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Is it dangerous to use lifting equipment? by mediaprizm: 2:43pm On Aug 18, 2020 |
Introduction Lifting equipment is irreplaceable in many domains. Whether we need to lift huge objects that are out of our power, or we consider being better citizens by recycling, it's a sure thing to be able to achieve any of these outsets by using the right equipment. Yet, useful as it might be, these machines can be dangerous if not handled well, as any other machine. But to what extent is it dangerous and what safety measures exist? Is it dangerous indeed? 1. Yes, but actually no Cranes and other huge vehicles Lifting equipment, especially with heavy and huge structure, is more dangerous in the sense that the impact could be bigger if any unexpected incident happened. The cranes for example move slower than the typical cars, as they perform at an enormous intensity when lifting tons. The operators on these machines are very cautious and well trained, but life is unpredictable and they are still at risk. Most accidents are caused either by a lack of concentration or divided attention, but there are also times when the machines don't function properly, due to the deterioration of a certain piece of equipment or wearing out in time. However, by replacing the machine with well-functioning one and proper check-ups, harm can be avoided. In Acrobatics and other sports In other domains that use special equipment but with other functions, risks vary as well. For example, Acrobatics is especially dangerous, if the tools are not carefully examined. The performers put themselves at high risk with the simple execution of those movements, let alone they have to do it in air and with the support of little equipment. That’s also the case in aquatic activities or even climbing. Elevators We’ve all had, at least once in our lives, that feeling of uncertainty when we stepped into the elevator. It’s a reality that they don’t function properly sometimes. They stop unexpectedly between floors, and that causes distress in people. It’s even worse when the safety alarm doesn’t work. People with claustrophobia are likely to encounter additional problems of different nature, besides that of being stuck and waiting for help. That’s why it’s important to look for the elevator telephone line and save it in your phone’s agenda, in case you ever need it. However, there were not many cases of the elevator completely falling with the passengers. But there are cases when the elevator is stuck somewhere else, although it appears to be at your floor, so you should check before stepping in. 2. Safety measures Regular check-ups are a must for every vehicle in use, and that’s not negotiable. At the smallest sign that the machine presents risks, it's time to stop using it and get ready to repair or replace it. It's wiser to be cautious than regret it later. Another big risk is loads of enormous weight. Those must be handled with care, as they represent a threat on their own. Operators know to handle tons, however. They have special training. People however must be careful to stay out of their way when they see such machines performing their tasks. There are people specially hired to cordon off the area, but some caution never hurt anybody. There have been cases where a load of tons or even a crane fell over a car. It's needless to add more, as it is obvious what impact it had. For those uncertain about the usage of an elevator, it’s advisable to simply use the stairs. If the floor you need to reach is too high, then it is better to at least not take the elevator by yourself. Conclusion We are never really safe. Yet, living in stress because of the unpredictable might stop us from seeing the bigger picture, namely that of being conscious of all the risks and taking all the needed cautions to live our lives without fear. Fear is most often a waste of time, but informing is not. Anything can happen, but anything can be overcome with the right research. All it takes is being responsible and understanding the importance of staying calm. Very often, more harm is done by the simple tendency of people to lose themselves when a threat is posed. There have been experiments conducted about people’s brain reactions in case of danger. Only those trained can remain calm and find the optimal solution in little time.
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