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MTN Moves To End Scratching Of Recharge Cards.. - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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MTN Moves To End Scratching Of Recharge Cards.. by JPIC(m): 11:18am On Jun 26, 2020
Do You Know that printed recharge card will soon be stopped in Nigeria

Do you know that In USA. They don't print recharge card, they use downloaded app to recharge their lines

Same for England, France, China and many more counties in Europe and Asia .

Let's come home, our mother land Africa

Do you know that Ghana don't print recharge card they use downloaded apps to recharge and buy data

Lesotho , a very small country inside *South Africa don't print recharge card, they use downloaded apps

Egypt, Tunisia, Ivory Coast and many more in Africa.

It's Nigeria's turn to join them(the recent MTN ADVERT SAYS NO MORE SCRATCHING OF CARDS..
To this end, MTN announced in March 2020 of it's intention to "eradicate paper pollution in Nigeria"

And to achieve this MTN NG will soon stop PAPER VOUCHERS IN NIGERIA

Get a VTU portal today and leverage on the massive wealth in the telecoms industry

Contact me through the number in my bio..

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Re: MTN Moves To End Scratching Of Recharge Cards.. by tosbobby(m): 12:12pm On Jun 26, 2020
Reason why I don't recharge online
- recharge with *888*pin# and enjoy 400% of amount recharged. this option is not available on those platforms
-Bank does not often reverse transactions except you go n fill form at their branch. imagine say na N200
-When you recharge online, the commission goes to the bank but when you recharge on the street the commission goes to a graduate selling recharge cards to sustain

The development is good just that incomes are not effectively distributed

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About Crazy Meta City Wallet ($CMCT) / Graduate Retail Sales Officer At Sterling Bank / ?

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