity is a test for mankind.

you will have to prove that all God's rules/foundation(whatever that means) are foccused on Arabs and arabic.


Allah insists you must pray towards a building in Saudi Arabia (before it was Jerusalem),Allah has also said he can no longer send any messenger to the world again ? undecided

when ALLAh ordered Muslims change dirextion from Jerusalem to Mecca, it was to test whether the Muslims then had faith and to separate the Hypocrite from Islam, but since you do not know what it means to obey God then this answer may be hard for you to understand, If ALLAH gives a command we should follow and be obediant.


So wake up,what your are practising is Mohammedanism- no more no less !

Where did the Shahadah says worship Muhammad?

'I testify that there is no diety worthy of worship except ALLAH and muhammad pbuh is his messeger' the messsage is simple, but if we ask what do you mean with the term muhammedanism, you would probably start mopping.
Re: Islam hates Women? by Nobody: 5:34pm On Mar 11, 2011
Did Noah,Adam practice five pillars?most of them only practice one or two pillars and yet they were muslims in their time.
Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 6:44pm On Mar 11, 2011
Oya, make una Islamists begin dey rationalize and explain away this one,


Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 58:
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234:

Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
Volume 5, Book 58, Number 235:
Narrated 'Aisha:

That the Prophet said to her, "You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and some-one said (to me). 'This is your wife.' When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will be done."

Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:
Narrated Hisham's father:

Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.


Age at marriageFurther information: Criticism_of_Muhammad#Aisha
The issue of Aisha's age at the time she was married to Muhammad has been of interest since the earliest days of Islam.[4] Early Muslims regarded Aisha's youth as demonstrating her virginity and therefore her suitability as a bride of the Prophet.[4] During modern times, however, critics of Islam have taken up the issue, regarding it as reflecting poorly on Muhammad's character.

References to Aisha's age by early historians are frequent.[4] According to Spellberg, historians who supported supported Aisha's position in the debate of the succession to Muhammad against Shi'a claims considered her youth, and therefore her purity, to be of paramount importance. They thus specifically emphasized it, implying that as Muhammad's only virgin wife, Aisha was divinely intended for him, and therefore the most credible in the debate.[4]

Child marriages such as this were relatively common in Bedouin societies at the time, and remain common in some modern societies worldwide.[20] American scholar Colin Turner suggests that such marriages were not seen as improper in historical context, and that individuals in such societies matured at an earlier age than in the modern West.[20] In modern times, however, the issue of Muhammad marrying and having sexual relations with a girl so young has been used to criticize him, particularly in societies where child sexual abuse and related issues are considered serious crimes.[20
Re: Islam hates Women? by Sweetnecta: 3:13am On Mar 12, 2011
@congoshine; [Quote]Are you saying you can call someone who worships Olodumare (like my great grandfather),but never practised the 5 pillars- a muslim??[/Quote]if she never worshiped anything else. further, if she never heard about Muhammad [as], Islam or Allah. If the two situation occurred in her case and she died on that condition of Hunafah, then on that Day, she will be tested by a prophet appearing to her with commandment. if she obeys, then she will be rewarded accordingly. if she disobeys, she will be rewarded accordingly.

A person who heard about the messenger [as] or Islam or Allah and did not investigate and act accordingly, denying every false gods and ways shall be rewarded for failure. it is natural nature of man to obey Allah, since that is our inclination. it is that natural nature that makes the atheist and agnostic even talk about The God. and in time of real distress and need you hear them saying or God, making prayers to Him, though they deny Him already.
Re: Islam hates Women? by Sweetnecta: 3:40am On Mar 12, 2011
@divinereal; what you will need to use to support any hadith, is the Quran. if the hadith is opposing the ayah of the Quran that it relates to, then we will at least begin to suspect its authenticity.

the hadith you quoted is pertaining to marriage. unless Aisha was a full woman by age 6, then it is doubtful that she was married at that age. the condition of marriage includes the spouses to be at least of the age of puberty. they also must wish to marry each other and engage in the negotiation of marriage. there is a contract which both party must be involved in its formation.

the above is enough to disproof that Aisha [ra] was probably not 6 years old. if she was, she was a special woman. in either case i am happy that she is my mother, and her impact in the deen, being the wife of the messenger [as].

can you find out for me, if her father had any child after he entered islam, in the first year of revelation, considering that they spent 13 years in Makka? how old was she when she engaged the first future spouse that his family broke the engagement sometimes before the prophet asked her hand in marriage? how many sources narrated this important hadith? how long did the prophet [as] passed before the narration?

hadith by its nature is the saying of the messenger [as], what was said before him and he didn't object to. when did the messenger [as] say that he married Aisha [ra] when she was only 6 and consummated it when she was 9?

for a man who waited 3 years for his wife, we have to accept that his degree of morality is unequal among man. such a man who the same woman called the 'walking Quran'cant go against the very Quran, where a woman has to reach the age of puberty before getting married is commanded. this age the muslim scholars agree that it must at least be 15 years old, today. in the time of the prophet [as], it could not have been violated because the pagan arabs, the jews of Madina would have used it to demean or demonize or discredit him.
Re: Islam hates Women? by Stalwert: 2:50pm On Mar 12, 2011

Sweetnecta it is as if you are talking to a stone he would not listen neither would he pay heed, i assure you he would ask this same question before the end of next week. i have already replied this ingrate:

Raising the same matter that have been answered time after time, Ayesha was older than 9 before she got married, as they are ample evidence to show that, according to Bukhari she was reported to have said I was a young girl when Surah Al Qamer(54th chapter in the Quran), Surah Qamer was revealed nine years before Hijrah and this is an indication that she was definately above 9 years when she got married to the HOLY prophet Pbuh, according to narratives Asma the elder sister of Ayesha was 10 years older than Aishas, Asma was reported to have died at the age of 100 years at 73 hijira, this places her at at 27 or 28 years before the Hijra, hence Ayesha was atleast 17 or 18 years before Hijrah, and the Holy prophet married her after the Hijrah(Migration to madinah) Hence Ayesha was between 18 or 20 years when she married the prophet pbuh at 1 Hijirah

Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 7:24pm On Mar 12, 2011

Sweetnecta it is as if you are talking to a stone he would not listen neither would he pay heed, i assure you he would ask this same question before the end of next week. i have already replied this ingrate:

Raising the same matter that have been answered time after time, Ayesha was older than 9 before she got married, as they are ample evidence to show that, according to Bukhari she was reported to have said I was a young girl when Surah Al Qamer(54th chapter in the Quran), Surah Qamer was revealed nine years before Hijrah and this is an indication that she was definately above 9 years when she got married to the HOLY prophet Pbuh, according to narratives Asma the elder sister of Ayesha was 10 years older than Aishas, Asma was reported to have died at the age of 100 years at 73 hijira, this places her at at 27 or 28 years before the Hijra, hence Ayesha was atleast 17 or 18 years before Hijrah, and the Holy prophet married her after the Hijrah(Migration to madinah) Hence Ayesha was between 18 or 20 years when she married the prophet pbuh at 1 Hijirah

No my friend its not about talking to a stone.

Its called reinforcement theory,we are all prone to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement_Theory (I beg you take time to read the link)

All human beings will only take information that reinforces what they believe in . Its just like falling in love with someone,you'll find it extremely difficult to find fault in that person.

You as a muslim will look for all evidence to substantiate your beliefs,while atheists , christians ,hindus etc will also look for things to confirm their own beliefs. Or how else can one explain your trying to explain away what is written in plain arabic for all to see ?

If we go by your argument,maybe we are not supposed to pray 5 times a day,maybe its actually 15 times,but because they were counting numbers differently back then. Or maybe the word Allah should actually be Ahlia because of phonetical differentiation and translation of arabo-semetic tenses to Afro-congo languages  grin grin

Please don't get me wrong ,I'm not trying to rubbish your beliefs- but its ot working trying to say 6 is actually 16 or 17. infact going by lunar calendar she was probably closer to 4  cheesy cheesy cheesy

I think the best explanation is that the times are different & people maried earlier then-khalas !

Don't bring lengthy explanations to simple ,straightforward sentences.
Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 7:36pm On Mar 12, 2011
[center]Selective Exposure[/center]
The primary basis for the selective exposure assumption can be located within cognitive dissonance theory.

Basically, this theory states that [size=18pt]people do not like to have previously-held beliefs challenged[/size]. When individuals encounter information that is discrepant from their own opinions, they seek to resolve the resultant disharmony somehow.

People in general do not like to be wrong.

A change or shift in attitude is sometimes interpreted as an admission that the original belief was inaccurate or inadequate. To avoid having their opinions challenged, research indicates that people tend to simply avoid information that might be discrepant in nature (Johnson-Cartee and Copeland, 1997). Support for this tendency to avoid dissonant messages can also be found in mood management theory. Basically, this theory states that people expose themselves to stimuli that are pleasurable and avoid stimuli that might induce a negative reaction (Zillman & Bryant, 1985).

Zillmann, D., & Bryant, J. (1985). Affect, mood, and emotion as determinants of selective exposure. In D. Zillmann & J. Bryant (Eds.), Selective exposure to communication (pp. 157–190). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 1:02pm On Mar 13, 2011

No my friend its not about talking to a stone.

Its called reinforcement theory,we are all prone to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement_Theory (I beg you take time to read the link)

All human beings will only take information that reinforces what they believe in . Its just like falling in love with someone,you'll find it extremely difficult to find fault in that person.

congoshine link=topic=581955.msg7898050#msg7898050 date=1299954284:

You as a muslim will look for all evidence to substantiate your beliefs,while atheists , christians ,hindus etc will also look for things to confirm their own beliefs. Or how else can one explain your trying to explain away what is written in plain arabic for all to see ?

Pity! have you heard of the Reinforcement of the Reinforcement theory? It states that 'when An individual is out of argument he relies on stating the reinforcement theory repeatedly' shocked shocked shocked shocked. And boy you seem to have every indication of this attitude, I gues this will be the 5th time you will state this theory and the second or third time in this aprticular thread. If you think stating a theory some sat down to postulate makes you seem intelligent then you might as well re state the Big Bang theory, as your bias mind didn't stop you from asking Divinereal why is he still asking the same question he asked in this same thread? I guess seeing people refute thing with ease makes you quiver with rage. smiley


If we go by your argument,maybe we are not supposed to pray 5 times a day,maybe its actually 15 times,but because they were counting numbers differently back then. Or maybe the word Allah should actually be Ahlia because of phonetical differentiation and translation of arabo-semetic tenses to Afro-congo languages  grin grin

there is what I understand to be commonsense shocked shocked shocked shocked, when you do not understand what someone is talking about, you ask to clarify, shocked shocked it is just like an OP room, you are told to appply 200 mg of something, what any sane individual would do is to ask what am I to apply so as not to make a fatal mistake shocked shocked shocked in adding what he was not expected to do, but in your case no need for comprehension just reinforce the reinforcement theory will do the trick wink, it is indeed a pity, as in my reply where did I state that they counted differently? but poor you always opposing without thinking critically. I was simply alluding to what Sweetnecta was saying that the account differs from the Qur'anic principles, i stated further that other evidence shows it contradicts her expected age. But should i waste my time replying . . .


Please don't get me wrong ,I'm not trying to rubbish your beliefs- but its ot working trying to say 6 is actually 16 or 17. infact going by lunar calendar she was probably closer to 4  cheesy cheesy cheesy

I wrote in English so was it so hard to comprehend what I was saying shocked shocked shocked, again you show your Mega size Ignorance as the Lunar calender has 354 days while the solar calender has 365 or 366 days how you came by 4 years of age is very astounding shocked shocked shocked and shows the failure of the Nigerian Schooling system - raising individuals that cannot even apply common logics in simple matters. shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked


I think the best explanation is that the times are different & people maried earlier then-khalas !

Don't bring lengthy explanations to simple ,straightforward sentences.

If you call my explanation lengthy, then I can understand why you made the lunar calender 2 years behind the solar calender, you do not read even very scanty materials to know things .
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 3:33pm On Mar 14, 2011
quote author=congoshine link=topic=581955.msg7898050#msg7898050 date=1299954284
No my friend its not about talking to a stone.

Its called reinforcement theory,we are all prone to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement_Theory (I beg you take time to read the link)

All human beings will only take information that reinforces what they believe in . Its just like falling in love with someone,you'll find it extremely difficult to find fault in that person.

quote author=congoshine link=topic=581955.msg7898050#msg7898050 date=1299954284
You as a muslim will look for all evidence to substantiate your beliefs,while atheists , christians ,hindus etc will also look for things to confirm their own beliefs. Or how else can one explain your trying to explain away what is written in plain arabic for all to see ?

Pity undecided, have you heard of the Reinforcement of the reinforcement theory? it states that an individual is likely to restate the reinforcement theory time without number when he/she has no valid arguement to make'  shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked believe me congo you have all the above attributes as your reinforcing the reinforcement theory atleast twice in this thread thread you have stated an this theory, the funny thing is your biased mind shocked shocked shocked never made you confront divinereal who has been repeating the same hair brain questions time after time.

quote author=congoshine link=topic=581955.msg7898050#msg7898050 date=1299954284
If we go by your argument,maybe we are not supposed to pray 5 times a day,maybe its actually 15 times,but because they were counting numbers differently back then. Or maybe the word Allah should actually be Ahlia because of phonetical differentiation and translation of arabo-semetic tenses to Afro-congo languages  grin grin

Heheh grin, There is what we call common sense, when you do not understand the point I am making, i expect you should use your initiative to ask for clarifications, as there was no time I claimed that the Arabs count differrently. but always in a hurry to reply what you do not even understand, as I was simply claiming the hadith used is questionable. But do we expect a .   .     ., this thing are far more complex than the nud, e pix on your friend PC.lol grin grin grin grin grin

quote author=congoshine link=topic=581955.msg7898050#msg7898050 date=1299954284
Please don't get me wrong ,I'm not trying to rubbish your beliefs- but its ot working trying to say 6 is actually 16 or 17. infact going by lunar calendar she was probably closer to 4  cheesy cheesy cheesy

Ayaa, I undrstand that I wrote in english not french so was it so hard to understand what I wrote, i indicaated that other sources which I relied on my reply clearly indicates that the 6 years thing is apparently wrong. But more funny is your more silly claim shocked shocked shocked that 6 solar years is probably< = 4, now that  you showed that information that is available to illitrates, is not only tragic but shows how un - informed you actually are shocked shocked shocked shocked, a lunar year =354 days while a solar year is 365 or 366 days, only a difference of 11 or 12 days, and every 19 + Lunar years , the Lunar calender and solar calender perfectly align wink, but in any case it is not your fault, This issues tower above your intellect smiley.

quote author=congoshine link=topic=581955.msg7898050#msg7898050 date=1299954284
I think the best explanation is that the times are different & people maried earlier then-khalas !

Don't bring lengthy explanations to simple ,straightforward sentences.[quote]

No wonder you could hardly make sensible arguement to my post, FYI my reply was quite short, do learn to imbibe the reading culture so as to reduce you reading fatique grin grin grin
Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 4:42pm On Mar 14, 2011
So I should take your explanation that Aiesha was older than 6 and penetrated by your "prophet" by 9 when it clearly states this in your supplemental holy book. See moving the post again, it is written in clear english but no the Islamists are now trying to explain it away and discredit their own literature, great objective analysis Islamists!

Moving on,

Sexual Perversity of the Muslim Mind
By M. A. Khan

Muslim men’s sexual attitude is so perverse that they think they can even eye-rape women. While we can’t probably ever comprehend how that is possible, but we can discern why they may entertain such perverse thinking…

On many occasions, I have received emails from Muslims—apparently well-educated ones, who write good English and live in Western countries—justifying the Islamic tradition of wearing veils on the ground that it helps women avoid “eye-rape” by strangers. Following is such a letter written by one Farrukh Abidi, apparently incensed by the outcome of a recent Angus Reid poll, which found most Quebecers and Canadians agree that women wearing the niqab or burqa should not receive government services, hospital care or university instruction. Abidi wrote:

Assalamu alaikum

There is no surprise if non Muslim countries ban hijab or niqab since they are non-Muslim, they don’t care what Islamic values are, real surprise is that majority of Muslims women don’t practice niqab or even hijab, and majority of Muslim men don’t care if their wives practice this important order of Allah or not. There are hundreds of Muslim families where we won’t find any single home or person, who cares about niqab or hijab.

Not only that but Muslim women now have taken a further step, which is unclothedness, women wearing half sleeves which is very common, many women wear semi-naked saarhi (especially in India/Pakistan), many women now don’t put the cloth sheet on their body so part of their chest stays naked.

Surprise is, Muslim men even don’t realize or don’t care that when their wives go out in this condition then unlimited men get aroused by watching their naked body parts, especially in non-Muslim countries, there are Christian, Jews, Hindus, Sikh, rapists, alcoholic, gangsters, street bums, homo sexual and all kind of people see them and get aroused and enjoy the view then day dream while thinking about these Muslim women and girls.

Can you imagine what is the level of ghaira of these Muslim men? Majority of Muslims men unknowingly are making it easy for unlimited and all kind of men to enjoy and get aroused and pleasure with their wives by allowing them to live without hijab or with unclothedness cloths.

Women don’t really understand the nature of men so they wear naked kind of cloths without knowing that unlimited and all kind of men are enjoying with them.

I know some of them purposely not practicing hijab to attract men, but the fact is, women listen to their husbands, if husbands help and encourage their wives then I believe 90% of married women will start practicing hijab.

Those Muslim women who are not practicing proper hijab, they are not living respectful life, they choose disrespectful life just to please their husbands, why won’t they choose respectful life if their husbands pleased with that?

The thing that really surprises me is that how Muslim men tolerate such a disturbing condition of their wives?

With this all around the Muslim world, Muslim’s act surprised and complain “Why non-Muslim countries are not treating us nicely and fairly.”

Why would they? Do we give any importance to Islamic values?


Farrukh Abidi

I will discuss only the Muslim idea of how a woman, not covered head-to-toe with black robes, can be eye-raped—i.e. sexually enjoyed simply by looking at them—by strangers.

Although Muslims accuse (as Abidi has done) non-Muslims of having such a perverse sexual attitude, it actually exposes the underlying thinking of their own that one can rape a woman just by looking at her exposed face, legs, hands or a bit of her breast. Having been a Muslim for 35 years, I would not be surprised.

Mumin Salih, a Syrian-born Arab and ex-Muslim, has quite correctly outlined the Muslim sexual attitude as thus:

The culture of strict sexual segregation practiced in the Gulf States, and some other Muslim countries, make some Muslims behave like wild sexual beasts. In Saudi Arabia, for example, the mere sight of a woman’s leg can be sexually-arousing experience to men. Women without total coverings were described by Australian Imam, Taj al-Hilaly, as uncovered meat; in other words, mouth-watering meals to would-be predators.

I have known how young Muslims in Islamic countries experience a rush of adrenaline and blood down their body to their male instrument, when they, by chance, happen to see the shoulder-ribbon of a girl’s bra, accidentally exposed. This would tell well what kind of experience Muslim men may have when they see women with exposed thighs or part of the teat. Let me tell from my experience that, despite Muslims’ saintly façade, they are most crazy about watching porn.

Men from conservative social backgrounds, where mixing of men and women are relatively restricted as Muslim societies are and takes pride in, are likely to feel sexual excitement more easily when they spot a girl’s body-parts a little exposed.

But this maniac sexual attitude is also shaped by how a society or its religious faith looks at sex and women. We humans are capable of being charitable like the legendary philanthropist Hatim Ta’i, but can also be robbers, plunderers and looters like his contemporary Prophet Muhammad (Muhammad had attacked the Ta’i community, plundered it and forced Hatim’s children to embrace Islam). Our attitude toward various aspect and issues of life is shaped by how we groom it, based on our social and ethical outlook.

Muslims can surely be as best as their Prophet was, given that Muhammad is seen as an ideal human example for Muslims to follow in all aspects of life at all times. Let me cite this Sunnah of the Prophet, which would explain why Muslims in particular entertain such perverse attitude toward women and sex.

The Prophet was once visiting his adopted son Zayd, when he was away. When he called Zayd, his newly-married wife Zainab answered from inside their ramshackle house that Zayd was away. But Muhammad could not hold his curiosity. Instead of walking straight back home, he peeped into the house. And there he saw Zainab, his daughter-in-law, in flimsy dress on a hot summer day of Arabia. Muhammad was awe-struck by the attractive near-naked body of beautiful Zaynab, and went away saying: “Praise be to Allah, who can change how the heart feels”.

What came next would dismay any decent mind, although Muslims hold it as sacred tradition of the Prophet worth emulating forever. While a decent father-in-law would walk away feeling ashamed of making the mistake of peeping in, Muhammad probably experienced the greatest rush of adrenaline in his body ever by the alluring sight of young and beautiful Zainab’s sexy body. And how did he control his once-in-a-life-time arousal? Here’s probably the story:
Sahih Muslim Book 8, Number 3240:

Jabir reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.

While a connection of this story to Zainab hasn’t probably been made in Islamic literature, it is more than certain that this was the aftermath of the prophet’s memorable encounter with Zainab, unless the Prophet was in the habit of going around and peeping into the privacy of women in Medina (That would make him an even worse pervert, wouldn’t it?). Interestingly, he took his wife of the same name to bed to cool his arousal by semi-naked Zainab. Was he fantasizing, while cooling his hard-on, as if he was doing it with his daughter-in-law Zainab?

Apart from this, we know the prophet’s extremely perverse sexual infatuation: His engagement in unrestricted polygamy, his infatuation for little Aisha and thighing upon her until she turned nine and ready for vaginal penetration, his capturing of infidel women in war and taking the prettiest in the lot to bed on the same night, and his sending of his wife Asma to her father Omar’s house lying that Omar had called her to discuss something so that he could sleep with slave-girl Maria in Asma’s bed.

And in the present case, Muhammad’s encounter with Zainab did not end there. He played all kinds of tricks, even called down help from Allah to discredit the rather noble Arab tradition of adoption in Islam, so that he could make Zainab, his adopted son’s wife, his own wife, which was deemed immoral in the then Arab society.

When this prophet hold the image of perfection in sexual activity and attitude for all times in the Muslim mind, it is easy to understand why Muslim men feel that it is possible—or they are capable to be accurate—to eye-rape a liberally-dressed woman, as if they experience orgasm as they see a women pass by with her leg, hand, face or a bit of cleavage exposed.

While above-mentioned hadith explain the prophet’s sexual perversity, it also clearly shows what a wife is for to her husband in Islam. He came back home with an intense sexual arousal after seeing semi-naked woman in the neighbourhood, and his wife at home must help cool down his sexual urge for the neighbourhood woman immediately and with no question asked. And here we are infidels, we have to be mindful of the wish of the wife if she is in a mood to do it; and quite often she is tired, not in a mood, etc. etc. And under the same situation, if we would demand sex, we will surely be thrown out forever.

When this sexual perversity and that the thinking that women are nothing but a tool for men’s sexual enjoyment form the foundation of sexual ethics of a society or people, it is not difficult to grasp why Muslims can think that they can rape a woman just by looking at exposed parts of her body. This perverse sexual ethics also explain as to why Muslims in the West, despite being exposed to liberal culture like other immigrants such as Hindus from India (who gradually turn liberal), fail to change their attitude and behavior toward sex and women.

It is a fact that Muslims’ perverse sexual attitude makes women—howsoever decently dressed—victim of sexual assault in bazaars, streets, shopping malls and any crowded place in Muslim countries. And they fail to change this attitude, groomed by sacred tradition, toward women even after coming the West; they engage in the same kind of sexual behaviors—violent molestation and rapes of women—at every opportunity. One may recall high rates of rapes of white women in Muslin neighborhoods in Sydney, Malmo (Sweden) and other Muslim-dominated areas in Western countries. Some Muslim clerics have even proudly supported those rapes, calling the liberally-dressed women “uncovered meats” on offer, and therefore the true offenders. And if you are Muslim insider and have met Muslim men gossiping, you will find that such a line of thinking is widespread among them: Those flimsily-dressed kuffar women are nothing better than whores and quite deserve to be raped.

Now, readers should have no difficulty in understanding why Muslim men think that they can rape a woman by just looking at the exposed parts of her body.

M. A. Khan is the author of “Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialiam, and Slavery”
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 4:53pm On Mar 14, 2011
We have seen that certain terms in the Kabbalah contain a false doctrine that dates back to Ancient Egypt, and that was later included into the true religion God revealed to the Israelites. We have also seen that its foundation rests upon a perverse way of understanding that regards human beings as uncreated though divine creatures that have existed for eternity.

Humanism entered Europe from this source. Christian belief was based on the existence of God, and the belief that human beings were His dependent servants created by Him. But, with the spread of the Templar tradition throughout Europe, the Kabbalah began to attract a number of philosophers. So, in the fifteenth century, a current of humanism began that left an indelible mark on the European world of ideas.

This connection between humanism and the Kabbalah has been emphasized in several sources. One of these sources is the book of the famous author Malachi Martin entitled The Keys of This Blood. Martin is professor of history at the Vatican's Pontifical Bible Institute. He says that the influence of the Kabbalah can be clearly observed among the humanists:

As Vatican University historian Malachi Martin has shown, there is a close relationship between the rise of humanism in Europe and the Kabbalah.

In this unaccustomed climate of uncertainty and challenge that came to mark early-Renaissance Italy, there arose a network of Humanist associations with aspirations to escape the overall control of that established order. Given aspirations like that, these associations had to exist in the protection of secrecy, at least at their beginnings. But aside from secrecy, these humanist groups were marked by two other main characteristics.

The first was that they were in revolt against the traditional interpretation of the Bible as maintained by the ecclesiastical and civil authorities, and against the philosophical and theological underpinnings provided by the Church for civil and political life.

Not surprisingly given such an animus, these associations had their own conception of the original message of the Bible and of God's revelation. They latched onto what they considered to be an ultrasecret body of knowledge, a gnosis, which they based in part on cultic and occultist strains deriving from North Africa-notably, Egypt-and, in part, on the classical Jewish Kabbala,

Italian humanists bowdlerized the idea of Kabbala almost beyond recognition. They reconstructed the concept of gnosis, and transferred it to a thoroughly this-wordly plane. The special gnosis they sought was a secret knowledge of how to master the blind forces of nature for a sociopolitical purpose.39

In short, the humanist societies formed in that period wanted to replace the Catholic culture of Europe with a new culture that had its roots in the Kabbalah. They aimed to create a sociopolitical change to bring this about. It is interesting that, besides the Kabbalah, at the source of this new culture were the doctrines of Ancient Egypt. Prof. Martin writes:

Initiates of those early humanist associations were devotees of the Great Force-the Great Architect of the Cosmos-which they represented under the form of the Sacred Tetragrammaton, YHWH , [humanists] borrowed other symbols-the Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye-mainly from Egyptian sources.40

It is quite interesting that humanists make use of the concept of "the Great Architect of the Universe," a term still used by Masons today. This indicates that there must be a relationship between humanists and Masons. Prof. Martin writes:

In other northern climes, meanwhile, a far more important union took place, with the humanists. A union that no one could have expected.

In the 1300s, during the time that the cabalist-humanist associations were beginning to find their bearings, there already existed-particularly in England, Scotland and France-medieval guilds of men .

No one alive in the 1300s could have predicted a merger of minds between freemason guilds and the Italian humanists, Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

The new Masonry shifted away from all allegiance to Roman ecclesiastical Christianity. And again, as for the Italian occultist humanists, the secrecy guaranteed by the tradition of the Lodge was essential in the circumstances.

The two groups had more in common than secrecy, however. From the writings and records of speculative Masonry, it is clear that the central religious tenet became a belief in the Great Architect of the Universe-a figure familiar by now from the influence of Italian humanists.The Great Architect was immanent to and essentially a part of the material cosmos, a product of the "enlightened" mind.

There was no conceptual basis by which such a belief could be reconciled with Christianity. For precluded were all such ideas as sin, Hell for punishment and Heaven for reward, and eternally perpetual Sacrifice of the Mass, saints and angels, priest and pope.41

In short, in Europe, in the fourteenth century, a humanist and Masonic organization was born that had its roots in the Kabbalah. And, this organization did not regard God as the Jews, Christians and Muslims did: the Creator and Ruler of the whole universe and the only Lord and God of humanity. Instead, they used a different concept, such as the "Great Architect of the Universe," which they perceived as being "part of the material universe."

In other words, this secret organization, that appeared in Europe in the fourteenth century, rejected God, but, under the concept of "the Great Architect of the Universe," accepted the material universe as a supposed divinity (Surely God is beyond that).

For a clearer definition of this corrupt belief, we can jump forward to the twentieth century and look at Masonic literature. For example, one of Turkey's most senior Masons, Selami Isindag, has a book entitled Masonluktan Esinlenmeler (Inspirations from Freemasonry). The purpose of this book is to train young Masons. Concerning the Masons' belief in the "Great Architect of the Universe," he has this to say:

Masonry is not godless. But the concept of God they have adopted is different from that of religion. The god of Masonry is an exalted principle. It is at the apex of the evolution. By criticizing our inner being, knowing ourselves and deliberately walking in the path of science, intelligence and virtue, we can lessen the angle between him and us. Then, this god does not possess the good and bad characteristics of human beings. It is not personified. It is not thought of as the guide of nature or humanity. It is the architect of the great working of the universe, of its unity and harmony. It is the totality of all the creatures in the universe, a total power encompassing everything, an energy. Despite all this, it cannot be accepted that it is a beginning. this is a great mystery.42

In the same book, it is clear that when Freemasons speak of the "Great Architect of the Universe," they mean nature, or, that they worship nature:

Apart from nature there can be no power responsible for our thought or our activities.The principles and doctrines of Masonry are scientific facts based on science and intelligence. God is the evolution. An element of it is the power of nature. So the absolute reality is the evolution itself and the energy that encompasses it.43

The magazine Mimar Sinan, a publishing organization especially for Turkish Freemasons also gives expression to the same Masonic philosophy:

The Great Architect of the Universe is a leaning toward eternity. It is an entering into eternity. For us, it is an approach. It entails the on-going search for absolute perfection in eternity. It forms a distance between the current moment and the Thinking Freemason, or, consciousness.44

This is the belief the Masons mean when they say, "we believe in God, we absolutely do not accept atheists among us." According to Masonry’s perverted beliefs, it is not God, but naturalist and humanist concepts such as nature, evolution and humanity regarded as supposedly divine.

When we look briefly at Masonic literature, we may begin to see that this organization is nothing more than organized humanism, as well as recognize that its aim is to create throughout the whole world a secular, humanist order. These ideas were born among the humanists of fourteenth century Europe; present-day Masons still propose and defend them.

A striking example of this was the great French Revolution of 1789. The Masons, who fomented the revolution, came forth with slogans shouting the moral ideals of "liberty, equality and fraternity." Yet, tens of thousands of innocent people were sent to the guillotine, and the country soaked in blood. Even the leaders of the revolution themselves could not escape this savagery, but were sent to the guillotine, one after the other.

Another violent scene of the French Revolution.

In the nineteenth century, communism was born from the error of the possibility of morality without religion, and with even more disastrous results. Communism supposedly demanded a just, equal society in which there was no exploitation and, to this end, proposed the abolition of religion. However, in the twentieth century, in places such as the Soviet Union, the Eastern Bloc, China, Indo-China, several countries in Africa and Central America, it subjected people to dreadful misery. Communist(Humanism twin brother) regimes murdered an incredible number of people; the total number nears about 120 million.52 Moreover, contrary to what has been claimed, justice and equality have never been established in any communist regime; the communist leaders in charge of the state comprised a class of elites. (In his classic book entitled The New Class, the Yugoslavian thinker Milovan Djilas, explains that the communist leaders, known as "nomenklatura," formed a "privileged class" contrary to the claims of communism.)

Also today, when we look within Masonry itself, which is constantly pronouncing its ideas of "service to society" and "sacrifice for humanity," we do not find a very clean record. In many countries, Masonry has been the focus of relationships for ill-gotten material gain. In the P2 Masonic Lodge scandal of Italy in the 1980's, it came to light that the Masons maintained a close relationship with the mafia, and that the directors of the lodge were engaged in activities such as arms-smuggling, the drug trade or money laundering. It was also revealed that they arranged assaults on their rivals and on those who had betrayed them. In the "Great Eastern Lodge Scandal" of France in 1992, and in the "Clean Hands" operation in England, reported in the English press in 1995, the activities of Masonic lodges in the interests of illegal profit became clear. The Masons' idea of "humanist morality" is only a sham.

That such a thing should happen is inevitable, because, as we said at the beginning, morality is only established in society by the moral discipline of religion. At the basis of morality lies the absence of arrogance and selfishness, and the only ones who can achieve this state are those who realize their responsibility to God. In the Qur'an, after God tells of believers' self-sacrifice, He commands ".It is the people who are safe-guarded from the avarice of their own selves who are successful." (Qur'an, 59: 9). This is the true basis of morality.

The guillotine, the French Revolution's implement of brutality.

In the Sura Furqan of the Qur'an, the nature of the morality of true believers is described in this way:

The servants of the All-Merciful are those who walk lightly on the earth and, who, when the ignorant speak to them, say, "Peace";

those who pass the night prostrating and standing before their Lord,

those who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor mean, but take a stance mid way between the two;

those who do not call on any other god together with God and do not kill anyone God has made inviolate, except with the right to do so, and do not fornicate,

those who do not bear false witness and who, when they pass by worthless talk, pass by with dignity;

those who, when they are reminded of the Signs of their Lord, do not turn their backs, deaf and blind to them. (Qur'an, 25: 63-73)
Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 5:26am On May 02, 2011
Where una day now Islamists?? Your ideology is a DEAD ideology, your Oga don mod, enter Jenna!!
Re: Islam hates Women? by Sweetnecta: 7:12pm On May 02, 2011
^^^^^ There is nothing called Islamist.

the idealogy of each one of us is the idealogy of Muhammad [as].

no one here among the muslims say Osama bin Laden [ra] is his/her master/oga.
Re: Islam hates Women? by illusion2: 9:28pm On May 02, 2011

^^^^^ There is nothing called Islamist.

the idealogy of each one of us is the idealogy of Muhammad [as].

no one here among the muslims say Osama bin Laden [ra] is his/her master/oga.

Very correct,nothing like Islamist (sic).

Its actually Mohammedanism as confirmed by Sweetnecta cheesy
Re: Islam hates Women? by Sweetnecta: 11:03pm On May 02, 2011
^^^^^ Do you have a proof of me saying muhammedanism?
Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 4:09pm On May 03, 2011

^^^^^ Do you have a proof of me saying muhammedanism?
What then is the 'Ideology of Mohammed' as succintly quoted by you above?

Examples :

Ideology of Jesus Christ = Christianity

Ideology of Buddha = Buddhism

Ideology of Ahmadi(as) - Ahmadiyya

What other proof do you need ?
Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 4:30pm On May 03, 2011
If you hold any of these ideals then you are indeed an Islamist! Just like Muslims and Islam labels the world Infidels, Kaffirs and other perjorative terms we too label muslims with certain ideologies.


Islamism (Islam+-ism; Arabic: الاسلامية ‎ al-'islāmiyya) also Arabic: إسلام سياسي‎ al-Islām al-Siyāsiyy, lit., "Political Islam" is a set of ideologies holding that Islam is not only a religion but also a political system; that modern Muslims must return to the roots of their religion, and unite politically. Islamism is a controversial term and definitions of it sometimes vary. Leading Islamist thinkers emphasized the enforcement of sharia (Islamic law) on Muslims; of pan-Islamic political unity; and of the elimination of non-Muslim, particularly western military, economic, political, social, or cultural influences in the Muslim world, which they believe to be incompatible with Islam.[1
Re: Islam hates Women? by divinereal: 4:35pm On May 03, 2011
Islamism Ideals:

Islamism has been defined as:

"the belief that Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life",[9]
"the [Islamic] ideology that guides society as a whole and that [teaches] law must be in conformity with the Islamic sharia",[10]
an Islamic "movement that seeks cultural differentiation from the West and reconnection with the pre-colonial symbolic universe",[11]
"the organised political trend, owing its modern origin to the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 1928, that seeks to solve modern political problems by reference to Muslim texts",[12]
"the whole body of thought which seeks to invest society with Islam which may be integrationist, but may also be traditionalist, reform-minded or even revolutionary",[12]
"the active assertion and promotion of beliefs, prescriptions, laws or policies that are held to be Islamic in character,"[4]
a movement of "Muslims who draw upon the belief, symbols, and language of Islam to inspire, shape, and animate political activity;" which may contain moderate, tolerant, peaceful activists, and/or those who "preach intolerance and espouse violence."[13]
a term "used by outsiders to denote a strand of activity which they think justifies their misconception of Islam as something rigid and immobile, a mere tribal affiliation."[8][14]
Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 4:47pm On May 03, 2011
A Sensible Article that blind need to See:

Reflections of my own view!!

Thoughts on the Death of Osama Bin Laden by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

Osama bin Laden is dead.

And once again, in this Manichean good-versus-evil, us-versus-them, black-versus-white, world that we are told we live in, we are expected to take ‘sides’, and either jump for jingoistic joy as we thump our chests screaming, ‘USA! USA!’, or else mourn the death of a ‘martyr’.

And once again, many people, myself included, will have to take a deep sigh and wonder whether we can ever successfully explain, to an increasingly polarized world, the complexity of our stances and the nuances of our positions.

The fact of the matter is, contrary to what both bin Laden and his one-time nemesis Bush propagated, we don’t live in a stark black-and-white world. We live in a very colorful, very multi-faceted world. Because I refuse to see everything in black-and-white, my position is neither one of sorrow nor one of elation.

It is not one of sorrow because I never viewed bin Laden as someone worthy of my reverence. He was a reactionary who lacked wisdom and who had no long-term vision. His response to Western imperialism was a visceral rage expressed in the language of a false pseudo-jihad – an understanding of ‘jihad’ that he himself invented, and not one that the trained scholars of our glorious religion shared with him. He helped formulate and propagate ideas that caused more bloodshed in Muslim lands, and more civil war, than any non-Muslim invasion in the last decade. Suicide bombers claiming allegiance to him cheerfully bombed men, women and children in bazaars in Baghdad, in shrines in Karachi, in sky-scrapers in New York, and in markets in Kabul.

Through his rhetoric of takfir, hundreds of people who were deemed ‘co-operating’ with the enemy were considered permissible to slaughter, and if a few thousand innocent bystanders needed to be killed in order to get to those handful, so be it. This was to be a permissible form of ‘collateral damage’ – one that seems to provoke only a fraction of the ire from those who harp on and on about Western collateral damage. (For the record, both are evil, and both need to be condemned; and again for the record, the ‘collateral damage’ of Muslim extremists groups is far more severe than the ‘collateral damage’ caused by Western drone attacks). His death was expected, for his own words and deeds called for action against him from a powerful military and a mighty country.

So I feel no personal grief at his death. After all, he was already largely irrelevant in the Arab and Muslim world. What good did all of his fiery rhetoric ever do for the Palestinians he claimed to have been fighting for? And what impact did he have amongst the Arab masses as they all rallied together (and continue to do so) against their brutal dictators? From the alleyways of Benghazi to the maydans of Cairo, and from the mosques of Damascus to the streets of Sana, not one protestor waved the flag of Osama or chanted slogans of al-Qaeda. It was the people who brought about real change, not Osama with his anti-American rage and calls for violence.

Yet, I cannot cheer his death either. Why?

Firstly, because the intentional taking of another human life is not a cause for cheering. Even if a murderer is legitimately executed (qisas) by the State for his crimes, it is not in our religion to rejoice at such a death; therefore how much more so when the death was caused in this fashion? (By this I mean that I would have preferred a live capture and public trial – but then again, at this stage we do not know the circumstances of his death).

Secondly, those who looked up to bin Laden for inspiration were not motivated to become suicide bombers and radical terrorists because bin Laden managed to brainwash them. The grievances that all such radicals recite are political and social (I have discussed these in other articles at length). Bin Laden was but a figurehead, and his death will actually feed into the whole martyrdom mythology that these movements weave around themselves. As Jeremy F. Walton, professor of Religious Studies at NYU, wrote on his blog today,

“I do not mean to denigrate the persistent grief of the families of 9/11 victims, or, for that matter, the pain that countless Americans continue to experience when they recall or witness the indelible images of that infamous Tuesday morning. But make no mistake: last night’s celebrators, and all those whom they represent, have no comprehension of the political history, quotidian violence, and post-colonial frustration over increasing global inequities—to gesture to but a few factors—that made Osama bin Laden and his network possible. Political theorist Mahmood Mamdani, for one, has vigorously argued that a reckoning of the American role in the creation of jihadist violence during the Cold War is indispensable to understanding al-Qaeda itself. Acknowledgement of this neglected political history is even more crucial in the wake of bin Laden’s death.”

Therefore, the real question for me is not whether we should rejoice or not. The real questions are far more profound and difficult to answer.

Now that we have killed bin Laden, will his death extinguish his ideas and truly make the world a safer place?

Now that we have killed bin Laden, will the anger that millions of people around the world feel towards our foreign policy simply dissipate into thin air?

Now that we have killed bin Laden, will that justify the trillions of dollars that we have spent on our two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the hundreds of thousands of dead since 9/11?

Now that we have killed bin Laden, will our infamous ‘War on Terror’ finally come to an end, and will we discontinue drone attacks in far-away lands and draconian policies back home? (And on that note: can we finally travel with our toothpaste and without having to be sexually assaulted by TSA officials?!)

Now that we have killed bin Laden, will the hysteria being propagated by the Right and the Islamophobia that is rampant across Europe and America subside?

Now that we have killed bin Laden, will we start concentrating on far more important domestic and international issues?

I guess the bottom line is: now that we have killed bin Laden, has status quo really changed all that much?

I don’t have answers to all of these questions, but these are the questions that need to be asked before we rush to celebrate his death or, as some overzealous Muslims are doing, label him a shahid. (And on a theological note, I remind our readers that only Allah assigns Heaven and Hell to anyone, so let us not challenge this right of Allah by proclaiming anything about any individual’s fate in the Hereafter).

It took America – the most powerful and technologically advanced country on earth – a full ten years to find this one man. How great it would have been if we had managed to capture the perpetrators of 9/11 back then! But our own reactions to 9/11 created a whole list of new issues, both domestic and international, that the killing of bin Laden will not solve. And to make matters even worse, in that decade a new generation, a young generation, has come of age – a generation for whom 9/11 evokes barely a memory. For this young generation, the death of bin Laden does little to solve its own problems.

If we have learned anything from the Arab protestors across the Middle East, it is that change has to begin from within, and the best way to fight for the change that you believe in – even if that fight be against powerful regimes – is through nonviolent means. Killing your enemies doesn’t solve problems; working proactively and productively to gain the world’s sympathy when clear injustices have been committed does.

A blogger friend of mine wrote that it is as if America is playing a game of chess with a small group of radical Muslims. We are not playing this game ourselves, for we are spectators. We understand both players very well, and both have made ridiculous moves in the past that have caused many unnecessary pieces to be lost.

America has just made its latest move.


Re: Islam hates Women? by vedaxcool(m): 5:04pm On May 03, 2011
Islam (Arabic: الإسلام‎ al-’islām, pronounced [ʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 1]) is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur’an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah), and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, founder of the religion and often considered by its adherents to be the last Prophet of God. In addition to referring to the religion itself, the word Islam means 'submission to God',[1] 'peace', and 'way to peace'.[2] An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.

Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and that the purpose of life is to worship God.[3] Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through the prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus.[4] Muslims maintain that previous messages and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time,[5] but consider the Qur'an to be both unaltered and the final revelation from God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, encompassing everything from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment.[6][7]

No vagabond can make me an Islamist/muhammeddan as ALLAH has clearly called me a Muslim for following his Religion of ISLAM. ALHADULILAH though the disbelievers of truth detest it!
Re: Islam hates Women? by congoshine(m): 4:03pm On May 04, 2011
The fact remains that people will always find a reason to blow-up themselves - Alqaeda or not. embarassed embarassed

The allure of 72 full breasted virgins cannot be denied. cheesy


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