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How Your Weight Loss Diet Plan Maybe The Reason Why You Are Gaining Weight. - Health - Nairaland

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How Your Weight Loss Diet Plan Maybe The Reason Why You Are Gaining Weight. by Edaniels9(m): 12:05pm On Aug 06, 2020
How your Weight loss Diet Plan Maybe the Reason Why you are gaining weight.

Many diet plans have emerged as magic pills for weight loss. These diet fads are mostly not doable and put the dieters through undue stress by restricting them from eating almost everything and anything, and so making their meals as unpleasurable as the fat they are trying to burn. Some times the plans fail to meet the dieter's expectation or at best they make the dieter lose 1kg and put on 5Kg once they stop the diet.

A typical example is the starvation plan that most people subscribe to as the ultimate weight loss pill. Propagators of this fad make you believe that by starving yourself for days or weeks, you will ultimately lose weight. Whilst, it is possible to burn a few calories by starving yourself for some hours or days, this plan is very unsustainable and does more harm than good to your body metabolism.
Let me explain- Your body metabolism is the mechanism that your body employs to transform food into calories and then it uses these calories for work. When you starve yourself or eat little meals daily, after a few days, your body goes into what is called starvation mode. In starvation mode, your body tries to conserve calories as much as possible, so it will stop to convert fat into calories and start feeding off your muscles(Danger!!!). To make matters worse it also slows down its metabolic rate to the barest minimum so that it uses little calories to do so much. At this point, everything you eat is converted to Fat- your body is now slow to process calories and release energy from it. So workout all you can- you will NOT burn off a reasonable amount of fat, eat as little as possible- you will still stay the same way.
The take-home point is 'Once your metabolism is crushed, weight loss becomes a grind'.
So watch the diet plans that you subscribe to for weight loss; they may be the reason why you are gaining weight instead of losing weight.

If you are interested in losing weight sustainably and healthily, through smart dieting(without ditching your local and favorite dishes) and strategic exercising, then I invite you to join the most corrosive and effective weightloss mentorship class online today.

The 4th edition of the class commences on the 10th of August. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions have cumulatively trained over 400 people with awesome weight loss testimonies(see screenshots below), and the 4th edition promises to be even better.
By joining this edition, you are entitled to:
- A 21 days meal plan to help you healthily shed at least 1kg every week if you follow it judiciously.
- A daily exercise plan for 21 days to help you burn more calories than you consume and ideally lose more KGs.
- You will be joining a community of other Fit people, which will help you stay motivated, focused, and on track.
- I will be mentoring you on weight loss; which means you get to learn how the weight loss process works and you will have all your fitness questions and challenges answered.

Admission to the SKIP2FIT version 4.0 costs 1,000NGN only. To reserve your space call the number on the flyer attached.
We insist on admitting only a manageable number of participants to keep it as close-knitted and interactive as possible. As I type, the available slots are less than 20. If you are interested, call or send a Whatsapp message to the number on the flier to reserve a slot for you now.

Note: This mentorship class is not for people who are comfortable with being called names like 'OROBO' OR 'BIGGY'. It is for people who want to take back their lives from fat.

Re: How Your Weight Loss Diet Plan Maybe The Reason Why You Are Gaining Weight. by Junnie0906(f): 8:38pm On Aug 09, 2020
I am interested
How your Weight loss Diet Plan Maybe the Reason Why you are gaining weight.

Many diet plans have emerged as magic pills for weight loss. These diet fads are mostly not doable and put the dieters through undue stress by restricting them from eating almost everything and anything, and so making their meals as unpleasurable as the fat they are trying to burn. Some times the plans fail to meet the dieter's expectation or at best they make the dieter lose 1kg and put on 5Kg once they stop the diet.

A typical example is the starvation plan that most people subscribe to as the ultimate weight loss pill. Propagators of this fad make you believe that by starving yourself for days or weeks, you will ultimately lose weight. Whilst, it is possible to burn a few calories by starving yourself for some hours or days, this plan is very unsustainable and does more harm than good to your body metabolism.
Let me explain- Your body metabolism is the mechanism that your body employs to transform food into calories and then it uses these calories for work. When you starve yourself or eat little meals daily, after a few days, your body goes into what is called starvation mode. In starvation mode, your body tries to conserve calories as much as possible, so it will stop to convert fat into calories and start feeding off your muscles(Danger!!!). To make matters worse it also slows down its metabolic rate to the barest minimum so that it uses little calories to do so much. At this point, everything you eat is converted to Fat- your body is now slow to process calories and release energy from it. So workout all you can- you will NOT burn off a reasonable amount of fat, eat as little as possible- you will still stay the same way.
The take-home point is 'Once your metabolism is crushed, weight loss becomes a grind'.
So watch the diet plans that you subscribe to for weight loss; they may be the reason why you are gaining weight instead of losing weight.

If you are interested in losing weight sustainably and healthily, through smart dieting(without ditching your local and favorite dishes) and strategic exercising, then I invite you to join the most corrosive and effective weightloss mentorship class online today.

The 4th edition of the class commences on the 10th of August. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions have cumulatively trained over 400 people with awesome weight loss testimonies(see screenshots below), and the 4th edition promises to be even better.
By joining this edition, you are entitled to:
- A 21 days meal plan to help you healthily shed at least 1kg every week if you follow it judiciously.
- A daily exercise plan for 21 days to help you burn more calories than you consume and ideally lose more KGs.
- You will be joining a community of other Fit people, which will help you stay motivated, focused, and on track.
- I will be mentoring you on weight loss; which means you get to learn how the weight loss process works and you will have all your fitness questions and challenges answered.

Admission to the SKIP2FIT version 4.0 costs 1,000NGN only. To reserve your space call the number on the flyer attached.
We insist on admitting only a manageable number of participants to keep it as close-knitted and interactive as possible. As I type, the available slots are less than 20. If you are interested, call or send a Whatsapp message to the number on the flier to reserve a slot for you now.

Note: This mentorship class is not for people who are comfortable with being called names like 'OROBO' OR 'BIGGY'. It is for people who want to take back their lives from fat.
Re: How Your Weight Loss Diet Plan Maybe The Reason Why You Are Gaining Weight. by Edaniels9(m): 2:52pm On Aug 10, 2020
I am interested
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