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Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by jgurus: 9:12am On Jul 01, 2020
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time. Some people also consult witch doctors to cure diseases or find a husband. However, the practice has negative sides mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms.

And 2017 in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight year old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.

Without further ado, check out the top 10 African countries that have the strongest juju and witchcraft.

10. Tanzania:

Tanzania is a land of some very different beliefs. One such belief of so called witch doctors in this east African nation is that albino body parts are good ingredients for the magical potions the witches concoct. As a result, albinos in Tanzania face widespread persecution. According to reports by BBC, one woman with albinism was found hacked to death in May 2014 in a village called Gasuma. Two witch doctors were suspected of performing the heinous crime and were promptly arrested. Prior to this incident, in 2011 the deaths of around 600 women were all charged with witchcraft.

9. Gambia:

How can a country rise above the inhuman practice of witch hunting when its very own president orders the gruesome acts himself? Gambia’s faith healer turned dictator Yahya Jammeh, has taken to eradicating citizens who get in his way and uses witch hunting as a front for his actions. In 2013 stating similar accounts of the goings on in Gambia. Purportedly blending statecraft with witchcraft, Jammeh had 1,000 so called sorcerers arrested and drink a hallucinogenic potion to exorcise their supposedly possessed bodies and minds. At least six died in this torture ritual.

8. Papua New Guinea:

Burning women accused of witchcraft has been so alarmingly prevalent in Papua New Guinea that a law was passed by the government to prohibit burning those suspected of performing dark magic, according to the ABC News online site. As reported by Vice News, women have taken to fleeing their homes in fear of being captured and condemned for acts they didn’t perform. Four women in Enga province left their village posthaste after a witch hunter accused them of causing a measles outbreak, which killed several of the villagers. In 2013, one woman was burned alive and another beheaded in public for purportedly practicing witchcraft, marking the alarming increase of atrocious murders due to sorcery.

7. Uganda:

It’s not just women who are accused of being witches. A man in Uganda was believed to be dabbling in dark magic and he was promptly tied up and beheaded for it. There have been several more cases like this, all due to the fact that the locals firmly believe that witchcraft is being practiced by some of their fellowmen. Then there are the wily ones who simply use witchcraft as an excuse to get rid of people they hold a grudge against.

6. Ghana:

According to a news article by The Guardian in 2010, there’s a new rise in punishment due to witchcraft in the African nation of Ghana, where sorcery forms part of the country’s mythology. A 72-year-old woman was burned to death by six people who suspected her of being a witch, claiming she fell from the sky and under a tree because she ran out of witch flying gas. Medical experts claimed that the elderly woman may have simply been suffering from dementia and her strange behavior was misinterpreted as that of a witch’s.

5. Democratic Republic of Congo:

Perhaps the most heart breaking aspect of the loss of lives due to witchcraft is the fact that many of its victims are children. In a 2013 report by International Business Times, a staggering 50,000 children were accused of sorcery in Congo and as all horror stories go with regards to little ones, many of them have suffered abuse at the hands of their captors. And what are these people’s indication that the children are allegedly possessed by demons, Being disabled, wetting the bed at night, and suffering from nightmares.

4. Kenya:

Here they post ads, nailed to fences, stuck on poles and printed on A3 paper for waganga (witchdoctors) offering assistance mainly in matters of business, money, love and infertility. In just about every suburb of Nairobi, you’ll find at least one ad, hand painted, on a little plate, nailed high up on a pole. For an average of around 6000 shillings (R600) you can get to see one of these mgangas but it is advisable to avoid those who advertise on paper. They are reputed to be con artists.

Stories of “Nairobi girls” using this kind of witchcraft to secure a man is also legend. This kamuti involves the insertion of herbs or crystals into the vagina to keep the man abnormally attracted and emotionally ‘stuck’.

3. Malawi:

“Witchcraft is still alive in Africa. Here in Malawi there are two districts where people have advanced in witchcraft. These people can travel from Malawi to USA in seconds. They can tell you to close your eyes for two minutes and after that they tell you to open your eyes and seriously you find yourself in New York, imagine!

But the funny part of it these people are not educated but they are advanced in another technology. There are no planes which can travel from UK to USA in seconds, but ordinary people here can do it.

2. Zambia:

“Having lived in rural Zambia for several years, u can say definitively that witchcraft is alive and well in Zambia. Unfortunately in the western world, it has bad connotations – that it is backwards or harmful. I have seen truly sick Zambians get back on their feet after a visit from the local witchdoctor, or rather traditional healer.

1. Nigeria:

Witchcraft in Africa is real and it is growing in an alarming rate because the youth are now into it. In Nigeria in particular most young people join up to witchcraft because they want to make quick money. They don’t mind what the witchdoctor demands from them – at times the witchdoctor asks them to kill their mother, father or even brothers and sisters. And they do it because they really want to become rich in a short time.

Source: https://tigblog.com.ng/2020/07/01/top-10-african-countries-that-have-strongest-juju-and-witchcraft/

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Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by KingAzubuike(f): 9:20am On Jul 01, 2020
Wake up from your slumber.. there is nothing like juju. Stop confusing petty magic + coincidence with juju

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Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by jgurus: 9:24am On Jul 01, 2020
what is magic and what is juju?
Wake up from your slumber.. there is nothing like juju. Stop confusing petty magic + coincidence with juju
Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by donbachi(m): 9:24am On Jul 01, 2020
A man dat knows and believes in self.is stronger than the strongest witchdoctor....e dey work for me.
Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by KingAzubuike(f): 9:40am On Jul 01, 2020
what is magic and what is juju?
No wonder you're an illiterate.

Magics are simple tricks that relies on illusion. It's a trick but juju fans will say there's a supernatural force behind it.

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Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by Nobody: 9:43am On Jul 01, 2020
What u don't believe in, can never work for you.
So, don't blame those afore comments that did'nt believe in it. Even if you attack them, it won't work . Cuz they don't believe in it.
But I believe those things exist sha, but Jesus be the strongest kiss kiss cheesy tongue
Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by jgurus: 9:46am On Jul 01, 2020
I didn't insult u, i just ask a simple question and u are here insulting. between you and I who is the illiterate by your comment.

No wonder you're an illiterate.

Magics are simple tricks that relies on illusion. It's a trick but juju fans will say there's a supernatural force behind it.
Re: Top 10 African Countries That Have Strongest Juju And Witchcraft by Greatzeus(m): 11:13am On Jul 01, 2020
How did you come about the countries that made the list? Research or infatuation or just imagination?
I believe in the spirit realm and principalities but I don't believe anyone can know for sure,not to talk if listing countries with highest juju

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